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Being Human - Episode 4.01 - Old Dog, New Tricks - Spoilers From the First 8 Minutes

8 Oct 2013

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I saw a rough cut of the first 8 minutes of season 4 at the Syfy Press tour yesterday. Here a couple of teasers for you

- The season begin 3 months after last year finale
- Sally and Donna are at the Spa but there’s a twist
- Aiden and Nora are spending a lot of time together
- Josh hasn’t been himself lately

You want to know more? I will post a video of the Montreal Panel later today or tomorrow. I’m currently working on the video file. The cast shared a lot of spoilers


  1. Thanks, looking forward to the videos.

  2. sounds good!!! I'm glad Aiden and Nora are bonding, I'm very curious to know what's going on with Sally...I wonder what's up with Josh must be because his a wolf again

  3. hmmm no videos yet... :(

  4. Really??? Ughhh, I was so hoping they wouldn't do the time jump!! That's very irritating, they better have flashbacks of what happened. I mean I want EVERY single detail!!


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