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POLL : What did you think of Hostages - 2:45 PM?

15 Oct 2013

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  1. totallyaddicted0515 October 2013 at 06:24

    good episode. I can't believe she's just going to leave her kids there and not tell them anything. What's up with that. Unless they run from #3 or whatever her # is, and miss her, she should totally have went and got them & let them know that the plan was over. And uh...Wasn't Duncans wife different from the one in the pilot- I thought the original had dark hair.

  2. No shes blonde.. when shes laying in the bed in the first episode her hair is blonde. Not that you see much of it but its blonde.

  3. I can't believe she's just going to leave her kids there and not tell them anything. What's up with that.

    We actually don't know what she's gonna do. The episode ended with her indecisive about her next step. She'll either tell her kids to go alone to Montreal or they all go back to save Brian.

  4. from the promo it doesn't seem like she tells her kids anything ... Crazy! She should have sent them away if she decided to save her husband.


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