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POLL : What did you think of The Blacklist - The Stewmaker?

15 Oct 2013

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  1. I am loving this show, great episode.
    I wonder who's the girl in the picture which Red took.

  2. One of the many great things about Red is that he is still a bad guy despite having a few good traits.He may do a good dead ocassionally, but he is still a criminal. So many shows make their "bad guys" turn so good they hardly seem bad anymore!

    I loved the Stewmaker!
    Tom Noonan does creepy so well! From Hell on Wheels Reverend with issues, to the detective on Damages, all the way back to Francis "The Tooth Fairy" Dolarhyde in 1986's Manhunter!

  3. Excellent episode as usual! "The Stewmaker" (Tom Noonan from Manhunter) and the assassin who kills with accidents are the best "Blacklisters" so far IMO. This series is the $#!T! James Spader as the brilliant master criminal who always has an agenda and is always 3 steps ahead of everyone else. Red currently has the FBI hook, line, and shinker................except for Elizabeht Keen who is patiently waiting for the other shoe to drop because some how she knows it's coming. If your not watching this series your really missing out because it's that DAMN GOOD! 4 A PLACE ON THE BLACKLIST, I am Nobody!!!

  4. I really like this show. I think this was my least favorite episode so far because there was no twist to the story or a scheme from Red's part but it was still pretty good. I have no theories on who the girl might be, really lost about it. I also love that they are developing the secondary characters more, I like Donald a lot and I also like the CIA girl. The stewmaker was creepy and I still don't know what is the deal with the husband, poor elizabeth.

  5. JustKeepSwimming22 October 2013 at 07:59

    Ugh that guy was so creppy! I'm betting that the girl in the picture was his daughter, she looks too young to be his wife.


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