Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Once Upon A Time - Episode 3.01 - Recurring Roles Being Cast

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Once Upon A Time - Episode 3.01 - Recurring Roles Being Cast

28 Jun 2013

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Thanks to The Spoiler Fairy

For Once Upon A Time episode 3.01 and recurring in several episodes, the roles of Rufio and Thief are being cast. Rufio is in his teens, and is a mischievous and devious Lost Boy, and the Thief is in his 30s and steals magic from Rumpelstiltskin in order to save someone he loves.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Rufi-Ohhhhhhh!

  2. They sure this is a new notice? I believe we met those two already....

  3. nerwen_aldarion28 June 2013 at 03:57

    Rufio! Rufio! Rufiooooooo!!!

    Hehehe will he have hair that has red tints and resembles a rooster tail?

  4. YES !!!!OMFG YES!!!! Rufio Rufio Rufio Rufio

  5. Wtf? They seem to be recasting Robin Hood. This sucks. I hate recasting (even though he's only been in one episode).Urg.

  6. LOL I thought I read/heard somewhere they weren't doing Rufio! I love this. I really hope it's not a name they use in the casting call and change later.

  7. The Thief was previously included in a casting notice for episode 2.19, but he has apparently been moved to recurring in season 3.

  8. wasn't robin hood only named "the thief" in the original casting call to try and hide who he really was? chances are this "thief" is a completely new character.

  9. Yes, but if you read the description it sounds exactly the same as what Robin Hood did.

    And this was the casting call for Robin Hood: "A Thief, who is male, 30 years old, brave, honorable and steals magic from Rumpelstiltskin".

  10. Yes, the 2 casting notices are worded almost identically, so either they're re-casting Robin Hood/the Thief, someone from the casting service made a mistake in re-posting the casting notice, or maybe there's a new role that is so much like last season's Thief that they're using the same description to cast for him (and perhaps hide the character's true identity). The only other possibility I can think of is that the casting service is just messing with us, but that would be a mean thing to do to all of the actors who will try to submit for this role, so it does't seem likely.
    I really don't know for sure. We'll have to wait and see if any other information becomes available about this.

  11. KILL THE LAWYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  12. They said that they loved Rufio but they believed him to be a proprietary character, unavailable for them to use. They also said that in their hearts Rufio existed in their universe even if we didn't see him on TV.

    Guess they worked out the rights for season 3. :D

  13. Also, why'd they be recasting him? To my knowledge, Tom Ellis's pilot was not picked up, so supposedly he should be available for the role.

  14. Rufio: Wow, so they're using characters from the Hook movie. That was unexpected.

    The Thief: Are they recasting Robin Hood or something?

  15. Bangerang!!!!!!!!

  16. This is making me wonder if they're recasting the other guy as Robin Hood (I hope not...) or if this is an entirely new character. Heck, how many people have tried to steal magic from Rumpel?!

  17. Herostratus35629 June 2013 at 03:10

    Kinda scared that "Rufio" will be turned into a white guy. Nothing against white people, but I think this show has enough of them.

  18. Agreed, and I am a white person. I just always imagine Rufio as this Filipino that is the definition of 90s cool.

  19. Indeed. If they're casting THE Rufio, they have to at least make him resemble the one played by Dante Basco, and for that the actor at the very least has to be a Filipino or similiar ethnicity.

  20. Absolutely AWESOME!!!! Can't wait!

  21. Interested they're bringing Rufio into this (I want him to be a rebel against PP and team up with the Jolly Roger crew. And want his relationship with Hook to kinda have a "you are my enemy/antagonist but I have the utmost respect for you" feel. But that's my personal spec/preference)

    If this IS indeed a recast for Robin Hood I am not happy.IMO recasting in primetime is UNACCEPTABLE. I am hoping they're just re-using the sides to cast a whole new character, but I'm not holding my breath.


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