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Arrow 1.22 "Darkness on the Edge of Town" Review: The End is Near

9 May 2013

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    This week’s episode of Arrow, “Darkness on the Edge of Town,” is the second last episode of the season and was written by Drew Z. Greenberg and Wendy Mericle and directed by John Behring. It had everything we’ve come to expect of an episode: humor, drama, romance, and action – all tightly woven together. I want to make a quick mention of the lighting which contributes so much to the atmosphere on the show. Scenes on the Island are always starkly lit while interiors in Starling City are rich and soft. Oliver’s lair has a distinctly green tint to the lighting – each carefully chosen to reflect the action. This second last episode ratchets up the tension going into the season finale. A lot of balls have been thrown up in the air, and I can’t wait to see how many of them the archer pins to the wall, and how many are left up in the air.
    The episode opens with the return of the Dark Archer (John Barrowman) massacring the employees at Unidac. In an ironic twist on the Hood’s admonishment to criminals that they “have failed this city,” the Dark Archer thanks Dr Markoff (Eric Floyd) for his service before killing him. Merlyn not only creates a diversion for the Undertaking but also covers his tracks.
    Oliver (Stephen Amell), meanwhile, is still angsting over Moira’s (Susanna Thompson) involvement. He tries to have a conversation with her, but she blows him off, so he devises a plan to get her to talk. The flashbacks this week take us back to the Island. Fyers (Sebastian Dunn) uses Shado (Celina Jade), Slade (Manu Bennett), and Oliver to force Yao Fei (Byron Mann) to take credit for shooting down a commercial airplane. Ultimately, the plan is to de-stabilize China’s economy. I thought it was curious that Fyers shot Slade and Shado but only punched Oliver. Why not shoot Oliver? It seems clear, however, that Oliver draws on this experience to try to force Moira to talk. Diggle (David Ramsey), dressed as the Hood, beats Oliver until Moira tells them what she knows. Thompson delivers her best performance to date as she begs for her son’s life. She tells them about the device that will level the Glades and that she was only drawn into the plan after her husband died. She tells them that Robert got involved without her knowledge and that he was only trying to do some good. I thought her confession seemed sincere, but Oliver remains unconvinced. We also see later in the episode that Fyers is reporting to a woman – though we only see her legs – could that be Moira? Oliver also sees the guy he found beaten up in Yao’s cave, working the radio for Fyers, so we learn that that had been a trap.   
     The biggest gasp of this episode for me was when Fyers kills Yao Fei. I have to admit I’m a bit disappointed because I really wanted to see Oliver learning more from him. It’s always possible that he’s not dead, given the genre, but it seems unlikely that he could have survived.
    There was quite a bit of movement in the Laurel/Oliver/Tommy triangle in this episode. I found myself thinking that it felt like enough time had passed for Laurel (Katie Cassidy) to have healed, and I’m impressed by the show’s patience in teasing this storyline out. However, the execution still felt a bit forced. Last week, Oliver gave Laurel hope, only to pull back at the beginning of the episode. I did like the exchange between them, however. Laurel asks him why he gave her hope, and he said he didn’t have an agenda. It felt like a very honest comment. The Oliver before the Island would have had an agenda and he would have lied about it. This is a different Oliver. I did like Laurel’s confession to Quentin (Paul Blackthorne), and Quentin admitting that Oliver was different since he’d gotten back. The exchange with Tommy (Colin Donnell) also rang true. Tommy’s not wanting to be the consolation prize is understandable, but Oliver was also right to point out that Laurel did choose Tommy, and it was Tommy’s choice to walk away. I was even ok with Oliver deciding that his true mission is just to stop the Undertaking – although we know, he’s going to realize he can’t hang up the hood. But it didn’t ring true for him to go to Laurel so soon after telling Tommy to go back to her or before he had completed his mission. I cringed when Tommy saw them making love through the window. Donnell’s face was terrifically intense, and I fear that he is going to be the Merlyn to go really dark.
    Thea (Willa Holland) helps Roy (Colton Haynes) in his quest for the Hood. She even goes undercover for him in the police station to get information for him. It’s a great comic sequence when Oliver is trying to rescue Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and he gets sidetracked by Malcolm and then by Thea and Roy as they stake out Merlyn Industries. I’ve felt like Holland, in particular, has been underused this season, and I have high hopes for next season for her storyline with Roy. Although by the end of this episode, it seems like she is going to chose Oliver over Roy and heed Oliver’s warning that the Hood is a psychopath, is dangerous, and everyone who gets near him ends up dead. I laughed when Roy scoffed that Oliver was a wimp after he’d obviously crushed Roy’s hand when he shook it! I also laughed when Thea told Roy he wasn’t going to meet the Hood any time soon... Even though Thea gives Roy the ultimatum to give up searching for the Hood or lose her, I get the feeling that he’s not going to give up and they still won’t be apart for long.
    Walter (Colin Salmon) and Moira, however, seem to have come to the end of the road. He is clearly distant and bitter on returning home from the hospital. I was surprised when he served Moira with divorce papers, however much she deserved it. I was also a bit surprised that she didn’t fight him harder on it. I will miss Salmon if he won’t be back next year.
    It was great to see that Felicity is still as focused on helping Oliver as she was before Walter disappeared. Part of me was worried that she might want to go back to the comfort of her old job and leave the crime fighting to others, so I was particularly pleased that there was never even any discussion of that.  Naturally, as Emily Bett Rickards is a regular next season, it was pretty unlikely. Now that CSU Tech Kelton (Lee Vincent) has detected that Felicity also tried to hack into Merlyn Industries, it’s possible that Felicity may have to go underground to avoid prosecution. Although it should also be easy for Walter or even Oliver to step in and protect her by saying that Queen Industries was trying to hack the competition – after all, what’s a little cyber-crime between competitors? It’s not the sort of thread that the show will leave dangling.
    As always, Felicity got the best line when in her concern for Oliver going to talk to Moira she points out that last time he got shot, and she “got to play doctor with” him. I also love that they play with the chemistry between the two of them and Felicity’s obvious crush/attraction. Another great line is when Oliver is about to swing them over the elevator shaft, he tells Felicity to hold on tight, and she responds: “I imagined you saying that under different circumstances. Very platonic circumstances.” Rickards is a delight to watch. I have to admit that I wouldn’t be upset if at some point in the future, Oliver also realizes just how endearing she is...
    Oliver acts in this episode without knowing the complete story. He’s convinced himself that he has been “treating the symptoms while the disease festers” by going after the names in the book instead of the Undertaking itself. Diggle is concerned that Oliver is going to hang up the hood after stopping the Undertaking because Diggle sees there is still a bigger problem, as he has before when he’s asked Oliver to look outside the list.
This was yet another gasp-worthy moment in the episode.
    Diggle and Oliver split up. Diggle goes to find the device, and Oliver goes to exact revenge on the man who had his father killed, and neither realize that Malcolm is also the Dark Archer. Once again, Oliver loses a fight against the Dark Archer. In this instance, Oliver might be excused for being caught off guard by Malcolm’s fighting abilities. Once again a shout out to the wonderful stunt team lead by James Bamford. The episode ends with Malcolm peeling back the hood to discover Oliver. Barrowman has been outstanding as Malcolm, and his shocked “Oh no” at the end of this episode just added another layer to the character.
    I can’t wait for the season finale next week! I’m already anticipating that it is going to be a long summer waiting for season two. What did you think of the episode? Are you happy to see Laurel and Oliver together? Is Roy in over his head? Is Tommy going dark? Will Oliver be able to escape? Let me know in the comments below, and don’t forget to tune in next week for the season finale!


  1. Good review. I think Fyers didn't shoot Oliver because he doesn't consider Oliver to be any threat. He is aware that both Slade and Shado can fight, but Oliver? Not so much.. so why waste a bullet?
    I think Yao Fei is did sadly, and I wish they kept him for longer because I wanted to see him training Oliver too. At least we know both Slade and Shado are alive and will be able to train Oliver.
    I hope Thea survives to next season. My fear is that they will kill her. I think either Thea or Moira will be killed next week and their death will make Oliver decide to continue to be the Hood even after the Undertaking is gone.

  2. Are we happy to see Laurel and Oliver together? We are thrilled. Tommy and Laurel wasn't a couple. They should be together at all. It was a mistake.

  3. Pretty sure Thea is back next year... but Moira might be a possibility. That's a great theory to re-ignite Oliver's commitment. Manu Bennett is a regular next season, so no doubt, he's going to be the main influence on the Island.

  4. LOL - all possible - though I don't think Roy is quite ready yet - maybe next season finale!

  5. I'm really looking forward to getting more Katie Cassidy - but I have to admit that I'm rooting a little bit for the underdog Felicity... ;) I suspect that Oliver will pull back _again_ but Tommy is definitely off the table at this point.

  6. Willa made a few tweets of saying goodbye to the Vancouver sunset and Colton interviewed to Zap2it saying Roy will turn a bit to the dark edge at the beginning of next season

    So I'm personally worried for Thea now. The press release of next week also has her running to the Glades to warn Roy and finding herself at the middle of the danger zone.

  7. I'm rooting for Felicity too but I think this show has at least four seasons (maybe more if the CW can extend their contracts beyond 2016) so I can wait with Felicity\Oliver until the 3rd season personally.

  8. not necessary they all lived in rented apartments once they done shootings they had to give up there rentals.

    but there is still slightly possible that Thea might die next week which i
    hope it's not true,that would be rather too obvious,plus i think the
    character have potential and Willa could bring more to the table,so i
    wanna see Thea grows into a likeable character.

    as far as Moira
    goes i think it might be her who well die ,i don't see anything else for
    her once the undertaking story is done same thing apply to Malcolm .

    there is also a big chance that Det.Lance might die they need to have a
    proper storyline and character development for Laurel to build her as
    Black canary.

  9. That's what I hope because Thea is becoming one of my favorite characters on this show. I think they have a lot of ways in which they could develop her character next season and I think Willa is a pretty good actress so I have faith she'll nail whichever scenes they give her.

    I agree about Moira too. Thompson is a great actress, even better than Willa, but I can't see what they can do with her after the Undertaking is done, especially when she is more a victim of the circumstances and less a villain right now.

  10. Great review. Thank you. Oliver's talk with Tommy was excellent; thus it was so disappointing to see him go so quickly to Laurel and get into bed with her. While I do understand his change -- no more Hood, he can be with Laurel -- it doesn't ring true for him to go that route before finishing the Undertaking. Then again, this is a CW show (sigh -- they love their silly love triangles) and thus these kinds of moments are inevitable.
    Loved the episode, except for that moment, which tainted it; thus I'll have to ignore it going forward.
    As for next week: Does Thea die? Will Walter still be a factor in the show? (Hope so) Does Oliver kill Tommy (wondering if it is Tommy dressed up as the Dark Archer in one of those scenes) thinking it's Malcolm? Does Oliver kill Malcom; thus pushing Tommy further to the dark (for if his father and best friend can go dark, why not him -- Oliver has 'screwed him' over plenty of times with lies?
    It should be a great finale to an excellent first year -- now, if they'd only get rid of those silly triangles... then it would be awesome!

  11. I'd rather see them kill off Laurel's mom to be honest - we need someone on the police force! I think if anyone dies it will Moira. Laurel already admires the Hood, whether she knows who he is or not. There's also lots of opportunity for her to find a reason to become the Black Canary through her work - and I hope we see more of her being a kick-ass lawyer next season too...

  12. In Willa's defense, she hasn't been given much to do in the last few episodes. When she's given the ball, she knocks it out of the park. I'm curious about how much Thompson knew about what Moira's ultimate involvement was. If she was kept in the dark about her ultimate motives, it would be easier for her to pull off the ambiguous portrayal that she did...

  13. I totally agree! I thought wow, they've done such a slow and careful build to the point where Oliver can contemplate allowing himself to love Laurel and then he suddenly abandons his mission, screws Tommy, and jumps into bed with her - blerg! Oliver almost certainly has to kill Malcolm or be killed by him - it's a no-win situation for him - and I think Malcolm is thinking exactly the same thing with his "Oh no"....

  14. He didn't really screw Tommy. Tommy is the one that decided to leave and I don't think Oliver would've slept with her if she still was with Tommy.

    As for Oliver abandoning his mission, he thought his job would be done and dreamed of a normal life. It's not like he wanted to become the vigilante, his promise to his father and the island turned him to who he is today. He too in a way is a victim of the circumstances, like Moira.

  15. I see the difference between them as experience personally, as Willa is about 25 years younger than Thompson. I think of acting as a profession where you improve with the more experience you get, but that's JMO.

  16. This was a dandy episode with lots of "wow" moments. I agree with your comments about the strengths and weaknesses of the episode. The whole Ollie/Lauren/Tommy triangle is getting far too soapy for my tastes. I mean, really, you tell your best friend you can't be with her and she chose you, and then, like, later that day you go by her place and boff her? Really?
    Otherwise, good action. I too hope Hop Sing isn't dead. Maybe they'll use the trick they used in The Question comic book series twenty-odd years ago of having the bullet simply slide around the outside of his skull rather than penetrating his brain....

  17. Some actors improve with experience, others don't (*cough*Stallone*cough*). Some actually seem to lose their chops over time (*cough*DeNiro*cough*). Others are brilliant from the get-go.

  18. Sadly, I think Moira's likely to die--unless those were her legs Fyers was reporting to, which would seem an awfully unlikely scenario. I kinda hope she doesn't die, though, because I really like her.

  19. Well, he pretty went right from telling Tommy that he (Ollie) could never be with Laurel and that she had chosen him (Tommy) to jumping into bed with Laurel. I mean, did he even wait a day to give Tommy time ot act? Didn't look like it. Speaking as a guy, I can give you a gold-plated guarantee that any guy would see that as a stone-cold screwing.
    As for the mission, if the premise is that he can stop being the Hood aFTER he takes down the Undertaking, then it would only seem sensible actually to, you know, TAKE DOWN the Undertaking before beginning to live what he imagines/hopes his post-Hood life will be. The Ollie/Tommy/Laurel thiing is ham-fisted soap-opera. (Heck, even Laurel couldn't keep a consistent emotion for the episode; in the scene with her dad--AFTER the first one with Ollie, when he told her he hadn't changed--she's talking with her dad as if the and Ollie are an item again, but when he turns up at her door she's all bitch central until he reverses his earlier reverse, and then she's all over him like mayonnaise. Blerg indeed.

  20. Victoria Llanos9 May 2013 at 16:16

    I so love Det. Lance, but I find myself hoping something happens to him, if only to kickstart the Black Canary sub plot.

  21. Oh, I agree, I don't really think it's her. The question for is is, is it someone we've seen before, or not?

  22. Victoria Llanos9 May 2013 at 16:18

    Ok, for whatever reason I hadn't consider this option, so thank you so much for bringing it up. It would be a great way to not kill Paul and still belve into the Black Canary storyline.

  23. I think it could be a character that will be introduced in season two. They said there'd be easter eggs during these 2 episodes for season two, and this could be one of them. I wonder if whoever she is, if we'll see her only on the island or also in the present.

  24. I agree that part wasn't dealt properly!! But the reasons Oliver went to Laurel was 1.Tommy's answer that he is working closer to his dad which implied working for undertaking and 2.Finally he was able to see the end of tunnel for the mission his father gave him and now that its about to be done why not start normal life before its too late?? I hope that made sense!!

  25. I think I'm one of the only people around on STV that is happy that Laurel and Oliver had that moment. I loved it. Tommy's face was brilliant too. That could be his turning point.

    As for Malcolm, I was shocked to see his remorse for having attacked his son's best friend, and his friend's son. Maybe that'll be what makes Oliver go easy on him, or vice versa.

    Roy is an idiot. Nothing more on the matter.

    Can't wait for the finale. CANNOT. WAIT.

  26. Ansiously waiting for the day Laurel/Oliver will be over forever.

  27. "We" are not happy or thrille, you and a few others may be, but most viewers are either indifferent or tired or plain out dislike it.

  28. I have my own theory as to who hot legs might be. Though you'd have to be a die-hard DC comic-book fan or at least familiar with the League of Assassins(AKA League of Shadows in Nolan's Bat-films). And before you all claim that this organization is only supposed to be a threat to Batman, let me stop you right there; they're also a threat to Superman, Green Arrow, and other DC heroes. But anyways, back to the point, which brings me back as to why I mentioned this evil organization, and that's because I believe that the woman that Fryers reports to is none other than Talia Al Ghul. One of the daughters of Ra's Al Ghul, and the most popular of his children in the comics as the second in command of her father's secret society. It makes sense if you think about it and know what the types of things these people do.

  29. I know!! I want more Yao Fei...

  30. I'm hoping he has a plate in his head or something... anything...

  31. Colin Donnell just continues to impress! I think that was the turning point for him - though it may be when he discovers the truth about his dad - which the scenes seem to indicate will happen in the finale. I adored that "oh no" - Barrowman also continues to impress me here. And agreed - Roy is an idiot. I really hope they make his character less stupid soon...
    Arrow is the finale I am most looking forward to!

  32. I think like this: Imagine it like Criminal Minds, and we're doing a profile on Tommy.
    I think that Oliver being the vigilante is his stressor, Oliver/Laurel's sex is his trigger. Seeing the Dark Archer suit is just going to be the means for him to do whatever he's gonna do.

  33. Good profile! Of course, the big issue/problem here (for Tommy) is whether he can fill that hood! I mean, have we seen him fight at all yet? I imagine his fighting skills to be equal to Oliver's when Oliver first landed on the Island...

  34. I think he'll be better than pre-island Oliver. He probably has done fencing and fighting like his dad does, so he won't be that bad. Plus if Oliver kills Malcolm, he'll go into overdrive mode.

  35. True - but the scenes seem to indicate that Tommy finds out that his dad is the Dark Archer and turns a gun on him, himself... which could also act as a trigger... But I don't want Tommy to go bad!!!

  36. Teen wolf Spoilers Pagr8 April 2014 at 04:55

    Oliver will pull away from laural in the next day , Roy will find way to save oliver and surprise him , tommy will follow his father footsteps , oli will escape ,

  37. They shouldn't have killed yao fei,he was a master archer and slade and shadow are strong but nothing infront of yaofei,maybe if yao fei had taught oliver maybe he would have beaten

  38. I don't think these were Moira's legs. I think Moira got caught in the crossfire of Malcolm and his Undertaking, and I can't see her willingly wanting to take down a full passangers plane less than a year after losing her husband and son. She was supposedly grieving at home refusing to go outside at that time, according to Thea.


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