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Supernatural - Ultimate Quote - 1E - Poll

28 Jun 2013

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Welcome to the second half of round one. 64 quotes are already out. We have another 64 to go. One to go was Dean asking if he looked cool getting hit by a car, and Sam giving him a reality check. It only lost by 4 votes though so every vote counts. Other close quotes include Sam's 'We've got work to do" with 48% and Ash explaining his mullet with 46%. This poll has the most infuriating choice in it for me. I hope things are easier for you. Happy voting!

Quotes too long for polls

Poll 2 - Dean: Did you bring quarters?" Sam: "Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies." Dean: "What are you talking about? I eat." (Houses of the Holy)

Poll 3 - Dean: "Dude you were out…and making some serious happy noises. Who were you dreaming about?" Sam: "What? No one. Nothing." Dean: "Come on, you can tell me. Angelina Jolie?" Sam: "No." Dean: "Brad Pitt?" Sam: "No, no." (Dream a Little Dream of Me)

Poll 5 - Dean: "Sam, you and dad…you're the most important people in my life, and now…I never should have come back, Sam. It wasn't natural and now look what's come of it. I was dead and I should have stayed dead. You wanted to know how I was feeling…well that's it. So tell me, what could you possibly say to make that alright?" (Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things)

Poll 7 - Sam: "Oh my life was so simple, just school, exams, papers on polycentric cultural norms." Dean: "So I guess I saved you from a boring existence." Sam: "Yeah occasionally I miss boring." Dean: "Alright so this killer truck…" Sam: "I miss conversations that didn't start with this killer truck." (Route 666)

Poll 7 - Dean: "Just hold on, hold on. You seriously think that because none of it…none of it is true. Listen man, I know we've had our disagreements. Okay hell I know I've said some junk that's set you back on your heels, but Sammy come on. I killed Benny to save you. I'm willing to let this b** and all the SoB's that killed mom walk because of you. Don't you dare think that there is anything past or present that I would put in front of you. It has never been like that…ever! I need you to see that. I'm begging you." (Sacrifice)

Poll 10 - Dean: "Sam." Sam: "Yeah." Dean: "Too much information." Sam: "Hey I told you I was coming clean." Dean: "Yeah but now I feel dirty. Okay, well uh…brain-stabbing imagery aside so far all you've told me about is a manipulative b** who uh screwed you, played mind games with you, and did everything in the book to get you to go bad." Sam: "Yeah well there's more to the story." Dean: "Just…skip the nudity please." (I Know What You Did Last Summer)

Poll 11 - Bobby: "You know what else? I get a pedicure once in a while…this nice Vietnamese joint." Dean: "Okay. Okay please stop." Bobby: "This one gal, Nhung Phuong - her name means Velvet Phoenix - tiny thing, but the grip on her. She starts on my toes and I feel like I am gonna…" Dean: "Whoa, whoa! Hey come on man…now I'm scarred for life. Thank you." (You Can't Handle the Truth)

Poll 12 - Dean: "Well look at me, I mean I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars right? No bullet wounds, knife cuts, none of the off-angle fingers from all of the breaks. I mean my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom, which leads me to conclude, sadly, that my virginity is intact." Sam: "What?" Dean: "I've been rehymenated." Sam: "Please Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of hell, but no one could do that. Dean: "Brother, I have been rehymenated and the dude will not abide." (Monster Movie

Poll 12 - Dean: "Before Dad died he…he told me something….something about you." Sam: "What?" Dean: "He said that he wanted me to watch out for you, to take care of you." Sam: "He told you that a million times." Dean: "No, this time was different. He said that I had to save you, that nothing else mattered, and that if I couldn't, I'd…" Sam: "You'd what Dean?" Dean: "That I'd have to kill you. He said I might have to kill you Sammy." (Hunted)

Screencap by Home of the Nutty

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  1. Sorry this is late guys. Real life intruding.

    Poll 1 - I think the fallback career quote is awesome, but let's face it, "Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." is pure Supernatural. I hope this one makes it all the way to the finals.

    Poll 2 - Magic Fingers makes me laugh every time. It gets my vote because the other one is way too angsty.

    Poll 3 - Never liked the quote nor Sam's Bela dream. Why lust after the woman who shot you? Andrea's classic snark is pure win for me.

    Poll 4 - Ugh, Ruby taunts and StupidDean. Nothing at all to like about that quote. I'm not particularly even a Led Zeppelin fan, but in this case Lucas said it best, "Zeppelin rules!"

    Poll 5 - Dean gives his big emoangsty speech and I hear, "Blah, blah, blah, blah." Dean snarking away from those drama queen moments is quintessential Dean to me. Dead in the Water gets my vote.

    Poll 6 - Ha! I love Dean's reaction to Shapeshifter Dean. My Space is just so dated it's not funny anymore.

    Poll 7 - It's only because I feel like Sam is whining that I'm voting for anything in Sacrifice.

    Poll 8 - Possessed John is definitely my favorite John but I find this quote fundamentally sad. I'd rather go with the Home quip.

  2. Poll 9 - Now everyone knows that I don't control the rankings because I would NEVER put these 2 quotes against each other. The idea that one of these superior quotes is going home and junk like Wincest jokes are going to round 2 makes me irritable. This is just not right. We've got the first time really goes off on his dad vs. the best brother moment in the show. I refuse to vote against either of them and hope there's a tie.

    Poll 10 - Easy, I use "Am I speaking a language you're not getting here?" with my middle schoolers because of this episode. Although I am profoundly grateful that Dean stopped the Sam and Ruby sex scene flashback.

    Poll 11 - I loved that Bobby told Dean these secrets and I was equally glad that Dean cut him off before he gave too much info. However, the alternate world "Jerk. B**" moment was classic. Have to vote for it.

    Poll 12 - Funny Dean speech with great Sam reactions vs. weepy Dean speech where I hated John even more and he had been dead for months. No Contest. Rehymenated wins.

    Poll 13 - Ha! These are both great quotes and since Batman is going to win by a landslide, my pity vote goes to THE Dean.

    Poll 14 - Neither of these are overall winners but I'll cast my vote to Sammy's puppy dog eyes because I would rather have seen those than endure Cas in a whorehouse.

    Poll 15 - Smart Bobby all the way. I loved that holy water trick and then the con man quip at the end perfected it.

    Poll 16 - This one is a tossup for me. I'll wait until the end to vote.

  3. lostrocks4ever28 June 2013 at 03:44

    "I'm batman!" I use this so often

  4. Ha! Do your friends also look at you like you've lost your mind like Sam did?

  5. There were a few where neither quote really appealed to me so I just didn't vote for those.

    1 --- Shotgun shuts his cakehole. Difficult to choose. The break in line was pretty darned funny.

    2 --- Had to go for the quarters. Love the scene that contains the line from Heart, but as a quote…couldn't pick it.

    3 ---

    4 ---

    5 --- We're not gonna have to hug…just couldn't go for the really long one.

    6 --- the line from skin. :-)

    7 --- (Kind of wish the line from Route 666 wasn't so long… I'd have been happy with just "I miss conversations that don't start with 'this killer truck'" That's what I'm going with. Not fond of the dissertations. They work in context of an episode but here a couple of them felt like a little much.

    8 --- The Devil's Trap quote.

    9 --- The line from Salvation.

    10 ---

    11 --- Bobby squicking Dean. Made me laugh

    12 --- Easy.. rehymenation. :-)

    13 --- I love the "THE Dean, best night of my life Dean?" quote.

    14 --- For some insane reason I had to pick the 'You are not going to die a virgin." line. hee hee

    15 --- Like 'em both. But picked "You're still not funnY"

    16 --- Ellen's quote from Hunted.

  6. 1. I had to think about this one and because I wanted to vote for both I went with the one I did not think would win..fallback career. That was so funny and I wanted it to have some love also. ;)
    2. with you on this one.
    3. and this one
    4. and we are on a roll, this one also.
    5. Dean and his coming back wins for me.
    6. Shapeshifter Dean wins

    7. Another one I had to think about, but went with Dean doing anything for bad Sam did not feel the same and LOOK FOR DEAN. sorry, forgot myself there for a moment.

    8. Possessed John, the truth hurts.

  7. 9. After a lot of soul searching, went with Dean FINALLY getting back at John, this was a high point for me. Since Dean has spent his life trying to bring Sammy back from some cliff the other one was not anything new.
    10. I use that quote with my grown kids all the time, voted with you on this one..did not enjoy the Sam/Ruby sex scene at all.
    11. Bobby telling Dean has my vote, just way to funny not to vote for.
    12. Rehymenated wins for me also.
    13. Batman for the win. lol
    14. Cas not dying a virgin
    15.Don't try to con a con man.
    16. Chow time for me.

  8. Patrick Maloney28 June 2013 at 15:11

    Most of these are really great lines, I'm especially glad Dean's ending lines of Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. Season 2 had some of the best acting I've seen.

  9. Even though HCW is my favorite episode of S7 (not that there were that many good episodes in S7), I still had to go w/the other quote. Nothing came of the HCW quote. Nothing at all. But it was a good speech.

  10. I completely understand voting for the underdog just to show it love too. That's one of my favorite tie breaking strategies.

  11. #9 was such a hard choice. In my mind they are both top 20 winners. I'm sorry the rehymenated speech didn't make it to round 2 also.

  12. I'm big fan of the short, funny ones too.

  13. Season 2 is top notch. Overall everything came together well and they had some great standalones too.

  14. This is just round one still so the "saving people" quote will come back again in round 2. We have two more sets of polls after this one to finish round one. Then the Favorite Episode contest should begin - that's the huge STV-wide contest that Adam runs. We will only do our quotes polls on days that one is not going on. For me, I would take season 7 over seasons 4, 5, and 8 any day.

  15. Patrick Maloney29 June 2013 at 13:20

    What I liked about the stand alones is that even though they had nothing to do with the main arc, it felt like Sam and Dean were building their rep among hunters.

  16. Agreed. Plus the stories were interesting in and of themselves for the most part.

  17. My favorite seasons from 4 to present are in this order: 4, 6, 5, 7, and then 8.
    I quite enjoyed 4 and 6. I didn't really care for 5, but there are more S5 episodes I'd rewatch than S7 or S8. Out of 23 episodes, there are only 3 S7 episodes I enjoy: MTNB, HCW, and Plucky's. There are no other season S7 episodes I have a burning desire to watch again.
    S8 was very disappointing to me. I may have enjoyed more episodes in S8 than S7 (i.e., ATGB, EHH, Prometheus, and T&E - I guess it was only just one more episode), but S8 did the unforgivable, IMO. Carver took a huge bus and ran it repeatedly over Sam for no freakin' reason. I will never get over the unnecessary trashin' his character took and for what . . . . the big, fat NOTHING that was Amelia. Ugh! And the pointless trials. The OOC writing for both Sam (i.e, not looking for Dean) and Dean (i.e., blaming Sam for being soulless), the pointless conflict in the form of Benny and Amelia . . . ugh . . . S8 was, IMO, a train wreck!

  18. My season list would go 7, 6, 5, and 4/8. I still haven't decided which one I like least since I would have to watch season 8 over again and I'm not ready for that yet. Slash Fiction is one of my favorite episodes of all (taking out the last 5 minutes of course). I also thought How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters is one of the best comedy episodes. Death's Door may be the best written episode since season 3 and Hello, Cruel World had the best brother moment of them all. I also really enjoyed Time After Time and PPMM. The Mentalists, Out with the Old, The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo, and Of Grave Importance were also on the plus side for me. Bascially the only parts I did not like was the stupid, pointless Amy subplot at the beginning and everything Cas from the time he came back as a amnesiac, especially the infuriating Crazy Cas stuff.

    Season 4 I enjoyed up until about I Know What You Did Last Summer. I hated the demon blood addiction plot line like no other. It is still the worst thing this show has done in my opinion and it made me very unsympathetic towards Sam. The best thing about season 5 was Sam's redemption arc that made me love the character again. Of course in season 5 I wasn't all that thrilled with whiny Dean and I don't think there has ever been a season of TV that I watched all the way through that depressed me more than season 5. We truly reached the bottom of the Pit of Despair on that one. Season 8 there are simply no words for. It's now SPN 2.0 to me, a cheap, unpleasant sequel starring shapeshifters in the guise of Dean and Sam.

  19. I'm bored someone txt me


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