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POLL : What did you think of Arrow - Crucible?

Oct 31, 2013

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  1. I fucking called it!!! I KNEW it was Sara. And ONE of you, (i really wish i could remember which one) wanted to be a smartass and get all sarcastic thinking I was Naive!....Well who's the naive one now?? Suck it!!! I'm awesome.

  2. Loved it.

    The entire Sarah stor is a lot better than I expected it would be. I loved her interactions with Oliver, her fight scenes and the way she and Oliver compliment each other in battle, and I especially loved her listening to Ollie and her father talk.

    I liked how Diggle and Felicity kind of forget how much Oliver has been through; as great as they are they still have faults, which is nice.

    I liked Brother Blood, but I would have waited a few more episodes before revealing him as the big bad.

    The Roy, Thea, and SIn story was nice. I'm liking Roy and Thea more than last season.

    As for Laurel? I don't see how the writers can honestly expect anyone to care about her. I thought after last week's episode she'd be a lot more tolerable, but no. Her drunk driving, and her attitude towards Quentin and Oliver... just no. With Sarah as a rather impressive Black Canary, Laurel is just not needed.

  3. Love seeing Laurel spiraling. Drunk Laurel is the best Laurel.

    It was really smart to have Oliver know that Sara was alive, or at least survived the Queen Gambit sinking. Having her just resurface five years later would be a little too boring since we all knew she's the Canary. It also makes the flashbacks even more compelling.

  4. so only Oilver knows BC is Sarah? but she don't tell her own family yet?

  5. I knew it!!! I freaking called it! I knew it was Sarah. And ONE of u, (wish i could remember which one) wanted to be a smartass and get all sarcastic, thinking i was naive... well who's naive now?? Ha!! Suck it! I'm awesome!

  6. Everyone knew it was Sarah since July. lol

  7. Freakin' amazing episode tonight!

    Caity Lotz is fantastic as Black Canary/Sara. Loved every scene with her and Oliver. Also, absolutely loved Black Canary/Green Arrow teaming up to fight. That whole scene was SO AWESOME!

    I'm loving this Sin character more and more. I desperately want her backstory.

    That last scene with the reveal that Sebastian is Brother Blood was very interesting. Can't wait to see how that's going to play out.

    They are really knocking it out of the park this season! Definitely going to watch this episode again.

  8. Well, I'm bracing myself for the 'why is Laurel' needed conversations. But everything else about the episode was amazing. My one nitpick, Ollie using BC's bow staff. Touching someone else's weapon is almost as taboo as touching someone's daemon, imo, LOL!

  9. wow this show is top notch right now. Introducing Brother Blood a week after name dropping Ra' al Ghul.

  10. I didn't mind them using each others' weapons. It just showed how versatile Ollie and Sarah are, and how well they work together,

    He wasn't as good as BC with the staff, and she wasn't as good as him with the bow.

  11. At first I thought it was Scarecrow with that mask.

  12. That was actually my favorite part of the scene. They were both hit and lost their weapons, but each improvised with the other's weapon.

  13. Well I didn't. I stayed away from the spoilers. And not "EVERYONE" knew b/c the person that doubted me didn't think it'd be her either.

  14. That's just a personal pet peeve as real life archer, really hate for people to touch my bows. But yes loved the Arrow/BC team up. They work so freaking well together. This show was desperately lacking a kick ass female and I'm just glad to see it, even if it isn't Laurel (yet).

  15. This episode is probably one of my favorites so far. They did such a good job bringing in Sara and her storyline. I'm liking where they're going with this. Loved Arrow/BC fight scene & how they traded weapons. Loved Team Arrow interaction. Enjoyed Thea/Roy/Sin scenes as well. This show just keeps getting better and better! So excited for what's to come.

  16. This Laurel. story lines is going great so far She has a lot of work to do on herself. The Laurel& Quentin Lance Family has been thorough a lot of stuff for a lot of years They need to be healed They need Sara back. Laurel is right she was the one having to Pull her Dad out of Bars and clean him up for Years.I like that Quentin Lance is now trying to be there for Laurel Lance after she was there for him all these years. Do not like that Oliver did not tell Quentin Lance , His Wife &
    Laurel Lance about Sara that was wrong he knew all this time and never told them.Quentin Lance,His Wife&Laurel Lance this is a Family who have been
    broken because of this loss of Sara .Oliver should have told them. This ep was done very well i liked it also We got some BROTHER BLOOD at the end loved that .

  17. It's nice to see how important Lance family is for this show. I want so bad know what they're planning for Laurel and Sara. Can't wait!

  18. "Keep Sarah, ditch Laurel."

    Man this is the greatest thing they could do.

  19. what is Blood reason for being bad? It seem like he wants a army to control the glades?

  20. I like the crossbow snag trap, but do wonder how that would work....Reality, Schmeality! XD

    Great scene with Oliver and Sarah though. In fact, I think I have liked every Sarah/ Canary scene since she arrived on the scene. I loved her listening into Oliver and Quentin's bonding time!

    Why exactly are Digg and Felicity on Oliver's case so hard about Sarah?
    Must have real short memories if they think was on a 5 year spa visit and does not have secrets about it. I wonder if they will get on her case about it since it is more her decision to tell people she is alive than Oliver's!

    I still can't enjoy Summer Glau. I just find her such a limited actress.

    The only thing I have less patience or sympathy for than drunk drivers is a drunk driver wanting patience and sympathy!

    No surprise Blood is a baddie. I always assumed this year there would be 2 big bads, Blood and Isabel. Now with the League of Assassins coming into play, maybe they (Ra's Al Ghul) will be the third big bad? Perhaps Isabel is not a big bad in the end?

    Another great episode!
    I like how Starling City is shaping up with multiple heroes coming into play. the only low point was the baddie of the week,The Mayor. He reminded me way too much of some 70s blacksploitation character or some gang boss from The Wanderers. I kept expecting to hear him say, "Caaan yoou diggg ittt?"

  21. I'm sure Oliver had good reasons for not telling Quentin, Dinah, and Laurel that Sara was still alive and I bet they have to DO with whatever Sara was doing on the prison ship were Oliver was being held and questioned.

    Keep in mind that when Diggle and Felicity went to retrieve Oliver from the island in the 2nd Season premiere episode, there was a large tanker-like ship aground on the island's shores.

    If that is indeed the same prison ship, then maybe something terrible happened that not only caused it to run aground, but also made Oliver tell the rest of the Lance family that Sara was dead or convince himself that Sara died.

  22. There are many things I don't agree with you about...but, the biggest is this, "The Wanderers?"
    The movie is called, The Warriors. Please, if you're going to mock something, at least mock it correctly.

  23. Since Blood will be a future going to suck for another person who the public trust is not good at all

  24. I was waiting for (hoping for) Quentin Lance to tell Laurel something along the lines of,...

    "Actually it is because of you dragging me out of bars that you should know better! You saw my mistakes, why would you actively chose to make the same mistakes yourself?"

    or the more simple,
    "You are too smart to act this dumb!"

  25. Ha XD
    My bad.

    I knew it didn't sound right, but I just did not care enough to look it up.

  26. Haha, no problem. I just love that movie so I felt a need to respond. Glad you liked the episode though!

  27. It felt to me that those lines were deliberately missing, like the writers thought if those lines weren't there we'd be more sympathetic to Laurel or something.

    It felt really odd that Quentin didn't say that, nor that Laurel didn't realize that for herself since she kept bringing it up.

  28. Why should Oliver tell Sarah's secrets? As someone who'd be pissed off at someone revealing his own secrets to his family, Oliver doesn't have the right.

  29. The real question is when does Sarah tell her family she alive! She can't hide in SC without being recognize

  30. The sad thing is that if I had just thought for a second I would have heard that creeptastic line from the movie "Warriors, come out to play!"

    There was another gang movie from the same year (I think) called the Wanderers. I guess I combined the two in my mind.

  31. Its a big city. And unlike Smallville's Metropolis, I think Starling City has more than one street so she'd be able to walk around without being recognized.

  32. She needs her island, guys. Maybe drugs and alcohol will be her island.

  33. She was cutting it close in the hospital though. And I'm pretty sure she was wearing the same baseball cap that made Dinah Lance think she was still alive from that photo.

  34. I was wondering about that hat!

    Even if it is a different hat, her "disguise" made her look a lot like the photo that made Dinah think she was alive.

  35. I hope eventually Roy Harper will join BC and Green arrow as speeed/red arrow at some point? When will that happen?

  36. You aren't the only one. I don't read Arrow spoilers so while I figured Sarah was alive it wasn't until they figured out the Canary was following Laurel that I pieced two and two together.

  37. I'm sure they're building up to it. Roy has a ways to go before he is ready.

  38. pretty good ep ep. The reveal of the Canary as Sarah was not a shock, but liked the blackground that it opened up with the flashback ending with Sarah being a torturer for whatever group (assuming that it's affiliated with the LOA) perhaps they are looking for a Lazarus pit on the island which is what gave Ra's al Ghul his power and longevity or something... interesting that she has a tie to Slade as well. The "mayor" plot was kinda weak (especially when he drove up to a rally in the back of a truck firing rifles where a number of cops should've fired down on them before he started with his grandstanding was a bit much) but it was to serve to pave the way for the intro of Brother Blood (aka Alderman Windbag- pontificates too much). Liked the Arrow/Canary team up and trying each other's weapons out for a change.

  39. I keep forgetting this is not a comic adaptation I warmed to this Canary initially thinking I'd dislike her because she didn't have that ear shattering scream but I'm on the Arrow Canary train after tonight's episode. That little bit where they exchanged weapons was gold. I really hope they keep her around and delve more into the island stuff. Felt so sorry for Oliver how many people tortured him on that island and I wanna know what is up with the bones

  40. Great episode.
    The Black Canary reveal was really anticlimactic as that was already leaked. I wish it wasn't.
    I loved when The Arrow and The Canary used each other's weapons.

    For a moment I actually thought that Blood is a good guy, but I was wrong.

  41. I expect it in Roy need some hand to hand training as well as shooting with a arrow until he ready to join Oilver and BC

  42. Well thank you! Someone else is speaking up. I know there's a few out there who didn't know. I DO tend to stay away from spoilers of some of my shows, b/c i like to be surprised, or b/c I want to be RIGHT when it comes to my theories. I knew it had to be her weeks back, In fact i said it couldn't be anyone else. And until i see her dead body in a coffin, i refuse to believe otherwise. And i told whoever doubted me to NOT knock the idea. u think she'll say something next week? Or still stay in the dark?

  43. Good episode. This show is at it's best when it stresses the superhero action and minimizes the motivational stuff. I was getting really tired of all of this guilt and anguish and need for penance and atonement. I expect we'll get one last dose of this, as Sara's story is told, but the Canary/Arrow action scenes were so promising, I'll probably be able to take it.
    One thing, though. Sure it was cool when Arrow and Canary used each other's weapons. But where did Canary get the arrow she used? She had Oliver's bow, but his quiver was still on his back...

  44. That may be true. She can't just turn into the next BC out of thin air. And I understand that they need to create some issues/tragedies/demons in her life that will lead her to become BC (since they can't very well send her to solitude on an island).

    It is just that in comparison to what Oliver and Sara went through to become Arrow & BC, Laurel's journey (which is what I'm assuming this downward spiral is) seems severely... lacking.

    I, for one, can't sympathize right now. I get it where it is coming from- bad things happen so people resort to drugs/alcohol to cope. I wished she would've gotten the DUI. Would've made it more real.

    I mean what are they going to do with her now? Make her an alcoholic like her father was? Then go to AA is that going to turn her into BC? I just don't really understand how they plan on doing this when they have to surpass Sara's BC journey/performance (I'm assuming this because Laurel's a regular/lead & Sara is not.. therefore her story should be better right? No? Not sure.. haha)

    So far, I'm all for Sara as BC & remaining that way.

  45. This was the best episode so far i freacking knew that that guy was the big bad this season!
    The scenes of the flashbacks were well done and i never expect that Sah would be the one torturing Oliver, as for her in SC it was amazing too, she still loves her family but it`s having a hard time tying to help them!.
    Laurel going on to a breakdown it was the rigth thing to do i mean if you think yuou are the reason someone died, that is the way you go always drunk and becoming an addict but pleaseeeee dont keep that too long i dont wanna get bored of her!

  46. Loved it. And I said last week here: " Seems like BC seems to have worked for a group in the past, but does
    not want to any more, also with the Island boat thing going on, I wonder
    if BC was on the boat as a Prisoner or Guard?" shit came true nice. But there were more revelations this chapter including tho in the flashback maybe because of rough post survival she accepted her rough life. But now after meeting Oliver on the boat, they probably rekindle and maybe break out or something in which both thing they died. And also Slade was involved with both in the boat or whatever with this its a bit easy to see(without what actually happened) where Slade will end up in the future be it good or bad.

    I like Sarah BC, Oliver Arrow, talking and working together it was a delight. Knowing Laurel doesn't really want to talk as much with Oliver anymore it was nice to see Oliver being able to talk about personal things even if little. The best part was their fight scenes, I want to see way more of that in the future. They work together well, with both of them capable of using each others weapons masterfully it was awesome to say the least.

  47. That was a very emotionally intense episode! This show is getting so good.

  48. and Oliver knows that, as such he didn't tell...

  49. I don't bother guessing. lol

  50. theories are always on point. I get so happy. haha

  51. I don't read many spoiler either, and I watch so many Tv Shows that I usually don't watch the promo for the following week AND I am not at all well versed in the Arrow mythology so it was a complete surprise for me that Sarah was alive and the mystery blonde!! I had my doubt that she wasn't dead, but I did not expect the way all of it unfold.

  52. Wow u don't look at the promos?? Ur stronger than me. lol I watch the US promos, but stay away from the Canadian ones, b/c they give too much away. I have sooo many shows as well, But the spoilers i stay away from are TVD, Arrow, T.O. and The Tomorrow People. Also New Girl, The Following and Sleepy Hollow. I look at stills, (to help with my theories) but that's it. I don't do synopsis' and if someone is gonna throw a spoiler out there, I don't read them, and i HOPE they put SPOILER ALERT...B/c not many do that anymore.

  53. Holy crap, this show just gets better and better every week. That fight scene with BC and Arrow was epic. Loved the little weapon swap they did. Damn I love Wednesdays!

  54. Hahaha I sometimes do don't worry! ;) I don't get the CW where I live so I don't watch live, and CTV has a tendency this year to not put the next week promo right at the end of an episode. Of course, when there is a big reveal or cliffhanger, I come on this site and watch them, I guess it depends on my mood and which show. :) But I do look at ratings a lot!! LOL

  55. Lmao!! Yes the ratings are important (to me anyway) idc if i have DVR, i need to watch my shows live! I'm the type that needs to watch with the rest of the fans. BUT since today is Halloween, i will be missing TVD. I'll probably be thinking of it the whole night. But i love Halloween, need to get my party on. lol

  56. it seem Blood just want an army that control the Glades......I guess that his motive to change a city?

  57. Awesome episode! Like how Oliver and Sebastian Blood came to understanding - bet that Oliver saving his life helpes a lot :D Felicity's idea about Black Canary following Lauren - brilliant :D
    Like the Black Canary character - not really sure yet about Caity Lotz though.
    Lauren as always was a waste of air time in my opinion. Detective Lance is great!!!

  58. "I still can't enjoy Summer Glau. I just find her such a limited actress."
    Couldn't agree more, she is capable of like only one facial expresion!!!

  59. I thought the same thing!

  60. It's the botox. Lol I can't stand her either.

  61. Best episode yet this season. I really liked Sara and I'm glad they kept Sin around and didn't kill her as they originally intended.
    I loved Stephen's acting in this episode, especially the scene where Ollie reveals his secret to Diggle and Felicity, and I loved seeing Quentin coming to Oliver for help with Laurel.

  62. The weapons swap wss definitely fun and them working together.

  63. She could have taken it out of one of the guys he shot.

  64. I can't wait to see her family finding out she is alive. I hope they bring her mother back too.

  65. I understood Oliver thought (again) that Sara died on the island and didn't know she survived that too. Why telling her family she survived the yacht sabotage and died after suffering more? Better tell them she died quickly without suffering.

  66. Oliver is like a steel trap, he would take a secret to the grave... he has so much mature restraint.

  67. Overcrowded with storylines, an unbelievable retcon (though I do like Sara so far) and are they deliberately trying to make Laurel as annoying as possible?
    Nope, didn't like this one at all...the only plotline which really worked for me was Thea and Roy, who are slowly becoming my favourite characters.

  68. And Laurel is getting less and less interesting...

  69. Everything was so compelling this week, even Laurel made sense (and not in the "Laurel's gotta Laurel" way) she keeps spiraling and I liked how it's framed, they are not trying to make her sympathetic, in fact, we are seeing her alienate the people around her. I just hope her crucible isn't underwhelming compared to Oliver's and Sarah.

    Cause Sarah, you guys. She is just perfect as the Black Canary. I was pleasantly surprised to see she wasn't just a terminator, far from it! Sarah appears just so vulnerable, as she can't even know what to do with herself. I think she might not be on the greatest place mentally though, and that might play in the future.

    I really like Isabelle Rochev; that type of character is just so fun for me. Permutations of the ice queen archetype are always a good ground to start.

    But yeah, I was really glad when they just didn't turn Laurel back into sparkles and sunshine. The first three episode had issues with her writing, but I'm liking the path they are taking with her. I did like her last season, but she was rather bland and more important for what she stood for instead of who she was, but I'm excited to know where this is going.

  70. Yeah, I guess. That would require some quick thinking, though.

  71. She moves as quickly as Oliver.

  72. And, cause I am an idiot, I now ship Sarah and Oliver. I know that they have no chance in hell, but their scenes where interesting and filled with... sparks. As for Olivers scenes with Laurel, meeeh.

  73. We certainly didn't watch the same episode becayse I though it was great, and Laurel has to go through her own crucible to ever become a vigilante, so I don't mind where they are taking her now.

  74. Really loved this episode. I didn't expect the Black Canary reveal but I wasn't surprised by it. Finally, I am really looking forward to seeing how the island story plays out. I liked the way they played Laurel's story. Heck everything about the ep was awesome. (I have seen the actor who played the guest patrolman before but I cannot remember where. ) Knew that was Blood when the mask entered the room. (Here's where I'm glad I never read the Green Arrow comic... The surprises are good.) But I couldn't tell if The Mayor was killed by the injection or just starting to transition. Gotta watch the ep a few more times but for me...definitely best of the season so far.

  75. I agree. Laurel's been uninteresting because until now she's led a charmed life. Seeing how she'll react to the crucible she's headed for is a far more interesting prospect than where I thought they were taking her (ranting at The Hood.) Hopefully, it'll be juicy enough that we'll be able to see the actress show her stuff. I'm looking forward to it.

  76. As much of a spoiler junky as I am I didn't see any Arrow spoilers this summer. I'm glad I didn't. When their mother appeared on the scene I figured we'd be seeing Sarah alive but it didn't occur to me that she's be Black Canary (I hate the gizmo though) When I saw her face it made perfect sense but never occurred to me.

  77. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    ANother week of arrow, another week of sexist remarks in the comment section. Oh well.

  78. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    Still hating the whole fake-Canary plotline and the contrived retcon of Sarah's survival. Maybe next week will prove me wrong, but I doubt it.

    So while this new fake Canary is doing stuff Laurel should be learning to do the writers give Laurel a storyline of.....drinking problems....ARE YOU SERIOUS? While the storyline makes sense considering just what Laurel went through, having another black Canary out there is ruining her potential.

    It feels as if writers were desperate to get Canary into the show yet for some reason could not wait for Laurel to take up that path so they designated a contrived way to bring back Sarah. But I feel that in the long run all this will do is hurt Laurel's as awesome character's potential and fanbase reaction.

  79. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    If they wanted the show to jump the shark that is. Then again every single CW show so far managed to jump the shark sooner or latter so...

  80. I think it was a mistake for the writers not to have written Laurel onto that yacht with Oliver, in the first place. The same storyline they have written for Sarah would have worked just as well for Laurel. I could picture Laurel having committed dastardly deads with the League of Assassins, just in order to survive, and then returning to her home town a year after Oliver had, with him thinking she was dead. As far as I'm concerned they could have stretched out the process of Oliver discovering the identity of the new vigilante in town for a little longer than they have now, with Sarah. We viewers, however, would have known that she was hiding her identity from her family and friends because of her feelings of shame and guilt for the things she had been forced to do while she was an assassin.
    Unfortunately, the writers wanted a new twist to the story, so we'll all just have to hope they make the best of it.

  81. Not seeing a lot of potential in Laurel, but I agree, this was too much to wrap my mind around. It would have been an awesome storyline, if it had been planed from the get go, but the way the did it made my head hurt.

  82. I think it was a mistake in the first place of planning a love interest instead of just waiting which characters click with each other.

  83. And what would be Laurel's motivation to become the BC if she doesn't hit rock bottom first like Ollie and Sara obviously did? In the long run Laurel fighting her demons could add her depth. Too bad you can't see that.

  84. Yes, but then they would have had to make up a whole separate origin story for the Canary.

  85. Don't know why, but my gut tells me that this guy is Ra's Al Ghul:

  86. Yeah, but are guilt and the need to make amends really the only conceivable motivations for becoming a superhero? I hope they don't go that route when they introduce the Flash. I don't think can't take all of this anguish oozing out of the screen every week.

  87. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 12:46 PM

    There are already thousands of reasons and ways to hit rock bottom.

    Also that depth won't matter if the fake Canary will have already stolen all the possible "cool moments" Black Canary could have.

  88. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 12:55 PM

    Yes they did.

    In comic books, Laurel Lance becomes Black Canary after finding out her mother used to be one decades ago and wanting to make a difference, despite her mother being against it. They clearly introduced the mother for exactly that reason in Arrow too(especially with parallels between Tommy, Oliver and Laurel all affected by their parents paths), so this whole Sarah-Canary thing feels even MORE like a retcon.

    What could have stopped writers from doing exactly that? - have Laurel be in grief over Tommy's death, going downvard spiral (as she does in the show now) as she slowly discovers her mother's past and goes down a similar road. Hell the whole league of assassins thing COULD have been her mother's storyline too(because hey - more parallels to the other parents, especially Malcolm).

    They could have used pretty much 99% of the current plotlines, but WITHOUT the fake-plot-device-Canary in them and with actual focus on Laurel.

  89. Yes, that's right. Everyone that dislikes Laurel is a sexist. Such wonderful conclusions must also mean that everyone who dislikes Kurt on Glee is homophobic. And everyone who dislikes Obama is racist.

    Wisdom from InvestedInYourFuture, everyone!

  90. What can I say? As I've said before, somebody on the Arrow staff was probably just trying to be real "creative." I guess most writers secretly think there's an as yet unrecognized literary genius lurking within them and this causes them to try to repair things that "ain't broken."

  91. So has Thea (relatively, but Laurel has her downs too), and I adore her.

  92. It's like you read my mind! Laurel is just not the least bit interesting OR sympathetic. For me, her scenes bring the pace of an episode to a grinding halt.

  93. I think he's the Bratva mob guy that thought Oliver Russian

  94. And what is wrong with that reason exactly?

  95. The Flash is going to find himself with superpowers and the responsibility that comes with them without hopefully a sob story first, but normal people need a good enough motivation to do so

  96. How about compassion and the desire to help people?

  97. It is possible, but i googled a bit and found out that Ra's Al Ghul is fluent in multiple languages, including Russian, so he might be "working" undercover on a boat.

  98. Except for the fact that I well and truly don't give a crap about Laurel's addiction, this episode kicked ass.

    The Sarah stuff was really poignant. I thought her turning out to be alive is cliche at first, but it's being done well and I'm already warming to the actress - the scene where she listens to Quentin talking to Oliver from the other side of the door was heart-wrenching. I like the contrast between how she and Ollie handled coming back from the island - he was happy to reunite with his family, she's hiding herself from hers because she feels dead inside. Amell was also great in the scene where Oliver tells Felicity and Diggle about Sarah.

    The action scenes were really good and I loved the part where Arrow and BC use each other's weapons. The stunts on this show, like jumping from one roof to another, are movie-quality.

    I don't get the point of Isabel Rochev, and Summer Glau really needs to start changing her expression from time to time.

    Blood as the Scarecrow - good twist that I didn't see coming at all.

    Sin (actually, isn't it "Cin" since the guy who sent Roy to her called her "Cinday"?) has won me over with her "Abercrombie" nickname for Roy. Between that and Roy shouting "That was my face!" after Sarah hit him last week, the tongue-in-cheek comments about Colton Haynes' impossible hotness are pretty amusing. Also, it was sweet how Roy was all concerned about her, especially considering she knocked him unconscious and tied him up last week.

    One moment I did hate: when Felicity points out that maybe BC is following someone else, not Oliver, because he's not the only one who was in both the DA's office and the Dollmaker's lair last week. Because it's not enough that we know Laurel is the only person who was also in both places, and that the next shot is of Laurel, and that the next scene is CANARY WATCHING LAUREL

  99. InvestedInYourFutureOctober 31, 2013 at 3:25 PM

    Yes, in fact hating a female character for exact same reasons that you do NOT hate male characters for IS sexist. What Laurel is going through is no different from what Oliver or Quentin went through. Yet I don't see fandom raging and insulting those two. So yeah, that's sexist.And no form of censorship will change that.

  100. Laurel became a lawyer due to wanting to help people, Diggle went to the army and Quentin joined the police. If you want to help peopke you do so in a rational way, but to become a masked vigilante, you got to be messed up.

  101. I'd say you have to have suffered and you need a good reason to keep your identity secret. You don't necessarily need to have screwed up and want to make amends. Otherwise, please explain Batman, the Lone Ranger and others. Ok, with them, it started out as a quest for vengeance (or was it justice?). But Batman had no reason to feel guilt for the death of his parents, did he? My point is simply that many roads may lead and have lead to becoming a superhero in popular literature.It doesn't always have to be a guilt trip.

  102. Oliver's guilt over Tommy's death and Laurel's guilt for Tommy's death are the only direct and fair comparison. There has been a fair number of comments about how Oliver should not be going down his non-lethal pity-party road.

    Outside of that comparison which has had comments on both sides, no other comparison between Laurel and Oliver is even remotely fair..

    Laurel's drinking and downward spiral being compared to Quentin's would be fair, but honestly no one has commented on Quentin's because we never saw it! It happened off screen and before the story picked up in Starling City.

    I can only speak for myself, but I hate Oliver's pity party and Laurel's, but scheming to trap the person that rescued her numerous times crossed a line. It is not sexist in any way.

  103. I do not think anyone would argue that Oliver is not a little messed up!
    The boy has issues! XD

    I am not a huge comic book or superhero fan, but every hero I recall has a traumatic event that is part of their origin story. I'm not sure I would call them sob stories, but some are more traumatic than others obviously.

  104. Yes, but these events are often externally caused (ie., the murder of Batman's parents). They don't always stem from guilt caused by one's own screw-ups.

  105. Ohhh, Laurel, I love you so much, but don't ruin that. You have got to STOP being so defensive about everything, it's season one you, now season two you should be more developed and mature and stop blaming people when all they did was care about you. You have got to start looking at the mirror when you need someone to put on the blame.

    And for the Summer Glau's character, I don't even care even a bit. Also, the Canary one, I can do without that.

    Anyways, good episode! I love the team. I love Felicity. I love Diggle. I especially love Ollie. The teamwork between them to solve cases each week is fun to see.

  106. No artist likes others to touch their tools of their trade, but....
    I think life and death changes the equation a little bit.

    If you were being attacked and dropped your bow, would you be okay with your partner picking it up and using it?

    However, I can see grabbing your bow back imediately after the battle and making a snarky comment about not touching your equipment without asking ever again!! XD

    I loved how they played off one another in the fight too! I wonder if it has to do with their similar training? Assuming this prison boat is League of Assassins related.... and the arc lasts long enough impact Oliver.

  107. Going to guess that most of the posters here are on the younger side and don't truly understand the trials and tribulations of life. I am just really tired of people ragging on Laurels character. I think that there are more people out there that can relate to her and the way she has reacted to what has happened in her life, than people that don't. I know I have a sibling who is just like her and around the same age. Most people would act like that if they found out their boyfriend cheated on them. Well... that happened to her, plus her sister 'died', she's been kidnapped more than once, her boyfriend died and she was almost killed. I think her reaction is more than understandable, it's the wrong reaction, yes but a normal reaction for many. Maybe in showing empathy for some 'silly' tv character could help you develop some for those around you. Just a thought :)

  108. That's why she's a joke in every fandom. I wish spoilertv had a block buttom like tumblr does.

  109. Olicity fans didn't realize yet that if they kill Laurel and keep Sara, they'll have to hate her, because she'll be the Black Canary and she'll be with Oliver. Now they are just loving Sara, but give them a few more episodes... They'll be everywhere bashing Sara and Caity Lotz. Hahaha

  110. Or maybe because Laurel is a shitty pointless character and Black Canary is actually awesome? Wrong turn there, chica, I'm an Olicity fan and my dislike of Laurel has nothing to do with the ship. You people seriously need to move past that.

  111. Hahaha yeah, there's nothing to do with the ship. hahahahaha and you really love Sara that much already. Ok. Hahahaha

  112. Hmmm considering I gave up watching the show halfway through episode 2 because I couldn't stand Laurel... But keep being exactly what most Laurel stans are, you're doing great! :)

  113. According to IMDB he is Anatoli Knyazev
    / The Beast. In DC comics, he is an assassin, trained by "The Hammer", a top secret cell of the KGB. In comic lore, he's traditionally a Batman villain.

  114. Don't take things so seriously, girl. It's just a tv show. Take a breath, you don't need to hate so much someone who don't actually exist. I am sure there's lots of bad guys out there who deserve your hate. But yeah, I am the one embarassing myself. ;)

  115. I understand that she is grieving and feels like it is her fault that Tommy died. I even understand (though I think it´s wrong) that she turns to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain.What I have a problem with is that I don´t find her the least bit interesting. I don´t know if it is the writing or the way it´s betrayed, but watching her makes me go... Blaah.

  116. Laurel may be going through the same thing Quentin and Oliver went through (although Tommy was her ex-boyfriend, not her child, and she'd already slept with Oliver, and she wasn't on an island for 5 years), but Paul Blackthorne and Stephen Amell are better actors and better at making their characters sympathetic.

    If Alex Kingston returned and started drinking too much, I'd be all into that plot development.

  117. While Sarah Lance/Black Canary story arc is by far the most interesting on the show - Black Canary is seriously badass and has the best lines - I think the actress that plays her fails to convey any emotions and her pout is boring when not in her BC costume. But as I said, noone cares since her costumed character stands on his own feet.

  118. I'm really enjoying this season and this episode was definitely a high point. I like the actress that was cast as Black canary and I think she and Oliver have great on-screen chemistry (in the non-romantic sense). I liked the fight scene, including the part where they switched weapons. Felicity figuring out that BC was following Laurel was great. I also loved the conversation between Oliver, Felicity and Diggle.

  119. Yes, exactly. I *don't* ship Oliver and Felicity and I haven't been able to stand Laurel from day one. She sticks out on the show like a sore thumb because she's so redundant and irrelevant.

  120. I don't understand why everyone has to suffer a tragedy to become a hero, really, even though the showrunners have been saying that since the beginning. I always thought a logical path for Laurel would pretty much be what Quentin is going through right now: try to battle the criminal and corrupt in Starling in legal ways (in her case, working at the DA's office), realize that the law/system is not effective and gradually embrace vigilantism. When she worked with The Hood on a few occasions last season, it actually seemed like the beginning of something like that, but unfortunately they nipped it in the bud.

  121. And doesn't it seem like she's completely irrelevant? With most other characters, removing them from an episode would change it at least somewhat. In Laurel's case, you could cut out her scenes and everything else would be exactly the same. She adds nothing to the mix. (To be fair, neither does Thea. I guess I don't complain about her as much because she doesn't get as many annoying, self-righteous, hypocritical moments as Laurel does. But during moments like Thea telling her mother that she wishes she had DIED because she thought - thought! - Moira was having an affair with Malcolm, I was ready to strangle her with my bare hands.)

  122. Yeah and she's clearly not ready to face her family yet - he of all people can understand that, having been separated from his for five years. Forcing her to deal with that before she's in a healthy enough place, emotionally, to do it would have been ugly and cruel. I'm glad Oliver isn't being portrayed as the kind of person who would do that.

  123. Right? Laurel/Katie stans just canNOT accept that people don't like Laurel because of Laurel, and not because they're misogynists/sexists/oliciters/bullies/pick your guess. Laurel is a terribly written character and that's it.

  124. And why doesn't she tie her hair back, wear glasses and stuff to make it harder to recognize her? If she's going to be hanging around where there might be people who knew her, she needs to be more careful.

  125. If Isabel is going to a Big Bad, or an important player of any kind really, Summer Glau really needs to start changing her expression from time to time. She's been unbearably wooden so far.

  126. I understand her grieving & coping mechanisms as well. Of course it's more than understandable. However, it has to be kept in perspective. This is a tv show, that although claims to be "rooted in reality", still has people with bows & arrows & bo staffs trying to be saviors of a city. That is not "rooted in reality". Therefore, in the context of the tv show (i.e. in comparison to Sara, Oliver, even Slade), Laurel's journey is not tragic enough to garner sympathy. You have scenes of Laurel drinking excessively and then they cut to Oliver shot in a prison boat stitching himself up and Sara talking about not letting men take advantage of her (paraphrased). It just doesn't fit. Take another character -- Diggle. He was in a war & his brother died, is he on a downward spiral? No. And, although his obsession with avenging his brother's death isn't healthy either, it garners more sympathy than someone who just lets themselves drown in alcohol & drugs to forget their problems. It is tiresome to watch & it's been done before. This isn't enough for her to be considered worthing of BC. But we still have the rest of the season to see her breakdown, so there's still room for her to gain sympathy from the audience.

  127. I like Olicity and I like Sara especially since they recast her.

  128. She's a very boring actress. Very one note.

  129. Yeah . . . I don't read Arrow spoilers either so I was surprised it was Sarah. I must say I had a feeling it was her by her statement to Ollie before removed her mask, but I didn't know before then!

  130. Totally agree with everything you said. Even with them trying to make Laurel seem like she's more integrated this season, it STILL seems like she's on a completely different (boring) show. I've seen people blame the writers, but they don't seem to have a problem writing for anyone else. I liked Cassidy on "Supernatural", so maybe she's just better at playing bad?

    I'm not the biggest Thea fan either, but I also don't feel like she's being forced down my throat the way Laurel is - "ISN'T SHE AWESOME?! LIKE HER NOW!" Also, in my mind, I can blame Thea's more annoying moments on her being a teenager ;)

  131. Loved the episode. Sarah escaping the wreck and meeting with Oliver one year later was a smart move. Thea has not much to do still but somehow she is likeable this season. Laurel's story line still doesn't impress me but it is far better than last season.

    I have a doubt. Its been said in season 1 that Oliver, Laurel and Tommy grew up together and went to the same school. We even saw their high school year book. Oliver and Tommy being billionaires would have gone to private schools right. How could Laurel afford to study in such a school? I cant imagine Oliver and Tommy going to public schools.

  132. Not to mention this was already done with Thea.

  133. Loved it! This show keeps getting better and better. Everytime I finish an episode I feel that it was my favorite yet lol. Obviously it's not possible, but it is a very good sign. I love the overall vibe of the season and I really digging every storyline and character. I was accidentally spoiled that the Black Canary was going to be Sarah but it was still an awesome scene and reveal, very jaw dropping even though it was coming. I thought it was really nice how they had felicity figure out that she was following Laurel. Also, I loved how they twisted the twist. Since we all knew it was going to be Sarah, they made sure there was a subsquent twist which was the fact that Sarah had originally survived and Oliver met her again. That was awesome! The only thing I didn't dig was the Mayor thing. I thought it was very cliched and unrealistic (seriously, no mob guy can show his face like that and expect to walk regardless of how messed up the criminal system works), and the actors was kind of poor too. It did lead to a cool reveal about Blood though. Also, will they use Summer Glau in a bigger capacity? I hope so. I really like also how the island storyline is now tying with present even and with the Sarah reveal, that is great! I really love this show now!

  134. I don't remember that but if it's true I think it's a plothole

  135. I also liked their chemistry! And I thought it was really cool how Felicity figured it out too

  136. I like the actress just fine. I think we haven't seen her fleshed out enough yet anyway, next episode should do a better job with that I am thinking!

  137. I agree with this. I feel that often, when TV characters have realistic actions like Laurel has, which are actions that often don't make sense (but that's the whole point!), people start disliking them. Sure, I love me some super hero character and I love Oliver, but in real life, people are not ought to save the world like that or protect everyone or throw money away. It just doesn't work like that. People have terrible things happening to them, react in a terrible way and have actions that are not logic or aimed to some end goal. It's just the way it is and I am glad we get to see tv characters go through that as well.

  138. I think you will see Laurel going through some great stuff when she learns that Sarah is alive and back. As for the Summer Glau character, I find it weird that her character is just that, I think at some point she will have to be connected to Oliver's other world I think

  139. I agree with mostly all to these! Like I said in my comment, what was so great about the reveal was that they made it a reveal-within-the-reveal by revealing that Sarah had been alive after the accident and that Oliver knew about it but thought she had died then. I thought that was a great twist and spin to the story and a way to give something to people who knew it was Sarah. I also forgot to comment earlier on but I thought Amell was great on that scene with Diggle and Felicity. The Summer Glau character is puzzling. I find it weird that she was hired just for that... I think she will have to be connected with Oliver's main world at some point, don't see how it cannot happen.

  140. I have to disagree. I actually like Laurel so I am not too biased here I would say but I am loving this canary storyline and the fact that it is Sarah. It leads to so much great stuff with Oliver, Lance and Laurel. So many relationships and dynamics are put to a test there. Not to mention great island storylines tying up with what is going on present time. As for Laurel, I think she will get a chance to be developed greatly as soon as she learns that Sarah is back, let's wait for that.

  141. I agree, this season is kicking major ass!

  142. I wouldn't say that I "ship" the but I am really digging their scenes too, I think it's because of how much baggage there is there

  143. I agree with you on the Laurel characters, they are just showing her spiraling on a very realistic and compelling way, I like it.

  144. I disagree, I think she is getting very interesting because it is very realistic how much she is spiraling. Plus, the inevitable explosion when she finds out Sarah is alive will lead to a very interesting reaction on her part.

  145. Stephen really impressed me in that scene, I think it was one of his best scenes on the show yet. As for best episode of the season, I always say that after I finish one episode this year, so I don't think I have much credibility anymore ahah

  146. I can't wait for Oliver to find out the truth about him

  147. Yeah I didn't eve comment on the swap weapons scene, it was awesome! And I agree, I love wednesdays tv shows wise!

  148. And the best part is that it will only get better when the others learn that Sarah is alive too! Can't wait for the reveal!

  149. I agree, Laurel's breakdown is very realistic!

  150. I agree, I am sure it's just a matter of time. I really like the Roy character, so I am all for it!

  151. It looked like that, yes, but I am sure it will be further expanded.

  152. I agree, it will be so dramatic.

  153. I agree with all of this ahah, love this show!

  154. I agree, this season is mind blowing, they are doing an excellent job living up to that incredible season 1 finale!

  155. I agree. It was a twist within the twist that made it awesome for those of us we knew it already.

  156. i LOVE Sarah......i hope we get to see her back story.
    i also hope that they don't kill her off so laurel can become the black canary.
    first of all, laurel isn't physically fit t a BC. I know that she knows martial arts but it wud take years of rigorous training that both Oliver and Sarah endured before she can actually fight at their level.
    secondly, i am not a fan f laurel. i have nothing against the actress but i just don't think that the character is written nicely. she is always acting holier than thou. the truth is that its not her faults that make me hate her, its that the writer make all the other characters ignore it. i mean when Oliver acts like an ass, he is called out on it. but with laurel we are just suppose to say....she is going through a hard time and we should not judge her.we are just suppose to love her.
    i don't want to offend anyone who like laurel......everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
    P.S: I LOVE felicity.....but lets face it; who doesn't :P

  157. i LOVE Sarah......i hope we get to see her back story.
    i also hope that they don't kill her off so laurel can become the black canary.
    first of all, laurel isn't physically fit to become BC. I know that she knows martial arts but it wud take years of rigorous training that both Oliver and Sarah endured before she can actually fight at their level.
    secondly, i am not a fan of laurel. i have nothing against the actress but i just don't think that the character is written nicely. she is always acting holier than thou. the truth is that its not her faults that make me hate her, its that the writer make all the other characters ignore it. i mean when Oliver acts like an ass, he is called out on it. but with laurel we are just suppose to say....she is going through a hard time and we should not judge her.we are just suppose to love her.
    i don't want to offend anyone who likes laurel......everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
    P.S: I LOVE felicity.....but lets face it; who doesn't :P

  158. I agree, you don't have to suffer a tragedy to become a hero. I would have also liked Laurel to become BC through her work as a lawyer and how it isn't enough to help people so she resorts to becoming BC. But the writers don't seem game for that, I don't know why though. It would have made her more appealing as a character. I don't know what the writers' logic is with her drinking and how that leads into her becoming BC (assuming thats what they're still planning). They're intent on making her look like she's going through a tragedy and her life is depressing, etc. But are they forgetting that the rest of the heroes on the show have been through worse?

  159. Yes, it is realistic. I just can´t seem to care. Not sure why?

    Yes, that will be interesting!

  160. Yes, this!!! Thank you for putting the finger on it.

  161. To each his own, I understand that you don't care. For me, I appreciate those scenes!

  162. Laurel's parent could've saved money to pay for her education, and she could have been on scholarship too.

  163. yep hope he stop him before he decide to run for mayor of SC with a secret army at his diposal.......would be harder to stop a elected official when he has both an army and the police force

  164. oh that was a dead giveaway! Once she said Ollie, that just confirmed it. For me though, i had a hunch in the second episode and ran with it. lol

  165. True that. Think how boring the world would be if we all though the same? Take care

  166. Yep. But I had a feeling it was her when she said he wouldn't like what he saw if he removed her mask. I was like, "Oh, it's Laurel's sister!" I was all proud of myself. Haha! Seems like I was a little slow when it came to her identity. LOL :-)

  167. Lol, hey u still got it before her identity was TRULY revealed. So that's something. Stay proud. : )

  168. For me it's not that I believe Laurel *had* to suffer a tragedy to become interesting. For me the problem has always been that her character has been so perfect as to be boring. When we met her she'd healthily survived the grieving process following her sister's loss. She forgave Oliver for his transgressions with regard to that loss. She had a good healthy relationship with Tommy. All of this make great real people (though most real people aren't quite so completely and overall well adjusted.) but they make boring regular second tier characters in a TV show.

    Putting the character in a position where she took one too many emotional hits gives her an internal struggle and how she handles that struggle is infinitely more interesting story for me.

    As to your specific question...'becoming a costumed hero' (as opposed to the every day heros the world is populated with; firemen, teachers, police officers, etc.) is an act outside of the cultural norm. The cultural norm, for someone who wants to stop crime, a person becomes a police officer. For someone to stop out of that; to consider becoming a masked hero or vigilante, a catalyst is needed. That catalyst is usually a tragedy that leaves the person feeling that, for this example, the cops couldn't handle the situation because of their rules. But if there'd been someone who wasn't constrained by those rules, that tragedy could have been avoided. And it's that thought that results in a person becoming a "hero." (I use the quotes because I'm speaking more toward the 'masked' comic book type of heros.)

  169. I liked Katie on SPN too. And she did play the "bad girl" type on Gossip Girl and Melrose Place as well, so I guess playing a white hat is new territory for her and she's still struggling with it.

    I definitely blame the writers too, though. Laurel is the most generic blandly perfect, love interest for the hero type of character. TV is full of such women and they're all boring.

  170. Yes, Summer Glau's is wasted on a useless role. And I really really really hope that you're right about Laurel. I hope there is a good character development for her where we could fall back in lover with her.

  171. So Laurel is an addict now! Just when I thought the writers can't make her character any worse. Loved the Felicity scenes of course :) also the Sarah\Oliver scenes. AWESOME EPISODE.

  172. Back In Black Tricksteress 95November 4, 2013 at 12:41 PM

    Awesome it was a fantastic episode.
    I was surprise for Sarah, I had only thought she may have survived like only one or two times but didn't realized that she did and but for her to be a vigilante is quite a good storyline. I am excited to see everything unfolds.
    I feel for Laurel, I hope Oliver can help her. It was nice for Quentin to have that trust in Oliver. When she knows about Oliver's identity and/or her sister we will see other sides to Laurel. I hope she will overcome her grief there's alot more we can see of her.
    When Sebastian started saying how he wanted to help the city I knew he was doing things behind doors, he was alittle bit undisguisable. I thought he was slightly annoying but I thought he was just being a good civillian until now. Intersting how this is going to lead with Oliver...
    This is a really great episode :)

  173. The point Carol is trying to make is that you Olicity fans will still hate any threat to your ship nomatter what, how good the actress or character is. Laurel is the number one obstacle to your ship obviously so you hate her, she is your immediate concern right now and you will support whoever can be a replacement of her, then you will move on to that next person. Even if you hate her for other reasons, lets face it you wouldnt waste so much invested time and energy hating on her if she was just another character, who wasnt in the way of your ship.

    We are all really tired of all your BS seriously, you hypocrisy and your double standards just reeks. They are so many other characters too who need better writing maybe even more so, duh even your own Felicity sure does, but you don't pick on them or criticise, its always Laurel. And then you say its not about your ship, please, we were not born yesterday. Nothing you do is is new or of any surprise to us, knew you would act this way way before you even knew there was a thing called Felicity Smoak.

  174. You must not have been watching the show if you think that she had a "good healthy relationship with Tommy". It wasnt a healthy relationship at all, it was one sided and Tommy was really selfish in the relationship, as well as jealous and insecure. He failed to support laurel when he needed her the most but she was always on his side nomatter what. And again Laurel's life was not at all perfect, charmed whatever some people are pulling out of their asses. She was a lawyer at a small firm which was likely short stuffed and running out of funds, she had to work long hours in a dangerous part of town. She had to work hard to get her qualifications during a time where her parents were divorced, her family broken up and lost two close people in her life.

  175. You could cut out Felicity and nothing would change in the show. Lets remember the show started without Felicity and did great in viewership without her, she was an afterthought.

  176. I didn't say the ratings would decline without Felicity. However, plot-wise, she is relevant. She's a key member in Oliver's team, given her hacking expertise and intelligence. Moreover, she's put herself in the line of fire more than once to help out (Dodger, The Undertaking - I think that was the casino episode, Broken Dolls). She helped Diggle bring Oliver back from the island. And so on. Point is, she does stuff that's important to the plot. Whereas Laurel is completely disconnected from everything that's going on, her presence adds nothing. Make her a heroine, a villain, a frenemy, whatever - just make her RELEVANT. At the moment, she isn't.

  177. I'm focusing more in terms of conflict in a fiction arena. My point being that Laurel's first season was not filled with story that made her a particularly intriguing character.

    Becoming a lawyer happened and was finished before the story started. The break up of her family happened BEFORE the show started. The character was clearly happy with everything about her job (I don't mean that the job was perfect but that it was not a source of stress.) That job was what she wanted to do and was NOT a source of unhappiness. The stress she got from the job was a stress that fulfilled her. Watch the scenes where she's talking about challenges with the cases. She's smiling. This is what she became a lawyer to do. As for the location of her office... she never exhibited issues with the location. It was where she needed to be to accomplish her goals as a lawyer. She wasn't afraid. Re-watch the scenes where she's walking Thea trough the glades. She's not stressed or scared. She's confident and smiling. When Thea's purse is stolen her reaction is not 'I'll never come down here again.' It's pratical.

    Her relationship with Tommy was never high drama. (BTW by healthy relationship with Tommy, I mean that, with the exception of his dumping her for reasons he never explained to her, (which happened in the last 4 episodes of the season) all of their issues were handled by talking to each other and working them out. Healthy relationships are not perfect. They re relationships where the partners grow together and workout their issues together. And for the most part this is what they did...which does not make for the most interesting story telling.

    Which is why seeing her begin to crack under the pressure is far more interesting to me than the entire first season. She's a second tier character. she should be more compelling.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.