Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Reign - CW Cuts Controversial Scene from Pilot

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Reign - CW Cuts Controversial Scene from Pilot

14 Oct 2013

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Thanks to Hmm for the heads up.

It might have been the most risqué scene in The CW’s history had it aired uncut.
The pilot for 16th century-based castle drama Reign featured a steamy masturbation scene in the version that was sent to advertisers and media after the show made the network’s schedule last May. But the final cut of the episode that was recently sent to critics and will air on the network this week has been toned down.

In the sequence, the Queen of Scottland (Adelaide Kane) has joined her teenage ladies-in-waiting in France and attend a wedding. After the ceremony, they secretly spy on the newlyweds’ “bedding ceremony” — where they have sex before a group of elders who are present to ensure the marriage is consummated (more on this practice below).

The bedding is actually not the raunchy part. The moment that raised eyebrows among reporters at press tour this summer is what happens next: The aroused handmaidens scatter around the castle to find relief among various paramours. One of them, Kenna (Caitlin Stasey), assures she’s alone in a secluded stairwell, hikes up her gown, reaches under and starts … yep. Her self-pleasure is unexpectedly interrupted by none other than the King of France (Alan van Sprang), who smugly offers his assistance and takes over.

All of this still happens in the premiere.

Source: Full Article @ EW


  1. Dear lord. Sounds awkwardly funny though, shoulda kept it in Cdub

  2. Wait... Whaaaat?

  3. Why cut it? No one was going to see it anyway

  4. yeah I can see how that might not be acceptable on network tv, glad they toned it down.

  5. Typical network TV standards and practices B.S. - bloody beheadings are fine but a hand disappearing under a dress is an affront to everything decent and pure in the world.

  6. They actually thought that this scene what air on The CW?

  7. Well we don't really see it saw it could have aired I think ^^

  8. This sounds like a "script" for a porn movie :D

  9. Uhm, do they show her hand in her vagina? If not, why the cut? It's not porn.

  10. Probably a good idea not to air it.. the CW is in a rough spot to begin with they cant push buttons.

  11. Back In Black Tricksteress 9514 October 2013 at 23:11

    That sounds hilarious. It is abit inappropriate, there should at least be a storyline then gradually get to the naughty stuff, without being so extreme. Guess I won't be watching this show.

  12. Deleted scene on the DVD? Amiright? lol.

  13. Reading this it makes it sound like the whole hour was about sex but in reality the whole scene with the sex was probably less than 5 minutes.

    I have no problem with sex scenes when the contribute something to the story but get annoyed when they add unneccesary sex just to take up time. While the bedding could contribute to the storyline I don't see any point in the mastribration showing the King who is an old man with a young girl. We already know he is unfaithful to his wife because his mistress is a main character.

  14. I really don't know if it's about culture or anything but I really don't get the point about this "controversial" scene. I mean the show takes place in France during the Renaissance. We are talking about a 15 years old girl who is masturbate herself with a 40 years old man then... I really don't see where the problem is. Don't be naive, in France it was a common thing and sex was everywhere in the French court.
    People are screaming because the show will be "unrealistic" but when it becomes too much realist, people are still screaming... I really don't get it !

  15. AngelaRobinson9015 October 2013 at 01:06

    HA! That made me laugh. Good one.


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