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Hart of Dixie - Episode 3.02 - Friends in Low Places - CHCH Promo

14 Oct 2013

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  1. zoe's preggers for waderss

  2. that's why shes back in bluebell.... wade doesn't no how he feels about this news so he blanks zoe but when zoes new boy friend offers to take care of her and the baby zoe cant refuse and moves back to newyork

  3. wade realises he still has feelings for zoe so he goes to newyork to confess his love but George already beat him to it so zoe is then left pregnant and wondering what to do she goes to her now ex boyfriend and asks his advice he reretells her she needs to move on from bluebell and become a single mother he belives its the best thing for her and her baby and zoe belives she needs to get away from the stess of wade and George and her confused feelings so gets her own apartment for her and the baby ad tells both wade and George that she has no idea what will happen between her and either of them but for right now I need to look after myself and this baby before I decide anything

  4. ...sounds like really bad fanfiction.

  5. Simply, awful and stupid


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