Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon American Horror Story - 3.02 - Boy Parts - Review

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American Horror Story - 3.02 - Boy Parts - Review

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I didn't think it was possible...but I sincerely loved the second episode of Coven even more than I did the premiere episode. Ryan and company never fail to disappoint me. The way he mixes real historical events with his own world of horror is, in my opinion, genius. I'm loving that this season is so dark, yet at the same time has such lightful humorous moments. I can already see why Ryan loves this season so much.

"Boy Parts" begins with two men checking on their gator traps, to find themselves very successful with the days catch. Just as they're bringing the boat back onto land, they see a woman at their site. The woman is Misty, the missing girl who was thought to be burned at the stake. She looks over the gators, strung up from tree branches. She tells the men what they've done is wrong and won't be forgiven. With Stevie Nicks' 'Edge of Seventeen' playin in the background, she starts toward them asking why they'd do this to one of God's creatures. She then calls upon her power of resurgance to bring the gators back from the brink. One snaps to and latches on to one of the mens arms. The other man tries to run away, but another gator clamps down around his entire head and drags him into the swamp and under the water.

At the Robichaux Academy, Cordelia is trying to get the girls up and ready for their morning gathering. Madison and Zoe have a brief discussion about Kyle as they're getting ready. Zoe is defending Kyle, saying he wasn't like his fraternity brothers and Madison is convinced he would have taken a turn if he had the chance. She then apologizes to Zoe, but states that with her gift, he was on borrowed time at any rate.

Cordelia is insistently knocking at Fiona's door, because she would like for her to attend the morning gathering with the girls. Fiona only allows the door open slightly, as she's hiding LaLaurie in her room. Fiona tells Cordelia she'll be down in a moment and shuts the door in her face. She then turns to Delphine, who is tied to a chair and is gagged. Fiona ungags her and she immediately screams for help. Fiona slaps her across the face and tells her to shut up. She then begins to question LaLaurie as to how she's still alive after all this time. Fiona's cell phone rings and LaLaurie begins to cry out again, prompting Fiona to gag her again. She's told to stay put and that they'll continue their conversation after the girls meeting.

In a flashback to 2012 in Detroit, we get a glimpse into Queenie's life before she was brought to the academy. Queenie is working at a fried chicken restaraunt. A patron is arguing that he did not get the amount of chicken that he was supposed to. Queenie tells him that he's wrong because she packed his order herself. The customer says that she must have gotten poor grades in math and she immediately goes into rattling off all the math courses that she's aced. He tells her that all he wants is an extra piece of chicken and he'll be on his way. She tells him she knows he's only looking for a freebie. He then says he wants to speak with the manager and calls her stupid and a fat ass. Queenie is immediately enraged. She tells the man she is the manager and then dunks her own hand into the boiling grease. We're back in the present and see that Queenie was telling the girls at Robichaux's of how Cordelia found her. Queenie goes on to say that she is a decendant of Tituba, an African house slave who is known as the first black woman to be accused of witchcraft. Madison makes a snide remark and Queenie is about to start a fight when Spalding appears with two men in suits.

The two men are homicide detectives coming to question Zoe and Madison about the frat boys death. The girls do their best to throw the detectives off their scent, but one asks why Zoe visited the survivor in the hospital. The detectives inform them that the boy died after she left and that they're aware of Zoe's now deceased boyfriend, who had died in the same manner as the frat boy Zoe visited. Zoe begins to crumble and confess, telling the detectives that the boys gang raped Madison and that they got what they deserved. Madison acts like she has no idea what Zoe is talking about that she's lost her mind. Zoe confesses that they're all witches and Cordelia begins damage control by saying that the girl has had some kind of mental break. As Zoe continues to panic, Fiona appears saying that no one is going get in any trouble.

Fiona tells the girls to leave and when asked if she is in charge, Fiona replies that she's in charge everywhere. The detectives tell her that they're going to need to take the girls down to the station for questioning. While the detectives are saying that they'll do their best to keep everything quiet, Fiona pours them a glass of water, spitting into each glass. She tells them to have a drink, looking them directly in the eyes. Cordelia tells her mother not to, but the first detective drinks without a word. The second is trying to refuse but Fiona has a hold on him. He begins to shake and sputter as she intesifies her hold, telling him to just drink because she can turn his brains to scrambled eggs, but she doesn't want to have to break a sweat. Cordelia tries to interject again, but Fiona threatens to spit into a third glass and continues to pressure the second detective. Finally after a moment, he accepts the glass and drinks. She tells the men to turn over any information they have on the girls and to never speak of it again and the men nod and agree.

Madison and Zoe are in their room arguing about the events that have just unfolded. Madison can't believe that Zoe spilled and tries to calm her down by saying they didn't touch the bus, so they can't prove that they did anything to cause the incident. Madison demands to know what Zoe did to the frat boy in the hospital when Fiona bursts through their door. She waves her hand and throws both the girls into the wall and down to the floor. She tells the girls that when strangers come to question their actions, they are to stand together. She calls Zoe soft and emotional and tells her that if there is one thing they need to learn while they are there, it's that even the weakest among themselves will always be better than the humans with no gifts. She tells the girls that in this entire world, the only thing that they need to fear, is her.

Madison drives Zoe to the local morgue, and tells her that she was supposed to play a cat burglar, but due to lack of funding it never went through, but not before she actually learned how to break into a building. She then proceedes to show Zoe by jimmying the lock open. She shoves Zoe inside and follows behind her. When Zoe asks what they're doing there, Madison replies by saying she's going to pay Zoe back. She tells Zoe that she knows how she tried to help her with the frat boys at the party. She pulls out a ressurection spell, stolen from Cordelia and says that they're going to bring Zoe's boyfriend back to life. Madison finds where the boys body parts are being kept. Madison opens a body bag to reveal Kyle's head. Zoe freaks out trying to understand what Madison plans on doing. Madison then cuts to the point, telling Zoe that they're going to take the best boy parts and attatch them to Kyle's head, making the perfect boyfriend and then bring him back from the dead.

Meanwhile, Cordelia is at her doctors office with her husband, Hank. They have been trying to have a baby for quite some time now, over a year. Cordelia has been taking fertility drugs and she's convinced they must be working as she's been feeling really badly from them. The doctor tells them that the drugs are not garaunteed to help. He says they'll send her blood off to the lab and they can consider other options, such as in vitro fertilization. Hank asks for a moment alone with Cordelia. After the doctor has left, he tells her that he's willing to support her in any decision she makes, but he can't understand why she won't just use magic to fix the situation. She tells him that if she just uses magic to fix everything, she'll be no better than her mother. Cordelia tells her husband that he doesn't know what he's asking of her and that their magic is dark and is about life or death. She tells him she won't play God to which he counters that she's just going to let the doctor play God then.

Back at Robichaux's, Fiona brings LaLaurie a plate of fried chicken, saying she must feel famished after being in that hole for 180 years. Then she ponders that LaLaurie might not even need to eat, being immortal. Fiona ungags the sadist sitting before her and once the gag is removed, she asks her to repeat how long she's been in the ground. After Fiona repeats 180 years, Delphine mutters, "That bitch." Fiona asks who it was that did this to her, and LaLaurie says that she was tricked by the black devil. We see again Laveau giving Delphine the 'love potion' and her falling to the floor, but this time we see her waking up still in her home. We hear Marie call for her to show her face. LaLaurie goes outside to find Laveau backed by a group of slaves. Delphine starts preaching how Laveau and her herde don't scare her and how her paltry attempt at poisoning her didn't work. She then makes a horrifying racial slur, that while I somewhat expected to appear this season, I never really thought they'd go there.

Laveau tells Delphine that if she had wanted her dead, she would be. LaLaurie asks what she has done with her family and demands them be returned to her. Laveau says that they never left and points upward. To her horror, Laveau has hung each and every one of Delphine's family members. Laveau then reveals that what Delphine had drank was immortality. On Marie's command the mob takes Delphine to a large wooden box, she's bound and gagged and shoved into the box and we know she is then buried alive.

At the morgue, the girls are piecing together their perfect boyfriend and sewing the pieces together. They begin to prepare for the ritual, dimming the lights, lighting candles, snipping a piece of his hair. They inhale some sort of smoke and after a moment the girls begin to scream. Madison slices Zoe's hand and begins the ritual, chanting and drawing in blood on the chest. Madison continues chanting in Latin while Zoe looks scared and confused and suddenly Madison goes quiet. She lifts Kyle's arm and lets it drop with a loud thud. Madison gathers her things and starts to leave. Zoe begins to follow, but says she needs to find her phone. Outside at the car, Madison lights a joint, but quickly throws it on the ground when a car pulls into the morgue lot. She hops in her car and drives off away without Zoe. Zoe goes to Kyle and apologizes to him and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. We see Misty for a moment, walking through some woods, and then Zoe is pulling away from the kiss when she hears the door opens. Zoe quickly hides, but makes noise as the morgue employee enters. He tries to turn ont he lights with no luck. Pulling out a flashlight, he goes further in and finds Kyle's mutilated body and sees Zoe hiding. He asks what she's doing there and Kyle rises up behind him. Kyle grabs the man and begins beating him to death. Zoe grabs his arm and tells him to stop and he does. During this Misty is shown again and it appears that she can sense what is going on at the morgue.

Fiona is at an urban beauty shoppe in an area that Fiona, let alone any caucasian person, typically wouln't visit. Fiona is being rude to the hair dresser and goes to light a cigarette when she's told she can't smoke in the shoppe. Another stylist makes a remark about Fiona's hair and turns on the stereo. Fiona looks unimpressed at the music thats playing and then suddenly music stops when Marie Laveau steps into the salon. She tells her girls they can go home and she'lll finish Fiona herself.

Nan is attempting to read a book, but Delphine's thoughts are disrupting her. She says for it to stop and she doesn't like it. Queenie appears and asks if she's ok and she says that there's too much noise. Nan goes to Fiona's room and tells Delphine she's being too loud and it's bothering her. Nan unties her and tells her to just get out. LaLaurie doesn't even have to think about it before she takes off the gag and starts off out of the room. She then runs into Queenie who is in shock at the smell of her, so she tells her to get out of her way and calls her a slave. Queenie turns to ask Nan who the woman even is, and in that moment, LaLaurie strikes Queenie over the head with a candle stick. Queenie drops to the floor and Delphine is gone.

At Marie's salon, Fiona is trying to get information from her, but Marie knows that Fiona is there for a reason. Marie tells Fiona that she knows exactly who she is and what she's capable of, just like Marie knows that Fiona is a witch. Fiona says that she didn't expect Laveau to like her as their people have been after eachother for centuries, comparing it to a hammer going after a nail. Marie states that everything that Fiona's kind has gotten, has gotten it from Marie's kind. Fiona recalls the tale of Tituba, the voodoo slave girl with black magic. Fiona scoffs that Tituba couldn't tell the difference between spells and recipes if she had to read them. Marie angrilly says that Fiona's kind made her a slave but before that she was from the Arawak tribe and learned the secrets of the other side from a 2000 year old line of Shamaans. Fiona is quick to reject the idea that her witchcraft was a gift from a slave girl. Finally Fiona confesses that she's after immortality. Marie laughs in disblief and jokes that the hammer now wants the nails magic. Fiona tells Marie that she's going to give it to her because she has something that Laveau wants. Marie tells Fiona that she wouldn't ever give her more than a headache and calls for her gaurds to get Fiona out. Fiona then with an intense look sets a set of wigs on fire telekinetically. She orders them to then put it out. Fiona gets up and says that she doesn't like the hair style but she'll be in touch. She leaves but not before insulting Laveau, telling her that maybe in another century she can have two pathetic salons.

Cordelia, meanwhile, has decided to take her husbands suggestion of using magic to aid them in conception. Dressed in black, they begin a dark fertility ritual that includes them being in a circle of black powder and round objects. They sit in front of eachother and take turns stabbing the other on the finger. They smear the blood on and in anothers mouths and then they begin to passionately make love. Things intensify, as the circle of powder around them bursts into flames and the eggs break open, releasing numerous snakes. They continue having sex as the snakes crawl all over them, wrapping themselves all around Cordelia and Hank and we see that Cordelia's eyes have gone black. Then suddenly it's as if none of those events took place besides the sex. The powder is unburnt and the eggs are back intact.

Zoe has gotten Kyle dressed in the morgue employee's clothes and is helping him out of the morgue. Once down the stairs in the front of the building, Kyle collapes to the ground. Zoe fishes the keys out of the pockets and they take the mans car. While she's driving, Kyle is grunting and banging around. She finally tells him that he died and what her and Madison have done. He starts thrashing around the passenger seat violently and Zoe begs him to stop. The car jerks around for a moment and he stops. Zoe begins to say how maybe it would've been better if he stayed dead but she had to try. Suddenly Misty appears in the back seat. She says , "I forgive you" to Zoe, scaring her and causing her to scream and swerve. Misty says to her, that she's drawn her out here, now turn around and make a right.

The next scene shows us a cabin in a swampy area, with Fleetwood Mac's 'Rihannon' playing. Zoe asks if Misty thinks that the paste she's rubbing onto Kyle's wounds is going to help. She says she know it will because the paste is the shit, literally. Misty tells Zoe that the swamps are full of spanish moss and alligator dung and how they have amazing healing properties. She remarks how it healed and saved her after she was burned alive. Zoe then realized that she's the missing girl who had the gift of resurgance. Misty smiles and says that they have so much to teach eachother. Misty says how she always knew there were others of her kind but she never knew how to contact them. She tells Zoe that she was meditating when she felt something calling to her. She says that even though she didn't know what it was calling her, she had to follow. Misty tells Zoe that it was her magic that brought her to them and how grateful she is that she's not alone.

Misty sits down on the bed and turns the volume on the stereo up, singing along to the song. Zoe asks who's singing the song and Misty gets very excited and tells her it's by Fleetwood Mac and how Stevie Nicks is her hero. Zoe only recognizes Stevie from American Idol, but Misty refers to her as 'the white witch.' Misty says that before Zoe, Stevie is the only other witch she's known. When Zoe asks if Stevie is actually a witch, Misty tells her to listen to the lyrics. She gets quiet for a moment so Zoe can listen to a few lyrics, but then says that this song was Stevie's anthem and asks Zoe if it penetrates her soul like it does Misty's. Zoe says yeah totally and then realized that it's gotten to be late and should head back to the school. Zoe wonders out loud where she can take Kyle, and Misty immediately offers to let him stay there with her and she'll heal him. She says that when she comes back Kyle will be good as new. Misty asks if Zoe will really come back and Kyle is holding on to Zoe as she looks down at him, clearly suffering.

There's a quick scene at Marie's where she goes into a room and pours herself a drink. She says out loud, "You ain't never gonna believe who's back" and we see her through a set of legs and hear grunting. She finishes off the drink and says they have business to attend to. She unshackles the minotaur that LaLaurie had made out of Marie's lover.

Fiona finds Delphine sitting in front of her former mansion. Delphine in unhappy that they've turned her home into a historical site, and defaced it with a plaque. Fiona tells her that she's not remembered fondly but it's better than not being remembered at all. After a brief exchange between the women, Delphine asks Fiona if she's a witch. She tells Fiona she hoped she is because then maybe she can find some way to end her life. Fiona tells LaLaurie she may kill her one day, but not just yet. Fiona tells Delphine that if she runs away again, it's back in the box. Delphine understands and Fiona then says, "Let's go home."

In my opinion, another brilliant episode of AHS from Ryan and his amazing crew. 'Boy Parts' was put together well, and I'm loving the sound effects and music this season. The episode was action packed and full of information and entertainment, as well as the usual shocking moments that you can expect from AHS. The women of Coven are all incredible actresses and play off eachother so well. The third season has been amazing so far and all I can really say is, can it be next Wednesday yet?

Kelly Ann
I am a reviewer for SpoilerTV, reviewing True Blood and American Horror Story. I also enjoy Grey's Anatomy. I also run and or contribute to several True Blood accounts across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.

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