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Supernatural - Ultimate Quote - 2C - Poll

6 Jul 2013

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Things weren't even close in our last set of polls, as many quotes won by 70-85%. We did have 4 quotes come in around 43% though, including RoboSam's close encounter, Sam telling Bobby the Impala is worth saving, Dean and Sam's different views of college, and Cas giving Uriel props for funny. Surprisingly many of the quotes I thought would win did not, which makes round 3 a whole lot better for me. Many of the quotes I adore got in. However lots of long, emoangsty cryfests make up today's set. As someone who prefers short and snarky, this isn't the best section of the contest for me. Thankfully though, there are a few gems in here. Note: Poll 48 has 3 selections because there was a tie in round 1. Happy voting!

Quotes Too Long for Poll:

Poll 33 - Dean: Did you bring quarters?" Sam: "Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies." Dean: "What are you talking about? I eat." (Houses of the Holy)

Poll 34 - Dean: "Dude you were out…and making some serious happy noises. Who were you dreaming about?" Sam: "What? No one. Nothing." Dean: "Come on, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?" Sam: "No." Dean: "Brad Pitt?" Sam: "No, no." (Dream a Little Dream of Me)

Poll 35 - Dean: "Sam, you and dad…you're the most important people in my life, and now…I never should have come back, Sam. It wasn't natural and now look what's come of it. I was dead and I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling…well that's it. So tell me, what could you possibly say to make that alright?" (Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things)

Poll 36 - Dean: "Just hold on, hold on. You seriously think that because none of it…none of it is true. Listen man, I know we've had our disagreements. Okay hell I know I've said some junk that's set you back on your heels, but Sammy come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this b** and all the SoB's that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything past or present that I would put in front of you. It has never been like that…ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you." (Sacrifice)

Poll 37 - Dean: "Sam." Sam: "Yeah." Dean: "Too much information." Sam: "Hey I told you I was coming clean." Dean: "Yeah but now I feel dirty. Okay, well uh…brain-stabbing imagery aside so far all you've told me about is a manipulative b** who uh screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad." Sam: "Yeah well there's more to the story." Dean: "Just…skip the nudity please." (I Know What You Did Last Summer)

Poll 38 - Dean: "Before Dad died he…he told me something….something about you." Sam: "What?" Dean: "He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you." Sam: "He told you that a million times." Dean: "No, this time was different. He said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered, and that if I couldn't, I'd…" Sam: "You'd what Dean?" Dean: "That I'd have to kill you. He said I might have to kill you Sammy." (Hunted)

Poll 41 - Dean: "How you feeling Sammy? I guess mixing whiskey and Jager wasn't such a gangbuster idea was it? I bet you don't remember a thing from last night do ya?" Sam: "Agh, I can still taste the tequila." Dean: "You know there's a really good hangover remedy. It's a greasy pork steak sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray." Sam: "Ah, I hate you." Dean: "I know you do."

Poll 42 - Sam: "Yeah because I've been following you around my entire life. I mean I've been looking up to you since I was 4 Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother. So yeah I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world and this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And I mean I can't blame you. It's just…" Dean: "What?" Sam: "It's just I wish you would drop the show and be my big brother again cuz…just cuz." (Fresh Blood)

Screencap by Home of the Nutty

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  1. 33. There is very little that would beat the driver-shotgun quote for me. Not even Magic Fingers.

    34. Both of these are just terrible so the good news…one will be out in round three.

    35. Not a fan of either of these either but since the long, emoangsty, annoying Dean cryfest speech is going to win by a long shot, my vote goes to the now obsolete MySpace.

    36. Evil John over the second long, emoangsty, annoying Dean cryfest speech any day. Best news is that the two speeches will go against each other in round 3 and one will go bye bye. My prediction is that this one will beat the other simply because this one is more in people's memories than season 2 one.

    37. The "Believe in Me" speech is a perfect example of how they don't have to make a big, long cryfest in order to have a great emotional impact. If they made the Impala chats more like this and less like a daytime soap, I would like them. The warehouse scene is my favorite brother scene of all, Impala or not.

    38. What is it this round with the big, long emoangsty cryfests? All the Hunted speech does for me is remind me how much I hate John. Give me a great, alternative world brother moment any day.

    39. Considering nothing about Cas in a whorehouse was remotely funny and the other quote is a classic brother moment with great reactions from both brothers, there is absolutely no contest here.

    40. Hmm, this poll is one of the few where I really don't have an opinion. They are both good but not great quotes. I'll vote for whichever is losing right before the poll ends.

  2. 41. Again we have a quote that makes an emotion punch without turning into a cryfest. I'm tempted to vote for it just for that, but it goes up against Dean's brilliant hangover remedy and the total brotherness of that situation. I think this is going to be a later vote too.

    42. Now I am in a quandary because of the handful of long, emoangsty cryfest speeches that I actually like, Sam's "just 'cause" speech is one of them. It needed to be said and it was delivered with as little melodrama as it could be in order to get to the pathos they wanted. I like this speech, but in the interest of not having ALL big speeches left, my vote goes for the bad tacos. They are my favorite Mystery Spot death and it makes me laugh every time.

    43. Long and funny works for me. Short and funny works even better. I paid to have the hellfire quote on a tote bag. It definitely gets my vote.

    44. Ha! I love both of these quotes. Wish they weren't going against each other. I love "uncomfortably comfortable" but Tuesday is a classic. Think I have to give it to Mystery Spot.

    45. Yikes, this one is really hard. I love Dean as an awesome big brother but Mary being a babe made me laugh too. This one will come down to a coin flip.

    46. It will take an awful lot for me to vote against fudgin'. In fact only "chick flick moments" will probably do it in this section. A quote that again reminds me why John is such a complete douche will never do it.

    47. I am going to be in the minority here but Dean "Swazying" the glass and stopping the John-Sam fight beats out "crazy works" for me. Both beat out "pudding" by the way.

    48. Jefferson Starships beat both the quotes that tied last time, although I still find it amusing that we finally had a tie.

  3. 41. I won't let my brother turn into a monster."
    42. Tacos was to funny for me not to vote for it.
    43. Sam: "It's hellfire Dean."
    44. Still think I am a catch.
    45. Dean: "Sammy, wherever you are, Mom's a babe! I'm going to hell. Again."
    46. Fudgin'
    47 Have to go with "crazy works"
    48. Jefferson Starships for the win.

  4. 33. With you on this one, although I do like Magic Fingers also.
    34. not even voting in this one.
    35. Dean: coming back not natural
    36. John: "You know you fight and fight for this family but the truth is they don't need you. Not like you need them."
    37. Love the Believe in me and Dean pushing on Sam's hand almost made me sick to my stomach, but great scene.
    38. Dean: "B**." Sam: "What're you calling me a b** for?" Dean: "You’re supposed to say jerk." Sam: "What?" Dean: "Never mind." Reminded me why I like this show so much and from one of my favorite ep..
    39. Batman
    40. Dean: "Shut up. I'm hilarious."

  5. 33 - I like the Magic Fingers quote too but it is out of its league here.
    37 - I found it stomach turning also. Still it was perfect with Dean talking Sam off the ledge and Sam trusting Dean. Exactly what this show has been built around - two brothers that are always there for each other.
    38 - is another example of a great brother moment

  6. Tacos is so classic SPN humor that even if the words aren't so funny, the situation is hilarious. I love how they could pack that much humor in such few words and let Jensen's expression sell the rest of it. They should trust in less dialogue more often.

  7. Patrick Maloney6 July 2013 at 03:09

    House of the Holy because Magic Fingers!, Dream a Little Dream of Me, I'm hoping the Children Should Play with Dead Things win this entire thing, Devil's Trap because I think John has some of the best lines in the show, Hello, Cruel World (Which is the only post-Kripke quote I'll vote for), Hunted because that was some of the best acting I've seen from either Ackles or Padalecki, Free to Be You & Me which has grown on me since the beginning of the this, Ellen's Hunted quote, Playthings, Dean's Taco line, The Magnificent Seven because it was a great start to my favorite season, Provenance because it finally gave Sam some good lines, Bloody Mary, Born Under a Bad Sign, Sam, Interrupted, Wendigo because Dean's a badass

  8. See? That last round wasn't so bad Dahne. I'm not surprised. :)

  9. I am completely delighted. Only a few quotes I can't stand made it to round 3. Mostly I'm just deliriously happy that the freaking Wincest quote is booted.

  10. Had to make my selections on the fly today. I realized that I am completely not registering which quote wins or loses. I'm just merrily sliding through my days picking my favorite quotes. :-D

  11. See I didn't find the tacos quote that funny either way. Maybe I just don't get it? I don't know. I laughed way more at Sam telling the waitress to get archery lessons.

  12. I also feel I have not the same sense of humor than most people here, so it's kind of impossible to agree on the best funny quotes. About the good dramatic quotes there is a bit more consensus, although it's always interesting to see how people differ.

    I have enjoyed this contest from the nomination stage, and I surely appreciate Dahne's efforts, but I'm losing all my favorites. For instance I've voted very little in today's polls, most cases I don't even care for any of the two rival quotes, while I keep mourning the ones which lost to them.

    Perhaps it would have been better to differentiate funny quotes from serious quotes, and vote for them separately. It's just an idea that keeps coming to me, of course I know the necessary effort would make it impossible to begin a new contest like that. But perhaps just a quick poll with the top favorites in each category, during the next hiatus would be nice

    It would be not the same just to take the top winners from this contest and separate funny form drama quotes there, because some good funny quotes have lost to beautiful drama quotes and viceversa.

  13. Very disappointed John's YED quote isn't winning. It's one of the backbone quotes for the whole series.

  14. 33) Shotgun beats magic fingers for me,though it was cute too.

    34)I'll go with the seriously happy noises although I'm sure there were better girls to dream of than Bela who shot him.

    35) Dean's speech; the other is rather dated.

    36)I hate how John's words hurt Dean, so I vote for the other.

    37)Hello Cruel World

    38) The bitch/ jerk quote all the way.

    39) Dean is Batman. :)

    40) Like A Virgin

    41) I love Dean's hangover remedy. :)

    42) I have to go with Sam's hero worship speech.

    43) I love Dean's Aquarious speech. The brothers were still in happy mode there; ( well comparatively!)
    44)"Still think I'm a catch,". I like how Sam is ironic about his worth here.
    45) Sam dreams of lollipops and candy canes.( I bet he wishes he did!)
    46) Dean in BUABS. I think that's such a beautiful quote about saving Sam.

    47) Don't particularly go wild over either of these. I'll give my vote to the loser.
    48) I pick the Wendigo quote. I love heroic Dean.

  15. The archery lessons line was awesome as well. I like that many of the times they hinted at the death instead of actually showed it. That made it more funny to me. What drew me to Supernatural was the action, horror, snark, and brother bond. If it had started with all the weepy nighttime soap stuff, I would never have watched it.

  16. I likely will not be doing anymore big Supernatural contests after this one but someone else is welcome to ask Andy if they want to do something. I don't think another poll about quotes would be very interesting but it would be pretty cool if at some point people share their favorite quotes that didn't make it. I have a wealth of them that didn't even get into the contest.

  17. Your CSPwDT quote is going to have some stiff competition when it goes up against the Sacrifice quote next round. I hope something more classic wins like the one about saving people, hunting things.

  18. I think it will be easier to keep track of things next round when there are half the polls. It is a little hard for me to keep things straight going 16 polls at a time.

  19. I'm disappointed too but it is going against the main speech of the last aired episode. Episodes that have most recently aired always have an advantage in these contests because they are the most fresh in people's minds.

  20. I still don't get why Sam was dreaming about Bela in that way. Someone purposely shoots you, I don't see that as sexy. I do love that the brothers were so in sync in The Usual Suspects that they did not even have to plan their story first. They automatically knew what the other would do.

  21. Patrick Maloney7 July 2013 at 14:54

    I have faith that something classic will win, I consider everything memorable from the first three seasons classic


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