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Grey's Anatomy - Season 10 Premiere - Promotional Photos

9 Sept 2013

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Source: TV Guide


  1. I seriously cannot wait. These two episodes will be amazing! Thanks for the pictures

  2. Jackson and April cockblocked by Stephanie.....

  3. Junie, extraordinary9 September 2013 at 22:04

    hey, it's april's own fault. she shoudl've known what she had instead of throwing it away

  4. Aww but I agree with you, but I'm still rooting for her and Jackson to be together, except this time, it's her turn to fight for him.

  5. Stephanie needs to just go away. Poof. Disappear. Please?

  6. Injured in a hospital bed in the aftermath of a hospital-wide crisis? There's not really anything to block.

  7. Well, emotionally speaking, April basically just told Jackson that she wants him. Then BAM Stephanie walks in. So I don't think we'll hear Jackson's response due to this interruption!

  8. People aren't perfect. We all make mistakes and get confused. April has finally realized how much she loves Jackson when that bus exploded. There is nothing more frightening than thinking the person you love is dead. So her eyes are finally open to how much he matters to her.

  9. I doubt she'll like his response anyway which is yet another reason there's nothing to block.

  10. While I agree that it's April fault that they're not together, I wouldn't really she threw away what she had with it. She just failed to see how serious Jackson was about her because for her it was all sex and fun. It didn't work between them because emotionally they were at completely different places. April didn't throw anything away, she just expressed her feelings about the false pregnancy in the worst possible way and that led to Jackson breaking up with her.

  11. Junie, extraordinary11 September 2013 at 05:21


  12. Junie, extraordinary11 September 2013 at 05:22

    i like stephanie. i was weary up until she stood up to him about ho he was treating her and showed she's more than just an intern. april cant have it both ways. karma is a season long sufferer.

  13. McDreamy got a hair cut while everything has been going on?

  14. Stephanie is perfect for Jackson, she never blames him lik April so i think April needs to just go away!!!

  15. Junie, extraordinary12 September 2013 at 18:15

    at least i'm not alone. it went from "oh im just having sex with an intern to replace the loneliness" to "i dig her" to "i really dig her, so whatever April, you're gonna have to sit out".

    she encourages him and isn't so much starstruck over him being head of the hospital, which she called him out on. she stands for hers. holl'ar.

  16. Junie, extraordinary12 September 2013 at 18:36

    Right but he's had none of these issues with Stephanie. It went from "oh it's just sex" to "i kinda dig her" to "damn she's right. i can't treat her this way. i really dig her", which is why he kissed her like that. she was right. its the same shit HE was trying to convey to April. Plus, she encourages him at every opportunity and doesn't push him in one direction or the other. Plus she's bad ass all on her own.

    But I really do like them as a couple. We've only seen Alex sleeping and turning interns but it's growing into an actual relationship with these two.

  17. you're not alone :)

  18. Hear hear!

    He better be downright dismissive of her, after the way she's treated him and put him through. And her nerve to just expect him to fawn all over her....

  19. Junie, extraordinary19 September 2013 at 01:21

    MAN...I just...I mean, HOPEFULLY Stephanie and Jackson have more time together. April has to suffer, and attacking him (?) after he was hurt because she was hurt (...but he was just doing his job). I'm just saying, if there wasn't any chemistry between Stephanie and Jackson and the room for something more, then she wouldn't be concerned as she is.

    And I'd like for Jackson NOT to steal away and kiss April from time to time behind Stephanie's back. AND I hope Stephanie meets his mom. Doesn't have to go further than that, but if they break up, I hope Stephanie rips him a new one.

    *flips hair*

  20. I'm actually turning into quite the Stephanie/Jackson shipper to tell you the truth.... I think it's a far healthier and more even footed relationship.

  21. Junie, extraordinary19 September 2013 at 16:42

    It is. It started off as just sex to him, but at least he had the decency to tell April instead of it getting out and back to her. but if it was just sex, it would've been a fling, not this huge kiss at Joe's.

    Just saying. April fans dont see that. I hope they do a lot more with her character this year, EARLY b/c I used to like April. Stephanie was my favorite intern from jump (cause i can be grumpy too) and I love that she and a few others are season regulars now.

  22. The only reason why he kissed her is because he could not find a solid reason to give her as to why he hadn't spoken to her in 11 days. Also keep in mind that he completely forgot to meet up with her until he saw her at Joe's bar. It's just sex between Jackson and Stephanie nothing more. Jackson treats Stephanie like a sex toy that's it.


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