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Supernatural - Season 9 - Casting News - Gildart Jackson guest starring

12 Aug 2013

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The actor, who plays Butler Giles on the summer series, will play Haggerty, a veteran member of the Men of Letters, and appear during a 1930 flashback. Jackson will first appear in the fourth episode of the season, titled "Slumber Party," with an opportunity to return later this season.

More at THR


  1. Elena Wonderland12 August 2013 at 23:06

    I remember him from Charmed!Interesting :)

  2. OMG... He Killed Chris! I like this casting.

  3. It'll be hard for me if he plays a likable character.
    He'll be on screen and all I'll be able to think about is that he killed Chris!

  4. Maybe he wont be likable?

  5. Black In Black Tricksteress 9513 August 2013 at 13:08

    A lot of these actors are unfamilar to me but I'm still excited!. There have been quite a mention about this flashback episode, I actually wonder this is going to be big. Plus I think Abbadon is in it so if it was it might be her send-off, her lifespan is a mystery..

  6. I can see him in the part...

  7. Quick call Leo and tell him Gideon has returned and isn't died lol

  8. That's why the name seems familiar!

    Ugh, no thank you.

  9. Lol. Leo would have to kill him again as a human though. Hmmm ... maybe someone made a Crossroad Deal to bring Gideon back from the dead, hehe. Sam and Dean cross paths with the Charmed Ones pretty frequently in fan fics.

  10. If only Charmed ones along with leo and the winchesters brothers vs gideon and crowley lol


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