Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revenge - Episode 3.01 - Fear - Sneak Peek

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Revenge - Episode 3.01 - Fear - Sneak Peek

23 Sept 2013

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Thanks to Samy for the heads up.


  1. This is my everything.

  2. Michael Pantoustier23 September 2013 at 21:37


  3. #RipCoryMonteith♥23 September 2013 at 21:53

    I hope that the one who shot Emily is not Jack,Nolan or aiden

  4. I have this dreadful feeling that it's Daniel. ;]

  5. InvestedInYourFuture23 September 2013 at 22:31

    Okay I am almost 99% sure that its Aiden who shoots her, that being mid-season hiatus. Then for the next half of the season, Ems mysteriously returns after month(or however long the hiatus lasted) with new revengenda in her mind.

  6. Is there any chance this is a dream?
    I'd like to think Revenge wouldn't go that way, but...

  7. Really? I'm leaning more towards Aiden... but Daniel is a close second.

  8. Not long now, I cant wait!!! 2nd only to Castle in how much I'm looking forward to this returning.

  9. It's Charlotte, the shot comes from a person who is shorter than her and with little skill in shooting. Daniel knows shoot.

  10. Why would Aiden shoot Ems belly if he can shoot perfectly in her head?

  11. One can only hope...

  12. There you go people....BLOOD.

  13. The flash forwards are never dreams. They're an actual event that the first half of the season leads up to. We will see to happen in the winter finale!!

  14. Yes, I know I've been watching this show from the start, but I'm not completely sold on the whole shooting Emily, you know? That's why I asked.
    But I am on board with one of the theories posted above, about it beeing Charlotte the one who shoots her ;)

  15. Who will rescue her? Daniel? Nolan?


  17. I don't think it's possible to tell the shooter's height from that promo. As to their skill, they were pretty accurate.

  18. Making it a dream would be a cop-out of massive proportions.

  19. Unless the gunman shot to prevent any type of pregnancy? A good close gunman wouldn't shoot in the belly if he or she has some intention to kill. And since she says 'I'm sorry '.. so dramatically. It obviously is someone she care.

    I'd discard Aiden since he can shoot to kill with only a shot. So it can be Charlotte, Nolan or maybe an angry drunk Jack.

    And for someone reason I'd dismiss Daniel, 'would be so obvious if it is.'

  20. Kind of like them killing Tyler instead of Daniel on the first mis-season?
    Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the few Daniel and Daniel/Emily fans still left out there, but it did seem they changed their mind midway...

  21. Now I am intrigued again.

  22. I think Daniel is the one who shot Emily. She says "Sorry" before it and maybe is because he found out who she really was. Or maybe It's Charlotte. I highly doubt is another caracther. It has to be a 'Grayson'..

  23. You've got a point there. But I still don't buy Daniel being the shooter. It would be so obvious..

  24. I'm hoping it's not Charlotte. I hope that Charlotte is on her side knowing what she does about wha her parents did her to real father. It could be Daniel because of the fact she has been using him since the day she "split her drink all over his jacket." It very well could be Daniel. I don't think Aiden or Nolan could ever hurt Emily.

  25. Emily lied to Charlotte, tried to keep Charlotte away from Victoria, manipulated Charlotte to have deep fraternal feelings to with FauxManda (a crazy psycho girl and impostor), manipulated her beloved brother Daniel and will use her to kill Conrad.

    Why would Charlotte agree with Emily's liars to her? Only to honor David Clarke?


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