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POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - Black-Winged Redbird?

7 Oct 2013

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  1. As soon as they mentioned Sophie I had a feeling she was a goner. I knew it after Jane had to call her a second time. That note and the head in the oven is the most twisted thing Red John's done yet imo.

    Interesting how each characteristic Sophie said Red John had matched a suspect.

  2. Okay, so the new clue about Sophie's patient who is RJ. Middle aged and healthy eliminates Sheriff McCallister (old) and Reede Smith (fat) which leaves us with Bertram, Haffner or Kirkland. My money is now on Haffner. He has always creeped me out.

  3. Yeah Haffner was creepy in this episode. I was feeling it like Lisbon was. And he can whistle well.

  4. The moment they listed the seven names in last season's finale, the first thing that popped into my head was the ending of Scream (the 'everyone is a suspect' vibe and all). The idea of Red John being more than one person working together has been hanging around in the back of my mind, and the meeting between McCallister, Bertram, and Smith (particularly "it's your job to know") bumps it up my list of likely scenarios. I still have Kirkland as the favorite, but I have a feeling my list might change with every episode this season...

  5. Michał Baczyński7 October 2013 at 10:50

    Ok, I had to ask this.... is it possible for Red John to be Patrick? With some kind of disorder... all this halucinations... talks with Red John... all the other thisngs? Just like Tyler Durden in Fight Club???

  6. Another very cool episode, love the fact we're getting episodes taking place directly after the previous ones and not the usual RJ case then nothing but fillers until the next time RJ is brought back up.

    I was a little disappointed that sophie wasn't brought back though, there's just such a big disconnect to when she was last in the show that it felt almost like a who is she and why should we care moment once you knew she was dead.

    In saying that it's been pretty obvious that RJ would have to get info from someone who knew things about Jane and the shrink is pretty much top of that list, as Jane himself said he wasn't sure how much he had told her.

    Onto the suspects, Bertram, Mcalister and Smith are just way too obvious to be what they seem that it has to be a red herring, or they're unknowningly being manipulated by Kirkland as RJ.

    My guess is that they're trying to capture RJ for thier own reasons and are working together on that, they're conspiring together but not for the reasons we think they are imo. Another reason i think this is despite RJ having had people working for him in the fbi, law enforcement etc, it's stretching things imo that we have an fbi guy, cbi guy, and a sheriff not just working for RJ but doing so together, it kinda goes against RJ's MO and would be very dangerous to RJ's operation.

    At the moment it makes either Haffner or Kirkland look the most likely suspect, but i'd expect more twists and turns.

    Lastly in relation to Jane being RJ and why it can't be possible, people always bring up that it can't be because we see Jane in one place and RJ in another etc. This kinda misses the point that we're seeing things from Jane's perspective, almost as if he's telling us the story, if he was RJ then would it not make sense that the story he tells us is the one he wants us to believe.

    Think of it like Verbal Kint in the usual suspects, he spins a tale of what went down only to later reveal himself to be Keyser Sose, it's only then you realise that the story itself was fiction.

  7. InvestedInYourFuture7 October 2013 at 11:58

    We HAD RJ's followers pretend to be RJ already. So that would not be different.

    RJ being Patrick ALSO would explain while most of stuff RJ does, he does by proxies.

  8. But that would be annoying since the writers promised for real this time Red John was one of the 7 (now 6). Plus, Noooooo... :(

  9. I loved how the Dream sequences segue into the storyline.

  10. "But that would be annoying since the writers promised for real this time Red John was one of the 7 (now 6). Plus, Noooooo... :("

    ... and it's already confirmed by Heller that PJ is not RJ.

  11. Indeed, I remember that too.

  12. InvestedInYourFuture7 October 2013 at 16:24

    But the list can STILL be "red john" , if Red John is multiple people ;]

  13. InvestedInYourFuture7 October 2013 at 16:25

    Heller outright lied before. I would take ANYTHING hat is said by the producers or writers of this show with a grain of salt.

  14. There comes a point where they need to stop lying. Again, it would be super annoying if they were lying again after saying time and time again that they were being honest.

  15. Sure, though I'm not sure how much that would make sense, it has occurred to me.

  16. The thing about Sophie, I totally called it months ago!
    "the time Jane was in psychiatric care after the death of his family, he could have told his shrink and forgotten about it" :D

  17. I'm proud of you and your mentalist!

  18. In fact, I´m a liitle bit confused about what does it mean RJ ( for PJ is different type like for Lisbon for example ) . But, I think, that PJ wants to kill 7 "suspects" and needs that list like help to convince Lisbon. With his brilliant ability to manipulate, hypnosis and acting he doesn't need too much money to have always any helper convinced about his importancy and fatality and when, already doesn't need him, he kills him or sends to kill him by another "helper"... And I think that PJ has "at least" 2 personalities

  19. this was definitely one of the best episodes of the series...the background music created a palpating tension throughout the episode..
    Especially the last voice over with description of red john and all the suspects showing his various attributes

  20. No, there are a half dozen or so moments in the series that pretty conclusively disprove that theory (most recently the closing scene of last week's premiere, when Jane calls Lisbon's phone and Red John picks it up).

  21. Sophie described him as someone different, though. If she were meeting with Jane again, she wouldn't have acted as if the guy were a new client.


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