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Supernatural 8.22 "Clip Show" Review: A Blast From the Past

9 May 2013

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     This week’s episode of Supernatural, “Clip Show,” was written by Andrew Dabb and directed by Thomas J Wright. This episode continues the season’s return to the past in a big way. It brings back three characters from previous seasons, references the Carver Edlund books again, and re-casts an actor from the first season. Once more, the episode featured a number of truly spectacular special effects, and I have to acknowledge the fantastic team of Mark Meloche, Grant Lindsay, Ryan Curtis, Christopher Richardson, Trevor Chong, Steve McLeod, Kevin Genzel, Derek Rein, Werner ten Hoeve, Mladen Miholjcic, Jason Macza, Adam Williams, and John Marshall. I also want to include a special shout out to Jerry Wanek, Production Designer extraordinaire. The Bunker continues to be a work of art, and I thought the motel room at the end of the episode was one of his best.
      Overall, there were a couple of really glaring plot holes in this episode that prevented me from particularly enjoying it. I loved seeing Alaina Huffman back as Abaddon. She is both gorgeous and creepy, dripping evil. The special effects with her head in the box and her hands cut off were terrific, but her reanimating her hands and having them rescue her was amazing. I completely flashed to Thing in the old Addams Family series! That said, the entire scene was ludicrously stupid. Dean says in the Then montage that they were going to cut her into tiny steaks and bury her under cement – didn’t look like they did that. Why didn’t they take her to the Bunker and their newly found special demon dungeon? Why wasn’t she in a devil’s trap for protection even with the bullet in her brain? If she had a bullet in her brain, her vessel would be dead, so would she even survive? And why would you ever leave a demon alone? Especially a Knight of Hell! Why weren’t the hands more secure? And why did they have to use her? It would have been easier for them to simply summon a demon.
     Sam (Jared Padalecki) ends up having to defend Cas (Misha Collins) to Dean (Jensen Ackles) who is angry at him for losing the angel tablet and not trusting him. It feels like they are substituting strife between Dean and Cas for strife between the brothers. I got tired of the rift between Dean and Cas last season after Cas returned and Dean blamed him for breaking Sam’s wall and releasing the Leviathans.
    It was a nice touch to see Tommy (Graham Wardle) from “Wendigo” back, and the VFX team’s work on his exploding head was outstanding. It was also great to see one of my favorite Canadian actors, Donnelly Rhodes, back. However, it was a little jarring to see him play a different character than the one in played in “Wendigo” (the only surviving victim) when the episode is being recalled in this episode by Tommy.
    I did love Dean’s glee at having his own dungeon. The Men of Letters Bunker also demonstrates how it can be a source for the show going forward as the brothers can find lore, like the new exorcism, that has been lost since the Men of Letters died out.
    The scene in which Cas shops for all of Dean’s favorite things is hilarious. There’s a nice shout out to “The End” when Cas picks up toilet paper – the thing Chuck tells Dean is so important to stock up on. Cas has learned all the things that Dean likes from Busty Asian Beauties, to beer, and especially to pie. Cas is distraught when he learns they are out of pie, but once again, Dean doesn’t get his pie.
    Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) shows up to enlist Cas’ help in locking the angels in Heaven to force them to have a “family” meeting and settle their differences. Metatron is still focused on storytelling and analogies. He wants to ride in and save the day. He compares Heaven to a dysfunctional family – a recurring theme in the series, of course. Metatron also tells Cas that Naomi is not in charge in Heaven, but just the head of one of a number of factions all fighting for dominance, which Metatron if afraid will spill out onto Earth. He couldn’t actually find a better way to appeal to Cas than through a threat to humanity. Metatron appeals to all of Cas’ weaknesses in enlisting him to do the trials. Now that Metatron is taking an active role, I wonder whether we will see Kevin Tran (Osric Chau) again. I thought they might have given some indication of where he was. Armstrong is a terrific addition to the cast and plays extremely well against Collins. Armstrong nails both the comedic timing and the earnest, otherworldly-ness of an angel.
    It’s also difficult to determine if Metatron is really acting for the overall good or if he has a hidden agenda. The first trial is to kill a Nephillim, and Cas is appalled and doesn't want to kill her as the girl hasn’t chosen to be a Nephillim. Metatron is implacable in insisting that he must cut her heart out. Both Cas and Metatron get thrown around and beaten up pretty good. In Cas’ defense he is still hurt from what Crowley did to him, which begs a question – why is Cas taking so long to heal? In the end the Nephillim tries to kill Metatron and isn’t the pure soul she appeared to be at first. Interestingly, Cas doesn’t seem to have suffered any ill effects from having completed his trial.
    I loved Abbadon’s reaction to learning that Crowley (Mark Sheppard) – the salesman! – was now King of Hell. Hopefully, she will be more interested in dealing justice to Crowley than coming after Dean and Sam – which speaking of... why didn’t she come after them? They were right outside of where she was being held, so why not just kill them?
    It was great to see the Carver Edlund books yet again after they were just referenced in “Pac-Man Fever.” Crowley’s plan is suitably diabolical. Sheppard brought a darker tone to Crowley in this episode. Sheppard’s monologue over Sarah’s (Taylor Cole) death is a magnificent performance. He delivers the entire speech in tight close up. He’s sitting in a chair which means the entire speech rests on just his face and voice – both of which are up to the task. As befits the King of Hell, he’s discovered his own weakness and vows to keep all things demonic away from the brothers, and he relies on his mother’s having been a witch and wields that power to kill the people the brothers have saved.
    Sarah Blake is able to give a nice perspective to how Sam’s character has changed over the course of the seasons. She sees how much he’s changed since they saved her in the season one episode “Provenance.” Because Sam had a relationship with her, however brief, he feels her death most keenly. I really thought that having found the hex bag so quickly after she died, they might have burned it and at least tried CPR on her.
    Sam is willing to make a deal with Crowley to prevent all the people they’ve saved from being systematically killed. Dean wants to complete the trials, to “kick it in the ass” (a nice shout out to Kim Manners’ favorite direction). Dean will always be willing to sacrifice everyone to save his brother – except he seemed to have moved beyond that. In fact, while this episode demonstrates a nice character arc and development for Sam over multiple seasons, it seems that Dean has regressed. Dean has always put family first, but by the end of season five, he was willing to let Sam take on Lucifer if it meant stopping the Apocalypse. He’s stated many times that Cas is like a brother to him, and yet, here he is pushing him away again and leaving Cas to his own devices, which never seem to work out for him. Dean seems to be making all the same mistakes.
     Overall, I felt this episode was a bit disappointing. They killed off two more female characters in a long line of killing off female characters - not that the men have really fared any better. While it was sad to see the death of Jenny Klein mainly because she is named for one of the writers on the show, Sarah Blake has long been a fan favorite, who it would have been nice to see come back in a more positive way, especially as her character was not just a stock damsel-in-distress but helped in her own rescue.
    Highlights of the episode would have to be Mark Sheppard’s performance, the return of Abaddon, and the new team of Metatron and Cas. This won’t go down as one of my favorite penultimate episodes of a season. However, next week’s episode is written by Jeremy Carver, and I’m excited to see where he’s going to take us and how he’s going to tie up the season. What are you most excited for coming up in the finale? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. disqus_1S0cPdC34I9 May 2013 at 13:39

    Agree with everything about Donnelly Rhodes to Sarah and CPR and to Curtis Armstrong -- remembering him fondly from his "Moonlighting" days. I don't get the same "this may be the end of time" feeling I did with the Apocalypse a few years ago so not sure the overall arc is delivering for me the way I would like it too. I'm hoping the season finale will do it but not feeling that right now and not sure exactly why -- is it the writing...too many new characters...characters not 'grown' enough from earlier seasons? Not sure. But...always hopeful that next week may deliver.

  2. Wow - This is _exactly_ the way I feel about the season! I'm dissatisfied and I don't know why.

  3. Good review; nails they key problems with this episode, which were significant, as well as noting some o the strengths. it's not a good sign when, watching the episode, you think, "hey! that's a cool piece of set dressing," as I did for some of the bunker stuff.
    But yeah, all the stuff with Abbadon was epicly dumb. Why did they keep her body? (Hell, where did they keep it?) Given that it was separated from her demon consciousness, why didn't it rot? Why on Earth wouldn't they ahve contained her within a Trap, since the one in her head merely bound her to her body, not to any specific physical place? Why would she separate herself from the Trap? And why in the seven hells didn't she just come right out after them take them by surprise and kill them? and relly? Abbadon was idenfitied before as a major threat, and you pick HER to try this completely new, never-before-performed theoretical cleansing ritual on? In an unsecure environment? REALLY??? Talk about bad plotting....
    That said, there were good moment,s such as Cas on a shopping run. And I wonder as well about just how reliable Metatron will prove to be. I hope he does turn out to be a goog guy, as I kinda like him.
    Anyway, this one goes down as one of the weakest episodes in the show's entire run.

  4. To me SPN has become too repetitive. For 6 years, since the finale of season one, SPN was my most favorite show but this year I found myself caring less and less about it, and I care now about Arrow, Once, Grimm, and Revenge more than I care about SPN.

  5. To be honest with you Sarah as never been one of my favorite characters on SPN. i was a bit sad to see her go though. But i could never see her as a permanent love interest for Sam.

  6. I still care more than I do with some of the shows you mention, because of the characters. I just can't accept some of the plotting and most of all the pacing. Characters like Dean, Cas, and Sam, not to mention the awesome supporting players (who live) - you won't find them anywhere else. But I just wish the stories were tighter.

  7. I just want a tighter focus on the myth arc - they crammed so much into this season because of all the MOTW episodes and too few myth arc episodes. Almost every myth arc episode has had 2-3 episodes worth of plot. The story with the waitress was like 3 scenes. Why?

  8. I also gotta add that I'm more of a Sam girl but love Dean too, and most fandom prefers Dean. I got tired from all the fans' competition regarding which brother gets more attention.

  9. OneStoryteller9 May 2013 at 17:43

    Huh. I actually enjoyed the episode a lot. I'm usually concerned over some plot holes but last night's didn't bother me. Odd that. Anyway, Crowley was incredibly, awesomely evil last night. The scene where he outlines exactly what he's going to do unless the boys give him what he wants was chilling. I felt the Winchesters' horror. I was also impressed with the Sarah death scene (even though I was sad she was killed). Sam and Dean both looked devastated.

    I do agree though that the pacing and focus has been incredibly off this season. Way too many ridiculous MOTW episodes and not enough story arch episodes. And as someone else said, those story arch episodes were so jam-packed full that it was hard to keep up. Would have liked to see some things spread out a bit.

  10. I like Sam and Dean (I'm more of a Dean...boy), and I think the fighting between them is always bad for the show. I think there are about ten people who like both.

  11. Guess I'm one of those ten, lol.

  12. Me too! Love both the boys. The in-fighting between the fans is way too intense for me. And personally, I loved this ep. I can overlook plot holes (they often don't really bother me), esp with a show in it's 8th year. Most shows don't hold their quality for such a long time..heck most shows don't last anywhere near 8 years, so as long as the boys can keep saving people and hunting things (back off, Crowley! LOL)...I'll be a dedicated fan.

  13. Same here. Never did understand the big fuss over her.

  14. Agreed. The pacing is way off and who is doing the heavy lifting is bugging me. Plot holes are getting to the point where I'm not sure are we watching the same Winchester's we started out with. Did Dean the portal of purgatory bring the each brother out in the version of earth they left?

    But in previous seasons that wouldn't have occured to me as I would have gotten a sense of urgency about the mytharc.

    But boys started the closing the gates of hell voluntarily. There was no desperate need to attempt the trials without having knowing everything involved apart from possibly getting a kickstart in helping Kevin as hell hadn't suddenly kicked up a gear to justify running head long into it.

    If anything closing hell for me was just a reason to get the boys on the same track after the whole Sam not looking and wanting normal, however possibly knocking off the balance of everything (which Carver has been hinting at) doesn't really justify that unlike going after the YED, stopping Lucifer, soulessness, stopping Levi's. In fact, I feel a little bit of sympathy for Crowley, compared to the rest of hell he's played it pretty straight with them and now they are trying to close hell on him when most of the damage inflicted on the Winchesters wasn't by his hand.

    Yes he was completely evil in this one, but even with his smug speeches he came across as pretty desperate too.

  15. We who like both brothers equally are definitly more then just 10 I asure you.

  16. Put me in the both brothers club also, although I do cry more with Dean, let Jensen get a tear in his eyes and I am LOST. lol

  17. Black In Black Trickster '9512 May 2013 at 03:50

    I caught up with the two episodes. The other one was just as fantastic :)
    I didn't see Sarah coming this episode. I kinda thought that was a little rumoured, she didn't have a good outcome but it was good to see how she was after all those years. A disappointment with that guy from wendigo as well, he lives that long and then..
    I know Sam can push through this, even though its a little concerning. It was very interesting to have insight of what it was like for him as a kid with the other episode and how he's holding up. I think further in the future, because it have been mentioned, an archangel will return. It would be a twist if some-one got out of the cage. I wonder if Sam is unleashing some full physic stuff and its not his illness. Those spells could be preparing him in a unhuman way, because that is the only way. And it might not solely mean gates of hell, it could be for Crowley if closing the gates in unsuccessful or even Naomi. And if the curing of a demon is Crowley Sam might need to use his blood. The possibilities are endless!.
    I hope that Cas and Dean will work things out quickly but successfully so they can be strong as a team, and having the 'brains' Metraton would be interesting. I think he is a good character and and he really dosen't look evil. I wonder what Dean role would be?. I think he would be a help for Cas work with Metraton, I think something is in store really big overall.
    Love this episode, any look forward to the finale :)

  18. My 2 favorite lines, from Sarah when she said she liked the old hair cut too and Cas upset over no pie.
    I don't really get upset over holds, since if a story was written like a real person would do it, the story would be very dull. No one would go off and leave someone they thought was really bad, someone would be there watching. Trying to sneak up on someone wearing shoes that make a noise with each step on concrete..dumb. Wearing very high heels to a crime scene..give me a break..Anyway you get the idea. Not all of those were from SPN of course..just pet peeves. So I give lots of leeway on this kind of stuff. What I don't forgive..screwing up a character like they did Sam at the start of this season.

    I enjoy this ep and will watch many times.

  19. I agree, it needs to be spread out, in the early years there were MOTW eps, but they always had some reference to the myth of the season, usually at the end, but it was something.


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