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Transcript of Live Chat with Julie Benz from @DefianceWorld

Jun 4, 2013

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Here is the Transcript in case you missed it.

Hey All,

We're about to start a live Twitter chat with Defiance's Star Julie Benz, who has kindly agreed to join us here at SpoilerTV to answer any questions you have.

The Chat is now over

How to ask a question
Below are 2 Twitter Widgets. You type your question into the first box on the left to post the question to us here at SpoilerTV. If suitable we then pass that question onto Julie who has taken control of the @DefianceWorld Twitter account. We have already collected all your questions that have either been previously emailed in or left in the comments of the previous post.

Her replies/answers will appear in the 2nd Twitter Widget to the right.

If you don't have a twitter account, you can leave your question in the comments below and we'll do our best to get them asked.

NOTE 1: Julie will only be able to answer questions posted to her from the SpoilerTV account.
NOTE 2: This is the first time we've tried a live updating Twitter Chat so the the chances of some sort of Technical "snafu" are quite high :)

After the chat is over we'll collate all the answers and post them here for anyone who may have missed the live chat.


  1. This is very cool. I'll try to be there.

  2. so I guess the whole Jaime Murray live tweet thing on Monday during Warehouse 13 and Defiance was just a rumor?

  3. Sorry I don't understand the question? What has this got to do with a Twitter Chat next Tuesday?

  4. Nothing really, I just heard that Jaime Murray was gonna do a live tweet on Monday for her SyFy double-feature but it was never posted here. Since I heard about the Julie Benz live-tweeting, though, I'm assuming it was just a rumor. And because I'd anticipate Jaime and Julie live-tweeting together before I would assume it separate. It doesn't matter, really, sorry.

  5. That's ok, I was just a little confused. We don't post every live twitter chat that stars do as there would be 100's of posts.

    This is a special one that they are doing with us here at SpoilerTV

  6. What was is like working on Buffy and Angel?

  7. Brenton Dean CauchoisMay 30, 2013 at 3:34 PM

    Do you personally believe in the possibility of other life forms existing in our known universe, and if aliens had to invade our planet how would you react, and how would you deal with the situation? EG. Would you panic and lose yourself in the situation or would you take control and step up to the plate and do whatever you could to survive?

  8. Loving Defiance! Have you any upcoming projects in the pipeline, sci-fi or otherwise? And are you booked for any Buffy and/or Angel get togethers, where we might see you? Best wishes for your future x

  9. Some questions.

    How long does a typical episode take to film
    What hrs do you normally do per day and what time do you start in the morning

    What percentage of stunts do you do yourself?
    Did you recieve any special training for the role?

    If you could be 1 other character on the show who would it be?

    Have you been keeping up with Dexter? If so are you looking forward to the final season?

    Does your Husband, Rich, watch the show? Does he enjoy it?

  10. Quote: diffr sides ur roles reflect
    1. How did strangers react 2 U when those shows were on air?
    2. Did U felt those sides stronger off set?

  11. Hi Julie loving Defiance & Amanda you seem to have some pretty impressive gun skills did you have any training?

  12. Renato Lima da SilvaJune 4, 2013 at 3:53 AM

    Julie Benz, I love You!

  13. Hi Julie, I'd like to know, if one day we will have the opportunity to have the cast of Defiance somewhere in Europe for a promo?

  14. (Sadly, I won't be able to be here due to work commitments)

    Couple of questions if there's time to ask her

    Have you find inspiration from someone in real life or another series to prepare for the rol?
    Have they told you beforehand Amanda's story (with her sister and her mom) or you were as surprised as the audience when we find out what had happened? (and are you the kind that asks questions to the creators or just rolls with what it's given to you)
    What's your favourite female TV character?

    Thanks guys! and have fun :)

  15. If you could be any votan race which one would you be and why?

  16. if I could choose who to be for a day among the characters you've played,who would you choose?

  17. Women of DefianceJune 4, 2013 at 9:07 PM

    Julie - vampires or aliens?

  18. Women of DefianceJune 4, 2013 at 9:07 PM

    Did you particularly study any strong female politicians while prepping for the role of Amanda?

  19. Women of DefianceJune 4, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    Will Bamboo or Sugar guest star as Castithans?

  20. Women of DefianceJune 4, 2013 at 9:12 PM

    We're used to seeing women of defiance appear on multiple platforms. Where will we find you next?

  21. Women of DefianceJune 4, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    Who will win Amanda's heart? Colin, Nolan, or Doc? ;)

  22. Any chance of seeing you at the "10 years after" Buffy convention in Paris in July ?

  23. Hi Julie, what attracted you in the "Defiance" project in the first place?
    Belgium welcomes you!

  24. Gloria Contreras MadridJune 4, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Hi Julie! What do you
    think about #Nolanda for Nolan & Amanda? - Gloria

  25. Amanda's role is it closer to the woman you are?

  26. We know you like to watch TV Shows, which one is your favorite right now? -JulieBenzFanS

  27. Have there been any pranks or practical jokes on set?

  28. Are we going to see some confrontation between Nolan and Colin because of Amanda?

  29. Do you think Amanda and Nolan's relationship will go anywhere in the future now that he is no longer "seeing" Kenya?

  30. @SpoilerTV aww you say @msjaimemurray is a pain in the ass but I bet you love her! :)

  31. Who plays the best pranks on the set of Defiance?

  32. Gloria Contreras MadridJune 4, 2013 at 9:55 PM

    What’s your
    favorite plate to cook?

  33. @SpoilerTV hi Julie! what was your favorite episode to film? #Defiance

  34. @SpoilerTV hi Julie, what's your favorite part of acting on #Defiance?

  35. who giggles the most on the set during filming?

  36. For now Amanda is mayor of Defiance, later she will cross borders?

  37. hi Julie, what was your favorite scene of last night's episode?

  38. Hi Julie, i was wondering... How do you think Grant Bowler kisses? ^ ^

  39. Do you ever wish that you could wear prosthetic makeup like everyone else on the show?

  40. Hi! Are you a big fan of any TV Shows (other than Defiance) that are currently on TV?

  41. What's your favorite thing to do when you are not filming?

  42. Are you secretly jealous of Jaimes wardrobe?

  43. You have often been confronted with the role of mother (TV movie, series, ...) this is hard when you have no children?

  44. Do you have any message for your fans?

  45. This was a fun event and she stayed a lot longer than I expected. Lots of fun all around. I hope SpoilerTV gets to do other events such as this in the future.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.