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Once Upon a Time - Episode 3.04 - Nasty Habits - Promotional Photos

14 Oct 2013

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  1. Tinkerbell is a good addition to the gang so far. I wonder what she's getting in to it with Emma about?

  2. I like Tink - but i want to see more of her
    Rooting for Emma-Hook
    Charming has to live, i need someone to help him heal,
    Charming-Hook bromance is cool
    Regina-Robin, look forward to that

  3. Mysterious figure is a reference to the legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

  4. Death becomes him.

  5. OUAT's casting and character profiles routinely differ a great deal from the traditional descriptions of these fairy tale characters so I've learned not to have specific expectations of age, looks, personality, etc when they introduce new people.

  6. Looks like Rumpel help Balfire/Neal escape from Neverland. If thats the case why didn't he go with his son?

  7. So Rumple did find Baelfire but he didn't want to leave Neverland with his father. That's interesting, because even when he escaped and hates Peter Pan I bet Neverland will influence on his actions, he is still a lost boy and he will die being a lost boy. I can see Henry having a lot of parallels with his father.

  8. Pffft rumple centric and not one decent pic of him. Who are these people they promote in every episode so sick of them

  9. the truest believer15 October 2013 at 22:48

    looks like peter is in the story of pied piper

  10. JustKeepSwimming16 October 2013 at 06:37

    Love how Charming flashed Hook his nipple this past episode x)

  11. Somehow I started to think this Peter Pan was originally the Pied Piper.

  12. totallyaddicted058 April 2014 at 06:12

    Charming looks good this season!

  13. totallyaddicted058 April 2014 at 06:12

    Don't you think that actress who is playing Tinkerbell is older than you'd think Tink to be.

  14. I'll be surprised if this takes place in Neverland. Because Bae found his way there after the portal dropped him in London. So I suspect this takes place in FTL and Peter Pan comes after boys there to lure them in and take them back to Neverland.


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