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Supernatural - Favorite 1-3 Episode Writers - Poll

Jun 5, 2013

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We have completed our contest to find the favorite season 8 episode and the winner, to no surprise, is.....Sacrifice. It joins the tradition of the finale winning and winning easily. Sacrifice got almost 81% of the vote. LARP and the Real Girl came in second. And with that, I can officially put season 8 behind me. Woo hoo! It's a parade...with confetti. That leaves us to move on to bigger and better things and first up is the continuation of our writer polls. We have already done polls for the most prolific Supernatural writers - Sera Gamble, Eric Kripke, Ben Edlund, Andrew Dabb, and Daniel Loflin. Therefore, I thought we would work our way up from the bottom of the list until we meet in the middle. Today we celebrate those writers that were not with us for very long, only 1-3 episodes. Before people protest, yes many on these polls wrote with a partner. If they had a script writing credit (not teleplay), that's all it takes in these polls. I have no idea how much of the writing was actually them. Below is a list of whether writers worked solo or with a partner. Also in a bit of a change, I am going to close quote nominations between 5 and 6 days after they go up. This will allow me to have a much shorter turnaround when it comes to the actual contest. Happy voting!

Richard Hatem - solo
Ron Milbauer and Terri Hughes Burton - together
Bill Coakley and Racehl Nave - together
Trey Calloway - solo
Daniel Knauf - solo
David Ehrman -solo
Bob Singer - Sin City with Jeremy Carver, Appointment in Samarra with Sera Gamble, and Out with the Old with Jenny Klein
Laurence Andries - solo
Trevor Sands - solo
Jenny Klein - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester with Sera Gamble, Out with the Old with Bob Singer, Torn & Frayed solo
Nancy Weiner - The Song Remains the Same with Sera Gamble
Brett Mathews - solo
Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder - together
Ben Acker and Ben Blacker - together
Matt Witten - solo

Screencap by Home of the Nutty

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  1. So excited to be out of season 8 and concentrating on more
    positive things. The first poll is very
    easy for me. While I thought a few episodes
    on the one-shot writers list were decent, there's only one I thought was
    awesome. Provenance
    wins by a landslide for me. In fact, I
    kind of wish David Ehrman would come back.
    The second poll is a little harder.
    In the end it comes down to Richard Hatem and Brett Mathews. Asylum tome is the best
    episode in this poll and I like Phantom Traveler, although it
    gets points deducted for being completely unbelievable post-9/11. As for Bret Matthews, Live Free or
    was a disappointment but Caged Heat and
    And Then There Were None were a lot of fun. I especially enjoyed Rufus in the latter. After much back and forth, I'm giving my vote
    to Richard Hatem because Asylum is still one of Supernatural's best episode,
    making it into my top 25 SPN episodes list.

  2. Let It Bleed quotes: I like this episode better than most because I loved Ben and thought Lisa was decent. Not a fan of the ending though. So sorry that Dr. Visyak didn't stay with us longer too. She deserved better than to die in the next episode after that reveal.

    15. Balthazar: "I'm sorry boys. Do I look like a man servant to you? No? No. Then quit ringing for me please."
    14. Bobby: "You're saying you're on our side?" Elly: "I'm on my side. I happen to like it here. I don't want to see this place turned into some bloody wasteland."13. Balthazar: "Well we need to talk." Sam: "Why?" Balthazar: "Because…I know I'm going to live to regret this….but I'm officially on your team you b**." Dean: "And we should believe you why?" Balthazar: "Would you believe I had a shred of decency?" Sam: "No."
    12. Crowley: "You're adorable when you get all threatening. Don't worry. I won't hurt them…provided you and Jolly Green stand down, got it? Splendid. Kisses."
    11. Dean: "You're asking me to stand down?" Cas: "Dean." Dean: "That's the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that right? Well no thanks. I'll find them myself. In fact, why don't you go back to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my a**."
    10. Dean: "Lisa, here put pressure on that okay? I know honey. I know. That's it. It's okay."
    9. Dean: "I'm coming right now. I'm coming to get you and your mom. I promise. You with me Ben? Ben? Ben?" Crowley: "Hello Dean. Fancy a chat?"
    8. Dean: "Sam, back off. Lisa and Ben, wherever they are…that's a hundred percent on me, and if they are hurt….I'll yell if I need you."
    7. Sam: "You've got to be nuts if you think I'm going to let you do this alone. Bobby can take care of the case." Bobby: "No guys." Dean: "Bobby, this is a big ball okay? We can't drop it now."
    6. Bobby: "And not that I'd have minded, but you kind of fibbed about your age too." Elly: "Just slightly….900 years."
    5. Dean: "Crowley, let them go now or I swear…" Crowley: "Right, right, you'll rip me a cornucopia of orifices. Let's get to the bit where I tell you how this goes. Your chocolate's been in my peanut butter for far too long." Dean: "I am going to kill you."
    4. Balthazar: "Well the upside is yes. Uh, the downside is no, I can't get them for you." Sam: "Why not?" Balthazar: "Because Crowley's angel-proofed the whole bloody building. I guess he doesn't trust Cas. Seems that marriage is going swimmingly."
    3. Bobby: "Why would they do that?" Judah: "To see what's out there. You know maybe it's friendly." Bobby: "It's never friendly."
    2. Bobby: "You're from freaking Purgatory. You never thought to mention that the whole time you slept with me?" Elly: "I am what I am Bobby and I happen to be a friend."
    1. Bobby: "Or just read the copy I already made. Hi, glad to meet you. Bobby Singer, paranoid b**."

  3. The Man Who Would be King quotes: I thought this finale was brilliant. The three versions of Sam was particularly well played. This is a great example of how to separate the brothers and still get it mostly right.

    12. Robin: "What? You think you're staying in this dump?" Sam: "Maybe." Robin: "Oh maybe you're a hooker." Sam: "I guess I'll find out."
    11. Sam: "Well it might sound pretty strange if I said it aloud." Robin: "Oh it…it couldn’t get any stranger." Sam: "Yeah, don't be too sure."
    10. Dean: "I don't care. We have got to do something!" Bobby: "And we will but right now we've got 16 hours 'til they pop Purgatory. I'm down one man. I can't afford to be down two."
    9. Crowley: "Your Purgatory power shake, monsieur. Half monster, half virgin."
    8. Crowley: "Hey this is your doing mate. I'm merely grabbing he best offer on the table. Now you have 2 options. Flee or die."
    7. Bobby: "Time's up Dean." Dean: "Yeah just a second. Alright this is where we're going to be Sam. You get your lazy a** out of bed and come and meet us Sammy. Please."
    6. Robin: "Okay so I'm all filled up on crazy today. You know what Sam? I'll…I'll see ya."
    5. HellSam: "Humpty Dumpty has to put himself back together again before he can wake up and I'm the last piece." Sam: "Which means….I have to know what you know. What happened in the cage?" HellSam: "Trust me, you don't want to know it."
    4. Crowley: "Never underestimate the King of Hell darling. I know a lot of swell tricks. Now I think it's time to re-renegotiate our terms."
    3. Bobby: "Look what the cat dragged in." Balthazar: "Well at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right. How's Sleeping Beauty?"
    2. Sam: "I just remember that I was…I was with…uh, with 2 guys. One was a…like a male model type and the other was an older guy named…uh, Bobby."
    1. Sam: "You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."

  4. Meet the Boss quotes: Not my favorite premiere because I cannot stand when Supernatural stuffs political, religious, and social issues down my throat. This episode would have played better if it had cut those out. However, there are still a lot of good quotes to be found. Plus any episode that features Crowley, Death, and an actually scary Lucifer gets mega bonus points.

    15. Dean: "Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk. We have spent enough on him."
    14. Lucifer: "No, escaping was impossible. I have to say I think this is my best torture yet. Make you believe that you're free and then…yank the wool off of your eyes. You never left Sam. You're still in the cage…with me."
    13. Dean: "Ummm…" Death: "Shut up Dean."
    12. Death: "Quite the humanitarian." Cas: "And how would you know? What are you really…a flyswatter?" Death: "Destined to swat you I think."
    11. Dean: "And what exactly are you looking for?" Bobby: "Exactly. What? Miracles, mass visions, trench coat on a tortilla? I don't know what I'm looking for."
    10. Crowley: "Right. I gather this is not a…uh, negotiation." Cas: "No." Crowley: "Then I graciously accept, boss."
    9. Bobby: "So you fixing her or primal screaming?"
    8. Crowley: "What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do want to conspire don't you?" Bobby: "No we want you to just stand there and look pretty." Crowley: "Listening."
    7. Sam: "Motivational speakers?" Dean: "Yeah I'm not sure new Cas gets irony any better than old Cas."
    6. Sam: "You…you have to care a little bit about what happens to us." Death: "You know I really don't, but I do find that little angel arrogant." Dean: "Great, let's go with that."
    5. Sam: "No I don't, but look I was pretty far gone sometimes myself and you never gave up on me." Dean: "Yeah and it turns out that you're about the same open book as you've always been. Hallucinations, really? I've got to find out from Death?"
    4. Bobby: "She's looking good…considering." Dean: "Considering? I should do this professionally."
    3. Death: "Really bought his own press, this one. Please Cas, I know God and you sir are no God."
    2. Dean: "I'm gonna fix this car…because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint and when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that." Bobby: "I'm with you."
    1. Dean: "Well who feels like hog tying Death tonight?" Bobby: "Old age is overrated anyhow."

  5. My choices were Bloody Mary, and Phantom Traveler/Asylum :)

  6. I have a feeling those will be very popular. There is still a lot of love for Bloody Mary and Asylum even though they aired so long ago.

  7. Not sure what to do with the second poll as Klein, Carmella, and Snyder are all still writing for the show, but for the others, I chose Provenance (that's a nice little episode, with a strong female love interest, and now I see why it felt different than most SPN episodes, as it was a one-shot writer), and Asylum/Phantom Traveler. Asylum is decent (I'm still surprised they actually had the possessed Sam pull the trigger on Dean), but Phantom Traveler is a great, great episode, one of the best of the early seasons.

  8. Daniel Knauf because I loved the story. Provenance was so close it wasn't funny. A couple of the second group were very close for me and I went with Bret Matthews

    Let it Bleed

    Dean: You ever mention Lisa and Ben to me again and I'll break your nose.

    Bobby: Lovecraft tried to jimmy a damn dimensional door. Idjit.

    The Man Who Knew Too Much

    Sam: I was with two guys. One was like a male model type. And the other was an older guy named - Bobby.

    Castiel: Here are your options. You either flee or you die.

    Meet the New Boss

    Sam: What new boss?
    Crowley: Castiel, you giraffe.
    Bobby: Is your boss?
    Crowley: He's everybody's boss! What do you think he's going to do when he finds out we've been conspiring? You do... want to conspire, don't you?
    Bobby: No, we want you to just stand there and look pretty.

    Crowley: You fancy a drink before you smite me?
    Castiel: No.
    Crowley: You like to bend 'em right over, do you?

  9. I like this poll! It goes to the heart of why I'm nervous for S9 lol.

  10. 1. Sam: "You know me. You know why. I'm not leaving my brother alone out there."
    Put that over your desks writers. Sam always looks!!
    Crowley: "Never underestimate the King of Hell darling. I know a lot
    of swell tricks. Now I think it's time to re-renegotiate our terms."

    Inimitable Crowley! he always gets great lines, and he deserves them too!

  11. We just finished the podcast for Something Wicked and I'm prepping for the Provenance episode, so these are both very fresh in my mind. I prefer the flashbacks in A Very SPN Christmas to Something Wicked though because John mitigates most good for me. :-P

  12. Balthazar: "Well the upside is yes. Uh, the downside is no, I can't
    get them for you." Sam: "Why not?" Balthazar: "Because Crowley's
    angel-proofed the whole bloody building. I guess he doesn't trust Cas.
    Seems that marriage is going swimmingly."

    I always enjoy Balthazar and his atypical angel attitude.
    Dean: "You're asking me to stand down?" Cas: "Dean." Dean: "That's
    the same damn ransom note that Crowley handed me. You know that right?
    Well no thanks. I'll find them myself. In fact, why don't you go back
    to Crowley and tell him that I said you can both kiss my a**."

    I love an angry, pissed-off Dean. It's become a rarity now! :(

  13. That Sam line is one of my favorite serious quotes of the whole series. To go from this to that mess in We Need to Talk about Kevin in 23 episodes is disgraceful. You're right. Sam always looks and that is one of the best things about the brother bond. They never give up on each other even in insurmountable odds. Here's to them fixing the brother bond in season 9.

  14. Death: "Really bought his own press, this one. Please Cas, I know God and you sir are no God."

    Gotta love Death. I would say please bring him back, but I'm afraid of what these writers will do to his character.

    They'd probably but him on a greasy food-free diet! ;)


    Dean: "Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he used us, he
    cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk. We have spent
    enough on him."
    You took the words out of my mouth Dean.

  15. That not-looking will always affect my viewing in the fiuture for if they are not going to address it again, it makes any further brother bonding unbelievable and contrived.

    In the past there were always valid reasons for the brother spats, whether one liked them or not. Here there's none!

  16. I hope even the writers are afraid of Death. If he doesn't like their characterization, he can just smite them.

  17. You are totally not a John fan. ;P :)

    I'm not fond of him myself.

    A dad who doesn't answer his kids' desperate calls, especially when one is about to die, is no father at all, but I have to say the actor does a great job and has great charisma with his 'sons'.

  18. I don't think you are going to get a retcon unless it happens after Jeremy Carver is gone, so it looks like we're going to have to move on in our frustration.

  19. Really hard choices. I love so many.
    No surprises that the writer of bugs got no votes.
    I voted for Daniel knauf for something wicked although I also loved hell house and Bloody Mary.
    For the second one I voted Richard Hatem for asylum and phantom traveller. Bothe great episode. This choice was harder coz there were lots of great options, like bob singer and Brett matthews

  20. Balthazar always brought the snappy one liners. In my opinion, he's the funniest angel in the garrison, not Uriel.

  21. Or move back.

    Season seven is a good place to settle down and not go further forward. It dependes how future seasons go.
    I so wish Kripke would come back for the final season, or even Sera but if Revolution keeps going strong, and I wish it all the best, I doubt it will happen

  22. Yeah, John is on my short list of fictional characters I hate. He was bad enough after the Pilot when he didn't call Sam to commiserate and in Home when he played hide and seek, but not calling when Dean was dying in Faith is completely inexcusable. In Something Wicked, he basically uses his children as bait and even in his dying "sacrifice," he puts an unconscionable weight on his son. John may be the biggest douche in the whole show and there's plenty to choose from.

    I have no problem with Jeffrey Dean Morgan. In fact, I went to see that Irish love movie, of which I cannot remember its name, just to support his career. I drew the line at watching Grey's though. I wish JDM all the best, and if that keeps him too busy to ever come back on Supernatural, well the better for both of us.

  23. For me Bob Singer has an unfair advantage since two of his works were written with show runners. It makes it hard for me to judge his writing on its own. Therefore I didn't really consider him even though I think Sin City is criminally undervalued. There are a bunch of good choices though. Nice to know that many of the writers we rarely hear about did a great job.

  24. Ah, you have hit on my plan. For me, season 7 has 24 episodes which leaves off with Sam getting Dean out of Purgatory and them both on the road in Baby hunting monsters and saving people. The End. Season 7 makes a beautiful series finale for me.

  25. I didn't mind Bugs, I have to say. It's not great but it's not bad, other than the ridiculous ending.

    I like the idea of Something Wicked, but the execution is a little sluggish.

  26. I actually think the current writers, aside from Bruckner/Lemming-Ross, all have a number of good episodes under their belts. It's mostly the overall episode quality which has slid for me since the end of season 4.

    Reading this I was surprised at how many one-off or two-three off writers the show had in the earlier seasons. I guess at that time they were more willing to try new people.

  27. I'm impressed at people who can remember so many quotes from episodes. I never can. I can usually think of a few.

    Those Meet the New Boss quotes remind me how much I disliked Sera Gamble's Dean - a bitter self-parody writing style, making sure that other people have the more heartfelt scenes while he sort of grimaces through. This was especially bad in season 7.

    I'd probably go with the one where the woman on the news said Cas was a very attractive man.

    Or the end, where Leviathan Cas says they're going to have fun now.

  28. The best episodes with John were the last few, where Dean and Sam were standing up to him. I'm sorry they never got to continue that part of the relationship, and instead we're just let with them feeling guilty over their deadbeat father.

  29. Agreed. Their guilt, especially in the beginning of season 2, was hard to take. The best moment in Salvation fr me, besides the previouslies of course, was when Dean finally calls John out on not calling Sam in Faith. Finally, he was able to stand up to his dad on an emotional level.

  30. I think that in the latter part of season six the brothers were good with one another again. The Apocalypse thing did affect them, but all in all they seemed okay.
    In season seven too, they were fine with each other, apart from the occassional spat.

    The worst damage has been done in season eight, with the Sam 'not-looking'. If before there were reasons for the brother rifts, here there was absolutely none, so IMO, Carver is the one who has damaged the brothers' relationship the most, not Kripke or Sera.

    I myself doubt that kropke will be back but SPN has been his greatest achievement up until now, so he might want to deal a final hand in the show.

  31. I agree.
    I like Bugs. It's the ending that's ridiculous, although I can understand that people who are put off by all the insects wouldn't be too fond of it. :)

  32. That was my favorite scene too, one of my favorites of any season. People always say that Dean only stood up to John because of Sam, and that's not untrue, but he also stood up to John for himself. John dying in his place took that away. I really wish we could have had some resolution about this but I think the show just went with Bobby as more of a father (not a big fan of that either to be honest), until the Henry Winchester episode.

  33. The worst for me was Dean almost being choked to death and being told to suck it up by Bobby, then being told by Sam that he was the reason for everything with Ruby. As much as the writing for the brother relationship the first half of the season sucked, at least Dean wasn't told that he should be fine with nearly dying.

  34. Oh I like bugs as an episode don't get me wrong (despite my fear
    Of bugs I do actually like it) but for writing I just don't see how it get get votes with that ending. It's up there with the ridiculous ending of frontier land for just super convenient and lazy writing

  35. And vampires, werewolves, Wendigos do make sense? ;)

  36. Trevor Sands - Heaven and Hell, I loved Anna and the fight between the Angels and Demons. and if I could have voted for another it would have been Asylum, the scariest ep of the series for me.

    Brett Mathews - Live Free or Twihard, Caged Heat, and And Then There Were None, making fun of Twilight was great and Dean as a Vamp..awesome and I liked the other eps as well. If I could have voted for another it would have been Asylum, the scariest ep of the series for me.

    Did anyone else have a problem with Cas wiping Lisa and Ben's minds? What will they think when they find a dead body in their house, doors broken and the car NOT wrecked? LOL Did not mind them forgetting Dean, but how does the hospital go from stab wound to car wreck? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

  37. I have a huge problem with angel mind wiping as a concept throughout the series, not just in Let It Bleed. Mostly because they have to wipe the minds of everyone who has ever known the people and arrange the house, like you said, getting rid of any evidence of the true memories. Cas will have to wipe the mind of anyone who knew Lisa and Dean as a couple to be successful or else when they run into each other it would be clear something was wrong. Angels would have to go through Lisa and Ben's stuff to erase pictures, letters, cards, any mementos. They would have to wipe Dean from both of their phones. It's a far more massive undertaking than just taking out a few memories.To be totally honest, I look at angel wipe to be very much like Death's drywall. You would always in the back of your mind feel uneasy and sooner or later it will crumble.

  38. You can go to the transcripts on Superwiki.

  39. Neither of those are my favorites from season 1, but there are parts in both that I really enjoy. Bugs has some great brother moments. Something Wicked has Michael.

  40. And people who are terrified of spiders have never seen the whole thing. Well at least I haven't. I have seen Bugs probably 100 times and I still close my eyes during the shower scene.

  41. I am so glad you mentioned Frontierland too. For me that ending is just as ludicrous as InstaDawn in Bugs. I'd put Taxi Driver and Mannequin 3 on the list too of super convenient plot twists.

    Bugs always gets a few votes out of either people really enjoying them or pity, but yeah it is destined to be the least voted for if past polls are any judge.

  42. I would be shocked if Kripke ever came back to Supernatural but it is still my greatest wish. I agree that he did terrible things in season 4. Demon blood addiction is by far my least favorite plot line in the entire series. It also did somewhat irreparable damage to the Sam character, which I don't think Kripke anticipated since Sam was his favorite character.

  43. I had a problem with the concept - I hated that Lisa and Ben were robbed of years of memories, because it was supposed to be the right thing for them. Without their choice or permission. And in some ways this makes them even more at risk, because someone may come and kill them and they will have no way of protecting themselves or contacting Dean.

  44. For me, season 7 was the time the brothers were more in sync than anytime since Dean went to hell in season 3. Well except for the asinine Amy subplot which was conflict for conflict's sake and a COMPLETE waste of time. However even that subplot doesn't seem as bad as it used to because season 8 was a trainwreck of adding in rifts for absolutely no reason and then allowing them to overwhelm the entire show for half a season. There is no doubt to me either that Jeremy Carver has done the worst damage to the brother bond. Sera Gamble did the least and she had Sam without a soul.

  45. Bobby's princess speech is one of my all-time least favorite lines in all of Supernatural. It was not called for and it sent out a dangerous message about being the caretaker of an addict in my opinion. I have personal history with an addict and by making the caretaker responsible for the addict's behavior while also saying that the caretaker has to excuse the addict's behavior and "be the better person" or else they are the bad guy is psychological abuse, plain and simple.

  46. It was a ludicrous solution to the long-term problem of what to do with Lisa and Ben once they had served their plot purpose. Mind wiping them doesn't keep them safe from demons because it wasn't them Crowley was trying to get to. Cas would have to mind wipe Dean of his memories of them in order to have the desired effect. After all, Dean still has feelings for them that can be used as leverage whether Lisa and Ben remember him or not. Another far too convenient get out of the writer's corner free plot device.

  47. They absolutely do make sense in the context of the world Kripke built for Supernatural. Even in a genre show, you have to stay true to the concepts the show is built around. In Supernatural, the supernatural exists but in the "real" world, which means it has to stay true to both the constructs of the supernatural being real and that the mundane, everyday rules exist. The Impala cannot go without gas. If you fall, gravity has you smacking the pavement. You need some kind of money source. The real world doesn't cease to exist because wendigos are in it. That was how Kripke designed this universe and quite frankly, that's why it works so well. John couldn't take the Colt on a plane because of metal detectors. Therefore, subverting the normal rules of air travel does not work at all in this world. It is a glaring deconstruct of the show's fundamental rules, the foremost of which is that working in the "real" world usually makes hunting harder.

  48. Thanks Dahne. I enjoy SPN writer's polls a lot.

    I was wondering about the writing credits of Nancy Weiner. I've always remembered her as the person who came up with the idea of the SPN books, so I think she should have writing credits for episodes 4.18 and 5.9. I know you are not particularly fond of that plot but I just love it and I know I have her to thank for it. I guess perhaps she is not really a writer of those two episodes, just someone who helped with the development of the ideas for them.

  49. I just did who got the credit for actually writing the episode not developing the story. It could go either way. I had to pick one way to do it, so that's what I went with. I agree that either way would be valid. I am actually really glad that the suckitude of the Carver Edlund books story line can't be solely blamed on Kripke. :-P

  50. I also liked the Edlund books storyline, thought it was very clever. I would like to see more of Chuck.

  51. I will have to go with the popular vote and say Nancy Weiner, The Song Remains the Same was such a powerful episode. The 2-3 shots were much harder but I have to go with Matt Witten, those two episodes were some of the best written of season two.

  52. I think it was the aftermath to the demon blood story, which was basically, "It's all your fault, Dean, and now I'm going to die to show how good I am," that really damaged so much of the brother relationship for me. As much as I think Carver screwed up this relationship in the first half of the season, I was at least glad that Dean finally said, essentially, "No, Sam, killing yourself isn't going to make everything better."

  53. You may be the first person I have ever heard say that No Exit was one of the best episodes of season 2 and there is very little I haven't heard this fandom say. :-)

  54. Oh, I get it. If there were snakes instead of spiders. I would never watch it.:)

  55. I guess for me it sends a dangerous message when people have to keep killing themselves to show their worth.

  56. Despite popular opinion, I agree that Dean gets his fair share of blame on this show, especially when it comes to other people's decisions. I don't have a problem with Sam sacrificing himself though because it did complete the character redemption arc and we all knew Sam was coming back. Of course with that last 2 minutes, I can honestly say I didn't expect to get Sam back quite that quickly.

  57. Ha! I'll take snakes over spiders any day. Love the close my eyes solution to anything buggy abut Bugs. It makes the episode a thousand times better for me.

  58. I think Dean was mostly freed from John after his death. That is when Dean feels free to criticize him more openly and harshly. However I am glad that he started questioning John and standing up for himself while John was still around to hear it. That man deserved a major verbal smackdown. I was fine with Bobby as a father surrogate because he made decisions with the brothers in mind more than based solely on revenge.

  59. I always wished Knauf would've written a few more eps for the series. Because his episode was, hands down, the turning point for me and the way I felt about the show. I saw there was real potential in it for greatness, if they had the right people writing for the characters. Because until that point, I either disliked or didn't care for quite a bit of season one. In fact, if I hadn't loved Dean so much, I probably would've quit around the mid-point.

  60. No Exit wasn't a terrible episode. My problem was I really couldn't stand Jo. If they'd written her differently or Tal had made some different acting choices, I may have had a better opinion of her. The story, though, was solid and I enjoyed that aspect quite a bit.

  61. To be honest, the Jo in my head is better than the JO who appeared on my screen until Abandon All Hope. They finally let Jo grow up in that one. Any 20-something that has someone lie to her mommy for her has no place in the grownup world.

  62. Nice and more info click here

  63. I had no idea how old Jo was even supposed to be at that point. That didn't help matters. No Exit was the one that seemed to have the biggest hint about a Jo/Dean pairing (bonding over their father), and I think if they hadn't done this Jo might have worked out better. They should have kept her as a sister figure. Instead they wrote her out and she only came back to be killed off.

  64. I loved the Jo and Dean chemistry and would have liked that friendship to turn into more.

  65. I liked Bugs and don't understand why it gets such a hard time. So dawn came a little quickly . . . . big whoop! That never really bothered me as much as it seems to have bothered others, but then I also love Route 666 so I guess I'm moving to my own drummer!

  66. It was one of those episodes that really grew on me. I especially loved the scene where Dean and Jo swap father stories.

  67. I completely agree that Kripke didn't know how to fix what he broke in terms of the relationship btw the brothers. S5 is proof of that.

  68. I think you have the basic concept confused. Mind wiping is exactly as you say it is. Mind SCRUBBING (a la Michael) is what the Supernatural writers use. (It leaves all non-pertinent facts in.) Too bad every time they use it it erases a little bit of their talents, too.

  69. Ha! So are you saying that it is actually the writers' minds that are being scrubbed because that would explain a WHOLE lot. I think plot devices on Supernatural are more like demon deals, but instead of giving your whole soul, they give parts of their talent each time they do it.

  70. Jo was far too juvenile for me in the story. I get she was new to hunting, but she wasn't new to life and adulthood. She came off like a 14 year old running away from home. There was so much potential to her character that was wasted and I wish the Jo I saw on screen was more like the Jo in my head. It seemed like they finally matured her just to kill her off and that was a great shame. She was finally becoming the character I knew she could be.

  71. She was college age. I'm pretty sure she was supposed to be in her early 20's, about the same age as Sam. I agree that they should have introduced her as a kid sister type but the biggest backlash over her during that season wasn't so much that she was a love interest, despite popular belief, and more that she was too immature, one more person Dean had to take care of, and that the whole Roadhouse set up took away from the brothers hunting together motif. Online, people were generally not happy to have what they feared would become a plot device. Oh how times have changed since many people who hated the Roadhouse in season 2 and were relieved that it burned down, now wish it was still around. It's a classic example of why shows should not pander to fans.

  72. She was on par with Dean's maturity

  73. There we will have to agree to disagree. Any 20 year old that has to have someone lie to their mommy needs to grow up fast.


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