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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - She's Come Undone?

3 May 2013

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  1. Great episode,but...god Elena this isnt you...Kill Katherine no way in hell!

  2. The best since 4.15 and 4.18)Elena is finally back and she's on the Emily Thorne route to take down Katherine,which was pretty obvious to everyone except the Salvatore)

  3. I think Elena will kill her in the finale.. synopsis said: there will be an epic fight between them..

  4. Nice job, Matt and Damon. Way to snap Elena out of it. :)

  5. Katherine killed the only family Elena had left!

    She deserves to die once and for all in the most horrible and painful way that only Elena can deliver!

  6. i am calling it right now...The gang will force Katherine to take the cure and then Elena kills her.

  7. All I have to say If they kill Katherine I will never forgive them.Especilly If they keep Bonnie alive and snoofest Caroline has become.

    The using vampire blood to save people Is becoming the easy way out and Is getting tiring to see.

  8. It makes sense that it would be Matt that help Elena turn it back on. I thought for a moment that Elena was going to kiss or hug Stefan when he said force on something that keep you alive. I was like noooo. I think that Elena going to kill Katherine it said that there maybe a death. I would make sense that would be a big next chapter thing.

  9. That was, without a doubt, the best of s4 so far. It makes all that nonsense worth it. I loved every second of it. Just.............yes.

  10. I see what you did there! XD

  11. I'm not above the occasional lame pun.

  12. Had they all listened to Kol about Silas in the first place Kol and his vampire bloodline would still be alive, Jeremy would still be alive, and they wouldn't have Silas to worry about or his plan to destroy the Other Side.

    Elena brought Jeremy's death on herself when she ignored Kol and killed him because he was right about Silas.

  13. THAT'S PURE BULL****!!!

  14. I thought she was going to kiss him too, it looked like it, but fortunately it didn´t happened :D

  15. chloefarndell3 May 2013 at 10:28

    I totally agree with you about Kol, nobody stopped for even a second to consider the fact that Kol was right, all they saw was the cure. Elena likes to blame everybody else not even considering that she should take a portion of the blame.

    And even though she had been through alot I would of thought she would of realised that dealing with the supernatural requires a bit of caution (duh).

  16. I loved it. It was obvious that Matt had the ring, but I loved how Damon played it, he is convincing as hell. For a minute I thought that sheriff Forbes was dead. I can´t wait for the finale, but something´s telling me I won´t like how it´ll end :D

  17. Anyone else think Caroline's mum might be in transition?

  18. Sorry honey, I don't think it's that easy. Even if they wouldn't have killed Kol to get the mark to find Silas … The outcome would still be the same. You seem to
    forget that Klaus was the one stopping at nothing to get his hands on the cure. He ignored Kols warning (well, now that he experienced Silas powers, guess he
    would have listened to him), he killed and turned the bar full of people for Jer to kill to complete the mark. If you now say Elena and Stefan wanted the cure too. And Caroline and Becca. Well, you would be right. But it was Klaus pushing them into this. He wanted that cure destroyed and he didn't care who has to die for it (typical Klaus). So, if they would listen to Kol and they wouldn't have killed him, it would have taken them longer to find the cure and Silas. But the outcome would have been the same.

  19. "Elena likes to blame everybody else" Well, in that case she should have blamed Klaus. You seemed to forget that Klaus ignored Kols warnings and pushed Jeremy into completing the mark, so he (Klaus) could get his hands on the cure to destroy it. True, Elena wanted the cure. But even if she would have listened to Kols warning, Klaus wouldn't have stopped. He killed a bar full of people and turned them so Jer could complete the mark. If you gonna blame someone for not listening to Kol, blame Klaus.

  20. I dunno about that. That hunter on the island said that he had been hunting his entire life and has been killing vamps. I'm not so sure that just killing normal vampires would suffice. I think that killing an original was necessary to get the map. At least, within a lifespan I'm guessing. I liked Stefan's idea. Turn murderers and then tie them up so Jer could kill them.

    Honestly, I don't think Silas is telling the truth about simply wanting to die. I think there is something going on. I also think either Bonnie is stupid for saying she is going to make Katherine in to an immortal or Katherine is for actually believing it. Unless they are setting Katherine up to be the new big bad by making her immortal. Now THAT would be cool. I bet she'd go after Klaus since she wouldn't die when he did anymore.

  21. Honestly, this was one of the better episodes in a while. For weeks it’s felt like TVD has just been treading water, like these last few episodes are just filler until they give us the good stuff. Truthfully, I don’t care for the Silas storyline, I find it kinda creepy and since I’m a big chicken, I could do without it, but it is a new, fresh bad guy so I will give them credit for that.

    I did LOVE to see a bit of the old Damon back. Man, I love him! (He’s totally why I watch!! Is it just me? Or did he look exceptionally hot last night??!! lol) His plan to use Matt was genious. If it wasn’t for him Elena would still be the unemotional bitchy version of herself. When she did switch it back on, and she was looking at Stephan telling her to latch onto something, my first thought was “if she latches on to Stephan and I have to watch Damon get shoved aside AGAIN, I’m done with this show!” but I’m glad the writers didn’t do that, I’m more than ready for a season (or two) of Delena....WITHOUT THIS SIRE CRAP! :)

    Also, I think Rebeka needs to stay in Mystic Falls and Caroline should go to New Orleans.

  22. I couldn't remember any promotional pictures with Matt so for a minute there I really thought they killed him. (same for Liz) Nice job though, I had completely forgotten about the ring
    I really hope Elena doesn't kill Katherine

  23. I thought about the same thing, it was strange. We´ll see. So many humans in this show, why not kill another one :D

  24. Me too. They didn´t have even proper chance to be together, so I hope it will end well in the end.

  25. Transition only happens when you have vampire blood in your system before you die. So I don't think that's the case. In the promo, she is still her normal human self.

  26. I feel so emotionally drained. I haven't cried at this show for a very long time until this episode. Caroline's scene with her mother was so heart wrenching and Elena finally turning her switch back on was overwhelming.

  27. I think that Katherine will be force to take the cure, but maybe she won´t die. But then again she would just become vampire again, so who knows (except the cast and crew :D ) I just hope that Damon (by some accident) won´t get the cure. That would be total waste of his character.

  28. Ha, that´s true. I forgot about the promo, she seemed like human :D

  29. I totally agree with you. I don´t care for Silas, Damon was extremely hot and his plan was really genius and that Stefan thing...I would have to stop watching half of the episodes, because everyone would talk about how is she good with Stefan all over again, like last 3 seasons (especially Caroline :D)

  30. "So many humans in this show, why not kill another one"? If this goes on, humans will be an endangered species in MF.

    Well, on the extended promo for the next ep Liz looks normal. Maybe she's still human after all. Maybe she is a vampire and she adjusted fast. It was strange, how se miraculously woke up. As you said, we'll see.

  31. Maybe she just adjusted fast to her new life? I hope she's human. But it was weird. One moment she's not responding, next she's awake and well. Does vampire blood work so
    fast? I hope she's human. But it was weird and I thought she might be in transition.

  32. Not even when Jeremy died? I couldn't stop crying =(

  33. Maybe with a new season we´ll find out that there are another creatures once the originals are gone from MF and Liz is one of them. Ok, this is probably another one of my nonsense :D

  34. I´m not saying they don´t exist I just think they won´t bring them to the show. But I might be wrong. And that succubus wouldn´t be good idea, so I´m greatful that they didn´t use it.

  35. No, I think' it's a shame they didn't use it. We're too limited by just vamps and weres and hybrids. I think that is one of the reasons we have so many filler eps and repeating patterns. Buffy for example, never got bored, cause they always found a way to bring up something new. True, after the first two or three seasons they focused mostly on vamps, but they always found us something new. Don't get me wrong, I don't say that TVD should become a second Buffy. But it's a sci-fi/supernatural show, limited only by the producers fantasy (or the lack of their fantasy). Remember what Shane said. Witches are the architects of the supernatural world. They created all supernatural creatures and phenomenons. There has to be more out there. Bring it up!

  36. I think damon will take the cure (to be cure from Mason bite) and Elena will turn him in the next season

  37. Did she want to kill her for the same reason in the book.

  38. I have a feeling Matt will be the next supernatural creature, look, Jeremy became a supernatural after he come back from death right, so the ring belong to the Gilbers and everyone else who will use the ring will turn in something supernatural.

    ps: just a thought

  39. The books are completely different. In the books Elena had the blood of both brothers in her system when Catarina caused her death on the bridge. Catarina was insane and she was attacking the people in town. She kidnapped Stefan, Damon and Elena and wanted to kill them. Elena got free and shoved Catarina and herself into the sun, where they both died (Stefan took Catarinas ring 500 years ago when he thought she died and gave it to Elena when he proposed and Catarina took it from Elena). The characters (even the names) are different. Elena for example has a baby sister not a teen brother and is not adopted, Bonnie is white with red hair and in love with Damon, Elenas aunt is Judith and is engaged, Damon and Stefan hate each other, Caroline and Ty are evil, there is Elenas second friend Meredith, who turned out to be a hunter, Klaus character is so small it's barely worth mentioning him, … Completely different. The story is completely different too. The one thing the story in the show and the books have in common is, that both brothers want Elena and she has to choose. But I still like the books more. LJS knew what she was doing. Unlike JP.

  40. Jeremy didn't became a hunter cause he wore the ring. Neither did Alaric became a psycho (or vampire) because of it. Alaric became a psycho cause Esther manipulated him from the other side. I don't know why Jeremy became a hunter. Maybe it's in the blood (he's a decedent of one of the original Five). Or maybe it was just bad luck. The ring brings people back if they were killed by something supernatural, it doesn’t turn them into something supernatural. But I'm glad Matt has it. He's the only human left in the gang. Bonnie has her magic, Elena and the others are vamps, … Matt should at least have the ring.

  41. Maybe they use the part when Katherine and Elena burn in the sun in the finale. Then Elena will return from the dead and become human guess :D I have great fantasy today :D

  42. Wouldn´t there be another sire bond then? :D

  43. In the books Elena comes back first as a ghost, later as angel (sort of). But it's possible that we're headed that way. They both die in the sun, Elena returns. Or maybe just Katerina dies (I hope).

  44. Katherine just killed Jeremy, she can't make her immortal. She just can't. This has to be a lie, a trick to get Katherine, which makes her incredibly stupid for believing it (she seems to forget that Jer was Bonnie lover/BF whatever ), her always claiming how smart she is because she survived for 500 years. I love her, I mean I love this character but this has to mean her end...

  45. As I said, if Bonnie keeps her part of the bargain, I'll kill the bitch. Cause no matter how stupid and naïve she became, that would cross the line. I too hope that it's a trick. Hey, I just thought of something. I wouldn't have to kill her. Elena would do it. If Bonnie gives the person that is to blame for all the bad things that happened in MF the ultimate power, Elena will finish her off. Friends or not.

    Oh, no, Katerina isn't just pretending. She is smart. She always prepares for all eventualities. She always has backup plans for her plans. And even backup plans for her backup plans. She knows of Bonnies feelings for Jer. Or at least about her past with Jeremy. So I think, Katerina will prepare for the possibility that Bonnie is just trying to trick her. Remember S2, the masquerade ball. Katerina used a witch to bind herself to Elena and what happened to her, happened to Elena. The perfect insurance. She'll plan something again. Take hostages (maybe Bonnies parents), use witches, compel humans to kill Bonnies friends, … She'll think of something.

    I too love her character. And I also hate her character. I love to hate her. I love Nina. She's brilliant!

  46. I don't know if I got it wrong but from what I understood Silas is expecting Bonnie to drop the veil on the next full moon, but she is going behind his back and doing it earlier using the tombstone from Katherine for unknown reasons. Instead of power of full moon she is using the tombstone which has Quetsia's blood to bring down the veil. Her reasons are still unknown to us but she did say she is going to stop Silas.

    I believe her reasons will be the big reveal during the finale. I think in her on weird way Bonnie is trying to stop Silas or may be she is still little bit cukoo up there and is trying to bring Jeremy back.

    Again I thought LIz was not dead and not in transition either. What I understood was Silas made Liz unconscious and let Caroline believe she was dead. I thought it was a trick by him. May be I am wrong.

  47. The moment Elena and Stefan had once she turnd her humannity on really bothered me, it's like they're teasing Damon every time! Can't he win? just once

  48. Sure she always has more than a card up her sleeve...But I'm not sure it wil work this time. Obviously Bonnie will double back her. I can see something like Bonnie going super badass witch and give Elena enough strengh or power to kill Katherine something like that,without even Elena knowing it even. I mean this time Katerine is on her own. No more "friends", No more witches around (that we know of, of course), the whole town is on vervain. But still I'd love to see how she escapes this one, Elena going revenge crazy and all. A deal with Silas maybe? She always makes deals...Plus I'd rather have her getting the cure so she can be killed (one of the theories) than Damon ...

  49. I just feel this year they don't know what to do with the story. I think Rebecca going to be human. I don't want her too because I want Elena to be. But I just feel like that we're there going with her.

  50. You got a point, she's working behind Silas back. But still, she does as Silas says. She let him manipulate her and now she's willing to remove the veil and release millions of sups on the humans. She should use her powers to bring him back into his prison.

    I think she tries to stop Silas not only for Jeremy but because she also feels guilty. She let Shane manipulate her which is one of the reasons he came free.

    I have no idea what happened with Liz. She seemed hurt and I think that was not a manipulation from Silas. It's possible that she's perfectly fine now. I just meant that she could be in transition. She wasn't responding and then she suddenly woke up and was fine. Weird. That's one of the reason I sometimes hate the show. It's too much unclear and we have too much room for speculations. In S1 and 2 it was easier. Clear rules and a clear path.

  51. What I think is, that the gang will be extremely careful and will make backup plans themselves. After all, it's Katerina we're talking about, and they should know her good enough by now. That is, of course, if the great and brilliant Bonnie will go thru the trouble to inform her friends this time that she's cooperating with the enemy.

    Katerina never had friends. Just people she manipulated to do her bidding. Like the witches. Emily form 1864 and the witch from S2. Both helped her cause Katerina saved their lives. I bet it was not a coincidence.

    The vervain was removed from the main water supply.

    "She always makes deals" Yes, but in that case, I'm afraid, she has nothing to offer to Silas. He has the cure, he controls Bonnie, the triangle is complete, … She has nothing to give him. Besides, he plans to die, the last thing Silas cares about is a lower vamp.

    No, they need the cure for Silas. It's the only way to kill him. Unless, Bonnie puts him back into his prison. But if Katerina gets the cure, I wouldn't kill her. They don't need the cure to kill her, she's just a normal vampire. But IF she would get the cure, I think, if would be a deserved punishment for the last 500 years if they would leave her to Klaus. It's what she wanted to put Elena thru and it's what she fears most. I think, she would have it coming. Klaus would be very happy. He would just have to compel her to not run away or turn again. Wouldn't it be great? To give the bitch what she deserves?

  52. "I just feel this year they don't know what to do with the story" I think that goes more for S3. S3 was the worst IMO. S4 seems better. The Five and Silas are way more interesting than 100 attempts to kill Klaus. Don't get me wrong, I still hate all the loopholes and the lack of logic and sense. I still have the feeling JP doesn’t know what she's doing. She thinks of something and sets in into motion (or into picture), without wondering, if it even makes sense. The pregnancy, for example, the cure, that originals can't be killed by the sun, although it burns them, or that they can be only killed by the white oak stake. What if someone takes their heart or their head? In S3 someone said that the writers were writing themselves against the wall and they had no idea what to do with Klaus and his siblings. And whoever said it was right.

    I don't think it's gonna be Becca. She's regular on Originals. Why should she stay with her brothers if she would be human? The idea of becoming human is to start a new life, separate from her old one.

  53. Yea with the originals I did get bored with them. I did like the Klaus wanted Elena for her blood that was interesting. But since them I don't really like any klaus storyline

  54. I like your idea. Or she get the human drink.

  55. Well, something drastic is going to happen, that´s for sure :D

  56. The last part is a good idea, and it would be well deserved indeed. But now that The Originals has been picked up I don't think they will be able to put Katerina in that show as Klaus' pet (Nina Dobrev can't be on both shows, unless they just say it is so and they don't bother showing it to us ...). "Silas plans to die", altought it seems only logical, I'm afraid that there's more to it, I'm not sure he really wants to die. I think he might want to bring back his love in some way when the veil drops...Because Julie Plec&co said that we will see him in season 5 , so I guess either the gang fails to kill him (willingly, BTW it's called suicded, isn't it?) or he plays a trick on them...

    They don't need the cure to kill Katerina, but it might help Elena in her plan: since Katerina is way older than her she needs something to have the upper hand ..

    Oh yes I forget that the vervain was removed^^

  57. Same here. I don't know, maybe it's just me and my hatred for Klaus. But for S3 and 4 I had the feeling, JP makes up things and adjusts the storyline cause she wants to keep Klaus at all costs, even if it ruins the show. Klaus was great for S2. He was a great character and he fit in. In S3 and 4 I had the feeling he's forced on us. O.K. I got and understand that he in S3 returned to MF for answers and Elenas blood. If we were extremely open-minded, it even made sense (the part with her blood. No, not even if we're open for everything. It makes sense for Klaus if we assume Ester using Tatias blood for Klaus curse. But for the other hybrids?). But after all the attempts on his life, why did he stay? Why not just leaving and returning when he needs more blood? What about the part where killing an original kills his entire bloodline? That too seemed to me like JP made it up to find a reason to not kill Klaus. And S4 made no sense at all. A cure? Really JP? How convincing that in 1000 years of vampire history just now the legend about a cure comes in handy to keep Klaus in MF after Elena turned. Not to mention that the Silas story would work perfectly without Klaus or his siblings. I even have the feeling the cure was brought up not for Silas, but to keep Klaus.
    Well, as I said, it's probably just me. But I also have the feeling Originals was created to find a way for JP to keep her precious Klaus. Think. She finally got it that she can't keep Klaus on TVD without ruining the show. But she's not willing to give him up. So she gives him an own show. But it's too probably just my imagination.

  58. I hope they fight and Elena kills Katerina. I'm just not sure about Elena dying with her. Well, compared to the books, on the show we're restricted to vamps and weres and witches. I can't see how Elena could come back after dying (except as a ghost that only Matt could see).

  59. Yeah, I know it would be impossible for Nina to play on both shows. Still, I like the idea of a human Katerina as Klaus pet. On the other side, I had a discussion a couple of months ago, that Katerina would make a good villain. Although just a normal vampire (and so easy to kill), she's ruthless, smart, manipulative and well organized. And no one can get better under your skin and inside your head than Katerina.

    Well, I believe Silas. His lover must have been a normal human. And he was a wizard. So, if he dies with the veil intact, he's stuck on the other side, and his lover is in the afterworld or whatever they call it. He said he wants to be reunited with her. If the veil is brought down and he dies, he moves on to the same world or dimension or whatever, where his lover is. And God I hope they finish his chapter this season. Silas as villain would make no sense. He just wants to be with his lover and we know that Bonnie plans on removing the veil. What would keep him in MF? I think he's not even interesting enough as character. And don't believe everything JP says. Not even she can keep Silas if she can't create a story around him. I hope.
    Well, you have a point. Katerina has 500 years Elena doesn't, so Katerina being human would help. But as I said, it would be a waste. Not to mention that Klaus would never allow it. A human doppelganger. And you think he would let anyone kill her? But well, there are other options. Becca for example. She seemed to find some sort of humanity lately. And she still has something to make up for with Elena. She hates Katerina and she doesn't care if she dies a slow and painful death.

    If Bonnie is not moving away for good, they should at least take her powers. She's crossed the lines too many times. I really liked her in S1 and most of S2. But she became so stupid and naïve and annoying, …

  60. It was a very good episode and I liked it how they had Matt be the one for whom Elena turned it back on. I don't like the whole killing katherine thing though, I don't want her dead.

  61. Yeah, you´re probably right. It would be fun though, another creature in the town.

  62. I wonder if the originals will do well next year? Yea it was a ok episode but there are a lot of people not like the baby story line. And is there Enough people that like the originals? When they tried to do that witch show that did not last 2 seasons.

  63. Yeah, I'm one of those who doesn't like the baby thing. It makes no sense. He's a vampire. I'll give it a try. Unless they hook up Klaus and Caroline. In that case I stop watching TVD and will never watch Originals.

    Secret Circle? I loved it. One of the reasons they canceled the show was cause it was too expensive compared to profit. No wonder. They had too much sets. Half a dozen houses, the bar, the hangout, beach, the ship, … Many fans were sad cause it got really interesting at the end. The show also based on books LJS. I have to read them.

  64. even if bonnie really would make Katherine immortal.. who knows if ketsia tells her the spell after bonnie helped silas .. the guy that ketsia hates..

  65. You got a point, she probably won't give Bonnie the spell for immortality. But what about the cure? I was telling since the island (when it turned out it was just one dose) that Bonnie should try contact the witch and ask for the spell or recipe or whatever. It's more likely Ketzia (or however the name is spelled) would give her that than the immortality spell.


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