Unthinkable, a drama series project based on the BOOM! Studios comic book series created and written by Mark Sable and drawn by Julian Totino Tedesco, has received a put pilot commitment by Fox as the network continues to be aggressive this buying season. Unthinkable hails from Homeland and 24 executive producer Howard Gordon and writer Ben Queen (Cars 2). Written by Queen, Unthinkable feels a little bit like Castle set at the FBI. It tells the story of the unlikely pairing of a by-the-book FBI agent and a washed-up screenwriter who team up to stop a plot to attack the U.S. that the screenwriter and others concocted in a government-sponsored think tank years earlier. 20th Century Fox TV and Gordon’s studio-based Teakwood Lane will produce, with Gordon and Teakwood’s Hugh Fitzpatrick executive producing alongside Queen and Boom! Studios founder and CEO Ross Richie and manager Peter A. Golden.
Source: deadline
Source: deadline
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