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Doctor Who - The Day of the Doctor - New Photos

12 Oct 2013

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Here are some photos that will be in the next issue of SFX. Click the thumbnails for larger versions.

Source: Cult Box


  1. Nice to have confirmation that Hurt Doctor does indeed have a red sonic :D

  2. This is amazing! I can't wait!!!

  3. I can't express how happy I am to see David back in the Tardis. And with Matt! And John Hurt!
    I need the trailer, asap!

  4. Don't hold your breath, we're still 6 weeks away from TX, lol.

  5. I can wait, just get me some HQ ones!>

  6. This is getting ridiculous. How are these out of context and pointless photos supposed to excite me? If Moffat believes that his writing hasn't degraded in last couple of years and his bunch of nonsense is actually worth the wait... well, he's surely a lucky believer.


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