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POLL : What did you think of Graceland - Smoke Alarm?

16 Aug 2013

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  1. OMFG this episode was one wth after the other I can't wait to see what they'll do next Paige's reaction was confusing and seeing as she's the only one we haven't gotten a backstory on I'm thinking there's more to it, and where the hell was Jakes at?? And Charlie gosh I hope she doesn't trust the federale cause he'll screw her over beg time when she finds out who he really is

  2. Oh Mike, Paige was just about ready to screw you (in the good way) and now you gave her a reason to do it in the bad way

  3. I hope Mike and Paige get together they seam like they'll be good together

  4. It kinda seems like they decided midway through to make them the "will they wont they" of the series and Mike's lil confession prob means they wont for a while.

  5. The Federale is Jangles!

  6. yea she had a wierd reaction. initially she felt betrayed but it looked a lil personal after. like it affects her directly. hmmm

  7. Maybe she has feelings for Mike or maybe it's way more complex than that like everything else on that show

  8. I knew it was him the moment he broke in and then presented himself as The Federale and plus his silver gun that gave it away as well lol and the fact he wore the same suit to Bello safe house

    I think Charlie is suspicious of him and i hope she figures he's Jangles...You know what they say about The Federale's they can be turned crooked with some $$$ lol

  9. yep. i hope she has feelings caus i ship them. ^_^

  10. I think Paige's reaction was so severe was because she has feelings for Mike and if you rewatch the previous episodes you might notice some subtle indicators of her feelings as well. I at least it seemed so to me.

    And it seems to me like Mike feels the same way and his relationship with Abby was more of convenience than anything else.

    I really like Paige and Mike together they have this chemistry so I hope they ship them as hiding their relationship from the rest of the house might provide some interesting scenes :)


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