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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - Graduation?

17 May 2013

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  1. Uhmmm...can I say?:WHAT THE FUCK WAS THATTTTTTTTTTTTT???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  2. Great finale. I never expected Stefan to be a doppleganger. I wonder what it will be like now that Katherine is a human again. Will she make a deal with Silas to get immortality again? I could see that. Stefan is in deep now(literally).

  3. Jeremey being resurrection that sticks was predicable.

    Epic fail to all powerful Bonnie.If ending means even though she Is ghost that means she will be around like nothing Is different then that Is just stupid.

    Silas trapping Stefan and now taking his form was quite a twist.But katharine turned human oh my god.

  4. Yesterday was my bday and THIS IS THE BEST BDAY GIFT EVER!!! JP FINALLY GAVE US DE'S A BREAK!!! AHHHHHH!!! After this episode, i will be going out to celebrate more...and I will be thinking of this episode all night!! Alaric, Jeremy, Rebekah, i love you guys!! Lexi you were funny tonight! Klaus was a bit of a badass with that cap, that was an Oh shit moment. LOL Stefan being drunk was funny, and Mekebah kiss was so cute! I don't ship em, but Matt pulling the "what happens in vegas stays in vegas" card was adorable WTF???? STEFAN IS A DOPPELGANGER?!??! OHHHH SHIT!!! WHAT A TWIST!! Can't believe Bonnie is gone, who the hell is gonna bring her back? Lucy? Having no Steroline scenes, didn't like that at all. (MY GPC).....damn, I can't stand Stefan, but shit good for him for getting another cliffhanger ending. Damn that sucks!! Did anyone think of Angel when Stefan was going down? Except Stefan was more realistic about it, not to mention that Stefan was actually having water filled in his box and Angel was protected from the water, but still the concept is the same. Lol.....Katherine got the cure!! Wow! I didn't even think about that! Was anyone else waiting for her skin to get wrinkly and just turn to dust? LOL Katherine is human, good move Elena!!....aww man is it fall yet?? LOL......ok I'm bday celebration continues...DELENA4EVER!!!

  5. disqus_409d7mcUqa17 May 2013 at 02:09

    i just have no words

  6. I see that you mentioned Lucy and I she going to show up again???it would be great!

  7. Are you drunk?

  8. The end was awesome but this whole delena-stelena thing has gotten really boring. It was really predictable she would choose damon, and then in season 5 it's going stefan's direction.. They should come with better twist..

  9. Amazing finale! that cliffhanger with Katherine and Elena, and with Stefan in the end...O.MG. can't wait for S5!!!

  10. Well happy late birthday! And I pretty much had the same reaction. But I like Stefan lol.

  11. JP just rip off Buffy and Angel at the same time AND is going for being human next Season. That was the most boring and underwhelming show I have seen In a Long time . What The Hell was that Even I do not think The TVD Writers are or Was even Trying with that Mess . There are Better Shows out there I can put My Time in and From Now Own I will be

  12. Hahaha thank you.

  13. Not yet. lol Completely sober.

  14. I've been thinking about her since she left, smh. I was really hoping she'd be back this season, especially for Bonnie's storyline.

  15. seeing as they haven't been following the books... I have tried to put that past me but I'm gonna have to rethink watching this show any further

  16. here's my opinion: I don't really like Elena. She was best when she was emotionless. Idc about Damon at all. I feel bad for Stefan. So, I was really, really hoping for Katherine to kill her and take her place, with Stefan taking the cure. That said, I like the Stefan/doppelganger twist and of course my fav scene with Klaus and Caroline (officially a fan of them). However, the Jeremy revival kinda sucked and Katherine taking the cure... not sure about that just yet.

  17. huh, so they pulled an Angel on Stefan, this should be interesting. Is Bonnie really gone, been waiting for this since the first season. Wish Alaric was back for good, he and Damon are great together.

  18. If they end the love triangle here for good, Damon's a good choice because Stefan is much better written without her.

  19. worst finale in my whole history of tv .. wth were those antagonists were supposed to do there that is REAL threat??? u call that intense? and damon's death-bed wound, klaus appears and it's yep, it's all gone.. I felt I was played and cheated and thrown around supposed to be feeling the action but every important scenes was cut to give favors to 10-20 minutes of fan-service ,,,,,,,, complete BS and waste of time..

  20. No more Klaus YAY!!!!

  21. not taking Stefan's form.. he is exactly look like Stefan.. :) because the young Salvatore is the doppelgänger of Silas.. like Elena is Kath's doppelgänger / shadow self

  22. I kind of really like how that ending with Silas was so random and out of left field that you didn't even see it coming. I didn't like how they built him up so much, then just cast him aside in the end like it was something simple, so this could end up being pretty interesting.

  23. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle17 May 2013 at 03:34

    I'll say it now....WTF!!! Jeremy's back? Bonnies dead? Common I had closure with Jeremy I thought he died a hero and i moved on and now he's back....not cool and instead we lose Bonnie (who i doubt will really b gone), Klaus leaves, Im happy for rebekah and matt, Idc for tyler anymore he's gone to, Alaric had another good appearance and closure, Elena was great in this and Katherine taking the cure? Did not think that would happen lol! Elena choosing Damon was the right thing I totally agreed with that And lastly, Stefan o Stefan he's the doppleganger of SIlas? Silas looks truly as Stefan? And Stefan dies Silas dies? is that right? And now stefan is locked in a safe down in the river. Jeez that was rough. Damon and Elena r going to have a rude awakening with Silas and Stefan especially Damon.

  24. heard about the spin-off?

  25. Stefan being a doppleganger is the biggest WTF moment I've ever had watching a TV show.

  26. IKR? WHAT'S THE POINT OF HAVING BONNIE BECOME ALL POWERFUL ONLY TO KILL HER OFF SO EASILY? not even with a proper goodbye or anyone caring about her.. what was all the build with her magic was supposed to mean... I hate this stupid show.. I hope it gets canceled next season so those brilliant actors can have something actually good to do..

  27. bless you! I think the same thing.. time to move on and leave this to its simple-headed writers ..

  28. lol Stefan being a doppleganger was predictable? Come on. I've never seen any fans say "Stefan is Silas's doppleganger"

  29. Yes, a not a F is given by me about it.

  30. So I´m not surprised about Katherine and even Delena. I wouldn´t bring Jeremy back, but I´m not against it either. But I really didn´t expect the end with Stefan. So I guess they can still surprise me.

  31. Alexandra Kholodova17 May 2013 at 04:00

    Yeah, I have to agree, not a single person in the whole f***ing world would have come up with 'Stefan is Silas' doppelganger'... or me the intrigue of the episode wasn't - who's gonna die, but who's gonna take the cure...

  32. If you hate the show so much then stop watching it and step back away from it. Don't sit there and try to ruin it for everybody else by wishing cancellation on it... many many more than you want the show to keep going.

  33. Caroline should've gone to New Orleans with Klaus

  34. Stefan is Silas's DOPPLEGANGER! Boy, i did NOT see that coming!

  35. I'd rather they'd just killed Katherine off. They should've had Stefan take the cure off Elena and give it to Jeremy's ghost as a parting gift before he almost left Mystic Falls, that would've been a decent way to resurrect the character, and I also think they should've closed the door on Caroline and Tyler. She's a much more interesting character when she's not pining after him and it would be nice for a relationship to end concretely based on both characters moving on, rather than one person dying.

  36. I have this feeling, that in the last episode of Vampire Diaries will Caroline go to New Orleans to Klaus, ready to see the world :D

  37. i fucking hate bonnie died fucking hate it, she needs to get back to life, bringing jeremy back was sor of stupid, and the best part is katherine being human! that`s gonna be interesting to see and sylas/stefan would be fun too, wonder how many episodes till they realize that sylas make a dopleganger of stefan!

  38. I loved it.

    Along with the winter finale, the best of the season.

  39. That ending. OH MY GOD THAT ENDING. Julie Plec is a genius.

  40. Execrable

  41. Bonnie was only visible to Jeremy... the others won't be able to see her so it will be different.

    > Silas taking Stefans place (and the revelation that Stefan is a doppelganger of Silas)

    > Jeremy alive
    > Bonnie dead - whether or not her ghost hangs around to chat with Jeremy

    > Katherine human
    > Tyler able to return
    > Matt leaving with Rebecca
    > Elena and Damon still together post sire bond

    .... they really know how to mix things up in a finale. It's too long to wait for the next season though.

  42. Something's Brewing17 May 2013 at 05:51

    So I find it terribly funny that the one person to end up with the cure, was probably the one person who REALLY didn't want to take it! ROFL!

    Anywho, while I don't exactly care for everything that happened in the episode, it had me completely caught off guard by a few things, which doesn't happen often. Thus, I think it was a pretty good episode. I can't wait to see how they'll pull this off.

  43. Something's Brewing17 May 2013 at 05:55

    But it was a cure for vampirism, not for being dead...

  44. Definitely a better than average episode.
    - A triangle decision! Finally!
    - Alaric was quite the badass. That guy knows how to mess up a vampire hunter. I think Alaric was my favorite character in this episode.
    - It's too bad Alaric and Lexi didn't spend any time together while they were alive. Those two would have worked up a 'shipper frenzy.
    - Jeremy coming back is complete bullsh*t. How do do they explain his resurrection to the town? Does he go back to school? Is he going to live with Damon and Elena?
    - Bonnie died but she didn't really die. She'll probably still be a series regular next season whom only Jeremy can see.
    - The took Lexi away again, damn it. I would have loved to see more drunken Stefan and Lexi.
    - Very happy for Matt and Rebekah. Until now, Matt's life really sucked. Now he gets to travel the world with a hot, affectionate blonde. Good for him.
    - I can't believe how much Caroline lit up when Klaus showed up and held off those dead people. She can barely hide that she likes him at all anymore. I doubt Julie Plec has any intention of letting Klaus/Caroline end even though they're on different shows.
    - Kol is gone again. I'm definitely glad about that.
    - I love that Katherine and Elena have switched circumstances. I'd bet anything that being human will barely change Katherine's attitude at all.
    - It was nice to see that Stefan didn't lose it when Elena chose Damon and seemed serious about moving on and finding someone new... then Silas ruined it. Speaking of which...
    - F*ck Silas. It's the only aspect of the episode I didn't like. I'm happy that Stefan (and Paul Wesley) will have plenty to do next season but I hate that sumbitch and really wanted him to disappear forever and never be mentioned again.
    - 8/10 rating for the finale.

  45. Bonnie die ok I can deal with that. Jeremy is alive again love it. What dose not make sense is Stefan has a Doggleganger WTF. How in the world can that happen? I knew that the Silas was going to come back some how because it could not end that easy on TVD.
    Finally a Elena and Damon epic moment I cry. I can't wait for next season to see where they go from here.

  46. I wish Alaric and Lexi were back for good but that would mean both brothers would be happy and we can't have that, can we? As for Bonnie, no way is she gone. Julie Plec has already alluded to her spending next season as a ghost only talking to Jeremy. She even referenced the series regular ghost character on Being Human as an example.

  47. Yeah, Silas hasn't really worked for me so far - but with Paul Wesley playing him, I think they can salvage it. Dude's going to relish the villain role.

  48. You can definitely tell the difference onscreen when Wesley is really having fun so I have hope that he'll bring something interesting to playing Silas.

  49. You absolutely nailed. I guessed it the same way and it would have evolved almost every character. Now we have the same things going on and on and on.....(except for Stefan)

  50. Silas Twist - Awesome. I've been very "eh" on Silas as a villain, but this I like. Any bets on how long it'll take for someone to notice and who the first person to notice is? I'm hoping for Damon or Caroline, personally.

    The Triangle - Was thrilled (and still kinda am) during Delena's kiss moment, but now am honestly wondering how in the world Damon will fair as an actual boyfriend. Guess we'll have to see next year. I was very happy about how Stefan handled the whole thing, since I'm getting ever so tired of the relationship drama, although Silas-as-Stefan might stir that up. Also, I don't want to hear a hint of Elena being interested in Stefan again until at least 2014. Elena may have always been attracted to both brothers, but in the past she was sure she wanted Stefan more; I want that with Damon at least through midseason, if only so when she does make that final call when the series does end, we won't all think it doesn't matter because she'll change her mind again ten minutes after the credits roll. Learn how to stick with one guy again, Elena. You can get romantically confused again in season 6. And in the meantime, it would be nice if one of the brothers could actually try to move on.

    The Ghosts - Glad Jeremy's back, agree that Bonnie's "death" is a cop out. And no offense to Bonnie fans, but I'd happily exchange ghost!Bonnie for Lexi and Alaric. Not that I don't like Bonnie, but Ric and Lexi are just so good at lightening the brothers up, and bring some fun back into the show, the same way Jeremy being back has helped Elena become likeable again. I love them, and if Silas tries veil hopping again, those are my top two choices for return trips to the land of the living. Bonus question: Is Jeremy now restored to his old body, which has itself been restored, or there still a body decaying in his grave? How does that work?

    Matt and Rebekah - Friends or relationship, those two are cute. I like their scenes, and I'm sad the spinoff means they won't have them anymore.

    Klaus and Caroline - I've never been a huge fan of theirs (great chemistry, but Klaus makes Damon look like a saint by comparison, especially when it comes to being a good brother, and Caroline deserves a nice guy) but they've been growing on me lately, that line about being her last love? That was a good line. Plus he saved Damon, so good on him. See you on The Originals, Joseph Morgan.

    Katherine and the Cure - Poetic justice. None of the vampires wanted to be selfish and/or leave their friends behind, so instead it became a punishment for the one person who was a obsessed with living forever. Katherine's going to be vulnerable next year, and in a way, being in that position in a town full of people that don't particularly like her might make her more dangerous than ever. Like a cornered animal. I'm thinking human!Katherine might work better than vampire!Elena. Definitely better than emotionless!Elena.

    Graduation - Eh. They never showed up for school (except those dances, which were very bad ideas), don't care much about them graduating from it. But it did make me a bit sad to see Bonnie participating in a ceremony that usually signifies the passing on into the next stage in someone's life, one she won't get to experience. Although as she'll be sticking around and Silas has a funny habit of playing with the boundaries of life and death, who knows?

    Overall, it didn't work as a complete story like the other finales have. It felt more like a couple independent stories stitched together. But there were some really great moments, so I did enjoy it more than I did a large chunk of this season, so that's good.

  51. The finale was a true Vampire Diaries episode. It was all dark and twisty, but at the same time bittersweet and funny here and there. And I got teary-eyed when everyone was gathered before graduation started without anyone knowing that Bonnie is already dead.

    But personally, I thought that the episode rushed through a lot of things. They've set up the return of the 12 hybrids, 12 witches and 12 humans just for them to die so easily. The finale could've been more awesome if it all erupted into an all out war.

    I mean, in the promos something erupted in the car park. I didn't see it in the episode.

    And where's Pastor Young? And April Young? Not that I care about their characters, I just needed closure.

    I'm curious where they\re taking the Mystic Falls Gang next season.

    And how Rebecca will transition to The Originals now that she's got the Quarterback's attention.

  52. the only thing this episode did was to illustrate how convoluted, nonsensical and inexorable the writers of this show have gotten. adding more twits, back plots, sub plots and random mythology does not make for good but confusing writing with generic and groan inducing escape clauses designed as revelations. its a cautionary tale of how not to let your own ego and head space dominate any objective skill one has a writer. also, this episode only further illustrated how such good of a character (and actor) Alric was.

  53. I hope Katherine seduces Jeremy and they have kids together. Now that would be a twist!

  54. First YAY DELENA!! Klaus was so sweet! and so were rebekah and matt. I'm not sure what will be of the doppleganger thing for stefan but it sure as hell will prove paul's acting skills.

  55. I'm so happy Elena finally said she loved Damon, and for real this time! so, so very glad

  56. OMG I CALLED THAT ENTIRE EPISODE...well, pretty much anyway...
    Jeremy as the death that sticks
    Katherine taking the cure
    DELENA!!!!!! (YAY!!!)

    However, that part at the end with Stefan being the doppelganger, that was crazy! Didn't see that coming at all! Awesome episode! :D

  57. i hate this kinda of people .

  58. Now that was awesome episode and finale.
    Stefan the doppelganger was completely unexpected and man what fate.

    Katherine human now that will be a interesting twist.
    Jeremy back to life man that was awesome.

    This was one hell of a finale and i can't wait to see season 5.

  59. My poor Stef...just give me Steroline!!!

  60. drink drink drink drink drink drink drink drink lol

  61. Did I sound like I care? I can say whatever I want ..

  62. I dropped the show halfway this season, it crossed the line of laughable abstract.

  63. As whole, the ep was great. But the end was horrible. I swear, this show is getting more and more ridiculous with each season. Can someone just kill JP so we get someone who knows what he/she is doing?
    Since when does killing the witch break the spell? When Ester died, her kids were still vamps and Klaus curse was still intact. The witch that created the Five died too, and they were still around. Emily locked those vamps in the tomb, she created devices and the rings (immortality and sunlight). All this spells still worked centuries after the witches died. But when Bonnie died, Silas got free? And how comes Jeremy is still alive if Bonnies death breaks the spell? JP has no idea what she's doing. I'm really beginning to hate her. She thinks that keeping Silas is a good idea, so she changes the rules again to justify him on the show.
    And Stefan being a doppelganger? What is that? Just ridiculous. Oh, and locking Stefan in the safe and dump him into the lake? So a copy of Angel. He was locked in and dumped into the ocean.
    Good way of giving Katerina the cure. I liked that. Klaus will be overwhelmed to have a human doppelganger again.
    "We don't always get what we want. Do we?" So true. I liked Bonnie in this ep. She was finally again the Bonnie I liked in S1. But I'm still glad she's dead. JP would have just found another way to ruin her character again. Instead she left as the person the fans liked at the beginning.
    "Take off your shirt" "Elena, there are children present" LOL Damon is so funny. Even if he's dying. I knew that Elena would choose Damon. She was always more attracted to him than Stefan. I was just sorry to see Stefans hurt expression. "You got the girl. Now don't screw it up" LOL
    Becca blew up herself and her ex. I like that Becca.
    Klaus actually came back for Carolines graduation? What about his sister? He acted like he doesn't have one. Did Becca even knew that Klaus was in town? In think not. There is something seriously wrong with that family. Kol, for example. His last day on earth and the only thing he thinks about is killing people instead of trying to say goodbye to his family.
    Group hug. Although it was too sweet, I liked it.
    Alaric and Jeremy eating and drinking was so funny.

  64. I won't miss Bonnie. In the last 2 seasons I was really hating her. But it was a good way for her to go. She died bringing Jeremy back. And she was, at least for this last ep, the person I liked in S1.
    The show is not stupid, but it sometimes gets ridiculous. JP has no idea what she's doing. Nature has loopholes. Magic has loopholes. I get it. But we never before heard that if a witch dies, her spells break. Thousands of witches, millions of spells. And this
    is the first time we hear that a spell breaks?

  65. Mostly it was a good ep. I just think the end was ridiculous. Since when does the spell break, if the witch dies? Stefan being a doppelganger was ridiculous too.
    Hell yes! The first thing I thought when I saw Stefan in the water "She got that from Angel!" Loved B&A. Hey. You thing we can get Joss as producer if we kill JP?
    Yes, me. I hoped Elena would kill Katerina. But you know what? Klaus will be very happy if Elena wraps Katerina up in present paper and gives her to him.
    Well, if you're a delena fan, happy birthday. That was a great present. Better than my Christmas
    present. Cancelation of Leverage.

  66. Are you even old enough to drink?

  67. Hey! Maybe she's not old enough to drink. In that case we can drink for her!

  68. Horrible...just horrible.The only parts that I liked was Elena telling Damon she loved him and giving Stefan the cure,drunk Stefan and the fight between Elena and Katherine.The ghosts served no purpose and the ep was filled with stuff that had happened before.
    Q:So,are all people from Middle East as fair as Paul Wesley or is it just Silas? (are you kidding me show?)

  69. Agree. JP is ruining the show. If we kill her we can try to get Joss for the job. He did great jobs with Buffy and Angel. Or I will do it. I would probably make a better writer and producer than her. Hell, a 5 years old would make a better job.

  70. Honey, I know how you feel. I'm close to canceling it too. But I can't get my eyes of Damon. He's the hottest peace of ass on this show.

  71. I see that many fans remember Angel. LOL

  72. I will give it a few eps trial. The one thing that could make it interesting is Camie.

  73. She's a stupid bitch having no idea what she's doing.

  74. Agree. Why can't the writers and producers set some rules and follow them. They did in S1. Now they just do what they want. And the worst part? They use excuses like "natural loopholes" or "magical loopholes" cause they are unable to explain why they change rules all the time.
    I swear, with each season it's harder to watch this show. Too bad. I really loved it in S1 and 2. I hoped that now, that the family is gone, JP can again make the show what it was 2 years ago. But now she's doing it again. Changing rules to keep Silas, as she did is S3 to keep Klaus.

  75. Yeah, right. Like he would fuck a bitch, that not only looks like his sister but is also responsible for everything bad that happened in MF.

  76. Esther drew power from dark magic not the spirits,that's why (according to writers) her spell still holds.It doesn't explain Emily,though.
    I get that you hate Katherine,but I don't want to see the human bloodbag sl on my screen again a)because I love Katherine and I don't wat to see her live like this-you hate her,so let's move on to b)because we've seen that sl already and it was horrible and c)that way,Klaus would get exactly what he wanted.
    Klaus only cares about himself.We knew that already!
    Kol didn't say goodbye to his family.-what family?Bex and Klaus mourned his death for 5 minutes and Elijah didn't even blink.

  77. "Q:So,are all people from Middle East as fair as Paul Wesley or is it just Silas? (are you kidding me show?)" LOL

  78. I'm telling you Q

  79. Kiara,relax!We're gonna get banned from the site.

  80. I'd imagine different spells have different loopholes.

  81. I love Katherine but I agree wih you.Dead vampire Katherine is much better than alive human Katherine.

  82. Congratulation, your application to kindergarten has finally been accepted... Seriously?

  83. She is a big Bonnie fangirl. I think the fact that she died ruined the entire episode for her and somehow made Stefan being a doppleganger predictable.

  84. I don't want to be one of those people to over analyse the show so I'll leave that to other people. I am so happy Elena chose Damon, not because I'm "Team Delena" but because finally Paul Wesley no longer has to suffer playing the brooding brother anymore. The ending was major WTF, of course people are going to be cynical but YES at Paul Wesley being the evil one next season. (If you haven't noticed, Paul Wesley fan here haha). Bonnie throughout this entire episode had me tearing up. I'm going to miss her and Caroline moments. I'm glad she didn't tell them she was dead, I don't think I can take anymore grief on this show. Roll on season 5. The REAL season of Silas.

  85. I'm no expert, so I might be wrong, but magic is all about energy, isn't it? You use energy to intervene the natural order, to change things. Classifications like spirit magic, dark magic, expression, … it shows just where the witch is taking her power from and what she does with it (is she using it to help people or to hurt and kill and use it for her own selfishness). But it's all magic, a transfer of energy and should follow the same rules. Either, the spell stays intact after the witch dies, or breaks with her death. It's not possible that one time it's like this and the next it's like that.

    Yes, I hate Katerina. She's an evil bitch. But I also like her. She would make a great villain. I think that after all she did she would deserve it to be Klaus blood bag. Give Klaus what he wants? Not so sure about it anymore. He wanted his army of hybrids. But he had to learn, that they are not as perfect as he want them to be. They can in fact break the sire bond.
    I hoped Katerina would be the villain of next season. I posted days ago that Silas and Klaus are boring. They may be strong and immortal, but they always just say what they want. Katerina, on the other side, is tricky. She uses lies and half-truths, hides her true plans inside plans. You never know what she's up to, but she's always two steps ahead.

    Klaus was pissed, but he didn't mourn. He never really cared for his family. Just remember how he treated Becca. Becca had other problems and plans. But she did mourn. And Elijah? Remind me. Was he even there? I think he came to MF later. Sometimes I really have a horrible memory.

  86. Sorry :( She just pisses me off

  87. As I said to katherine_fan I'm no expert, but if magic is all about using and transferring energy, it should make no difference what kind of spell it is, cause they should all follow the same rules.

  88. everything? Damon, Stefan and Elena are responsible for more than half of crap that happened in MF. Katherine just came along for the party

  89. well, even if writers messed up her character i don't want her dead and gone. the fandom isn't just DE or SE or KC or whatever .. I am a Bonnie fan & I count like any other fans and to just kill her off when her ex got a whole episode of mourning, NOT OK!

    "nature has loopholes"

    yep, I really would like to see them explain this giant piece of WTF? and wait, they'll come up with an even ridiculous excuse..

  90. well, as it may be hard for you to believe but I've been on tumblr and read every theory for the finale but the reveal of "a shocker salvatore secret" I knew it has to do with Silas and then someone said on Tumblr that Silas could be related to the salvatores OR he's one's dopple .. tell me you find it hard to believe that when you read it? that's why I found it TOTALLY predictable..

  91. Katerina killed and turned Caroline and Tyler. She almost got Matt and John killed. She's responsible for the death of the girl Ty killed and the guy Caroline killed. She brought Elijah and Klaus to MF and is, as Elena said it, responsible for everything they did. John, Jenna, Abby, Elenas friends from school, Isobel, Jeremy, Carol. I probably forgot a lot of people that died or suffered because of her, but you get my point.

  92. Well, it all depends I guess. We've only really seen a few witches in the show. Hardly any of them did anything other than popping blood vessels with their magic. I think magic being about using and transferring energy is simplification. It's more about manipulating nature supernaturally.

    Also, I think it depends on the spell. The immortality spell pretty much spits in the face of nature worse than anything. So for nature to balance that out it needs something big. With things like location spells it isn't really taxing on the balance much if at all. Which is why it wouldn't have a loophole(or at least not a major one) We've never exactly seen a witch cast a spell alone and die and the effects not be broken either. Anytime a witch has died while casting a spell it either stopped(like Klaus and his graduation cap of death taking off a head) Or there was help from another witch(Luka and Jonas)

  93. I somewhere (here) posted "They use excuses like "natural loopholes" or "magical loopholes" cause they are unable to explain why they change rules all the time." So I think we can wait till judgment day for an explanation and the only one we would get would be "magical loophole". I'm telling you, this show gets worse with every new season.

  94. So, people had tons of theories about the finale and someone happened to be right based on a spoiler. That's not predictable. That's a spoiler. The show didn't imply it whatsoever.

  95. Then bending and manipulating nature. However you call it. We've been dealing with witches and spells since S1 and we met several types of witches and magic. But never we heard that a spell was broken cause the witch died. Unless, as you put it, she was in the middle of it. But I meant after the spell was done. Ketzia (or however her name is spelled), Ester, Emily, the witch that created the Five, … They were all using different types of magic. Spirit magic, black magic, expression, … All their spells stayed intact. Ketzia, for example, wasn't using spirit magic to put Silas down. It was probably expression. But even 2000 years after her death he was still stone.

  96. Wow, that was one of my least favourite episodes. So many unnecessary things happened. What was the point if Kol, the hybrids, witches and hunters? They didn't do anything. Poisoning Damon with werewolf venom just to have Klaus cure him 5 mins later. Bringing back Jeremy was predictable and keeping Bonnie around as a ghost just lessens the impact of her death.

    What I liked:
    Finally Elena made her decision, I couldn't care less whether she chose Damon or Stefan, I just hope it is over now. Alaric was great, would have preferred he came back instead of Jeremy. And drunk Stefan with Lexi

    The ending was a classic Julie Plec WTF moment (not a good thing) but at least it was a shock. I won't criticise it much until I see where they go with it.

  97. Oh yeah, my first vampire love came from Buffy and Angel...SPIKE.

  98. Kevin Williamson needs to come back and help this show next season. This reminds me of when Josh Shwartz let Stephanie Savage take over GG. VERY bad idea.

  99. what´s going on here? I dont understand, I need help, please help me understand how does the nature find the balance by creating Silas´s doppelganger for makes him (Silas) mortal and that after the doppelganger is death, still Silas have immortality.
    I mean if after have killed Stefen ( which the nature wanted) Silas continuous be immortal, that makes no sens.
    I think I missed a point

  100. "magical loophole" lol, you good Kiara
    like you said it would happen

  101. The scene were DE come back was epic. good acting

    Ps: I am a Stelena

    but it wont be long. I explain, Silas return as Stefen and being an evil he wont stop try to destroy them, try to seduce Elena, make Katerina seduce Damon etc...

  102. If spell break when witch dies, why wasn´t Klaus´s Vater able to wake up when Bonnie´s mom death ( other turn vampire) since she was the one who did the spell that link Michael for so long.

  103. ha bloody ha! how not funny you are .. i speak for my fav. character, if you're offended no need to reply, kindly take ur jokes with you somewhere else, no need to get personal when we clearly discuss a silly matter for you..

  104. I'm not Stefan's biggest fan but I will be gutted if he dies. What a twist Katherine getting the cure, never expected that!

  105. Makes two of us, honey. Because of Angel I still have a thing for guys with tattoos. And Spike was my first bad boy crush. Even as villain he was cool.

  106. That is why I was hoping the family would leave. In S3 and 4 I had the feeling they were forced on us and the story was adjusted so JP could justify them on the show. I hoped that with Klaus and his family gone TVD can become again the great show it was in S1 and 2. But to see how this season ended (she again changed all rules just to have her way without any sense of logic), I have my doubts.

  107. Stefan went to MF, Damon followed Stefan and encountered Elena. Elena instead of being a smart girl and running away screaming from their vampire crap, chose to romance not one but two blood suckers one of whom is decidedly evil, when it suits him. That was just plain stupid on her part. Like that hunter said - vampires come to town some people end up, some turn into vampires. All that blood is on these 3, Katherine just came along for the party way later

  108. If she won't be compelled to stay human, I'm sure Kateina will try to turn again.

  109. That's not what happened, Opinion. Damon was there first. He was back because he always intended to come back for the return of the comet, because he needed that comet for a Witch to be able to free Katherine. She is the reason he was back in Mystic Falls, and the reason that he terrorized everyone in the first half of the first season.

    Everything from Season 2 on was clearly her: She attempted to barter The Moonstone and Elena's life for hers, she's responsible for the Originals returning to Mystic Falls.

  110. It's my theory since S2 when we learned about the doppelgangers and the curse: I think that Katerina was keeping an eye on her family (her daughters bloodline), since she was turned 500 years ago. She showed up every 10 or 20 years or so to see if there was a new doppelganger born so she can give her to Klaus in exchange for her freedom.

    If my theory is true, her appearance in MF had nothing to do with the brothers. Or with Elena being stupid and falling for a vampire. Pardon, two vampires. She came to check on Isobels daughter. That the Salvatores were in MF at the same time was just Katerinas bad luck.

    And no matter, even if Katerina came for the boys and Elena wouldn't have fallen for the Salvatores, she would have seen Elena and contact Klaus. The outcome would be the same again

  111. Thank you. My point exactly. She came for Elena

  112. Stefan being who he is chose to live among humans - that's a really selfish decision for the guy who is supposed to be smart and good. The moment he realized Damon was in town and non-important named characters started to drop like flies he stayed and did nothing, then Lexi died - another non important named character at the time but supposedly his best friend- he stayed and done nothing. Damon wasn't terrorizing people - he was killing people non important named but still people. Because..
    Damon is bad when it suits him and is good when it suits him, that's who he is - evil. I will buy that Damon came after Katherine who was imprisoned at the time and not Stefan after Stefan- because it makes sense.
    What concerns Elena.. maybe the blood of non-important characters wasn't on her hands, because Damon would still be in town, but her immediate family and friends - Jenna, Jeremy, Caroline - her fault. She stayed in town when she realized there were vampires on the loose, who killed people and liberally used mind control to re-program humans like some twisted biological computers. Really smart and stand up girl! By staying in town she gave reason for Stefan to stay in town and later Damon who fell for her.
    Katherine while being who she is - evil, at least is consistently evil and predictable. It wasn't hard to predict that freeing her was a bad idea, yet that exactly what happened since this little triangle between Stefan, Damon and Elena is a recipe for disaster!

  113. ;) I also like tats, you should see my 50 year old son. The fight between Angel and Spike is one of the highlights of season 5 for me..but what got me sobbing was the "do you want me to lie to you" Illyria/Wes/Fred.

  114. The disaster is intentional, though. It's why it's taken four years of character development to sell Elena/Damon for real, it's why these characters openly lament their choices.

    It kind of IS the show.

  115. chill :) i don't want to be rude ok? :) and you shouldn't be either...
    i really love the whole show, doesn't matter what's happening there, for me it's great, but in the end, it's just a TV show... :) i admit, i'm really pissed off about dead Bonnie, but i think we'll be seeing her next season...

  116. I'm no expert either.I haven't read many books or watched many tv shows about it.I believe magic is a combination of energy and faith.But witches (the mythology in general)have no rules on this show so I would advise you to not waste your time thinking about it.
    I think even if I hated Katherine,I wouldn't want her to be Klaus's minion.I disliked Elena but I didn't want that fate for her either.I'm against anything that could make Klaus happy.
    Kat is a better villain than KLaus and Silas combined.Because if she says she's going to kill you if you don't do what she says,then she is going to do it.Klaus delivers empty threats.As for Silas,I can't take him seriously as a villain since he wants to bring everyone back to life and then kill himself!
    Bex have had other plans but her brother had just died.He had tried to kill her but she seemed more heartbroken when Klaus said she was dead to him than when she found out Kol had died.Elijah says he puts his family first but we never see him actually do it.He was making deals with Elena after she had helped Matt kill Finn,she left Becca alone in MF when they thought Klaus had died and I didn't hear him wanting revenge for Kol's death.I don't know when he found out.He might have known before 4x18 and that didn't stop him from praising Elena's humanity in that ep or Rebekah told him during their road trip back to MF.He cried when Klaus died but he didn't cry for Kol.No tears,no other reaction.

  117. Damon was in town first because he wanted to free Katerina. He did horrible things (killed, manipulated, the whole Caroline thing, …). I'm not denying either of it. Stefan did nothing cause he knew that Damon was stronger than him and he would lose the fight. Besides, he was his brother and his only family. It maybe meant nothing to Damon, but it meant something to Stefan. And if I remember correctly Stefan did attack Damon after Lexi, he just didn't kill him. He was his brother. And he probably knew that Lexi wouldn't want him to kill what was left of his family.

    You can't possibly blame Elena for what happened to Jeremy, Jenna or Caroline. Jeremy was killed by Silas because of Katerina. Jenna was killed by Klaus because Katerina brought him to MF. And Caroline was killed by Katerina. You can't say it's because Elena was with Stefan.

    I believe that Katerina came to MF for Elena. No matter who Elenas lover was (Stefan, Damon, Matt, Jeremy), Katerina would have turned someone into a vampire and contact Klaus and deliver him Elena, the vampire and the wolf, probably a witch too.

    And could have Elena left town? She was born there, she lived there her entire life. All her friends and her family were there. And she was 17, so she couldn't have just left. Katerina would have followed her and Klaus would have brought her back to MF (the ritual had to be performed where she was born).

  118. Elena might not have pushed the trigger but she put her family on the spot. It was only inevitable that they wouldn't make it on the long run. She fell in love with vampire, chose to associate with vampires and by extension chose to associate with all their vampire crap, nevermind her family who were either kept in the dark or had to accept her decision. She is not stupid, the moment she found out about mind control and whole reprogramming human beings she could have at least asked Stefan and send them away but she didn't which was either a selfish decision because she would be alone. All these decisions were made before Katherine even came into the picture.
    The whole Stefan Damon Lexi is so ludicrous I want to blame it on bad writing. Damon kills his best friend and Stefan does what - scolds him? he is a vampire with all the time in the world the least he could do when brother kills your best friend is not speak with him for couple of years or put him in the casket or something. Instead they are back in business together in next or after next episode.

  119. Some of the grand kids have tats.

    Illyria did not die she was fighting with Angel and Spike at the end.

  120. I was expecting a HUGE battle....nope. Disappointment.
    Bonnie dying & Jeremy living....GREAT!

    Triangle drama.....BLAH....boring.

    Katherine getting cure, good twist!

    No Alaric time.....WTF?! Really!?! Bring him BACK!

    Kol....I thought he was going to play a major part, nope. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!

    BUT the BIGGEST disappointment of the entire episode....KLAUS & CAROLINE! WTF?! I love Klaus, he's an amazing actor and his final scene with her was BS! A kiss on the cheek and okay we better go. I really am beginning to be dislike this show.

    UPSIDE, Klaus (JM) will be on his very own show next season, with Elijah & Rebecca and I won't have to see the TRIANGLE drama anymore!!!! But I won't get to see Jeremy, Matt and Caroline anymore and they are the only ones I can stand, oh well.

    Enjoy the summer everyone! :D

  121. If Katerina came for Elena (which I'm sure of), it doesn't matter that Elena was sleeping with Stefan or that she was friends with Damon. Katerina came to check on her bloodline. When she saw that Elena was the doppelganger, she was going to deliver her to Klaus. Together with the stone, a vampire and a wolf (that is why she was sleeping with Mason. A wolf, connected to the stone). It didn't matter who Elena was friends with! Katerina didn't care about the brothers. She came for Elena. It didn't matter that Elena was connected to the brothers. Even if Elena would have sent them both away, Katerina would have still came to MF. She would have still use Mason and the stone, turn someone and contact Klaus to deliver him all the ingredients for his ritual.

    This is getting us nowhere. You are determined to blame Elena for what Katerina did. I admit that Elena made her life unnecessary complicated by falling for vampires. But it didn't change anything Katerina did.

  122. It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, Angel and what was left of his gang, were overrun (literally) by demons and someone (could be Angel) said they will all gonna die that night. But possible that Illyira survived. She was one of the old once, wasn't she?

    Hmm. I really should watch Angel again. I watch Buffy all the time, but it's been years since I watched Angel. Unforgivable.

  123. You don't see any of them die, they are going to fight and Angel wanted to fight the dragon. The show was supposed to end with them still fighting the good fight. Since it carried on in Graphic Novels aka comic books they were still

  124. ITA with you this Ep was a Big pile of Shit

  125. Yes and they will pull it right out of there ass and it will suck like all the other plot holes

  126. I know we don't see them die. But Angel (I think) said they will all die. That is why I hated the end, cause it didn't show if they did die or not. But I expected some of them to survive. And I couldn't stop wondering why Angel (or Spike) didn't call Buffy and her slayers for help.

    Yes, I heard that there is a S8 of Buffy as comic and that Angel was supposed to show up several times. I just couldn't find it to download it =(

  127. Whedon and many of the writers continued the canon of Buffy and Angel with Buffy Season 8, Buffy Season 9 and Angel: After The Fall. If you search those titles, you'll easily be able to find them.

    They all survived the battle, but some characters (both Buffy and Angel) do die in the books.

  128. An eighth and ninth season? And an Angel comic? I hate not being in USA.
    They both die? NO!!!! Books or the comics?

    Thanks, I'll try to find it.

  129. Characters IN Buffy and Angel, not Buffy and Angel themselves.

    If you want to know who, I can tell you...

  130. Ah, good.

    Yes, tell me

  131. Angel: After The Fall takes place immediately after Angel. Buffy Season 8 takes place months after "After the Fall". After the Fall was originally the concept for Angel Season 6, before WB canceled it.

    In After The Fall, Lorne learns that he has developed a type of cancer. They intimate that, as an empath demon, doing something that was totally against his nature created the cancer (killing Lindsey in the Season 5 finale). He sacrifices himself at the end (but is shown on another plane, not unlike Cordellia was in Season 3). Also, Gunn was changed into a vampire and has evil impulses, but is driven enough to still fight for the cause in his own way.

    In Buffy Season 8, the villain (who was masked the entire time) is revealed to be Angel. I'm not even going to try to explain everything that went into that, but he's basically possessed and snaps Giles' neck, killing him. They drew the scene with his human face, so unlike the scene where Angelus killed Jenny Calender, the audience (and Buffy) would always see him as the guy who killed Giles. Giles and Buffy were fighting (and Giles was bonding with Faith) so Giles left everything to faith, except the "Vampyr" book from the Buffy pilot - meaning Giles felt that Buffy needed to better remember he roots.

    Also, as an aside, Dawn and Xander actually become a couple (she's over 18 in Season 8).

  132. ok! apologies .. I might not have gotten ur tone right.. it might be a tv show for you and many others but I get way too attached/protective of characters i love.. tv or books or whatever so i can't just chill when I see her mistreated like that when she could have had such an awesome SL while in interviews too she's spoken about like she didn't even matter..

  133. Gunn as a vampire? Poor guy. He hated vamps. He was a hunter even before he met Angel. Well, after Spike (after S4) and Harm he's the third vamp managing to control his impulses. Still, why taking the risk? Why not calling Will to give him his soul back?

    Angel killing Giles? NO!!! I liked him. He was cool. You know, for a watcher. And what happens with Angel after he kills Giles? I mean, Buffy helps him with the possession, right?

    Dawn and Xander? Well, she did had a crush on him in S5. Before she had a crush on Spike. But Xander surprises me. He always saw Dawn as a little sister.

    Speaking of Spike. What about him? And Buffy? Does she get a new boyfriend? Another vampire maybe? Or is it a werewolf this time?

  134. The majority of After The Fall takes place in a hell dimension (the entirety of Los Angeles has been placed there after the partners assault on Angel and company). By the time they're out, Gunn is more or less in control. Also, there's another issue with using magic that's resolved in Buffy Season 8.

    I'm going to try to avoid explaining too much of the plot, but basically Buffy destroys something called the "seed", which is what the higher power that possessed Angel wanted for an alternate universe. The "seed" is the source of all magic in that dimension. Giles attempts to destroy it, which is why possessed-Angel kills Giles. Buffy destroys it after Giles is killed, thereby destroying all magic in the world (including Willow's magic).

    As for Spike... if you remember the episode in Angel Season 5 where Buffy and Angel go to Rome to save Buffy and find her with "The Immortal", it turns out that wasn't actually Buffy. They retconned it so it was a double, and The Immortal was just screwing with them. Buffy has actually been supremely lonely in Scotland for the last couple years. She fantasizes about Angel and Spike (and Daniel Craig..) She has a small fling with a slayer (which ends because Buffy clearly isn't a Lesbian). She sleeps with Angel (magical chicanery gave them the chance), and nearly jumps Spike at one point. Spike helps Buffy save the world and they share a moment, as Angel takes off because of the Giles incident.

    Though I think Spike has since left Buffy's side because his feelings for her were a distraction for both of them.

  135. Yes, I suspected that it wasn't Buffy they saw in that club. They didn't show us her face and Buffy wouldn't sleep with just any vamp. She sleeps with Angel and jumps Spike? Cool. Too bad Spike left. In S7 I hoped they could come back together.

    It's hard to imagine that they destroyed all magic. How is Will handling it?

  136. I'm team Damon and it was nice to see him finally get some love. I actually really liked this seasons finale.

  137. I did and I sang karaoke and got a big applause. It was great.

  138. Pftt. I don't let anyone drink for me on my bday celebrations, girl u crazy. lol

  139. Yes I am. Just turned 26. (Ugh, getting up there) lol

  140. I agree with MasterWho. Maybe different spells have different loopholes? But you know how TVD goes, learning something different all the time. (shrugs) Hahaha if we kill JP, KW will kill the show and us. I'd imagine he'd return sometime, hopefully this season, it won't be the whole season, but hell I hope he'll come back for a few episodes. I thought Elena would kill Katherine as well, that's one thing i thought they would keep from the books, buttt since she's human now, idk, Maybe Elena won't kill her. Katherine might persuade Damon, Stefan, or Maybe even Caroline to turn her back. My guess is Caroline, giving that Katherine was the one who killed her. Caroline's a more easy target then the rest. It would either be Caroline or Stefan(After they get him out that box) that Katherine would target. Stefan still has a lot of hate towards her. I really don't think Steferine's story line is over. But i could care less right now. Hmmm sorry, I never watched Leverage, but i definitely know what it's like to have your shows cancelled, especially when it's a show you're really invested in. Sigh, it really sucks.

  141. Hmmm sounds like you're a stelena and delena? Or maybe transferring over to Delena? You wouldn't be the first. Idk what Silas will do, but i can't wait to find out. I just hope he'll keep up the charade longer than Klyer, that was so disappointing. Smh.

  142. definitly a Stelena

  143. p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }

    I'm no expert either but I too believe
    magic is about energy.It's just that on this show the witches (the
    mythology in general) have no rules so don't waste your time thinking
    about it too much!Even if I hated Kat,I wouldn't wish her to be
    Klaus's blood bag.I didn't wish it for Elena either and I don't like
    her.Maybe it's because I dislike Klaus more than anyone else on the
    show and any plot development that makes him happy makes me
    sad/angry!Kat is a better villain than Silas and Klaus put
    together!Because she's not delivering empty threats-we are not just
    told about her villainy,we witness it and tbh someone who wants to
    bring everyone back to life and then kill himself is hardly a
    villain!!Klaus mourned in his own way for 5 minutes.And Bex had other
    plans but she's the only sibling that truly cares about her
    family.She didn't even hold a grudge!Instead she teamed up with Elena
    to find the cure!The writers didn't reveal when Elijah learned about
    Kol's death.Was it before 4x18 (in which he said Elena's compassion
    is a gift or whatever) or was it after he and Rebekah had returned to
    MF?Either way,we didn't see him cry or make threats against the
    gang!He cried when he thought Klaus was dead but Kol doesn't even get
    a mention??

  144. There are consequences but the writers bend the rules when it serves the plot.For example,Bonnie needed a talisman to channel another witch,Esther didn't.Bonnie had nosebleeds when she was doing a tricky spell in s2,she had none when she put Klaus in Tyler's body or when she unlinked the Originals.They should have killed Kat off when Klaus showed up in s2,s3 the latest.She is a plot device now and offers nothing new.Her story should have ended seasons ago.One thing that upsets me is that JP says Kat is so evil,she has done terrible things so justice must be served (and I don't disagree with that) and at the same time she offers Klaus a new show,the siblings he abused and a child?Where is justice when it comes to Klaus?Klaus has done evil things but his reputation doesn't match who he is.We are told how evil he is,we hear him make threats more than actually seeing it.In Kat's case,the reputation matches exactly the person she is.Even with main character immunity,Kol and Rebekah were more serious threats than Klaus!Kol tried to chop off Jer's arms and Rebekah tortured Damon and managed to kill Elena.Ripper Stefan was more menacing than Klaus in s3,imo.That is exactly my point about Kol's death.Klaus gets to have a family and siblings that cared about him while Kol gets barely a mention and a 2' long mourning scene from Bex.I would understand it if she would still be pissed at him for trying to kill her,therefore,her 'real' mourning would come when her anger towards him had passed.But Bex really cared for Kol and even if she didn't cry for his death,I can't believe she would turn to the girl who's helped kill 2 of her brothers days after the event!To be honest,I don't understand why an Original would need vampires who are much younger than her to help her with anything!

  145. There are consequences but the writers bend the rules when it serves the plot.For example,Bonnie needed a talisman to channel another witch,Esther didn't.Bonnie had nosebleeds when she was doing a tricky spell in s2,she had none when she put Klaus in Tyler's body or when she unlinked the Originals.They should have killed Kat off when Klaus showed up in s2,s3 the latest.She is a plot device now and offers nothing new.Her story should have ended seasons ago.One thing that upsets me is that JP says Kat is so
    evil,she has done terrible things so justice must be served (and I
    don't disagree with that) and at the same time she offers Klaus a new
    show,the siblings he abused and a child?Where is justice when it comes to Klaus?Klaus has done evil things but his reputation doesn't match who he is.We are told how evil he is,we hear him make threats more than actually seeing it.In Kat's case,the reputation matches exactly the person she is.Even with main character immunity,Kol and Rebekah were more serious threats than Klaus!Kol tried to chop off Jer's arms and Rebekah tortured Damon and managed to kill Elena.Ripper Stefan was more menacing than Klaus in s3,imo.That is exactly my point about Kol's death.Klaus gets to have a family and siblings that cared about him while Kol gets barely a mention and a 2' long mourning scene from Bex.I would understand it if she would still be pissed at him for trying to kill her,therefore,her 'real'
    mourning would come when her anger towards him had passed.But Bex
    really cared for Kol and even if she didn't cry for his death,I can't believe she would turn to the girl who's helped kill 2 of her brothers days after the event!To be honest,I don't understand why an Original would need vampires who are much younger than her to help her with anything!

  146. Are you for real...?

  147. So? I like Bonnie too, but I am not about to run around and screaming and crying like a little kid and wishing cancellation on the show when there are tons of people who enjoy it so much and want it to keep going. I'm not going to loudly protest against it and try to ruin it for every else that enjoys the show. That's all I'm saying. I'd be the same way if Damon or Caroline died as they are my favorite characters in this show. Hell, before Caroline, it was Lexi. I'm still crushed Lexi is dead, but you don't see me acting in such a manner.

  148. I hate Elena with Damon.

  149. Guys, I miss Kol. I need THAT Original in The Originals :(

  150. Carolina Daza León26 May 2013 at 19:29

    Are you glad Kol is gone? Damn, I am devastated. I was hoping for him to join his siblings in the Originals. :( I was so disappointed by Jeremy's resurrection. I think he was the less interesting ghost (would have wanted Kol, Alaric and Lexi back in that order). It wasn't a surprise, though. And now that someone whose body was burned is back... I guess that opens the door to "everyone can come back to their bodies, even when their bodies are completely ruined"

    About Silas, I think making Stefan a doppleganger is kinda repetitive. Well, let's see how everything plays out next season.

  151. I stopped watching but left the DVR on and decided to watch the eps this weekend.

    I was enjoying the episode... right up until they decided to bring Silas back and rehash the doppleganger idea. Come ON! Have the guts to kill off a dang villain and do something creative. When a show starts repeating its own stories....they need some new blood. I'm pulling the show from my DVR schedule.

  152. Are you kidding me girl? Grow up, if you love Bonnie so much, why don't you do the spell too and see her on the other side? :D


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