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Beauty and the Beast - 2.02 - Kidnapped - Best Scene Poll

15 Oct 2013

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You can pick up to 3 choices


  1. How about when Cat shows up at the club and the moment she walks in the door, Vincent feels and hears her heart beat. If that's not connected and destined to be.. I don't know what is.

  2. it might be not the best but I found it very funny, when Vincent Drags Cat's chair towards him, I loved Cat's expression.

  3. Complete Stranger15 October 2013 at 07:09

    Yes, Vincent pulling Catherine's chair closer was my favorite scene, too. (maybe not the best, but certainly the hottest!)

  4. love scene VinCat

  5. Voted for JT and Tess talk in the bar which I found both heartwarming and funny.Poor JT is lost without his best friend.Waiting til V starts getting memories back before I vote for any make out scenes.Agree about the chair pulling though very intense n hot moment. #BatB

  6. Definitely the whole kidnap sequence and making out ~ all my VinCat feels!!!!

  7. OH My God i was about to say the same thing. It was funny yet Romantic. Best scene of the episode for me.


  9. Wilma Gelderblom15 October 2013 at 13:33

    Love scene VIncent & Catherine, him pulling the chair out, JT & Tess connecting

  10. Hey Beasties, this week was also very hard for me to pick. I'm so in love with dark side!Vincent and Jay Ryan is killing it on that front while also giving us tiny pauses for hope and glimpses of the old Vincent, The VinCat scenes were all manners of HAWT! But the heart to to heart between JT and Tess is what really did it for me. I was OK with Vincent not remembering Cat. But JT? The guy who has done everything for Vincent? And in the last episode you can actually see his heart break a little bit. He can't really talk to Cat about that so I'm glad he now has Tess. But friends only! Tess is reserved for Gabe.

  11. When cat walk into the bar and Vincent knows she there. Also Vincent pulls the Cat chair towards him was cute.

  12. In the last scene, when Vincent showed up on the roof, which led him to practically shoving Catherine off, (poor Cat, shame on you Vincent) well that was really good acting. I love them being together.
    However, this scene, wow, set my adrenaline rushing because what he did was obviously nothing to be proud of. What , the love of her life? He's a completely different person! Deep down he really doesn't want to hurt her at all. So this left him feeling ashamed in a way, and therefore, disappeared instantly! We still love you Vincent!

  13. I loved pretty much all the scenes you've all described! It was a pretty perfect episode! Especially EVERYTHING that happened on that boat! Can I just give an honorable mention to Gabe. He really won me over in this one. He was downright funny! He & Tess on the phone with Cat trying to tail Vincent & the comment he said to Cat "how is that lucky" that they were losing jurisdiction." They're suppose to be a team! LOL! Then when he shows up to rescue Cat, that was so funny! And when he & Cat arrive at the club together him saying he use to be cool in his former life & how it would be easy to kill someone there because you couldn't hear yourself think! That about had me rolling on the floor! I like how he's really trying hard to prove himself & earn everyone's trust & to try to protect Catherine. The scene at the end was tough to watch. You could tell he was just as freaked out as we & Catherine all were! Hopefully he will start to try to make a real effort to get closer to her versus the other way around.

  14. Chair moment, oooooooooooohhhhh!

  15. The scene with V, pulling Cats chair was unexpected and hot at the same time, I'm not happy with the way he's treating Cat but we know that's not V, he's really a terrific actor cause he makes this new Beast as a total differen character, I'm looking forward to see him redeem himself, we know she's gonna forgive him cause I sure do!!!


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