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Once Upon a Time - Micheal Raymond-James interview

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Thanks to Folie-lex for the heads up.

TVLINE | Emma been trying to convince Neal that Tamara is bad news. What new evidence might she trot out this week?
You know Emma, man. She gets on a case and she goes after it pretty fiercely. She definitely feels that Tamara has got some evil intentions, and she is going to try to convince me that she may have had something to do with Regina being kidnapped.

TVLINE | Whether he was protecting Emma’s destiny or not, do you think that Neal still harbors some guilt about what happened all those years ago?
I am glad you asked that. Yes. I think he does, but Neal feels that he really didn’t have a choice in the mater. It was a matter of her fulfilling her destiny and for the greater good. I mean, we’re talking about her saving a town full of people that I grew up with, people from Fairytale Land, so these aren’t total strangers where I can be like, “Screw them. This is about me and my love.” So, in Neal’s mind he was sort of jumping on the grenade for the greater good. But of course there’s guilt. Of course there’s pain for having inflicted pain on someone you care about. I don’t know how you get beyond that.

Source: Full Interview @ TV Line

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