Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Castle - Episode 6.05 - Time Will Tell - Promo

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Castle - Episode 6.05 - Time Will Tell - Promo

15 Oct 2013

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  1. This is gonna be classic Richard Castle, all in his element it looks like we're going to be in for another great episode, I can't wait to see Joshua Gomez and see what's up his sleeve!!

  2. Great to see Joshua Gomez back on TV!

  3. I loved seeing Morgan from Chuck on TV again. I loved this idea.

  4. Just one brilliant episode after another, this season, and 6x05 looks like one more.

    And was it just wishful thinking, or did Castle just subtly give a nod to Inspector Spacetime?

  5. "Not where, when..." oh, Castle, hahaha.

  6. But wait is this means Chuck and Sarah along with Casey will save Morgan one last time lol

  7. That would be funny!

  8. Ya.

    "Next Monday Chuck and his team go and try to save?? Morgan!! but first they must team up with Castle and Becket in order to save him" lol

  9. That would be an interesting crossover.

  10. sadly it cant happen :(

  11. Why not? the series had ended the actors might be available get permission and viola crossover.

  12. Adam Baldwin has guest starred and now Joshua Gomez will. Now we need Chuck and Sarah lol

  13. I don't remember the episode, but General Beckmann guest starred as a Nun, a cpl seasons back:)


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