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POLL: What was the best scene in The Mentalist - Wedding In Red?

14 Oct 2013

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  1. Many Jisbon fans here! (me included!)

  2. The Conversation between Cho & Rigsby in the car!

  3. Lisbon almost bursts into tears after the proposal? It was the most painful scene!!! :(

    So I'm gonna go with the jacket and hair touching! :)

  4. The marriage scene as a whole.

  5. Christine Lawrence14 October 2013 at 14:42

    Hope after the RJ case is over, we get to see Lisbon have a bit of a personal life. It was sad to see her getting emotional watching the proposal. Rigsby and Van Pelt have their happy ending and Lisbon hasn't had any success in the romance department. I'm not saying to turn the show into a soap opera, but add a few bits here and there. It would be nice to see Lisbon happier.

    Loved the Jane helping Lisbon put her jacket on and fixing her hair scene (favorite scene). It was really nice to see Jane being affectionate with Lisbon. Doesn't happen enough. Also, the proposal scene was truly beautiful, but the wedding felt rushed. The horse and carriage/the gun salute was a nice touch. Van Pelt and Rigsby riding off into the sunset. A happy ending for the couple. It was really sweet :)

  6. My favorite scene:

    Jane on all fours attempting to get off the roof !!! Hilarious

  7. Why did Patrick keep his distance at the wedding?

  8. I want to know that too!

  9. I liked all of the scenes, but... Jisbon forever!

  10. He was thinking about his own wedding and didn't want to be in it? He had happiness and heartbreak in his eyes. He is a loner my second reason.

  11. I don't think Lisbon is right for Jane but I think they will explore it because fans are begging. Too unsettled and she comes off asexual and I never saw chemistry with Mashburn or Bosco. I will try to be open but I did not see any romantic scent in Red Wedding though for them and him opening doors and courteous is normal for Jane. I would love more insight on her early career and would love more Cho and Jane's lives background too. The second half of the season focuses on CBI changes and new characters arriving.

  12. He has a good behind looool.

  13. I was having a hard time voting there were so many good scenes to choose from here. I was torn between three different ones. But in the end, yeah, Jisbon won.

  14. For me Jisbon always win! :)

  15. Pauu Pérez Macías8 April 2014 at 06:13

    Definitely in the scene where they are on the roof because you see Jane's ass Haha Ok. No


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