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Nashville - Season 2 - Two Recurring Roles being Cast

27 Jun 2013

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Nashville are currently casting for 2 new recurring roles.

Zoey - In her Mid 20's and is Scarlett’s childhood best friend.

Layla - 20 Year old. She is the recent winner of an "American Idol" type competition. She appears sweet but has a darker more driven side.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Layla sounds like a rival for Juliette

  2. I think the role for Zoey should be played by Madeliene Zima from The Nanny and Californication and the role of Layla should go to AJ Michalka.

  3. Thanks. AJ Michalka was also in Cow Belles and she and her sister are singers. I would say Miranda Cosgrove for Layla, but she may come expensive than AJ due to her popularity with Drake and Josh and iCarly.

  4. Or for Scarlett but then again Juliette hasn't had much of a rival other than Rayna.

  5. Annalynne McCord for Layla ?

  6. Maybe she have a hidden talent. But , she was amazing as a mean girl on the season 1 of "90210".

  7. Hayden Klitschko28 June 2013 at 22:08

    might as well take Jessica Lowndes, she def. can sing and plays mean girl well too + no projects atm.


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