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POLL : What did you think of Person of Interest - Zero Day?

3 May 2013

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  1. person of interest3 May 2013 at 03:00

    ONE WORD EPIC !!!!

  2. Awesome episode!!!! Lots happening at the ending of this season!!! Nice too see Root back...... Cannot wait for the finale.... Curious to know what Root heard on the phone...... Worried about Carter though! Well....Lets see if they'll save the world or, some people, once more!!!

  3. Ending just blew me away, holy crap.

  4. Is there ratings better than awesome? Because that's what I'd pick.

  5. I agree, better than awesome!

  6. I rarely vote awesome, but this episode qualified. Wow!

  7. Mind blown.... so darn awesome!!!!! and this isn't even the finale yet...... hang on folks this is going to be a wild ride!

  8. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow WTH? OMG Epic, epic, epic, epic. Amazing, fantastic, awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So many answers, so many epic dialogues, so many epic moments *---------------*

  9. The machine was saving itself That was cool!

  10. Root has a yellow box for a long u can go back and watch season 1 finale, u will see.

  11. start_wearing_purple3 May 2013 at 06:42

    I tend to be a big critic. I've seen a lot of shows, I've read a lot of books and honestly I find most of the new stuff predictable. However, Person of Interest has kept me quite literally on the edge of my seat for 2 seasons and this episode did what most of the episodes of this show have done so far, raised the bar. There wasn't a single thing about this episode that I didn't love. I'm incredibly excited about the finale and next season.

  12. That was just so amazing plotwise, and the pacing was superb; a crescendo of action ending on a clifhanger for what I' sure is going to be an awesome season finale!!

    One thing, I didn't get how the machine ended up making two calls; shouldn't root's call had been disconnected when Finch rewired it back?

  13. Yay, well said.

  14. Truly awesome episode, Person of Interest just continues to kick ass and get better and better with each week (with a few exceptions after Kara died).

    Amy Acker as Root is perfect, glad we got to see Grace again, figured Root would threaten her to get Finch to work with her again. And I never get tired of the insults about Reese being Finch's guard dog, we all know he's more than that, but it's a little funny. Shaw was cool as usual too. Wonder what's going to happen with Carter next week.

    Can it be next Thursday yet? "Can you hear me?"

  15. I had figured that this was going to be a two parter....and yet...when Reese picked up the phone I wanted to attack the person who decided I couldn't see the whole 2 hrs tonight. :-D

    There were so many gems. I loved that Finch put Reese on the phone with the machine. Someone who would fight to protect it.

    I am really hoping that by the end of the season we see the moment that put Finch on this road.

    I don't believe that our Finch sold that source code to the Chinese. If he did I'd bet that it happened before he took up the mantal of receiving the numbers. Maybe it's the person our Finch took the name from? (not a great example)

    Two eps left. I hope they're both as good as or better than tonights.

  16. I believe yellow stands for people that know about the Machine. IIRC, Alicia Corwin had one too.

  17. That. Was. Awesome. There was SO much going on and there was not a single scene that I didn't love (and who doesn't love a huge car explosion?!). I just hate that I can't watch the finale right now. Michael Emerson killed it in the flashbacks with Nathan. One thing I'm not entirely clear on is Root. Was she trying to save the Machine from Decima all along? If that's the case, then wow... They did agreat job with that character. She really is like Finch in the way that she ''sacrifices'' (or in her case, kills) irrelevant lives for the greater good. Hmm! All things considered, it really scares me that she knows about Grace.

    Favourite lines:
    ''You don't think she will consent to be Mrs Ostrich?'' LOL. Nice reference to Finch's bird aliases.
    ''I would never book a car service under my own name.''
    ...another one I forgot.

    By the way, how brilliant was it when the title sequence just started over halfway through? I loved that.

  18. Just one episode, unfortunately. Next week's episode is the season finale.

  19. Awesome points Jim. I am with you.

  20. So AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD

    Clearly the machine's favorite movie is North by Northwest! (one of mine too!) ;)

    Loved the little shout out to LOST about unplugging and replugging back in the machine! (Flash Sideways vending machine Island cork metaphor!) -And there was "The Greater Good" argument!

    This one was just so exciting from is dysfunctional opening sequence, to the machine creating a Hitchcock identity, to seeing machine spit out these codes (which are "memories"), to Root actually acknowledging it as a person (Those lines about Finch killing it every night at midnight was just such good lines and one of Amy Acker's BEST ever!), to flashbacks learning that the library Finch uses is actually the library Ingram used-along with the fact he was saving people FIRST, and to see Ingram's number come up without Ingram knowing it (Kind of like on FRINGE when Walternate missed his test results that could have cured his son), to Carter being set up and almost shot in the back, To Reese and Shaw's run in with Grear, to Finch redirecting that phone call and hearing the Machine speak "English" to Reese was SO GOOOOOOOOOOOD!

  21. It was interesting because Reese had a yellow box in this episode, while Shaw retained blue would think Reese would be an asset too, unless yellow stands for knowing that machine and asset or blue stands for something else????

  22. I don't really understand Root's perspective either, as I can not figure out what "freeing" the machine means in relation to all of this? How would one set it free? How could setting it free keep it from being used, -wouldn't it still need protected? And can we really trust that machine would work to make the world a better place? Could it corrupt itself?

  23. I'm a huge SciFi fan and for me this story ranked right up there with works of the Big three (Asimov, Heinlein, and Clark).
    The concept that a computer would evolve and attempt to save itself by creating a virtual identity in order to hire humans to download it's memories before they were erased every night, and then upload them again epic!

  24. huh. it dies and is reborn every single day (presumably cuz finch saw the terminator and got the message) i did not expect that.

  25. After that scene with Finch in the cover-up company I'm thinking that it has to do with Finch ''crippling'' the Machine. Root seemed to actually be upset about that. The thing is, she didn't know about that UNTIL that scene. It might have something to do with that though. If it's all about preventing Greer from getting to it, maybe she is trying to do something good with it after all.

  26. Ah! That makes sense! Thanks :)

  27. I hope she speak portuguese too hahahahaha. Amy Acker is amazing in this episode and Michael Emerson surprise me with dark side of Finch.

  28. One of the best episodes of the season!!! EPIC!

  29. Nice catch with Ingram's number coming up being similar to the way it happened on Fringe. Although I do wonder if he was in danger BECAUSE Finch had just shut down the ''backdoor''. I suppose we'll see next week!

  30. I think we all saw Root working with Team Machine as a finale plot... Whether it was to save the Machine or to stop the clandestine organization we learned is called Decima I wasn't sure, but as it turns out.... Both goals can be accomplished at the same time for the most part.

    Glad to see some movement on the opposing organizations.
    Although I would like a little direction and detail.
    Always nice to see Shaw!
    I can do without Bear going for walkies... sigh.
    No Fusco is always a let down since the Carter plots seem to go in circles.

    I can see Root playing martyr in the season finale, sacrificing herself to save the Machine she has more in common with than most of mankind. Either saving it from Decima or maybe the Machine is just leading her down the rabbit hole in a trap. Showing her she is unworthy and that knowledge will lead to hear sacrificing herself.....

    That act and the new bit of info Jon got from The-Man-behind-the-curtain may put even more of a wedge between Reese and Finch. I'm not sure I would like that if it happens.....

    A very nice myth arc filled episode that sets up the finale episode nicely!

  31. Thanks! :)

    Ya, I would suspect the shutting down of the back door was no coincidence!

  32. LOL! I'm sure she does! :p

    It was nice to see a little more of the Benjamin Linus in Harold Finch, but I can understand to some degree why he would concerned if the machine would take on it's own persona, because then there's no garentee that it's conduct and priorities would remain ethical (or at least Finch's definition of what ethical is, which is pretty complicated considering he created something that has to be 'retooled' every night...)

  33. " can see Root playing martyr in the season finale, sacrificing herself to save the Machine she has more in common with than most of mankind. Either saving it from Decima or maybe the Machine is just leading her down the rabbit hole in a trap. Showing her she is unworthy and that knowledge will lead to hear sacrificing herself....."

    Good thinking. I agree it could go either way. Thinking about the leading her into a trap idea, I'm kind of wondering if Ingram's death was no accident. -What I mean is I wonder if the machine set him up so he would die, so that Finch would take over?

    "No Fusco is always a let down since the Carter plots seem to go in circles."

    Man, I'm so worried about Fusco again! Especially since they dropped him off the face of the planet after last week's episode!

    "That act and the new bit of info Jon got from The-Man-Behind-the-Curtain (Greer) may put even more of a wedge between Reese and Finch. I'm not sure I would like that if it happens....."

    I think it would be interesting to see it for a little a bit, but I hope it wouldn't be a season long thing, although I do think Finch has some explaining to do...

    And I agree. I was a really nice myth-arc episode! Very excited for our finale! XD

  34. I could handle Finch vs Reese for a short run of episodes too. It would likely include more Fusco and Shaw (always good things) and would also probably lead tomore backstory of Finch and the Machine.

    I just would not want it to go on too long. The way that this show deals with serialized elements in such small doses I would find a longer arc of Finch vs Reese too frustrating! I would want them to work it outand keep being annoyed! XD

  35. Perhaps he had always envisioned a similar scenario for the reboot and prepared an additional decoy call =)

  36. I couldn't love this show more, and I believe I have never seen a box of voting results on this site that was more on point than the one on this page xD

  37. To be fair, Fusco had no real part in this episode, he would have certainly standing around scratching his head in confusion about what was going on with the machine ;D at least they mentioned his name at the beginning and said he was working another case somewhere.

  38. Well, they could have fallowed up on it and included it in Carter's plot if they wanted to (there was no mention of Stills at all. So I see putting that story on the back burner as something intentional, kind of playing a "silent deadly". -As you say, he was "working on another case"...

    Yeah it was funny to think the Machine chose a masculine identity (a reference to such an iconic film), when everyone else de-masculanated it! XD

  39. That ending had me talking to the TV and not in a good way. lol

  40. Makes perfect sense!!!!!!

    North By Northwest (for those that have never seen it) is about a man accidentally taking on the role of a Government decoy!!!

  41. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.
    This episode was almost flawless. Bring on the finale!
    96% awesome votes, and 0% poor/awful! This must surely be a first.

  42. True! I didn't even think about that when I read your post about the North by Northwest allusions below! You always come up with the interesting bits =)

  43. And she was right, as we hear when the machine "talks" to Reese ;D

  44. One of my favorite eps ever from the show, it is incredibly good!

  45. This was a fun and exciting episode! Loved it. They made Root a little more relatable. I still think Shaw is the unstable, more dangerous version of John, just as Root is the more unstable version of Finch. Too bad Fusco wasn't part of this episode. I almost expected Fusco to jump out and help Carter somehow. This season has been stellar. SO many exciting and fun episodes!


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