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POLL : What did you think of Atlantis - The Boy Must Die?

12 Oct 2013

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  1. Wow, the vivid colour wash compared to the preview version I saw really helped bring this episode alive imo! Tweeting with other fans also added to my enjoyment I think, I’ve gone with ‘Great’ on the poll.

    Loved that Mark Addy had more to do this time round; the sweet talking of the washer women was a nice little scene, his reluctance really came through, and him leading the team out to face the Bull Court showed that the character does have a touch of bravery in him after all.

    So Pasiphae isn’t Ariadne’s mother after all, maybe she is Jason’s mother then? Perhaps after his
    father fled to ‘our world’ she married Minos, maybe killing Ariadne’s mother in the process. This would explain the Oracle’s insistence that Jason must not reveal his true identity.

  2. It was the best episode yet. It was enjoyable and made you smile at times. But for me it did not go beyond that. After 3 episodes I feel still quite unattached to any of the characters. But maybe, it is too early for that?
    I have been told to stop pouting because this is NOT Merlin (and of course they are right). I am trying to give this a chance but still remain unconvinced.

  3. I did enjoy Hercules' antics and humour in this episode, but am still confused why Hercules had to be short, stubby and completely the opposite of what one associates with THAT name.
    Interesting thought about Pasiphae. If she really is Jason's mother she does not seem to know or she is not particularly happy to see him...maybe he is interfering in some higher plan of hers?

  4. I don't think she knows, if she is his mother that is. The Oracle aid that he must guard who he is from everyone as it is a dangerous secret, I'm guessing the name Jason is not his real name.

  5. I was as connected to the guest cast in this episode as I am to the main cast after 3 episodes, which isn't a good thing imo :( I've heard that it only really starts to get going after episode 5, I'm hoping it does get better, doing the teasers will be a pain if not, lol

  6. Not the best answer but this is Mark Addy's take!

    “Hercules isn’t strong because he goes to the gym and works out,” laughs Mark, 49, who starred in Game Of Thrones and The Full Monty. “He gets his power from being the son of Zeus.

    “When I told my kids I’d been cast as him, they laughed and said I wasn’t muscular enough. But if you watch Britain’s Strongest Man on TV, there are lots of blokes who are my size! Hercules may be immortal but he’s got lots of human faults. He’s a drinker, womaniser and gambler... a total liability, but very loyal to Jason and Pythagoras.”


  7. Thanks for that! :)

  8. I bet LOL.
    I liked the girl who cut off Jason's lock. Not sure about Ariadne yet, although she seems to have the same accent as Morgana (please do shut me up about comparisons...)

  9. Yes, I do wonder who he will turn out to be.....

  10. I feel similar...I think it is because they focus so much time on the monsters that they forget the character development. Especially Jason seems to be weirdly okay with being stuck in a foreign world. I had hoped that they were trying to mislead the audience by pretending that the Queen is evil while in truth she is Jason's mother or something like that and is secretly scheming to protect him, but no dice there either, I guess after this episode is clear that she is simply what she seems to be.

  11. Your point about Jason just happily fitting in this foreign world is a very good one. He set out to find his dad, but so far that has not been mentioned again. Jason himself seems totally okay in Atlantis - no questions asked (or have I missed some?).


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