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POLL : What did you think of Haven - Lost and Found?

5 Oct 2013

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  1. That was honestly the most terrifying episode of this show. Changelings freak me out so much and that's totally what they were.

    Duke and Jennifer continue to be adorable.

    I knew the end was coming, but oh shit anyway! I'm surprised she didn't freak out at some random dude kissing her. LOL.

  2. thereisaniqprerequisite5 October 2013 at 04:22

    If he looked like Nathan I wouldn't mind if some random dude kissed me either :)

  3. Hell Yeah, we are back in business. I'm pretty sure that Lexi let Nathan kiss her because she felt a connection to him but I didn't get if she had the memory of being in the bar or not. Poor Nathan still, I forgot about James, he's in soo much pain and the one person who could probably help him thinks her name is Lexi. Jennifer was really fun in this episode, she's really big help and I'm wondering if she'll still be troubled now that Audrey is out of the barn can't wait for some more stuff to unravel

  4. I guess when you have been living in an imaginary bar with imaginary people and a random dude has told you that the place where you are isn't real and you've jumped through a magical door from one dimension to another, some guy kissing you is not very high on the weirdness meter. ;D

  5. Finally! Audrey is back in Haven!

    I've been thinking Nathan doesn't have to be the one who dies to end the troubles. Audrey is supposed to kill the one she loves most, but she came back as Lexi.

    I adore Jennifer! I hope she doesn't fade into the background now that Audrey/Lexi is back. I've enjoyed her scenes with Duke.

    I knew Audrey would return at the end of the episode, and of course she doesn't remember. Still, good enough episode. Those Changelings? Creepiest trouble, IMO!

  6. I loved how William told her to be who she wanted to be. So in her mind Lexi was who she thought she was so now she is Lexi, Lexi might not love Nathan as Audrey did, So now it is a new adventure, So will Lexi become the gray gull's new bartender? Could she be attracted to Duke's brother and have to kill him?

  7. InvestedInYourFuture5 October 2013 at 11:27

    Karma stings, eh, Nathan? Last time you used Audrey being a different person to sleep with her, now you lost Audrey because she is a different person(again)

    Gotta say I am REALLY enjoying Emily Rose's acting this season Lexie Dewit is notably different from Audrey Sarah and Lucy and I hope we will see more of her and won't loose her completely. Lexie adds an element of unpredictability and freshness into the show that show sorely needs lest it falls down the route of back-and-forth storytelling

    Still not liking the new girl, mainly because she is quite mary-sue-ish(being involved with every single plotline, with others unable to do ANYTHING without her) and characterless. She is just...there to move the plot forward, but apart from that feels like personality-less third wheel, which is surprising and disappointing, considering last season brought us brilliant and adorable characters like Dwight and Claire(Why did they have to kill her again?....)

    4/5, certainly better than mostly lacluster season opener episodes and the season starts to hold quite a bit of promise, with quite a bit of mystery set up.

  8. Duke and Jennifer wer amazing, and that moment between Nathan and Lexie was beautiful even if it was obvious that she would'n recognize him. I'll love to find out what else came out with Lexie, asuming the lats scene wasn't for nothing, the one where the old guy (never seem to remember his name) pulled a gun on them to stop them from opening the door.

  9. The premise is not kill the one you're attracted to, is kill you're true love. I guess she'll always love Nathan but maybe she has to remember she loved him before she can kill him but until then she'll probably help with the troubles.

  10. I don't think so. Nathan is Audrey's true love but Lexi not so much. He was not any of the other incarnations of her either. So how can you speculate he would be Lexi's?

  11. He was Sarah's, at least I think so, and he certainly was the father of her son.

  12. InvestedInYourFuture5 October 2013 at 13:06

    And before Nathan there were other people.

    Don't bring in some fable and fairytale definition of love.

    Nathan just happened to be person Audrey loved (I would not count Sarah since Nathan manipulated her and uhh gross), but Before Nathan there were others, including the one the original entity loved.

    Its not some fantasy bs, its an emotional state.

  13. Nathan manipulated Sarah?! Oh God!

  14. If you want a realistic definition of love maybe you could find it in a show that doesn't have portals or magical barns.

  15. Nathan did not manipulate Sarah. Where are you getting that from?

  16. still entitled in the opinion of yours that Nathan manipulated Sarah , forced her , abused her etc?
    The show in fact does goes deeper in the "fairytale" definition of love and trust and connection between the two main leads. I suggest for your own sake to either stop watching the show or accept the concept because it won't change and you will just keep hating a show and keep watching it for all the wrong reasons.

  17. I loved this ep! The trouble was terrifying (creepy kids with creepy laughs and creepy teeth?). The mytharc moved forward (doors to nowhere! Dave found something that I'm sure we'll be hearing about later - William?) and guru!Duke was beyond adorable.

  18. InvestedInYourFuture5 October 2013 at 15:51

    I am not going to go into the detail because certain crazy shippers who tend to stalk me will jump on me again, but:
    1) Nathan loved Audrey, not Sarah.
    2) Sarah did not have memories of Audrey.
    3) Audrey would not want to progress relationship with Nathan due to whole barn issue.
    4) Thus Nathan jumped Sarah the first chance he got.

    At BEST its no different than sleeping with your loved one's twin sister. At worst its...well, worse.

    That's why I will never be okay with fandom's whitewashing of Sarah issue, because its a horrible horrible, HORRIBLE objectification of the lead heroine.

  19. Just re-watched this episode, so maybe now I'll share some thoughts with y'all.

    First of all, an awesome episode once again! It's good to finally have Audrey/Lexie back in town, even if she can't remember anything from her past. Not yet anyway.

    Ugh, super creeptastic trouble of the week. The giggling and... the teeth... Ugh! I don't like creepy children!

    Duke and Jennifer were SO incredibly cute in this episode with their yoga and stuff! I love Jennifer, she's a very welcome addition to the show, imo. I just hope they won't kill her...

    This episode also left me wondering... now that the barn really seems to be gone and Audrey/Lexie is no longer trapped inside, what happens with Jennifer's ''trouble'' (if that's what it is)? Is she just gonna stop hearing things altogether or is she going to hear something else? Or are her abilities going evolve somehow?

  20. If Nathan loved "Audrey" not Sarah, he would have fallen in love with the other Audrey when she came along in season 2. Within the premise of this show it isn't a surface character or personality that Nathan is in love with (That seems a little shallow anyway). It is something deeper - something more intrinsically her, and I think the show has actually portrayed this well.

    As Vince (I think it was Vince, not Dave) has said of Audrey, "You know you always come back with a different name, but underneath, you're always somehow still the same."

  21. Just would like to challenge your overreaching supposition of the new girl being a Mary Sue. I'm not saying you have to like her, but... the evidence that you're throwing out there to show that she is a Mary Sue just isn't there. She hasn't been involved with every single plot line and the other characters do just about most things without her. The only thing they haven't been able to do without her was open the barn.

  22. The issue with Jennifer is that people are too focused on her being connected to the barn and that being her storyline, which isn't. She does have a purpose.

  23. Karma? Men, you're sure going to HATE how this storyline turns out.

  24. Do yourself, and the rest of the fandom a favor, and stop watching the show. I have no idea why you put yourself through it considering EVERYTHING you say is hate.

  25. Luana, that's trying to reason with someone that clearly hates the show. It's pointless.

  26. Well, that's what I assumed, considering that she is going to be around for the rest of the season, which would have been silly had this been the end of her storyline. I didn't think they'd just completely sideline her from now on. She has to be connected to Haven somehow, right? But it's good to hear she has a purpose! :)

  27. YES! Audrey's back! They did that sequence well. I loved the two doors, and cloudy abyss, and lighted walkway, and power blast, etc. stuff. It all looked really cool. I'm a little disappointed she didn't come back as Audrey, but her coming back as Lexie has some good story potential too. I'm looking forward to seeing how Lexie interacts with everybody.

    I still like Jennifer, and her trouble, and her connection to Audrey and/or the barn. I wonder how Jennifer's role will play out in the endgame of ending the troubles? I like Duke and Jennifer together. Their scenes are natural, fun, and have a good amount of chemistry.

    I was left wanting more when the episode ended. I was really eager to see Lexie's reactions to meeting each of her friends again, and how Lexie will react and deal with the troubles. I'm just glad Audrey/Lexie is finally back in Haven.

  28. Great point. Well said.

    I think this is why the Audrey/Lexi thing (not having "Audrey" back yet) hasn't bothered me as much as it seems to have bothered other viewers this season. The core character I love is still there underneath and I'm really enjoying the journey. And, yeah, Nathan loves something deeper - not just some surface group of personality traits.

  29. Too bad there isn't an ignore on this thing

  30. I don't think people jump at you because they're shippers (specially not crazy ones) they reply to you because what you're saying is not true, Nathan did not jump Sarah, they were two adults that felt a contection, Nathan may have felt it because he knew another version of her already but Sarah definitely felt it cause otherwise she wouldn't have slept with him. Also I don't want to repeat stuff from the other comments but the idea is that Audrey is deep down allways the same and given that in two of her personalities she loved Nathan it would be logical if she fell in love with him while beeing Lexie as well (Asuming she doesn't get her memoy back which is always a possibility).

  31. I'd like it if eventually Audrey remembered everything, every personallity she's had, but until then I'm ok with her being Lexie, she's really interesting and I think she'll have a fun fresh look on the troubles.

  32. If your pov of Jennifer is that she is just a device plot i suggest to rewatch.She is not written as a love interest only or an antagonist of any kind. She is having a "connection" to the barn=Audrey as well and she far a mystery as to what trouble or not trouble she has.

    Claire who i liked was written as plot device to serve a purpose for Audrey's thoughts to be outspoken so the audience can understand her motives,also a friend for her.But Claire as a character was never written with stand alone story or to dwell more in the mythology of the show in any way.

    It's weird to write essays about Audrey's character regards to the Sarah matter since you seem focused only there but when it comes to other female characters your thoughts are completely not align with the show and the whole premise of feminism you seem to preach.

    we all yell for the writers to bring over a nice , not a shady or an antagonist female character who can stand alone in the show,build relationships with the main characters and be a strong asset and important to the mythology. Once they do that...suddenly she is Mary-Sue? You totally got me there...

  33. There was no indication he was the love of Sarah's life. She just slept with him. So that does not count.

  34. I don't know if I remember correctly but I think in some episode they mention that Sarah held a candle for the father of her son, I'm not sure thou.

  35. Since when does sleeping with someone not count as an act of love? I realize people in this world do sleep with people they don't love, but it's a little disparaging of Sarah's character to intimate she's just a loose woman who sleeps around with no feeling involved. I watched that episode and got no indication that she "just" slept with him, like "getting laid - score!" That so does not seem to be what her character was about. Audrey/Sarah both seemed considering, deep, thoughtful, and caring. Neither "personality" nor the core of this character seems the type to sleep with someone they don't care for.

  36. Also I think when Sarah was the one helping Haven it wasn't a decade where people slept arround just like that.

  37. I hope so too, on all of your points. The fact that Lexie started out in the barn, and having to accept the imaginary people, and the barn, and the leap of faith, I'm thinking this persona is going to accept weird stuff, like the troubles, much faster than her past 'lives'. I agree that it'll be interesting to see her fresh take on the troubles. I'm looking forward to the next episode even more than these past few ones so far.

  38. Additionally, I'd say - and another commenter already made this point somewhere below, but it's a good one, so I'm going to reiterate it - we're not actually talking about a different person here. Sarah isn't a different person than Audrey. She's a different incarnation. The core of Audrey that connects to Nathan is/was there in Sarah (and thus in Lucy, Lexie, etc. etc.).

    The nuance of memory gives the love story of these two characters an interesting dramatic twist, but they are the same two characters regardless (just as they would be if Nathan showed up with amnesia for an episode or two). They're not different people. Whether going by the name Audrey, or Sarah, or Lexie - she's still *her*. She's not a complete victim to these personality traits that are thrust upon her (and that's what makes her journey as a character so fascinating to me!). There's something at the core that's truly just her, and I feel like that's the part of her that connects to Nathan, though the memory and personality shifts she experiences can obviously complicate that connection, and I suspect with Lexie - will complicate it for a while. But I look forward to seeing them both find it again.

    The character William, in talking to Lexie in the bar has made this point himself. He points out that Lexie's memories are not real, and her emotional connections to "Lexie's" memories are not real either, (the personality she inhabits doesn't make up the "real" her). But he does tell her she has real emotions, real memories to connect to, and indicates that she'll find them. We know Nathan, and Haven, are a big part of those.

  39. We can speculate, because they are actually the same person. As William pointed out in the barn, "Audrey/Lexie" has real memories and fake memories. Haven and Nathan are real, no matter what her personality/name is at the time.

  40. There is some core values which is true but her likes and dislikes come from the over laying personality. Love is one of those thing which is variable. So it is not constant that all her personalities would love the same person.

  41. I think there are core memories and a few other attributes like working to gain trust and Compassion. However, Love to me is variable depending on the overlaying personality. It is not part of the Core.

  42. We may just have to agree to disagree on that. Love feels to be a very core thing to me. Particularly with the example William gave to Lexie in one of their conversations about having her reflect on her boyfriend and having her realize their was not true emotion attached to the memory - no true love, no true hate. Nothing. The surface personality gives her a set of memories and circumstances, perhaps, but emotions (real emotions, as William pointed out), those are hers.

  43. I guess you and I believe different things which is good. I do believe emotions are related to Experiences and memories. Those are not part of the Core. Those are part of the overlying shell personality otherwise why have them at all?

  44. My disconnect with that is it seems to imply that nothing our main character has felt has ever truly been hers, or stemmed from any true core of her being instead of someone else's. Like she really is just empty space with an immunity to the troubles. With that premise, even a "true" love wouldn't be true for her because it would really only be true for someone else, and the Audrey that was really Nathan's true love would have been the Audrey that came along in season 2 (since she's the one those emotions and experiences would have supposedly genuinely belonged to and were taken from in the first place). So yes, you're correct, we believe different things. Sometimes that's just the way it rolls.

    Again, I quote Vince. "You know you always come back with a different name, but underneath, you're always somehow still the same."

    I just happen to believe there is a lot more to that core than you do. For me, the show would not draw me half as much if I didn't think the lead character had any emotions that were truly hers.

  45. Loved everything about this ep except that chick with the black hair. Annoying and pointless. So does this mean we won't be seeing Colin Ferguson again? I did like the laying of groundwork to expand the universe with Dave's pronouncement against letting Audrey out of the barn.

  46. I'm glad *Lexie* is out of the bar, the stasis was starting to bug me, but they seriously have to keep Colin Ferguson. It's been so good seeing him again, and I like how he pulled off the annoy plot-necessitated withholding while helping.

    I was a touch disappointed by the writing, especially the memory loss scene. The dialogue was awful and more than a little nonsensical--strange guys putting guns in your hand, trying to get you to kill them, kissing you? I think they could have done a few more drafts and realized that no one would be fooled into thinking that she was suddenly gonna be Audrey again. That being said, the Duke/Jennifer stuff was so much fun. And it is great giving him someone to play off of. I'm also hoping she stays.

  47. I really hope Jennifer stays. I think I'll cry if she goes away.

  48. I'd be super upset too, but she's alive and well in the finale. Now what happens afterwards, I don't know, but I think she will be okay!

  49. Sarah clearly had affections for him as it was made obvious in the finale. You can't say for a fact he wasn't Sarah's true love because it hasn't been shown either way. Though I do believe baby James was the person she loved most for obvious reasons.

  50. Actually, it was the post war years, called "baby bloomers". People were happy they were alive and they were taking life at the fullest, so yeah, people actually started kind of sleeping around lol

  51. Love is a part of the core, it's the whole point of the show. Otherwise Sarah wouldn't have been interested in Nathan. She could have felt attracted to Duke. She said herself there was something different about Nathan and that to me was an obvious sign it's not her personality that loves or feels attracted to him.

  52. That's... not exactly accurate. The term is "baby boomer" and refers to the kids born in the post war era (which was also the post depression era). The economy was better, many of the returning soldiers had access to higher education through the GI bill, and families were doing better overall than they'd been doing in the pre war era. Many (in the world, since the economy boosted world wide) felt they could make up for lost time by having more kids, and could suddenly afford to have more kids - and did. There was still quite the stigma on sleeping around. While the groundwork might have been laid, free love movements and sexual revolution stances didn't come until later.

  53. Yes I made a mistake with the term, that's called mistyping My point still stands. The economy was better, people came back from a terrible time, etc etc. That's exactly where Sarah comes from. So why can't the situation be applied to her? And in any case, that only strengthens the point that Sarah slept with Nathan because she felt something, as she said herself in the episode.

  54. I'm still not over that ending. Lucas Bryant hit it out of the park. My OTP is so tragic and beautiful.

  55. I can only imagine that when you wake up in the morning you just think, OH no not again

  56. - not challenging your comments about Sarah, or her seize the day attitude. :) In total agreement with you there. Just felt your use of Baby Boomer was inaccurate and a little overreaching in the context (the post war era years weren't called baby boomers, that refers the kids born durning that era, and wasn't a result of people suddenly sleeping around and more a result of an economic boon families took advantage of to grow their families).

    The previous commenter had said it wasn't really a decade where people just slept around and the attitudes about sleeping around at the time would have still born out the truth of that. Stating that culturally people suddenly started sleeping around and that that resulted in the baby boomers... not so much. I'm not saying people didn't have a 'live life to the fullest' attitude - just saying it wasn't a decade of indiscriminate sex a la the 60's (which is what sleeping around connotates to me).

  57. You're clearly taking my comment for way more than it meant.

  58. The Lexie/Audrey and Nathan reunion was so beautiful but so sad.I have a feeling that Lexie will fall in love with Nathan just like Audrey and Sarah did . :)

  59. There needs to be ... LOL

  60. The end of this episode was so emotionally distressing and adorable at the same time. I just want to hug everyone (except Vince and Dave cause wth)

  61. Nathan manipulated Sarah? Did you watch the episode? Sarah was definitely going after him.
    They didn't state it outright but I imagine we're supposed to assume she loved him; they clearly shared a connection like we know Nathan/Audrey do.
    She might have not loved anyone before she met Nathan, or she might have, it doesn't matter. Right now the person she has to kill to end the troubles (according to Howard, who might not be all that trustworthy) is Nathan. Lexie IS Audrey (and IS Sarah), I'm sure we'll get to watch her fall in love with Nathan as well.

  62. Probably. Ultimately... just agreeing with the previous commenter who said it wasn't a decade where people slept around. How about we leave it at that. ;)

  63. Not sure why you hate Nathan so much. He clearly didn't attempt to use Sarah for sex. I mean, he was about to walk away when she called him shy. She didn't want him to go. As we could see by the flashback scene Sarah seemed to be enjoying herself. She's an adult capable of giving consent which she obviously did. Nathan wasn't taking advantage of her. He saw some of Audrey in her. Yes he acted on his emotions for Audrey, and I can understand if I were in Audrey's position I might feel a tiny bit betrayed since she doesn't remember being Sarah. But I think Audrey knows Nathan well enough to know he wouldn't just have sex with someone for looking just like her. She knows he loves her - the core version of her - and that's why he did it.

  64. If it were a fantasy/fairytale they probably wouldn't have to go through so much pain and sacrifice over and over again. There's a reason the show has put so much emphasis on Nathan and Audrey and their relationship as friends, partners, and romantic interests. They wouldn't just put that out there and then pretend it's not an especially powerful relationship. That just wouldn't make any sense.

  65. Agreed. I don't think sleeping around would have been very accepted. I do think Sarah was coming from a live-life-to-the-fullest attitude but also think she felt a deeper connection to Nathan.

  66. I'm totally waiting for the James thing to come back around because it has to be him, right? Mother child love? What can top that?

  67. Complete agreement here. Also, with all the talk and past significance of "The Colorado Kid" I'm very much waiting for that to play out. It'd be fitting in a way that "The Colorado Kid" be the one to stop the troubles, though I'm not sure Audrey could actually kill him (or kill Nathan for that matter), but yeah, I think it's James who will come into play in the end.

  68. Also, sorry if I offended you - was just trying to explain why I objected to the term Baby Boomer in this context (brief past life as a history teacher, hazard of the job).

  69. Really well said. And I'm sure that journey won't be without its bumps and disconnects, but I'm excited and curious to see how it plays out.

  70. So true. Just as Audrey doesn't see Sarah as James' mother, but sees herself as James' mother, I think she'd look at that situation as she and Nathan in the past, not as Nathan and some lookalike, if that makes sense.

  71. Except they did start having a lot more sex and if you believe only married people did it, well I guess we'll have to agree to disagree ;) Especially when your comment isn't align with the show :)

  72. True enough. Although I know other actors who've worked out guest appearances on old shows even though they're on new ones. Though, I think I read in an interview that we really probably wouldn't see him this season. Still, I think you're right and that he'll be the key in the end... whenever that end is.

  73. This response made me laugh. I don't think you have to apologize, history teacher past or not. Like you said, I think you were just trying to explain and I liked hearing your perspective. It's a really interesting discussion.

  74. Wow, Who pissed in your cheerios? You are a hateful person . I can't wait to see what kind of bullshit comes out of your mouth when Nathan and Lexie fall in love with each other. By the looks of the sneak peek that it's already happening the longing looks that they are giving each other and she also saves his life . Are you going to say that Lexie is not really Audrey and that lexie kidnapped the really Audrey and took over her identity ... LMAO!

  75. Nah he won't be the key to end the troubles. Honestly, I don't think the writers had any real purpose for James beyond simply being "the Colorado kid" and now they have no idea what to do with him.

  76. Never said only married people were having sex. But yeah, we should just stop talking about this. It feels to be a bit ridiculous at this point, and kind of like we're speaking two different languages. Let's just stop. Better that way. :)

  77. No - I think originally the writers did seem a little stuck trying to figure out how to tie a story titled "The Colorado Kid" into the overall myth arc of the concept they were building, but now that they have, I think they'll circle back around to him pretty easily, especially as he "belongs to the barn now" or whatever. And I still think at some point the realization that Audrey/Lexie/whoever actually may have to kill James instead of Nathan to end the troubles will come up this season. I don't think she'll do it, and it may be that James doesn't even appear on screen, but he'll come up in some form or fashion. Guess we'll see.

  78. Awesome! Thanks

  79. I agree and your point reminds me of the conversation Audrey had with the copy in the episode "Friend or Faux" ...he may have the original's memories and look the same as him but he can make his own choices

  80. Great episode! Loved it. Could also have worked as a season finale. Jennifer is finally growing on me. All characters were superb. More Vince/Dave-quarrels, please. Go, Lexi!

  81. Emily said that James will not be seen at all this season.

  82. The actor wasn't on set this season, so like I said, ~this~ season James wont be back.

  83. Fantastic episode! Nathan sacrifising himself gave me chills, really had me worried there for a minute but I knew it would be to easy for now. My theory is that the troubles will become more powerfull now since Lexi obviously wasn't supposed to be there for another 27 years, and that was problably what that little guy was trying to prevend. Right before she jumped William told her 'the person you most want to be'' So Audrey is probably still somewhere inside of her, and bringing her back might stop the troubles. Excited for the next ep!

  84. But even then I don't thinkl they had the same concept of sleeping arround that we do.

  85. The actor is in another show so I doubt he's coming back. Not this season at least. Maybe the next one.

  86. Colin will be around for 4 more episodes .


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