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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Dexter - Season 8 - New Promotional Key Art

8 Aug 2013

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  1. Whoa what the fuck?! Why is there no spoiler alert?!

  2. When Dexter kills people he puts images of all their victims on the wall, which means that Dexter will kill the people whose pictures are on the wall.

  3. It's just a publicity photo, not an episode photo

  4. I know it's not from an actual episode, but it could be some kind of a hint. I just hope they're not stupid enough to spoil so much through a photo.

  5. you honestly think Dexter's literally going to kill the entire cast, including his internalized dead father, and then himself?

  6. I think we don't know anything for certain, including how we're suppose to take this promotional photo.

    It might suggest, not that Dexter kills these people, but that he is RESPONSIBLE for whatever happens to them. This season is geared towards parental guidance, which then is about being responsible for those you care about. It's sacrifice.

  7. Sometimes Dexter used photos of people whose lives the killer had ruined. For example, with Little Chino he showed a picture of the daughter of the woman he killed. I think that's what they're getting at in this photo. Dexter won't kill the whole cast...


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