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Glee - Season 5 - Ryan Murphy talks about Cory Monteith tribute episode

15 Aug 2013

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Ryan Murphy , as part of an Emm y-timed interview this week, updates Deadline/Awardsline’s Christy Grosz about writing Glee‘s Cory Monteith memorial episode and going back to the set of the series without the actor:

"It’s been a difficult circumstance because we basically went straight from the memorial into [reworking] the two Beatles episodes, which I think are fun and optimistic, that we had always had planned. The hard part for all of us is that the past week we’ve been holed up writing the memorial episode. There were a lot of things that we had to decide — how are we going to deal with his death? At one point, we were going to have his character die after an accidental drug overdose — that was something we had considered. But we have decided that we’re not going to have him pass from that."

Read more at deadline

1 comment:

  1. ryan murphy has an opportunity to tackle drug use and addiction and the underlying potential consequences that are often swept under the rug, the same way his series has advocated gay rights. ignoring this chance would be the biggest tragedy of all.


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