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POLL : What did you think of Castle - Number One Fan?

15 Oct 2013

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  1. "Listen, I'm kind of looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you." For the love of God, these two! These two drive my shipper heart crazy and create some very unmanly reactions.

    Oh, and I would like to make a request to Molly Quinn. Stop growing up! I feel like a dirty old man every time you make an appearance, and you appear at least once an episode. Seriously, I watched you grow up through this show. It's awkward finding you attractive.

  2. It was a really, REALLY great episode tonight!!! I enjoyed every second of it (as always) loving Caskett this season! Hoping for a wedding by the end of this season... :)

  3. It really was an outstanding episode, all of the Caskett moments had me melting, and for the love of all that's holy come on now Pi coming into Castle's bedroom without knocking give me a break bad enough everyone else did but Pi he's just a bum!!

  4. What's the point of having a huge cliffhanger to end a season if you're just going to get rid of it 3 episodes later?

    Kate's back in the same city with the same job, all for nothing. oh well....

  5. disqus_BLvd5NQY3F15 October 2013 at 04:15

    Gate is softer than before.....wanting Kate back as a detective and all

  6. I love this episode, THIS IS CASTLE.

  7. I hope it hasn't taken you 6 years to realise that Castle is in fact a procedural

  8. First, Beckett's job change was only half of the cliffhanger - the other half, their engagement, is still going on. Second, the point seems to be that in the end, we found out the dream job she wanted just wasn't compatible with her nature. How long do you want that realization to drag out?

  9. Finally the new season of Castle premiere has started, I glad that Failed Pilot Beckett of the FBI is gone. I missed Lanie! The Boys and the infamous line...I know who the killer is!

  10. This was an awesome episode.
    One Of The Old Castles.
    I start to like Gates, she wanting Becketts back after she was fired from the FBI was great.
    I think she wanted her back strong because she care about the victims more than the consequences on her.
    I really hates this Pi Characters. How dare you opining the door without knocking, you SOP?
    I think they will let him drop by every episode just to disturb Castle.
    The way how Castle always pronounces his name is hilarious.

  11. EmbraceYourInnerFreak15 October 2013 at 07:15

    CHEESEBURGERS! What a great episode!

  12. In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes I have seen in a long time! That old Castle feel was completely and entirely back and I can see this episode becoming one of my favorites. Awesome episode! Oh, and CHEESEBURGERS!!!! :D

  13. The bad guy is this episode is the same in Bones tonight;s episode too

  14. The character of Pi is atrocious, and by the sound of some spoilers he doesn't go away any time soon. :/ Hope the writers know what they're doing.

  15. Wanting Kate back doesn´t surprise me, Gates always admired her as a, willing to have Castle back? That was a surprise, even as an engagement gift:)

  16. I really LOVED this one! From start to finish! PI? Well, I suppose he´s there to serve some purpose, but that lack of education? Argh! At least I liked how he referred to Kate..."Mrs, C. to be"!:)

  17. From the spoilers I read, he has a major role in the upcoming episodes...Same as Alexis.

  18. Am I the only one who feels the urge to lunch with a cheeseburger today?

  19. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't care for the Pi character. Alexis could do so much better. And I'm sorry, but not only would I not let my daughters boyfriend live in my house, I'd kick his a** if he walked into my bedroom.

  20. Awesome!!Perfect!!

  21. According to recent interviews it seems as if Pi might be based solely on Alexis rebelling against the engagement. So I reckon he will be around for a while and that he is meant to annoy us. I don't think AM would expect many to like him.

  22. I loved this episode, same way as others. I just love this show. ♥♥

  23. Got to agree, definitely made my favorites list. Opening scenes with Caskett were fantastic, the whole Beckett trying to have a conversation with Castle, Pi's interruption, Martha bringing them coffee (although not as good as Castle's if Beckett's expression was anything to go by) and then Alexis asking if it was a house meeting!

    There were so many great Caskett moments in the episode and by the end Beckett is back where she belongs and the family is back together even if they have picked up a few strays along the way. Love the reference to the Old Haunt as well.

    This episode may just about make up for the last 7 episodes!

  24. I loved that face Beckett made after taking the sip of coffee, it reminded me of Martha making pancakes for Castle and the face that he made when he said that she was no longer allowed to practice the art of pancake making.

  25. "Failed" is inaccurate. You might not have liked it and it's fine. Doesn't necessarily mean that it failed.

    Otherwise I agree. All of them working together again was great!

  26. The whole episode was great! Well, except for Pi.
    Caskett scenes were so cute! Loved Gates and her relationship with Beckett. I want more Beckett/Gates scenes. Lanie is back! End scene was legit!

  27. Beckett got fired. Thus she failed. The Pilot arc was not picked up. Thus Failed Pilot.

  28. Marie-Elise POLYXEN16 October 2013 at 12:25

    Awesome really..! But Pi !? As I really really like Castle's writers I kind of try to support Pi.. I'm sure we'll figure out why he is there (eurk he is sooooooo rude...) !

  29. I really liked it! It was quite good! Reminded me of the old castle! Funny episode.

  30. I loved the episode a lot. The dialogues. Kate ;)
    But I more and more dislike Molly Quinn, her acting gets worse and worse ...

  31. One of the things I about this show that I really love is how they have completely embraced the Caskett relationship. They are backing down or back pedaling it at all. They are full steam ahead and still keep the writing brisk and natural. Everything about Caskett just feels right and they still find the humor in their everyday relationship.
    Suck it Moonlighting.


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