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Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Iceland Production Photos & Videos [UPDATED]

26 Jul 2013

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An article in Visir today shows some behind the scenes stills of the production in Iceland.

Cast in full vestments at Thingvellir.

Moment between the wars. Cast and crew commentaries eat lunch.

Thingvellir boast some vestments while shooting needs. It will be interesting to see how the landscape comes into factor.

Þórhildur Þorkelsdóttir writes:
Three hundred men following shooting team and actors Game of Thrones TV episodes came to this country recently. Filming began on Monday and is scheduled to them for two weeks. Among tökustaða Stekkjagjá is being held and go shooting in the moment. The pictures here in the story were filmed taking place today but the news team Channel 2 got to look out there today. Þingvallanefnd gave special permission for shooting in the park but filming will also take place in Þjórsárdalur and the Hengill area. Game of Thrones group has come to country to pick up items for the second and third series factor, both times in the winter. It will be exciting to Icelandic landscape enjoying their summer apparel in the fourth season factor, which will premiere next spring, and Channel 2 will show the similarities and the Plays three.


Also, here is a little something fun...
A YouTuber posted a video of their drive down an Icelandic road that happens to have footage of the Game of Thrones crew taking a break from production. Just under 6-minutes into the video you can see Gwendoline Christie (Brienne) and Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne) having a ciagrette. Enjoy.


Here's a nice interview from Visir with Producer Chris Newman.


Here's another Chris Newman interview, this time from The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service RUV. Much of the video is in Icelandic, but CHris Newman answers in English.

Translated to English thanks to The-Volnqar at Winter-is-Coming:
Intro: Stekkjargjá in Þingvellir was closed today from public tourist traffic because of the taping of the show Game of thrones. Almost 300 people work on the show(she is talking about in Iceland).
Guy in green shirt: This is the third time the film crew from GOT come to the country. The first two times the producers wanted winter weather. Now they want sun and Icelandic landscape in [bloom].

Voiceover: Filming started here last week. This morning the group came to Þingvellir to film in Stekkjargjá, more inwards then Öxarárfoss.

Chris Newman talks in English. No translation needed.

Voiceover: The weather and landscape was used to the fullest extent in the filming in Stekkjargjá. More then 200 people work on the project, both foreign staff and actors but also Icelandic technical crew and extras. The committee of Þingvallir park granted permission for this project and high demands are made for [reverence].

Einar Sæmundssen: GOT is probably one of the bigger things we have had here but we are used to a lot of people here in Þingvellir so we just watch closely and take good care of things.

Voiceover: The stuff that is filmed here will be used for the 4th season of GOT that premiers next spring. Naturally there is some secrecy over how those scenes will look even though the storyline is known from the popular books the show is based on. Stekkjargjá was therefore closed to public traffic today because of the filming and most people seemed to be calm about that, but this is not a place with much traffic compared to others in the park.

Chris Newman again, untranslated.


Rose Leslie and Maisie in Iceland.
I'm sure they have no scenes together, but this does strengthen my earlier suspicion that we will see inside the Wildling camp using Ygritte as a POV character.


  1. IF any native Icelandic speakers want to provide a better translation than Google please feel free to visit the link and provide a translation. Google on ly does "so well" in their translations....

  2. Hard to tell much from the photos, but it looks like their might be an Arryn banner behind the soldiers. I can just see some bright blue, too bright for a Bolton banner. I (along with many others) have suspected some of the Icelandic scenery could be used for the Vale or the Fingers. Admittedly along with so many other possible locations.

    One other possibility could be the Kingsmoot on the Iron Islands I guess.

  3. I just read up to the point where Brienne finds out that Podrick Payne is following her.

    Forgive me if I've missed it, but do we know how much the 4th season will cover? I know they haven't covered the events at the wall from the second half of book 3, Joffrey's wedding, or the thing with the Red Viper (trying to be as vague as possible).

    Those are all pretty major events. But we've already seen them grab later events from Theon's story,

  4. Yay the Brienne/Pod team up will be happening! One of my favourite bits from book 4.

  5. Some speculate that they will create scenes of Ramsay hunting for Osha and Rickon, but I'm not sure...

    I do think that there will be some newly created scenes though.

  6. Nice to have confirmation of the HBO team using Iceland to expand the look of Westeros. I'm glad they're using the old farm house at Stöng in Þjórsárdalur . I uploaded a photo of it in my last Iceland post just hoping they would use it!

  7. Really hope that doesn't happens until the last few episodes, at the earliest.

  8. Most people/storylines are on track so that season 4 will end about where book 3 does.

    They did this because book 4 and 5 occur at the same time period but have different POV characters thus those to books have to be merged together.

    But Brienne and Jamie's story are way ahead because in the story they don't get back until after Joffreys wedding. In the books brienne hasn't even left kings landing or is just leaving at the end of book 3. She doesn't meet POD until at least a 1/3 of the way into book 4.

  9. I think they film things out of order so I will imagine that will be later in the season.

  10. Iceland is quite beautiful, fits perfectly with the descriptions I've read of some of the areas in GoT. :)


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