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USD POLL : What's the worst new show of the 2012/2013 season?

Apr 12, 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Yadiggg who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can see all the previous User Submitted Polls here.

You can vote for 1 Show.


  1. Mob Doctor for me, It just didn't get my interest.

  2. Without question in my mind it's Beauty and the Beast. I watched the first episode wasn't impressed at all then I couldn't even finish the 2nd one.

  3. OH, You don't want to mess with BATB people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I haven't watched any of those. Arrow is my least favourite of this year. I just can't stand the main character and the way everyone acts around him.

  5. Animal Practice, the monkey was the best actor on the show.

  6. I voted other just to let you know that this is a ridiculous poll!!!

  7. InvestedInYourFutureApril 12, 2013 at 11:33 AM

    Its a VERY hard choice between beauty and the beast and cult.

    One is plain cliched soap opera, with one o the worst actresses in CW and tone of the show that would fit a mexican soap opera. The other just plain makes no sense.

    In the end I just had to vote Beauty and the Beast, because while I could stand Cult for whole three episodes, CW's newest sexist soap opera turned me off completely in half the episode.

  8. Alexandra KholodovaApril 12, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Yeah, at least the premise of Cult was somewhat interesting, plus actors weren't half bad...

  9. I think everyone here haven't watched all the options so they are voting to batb because this one they have. But that series 666 park Avenue was crap and so that ine with a submarine

  10. I agree the first few episodes were not great but the series has really picked up in the back half. Really getting interesting now.

  11. Beauty and the Beast has certainly improved especially in the back of the season. It was quite slow in the beginning.

  12. Beauty and the Beast does not belong on this poll. It is one of the best shows I have seen on tv.

  13. Was this poll created just to generate traffic and hateful comments towards shows? Seems like it..

  14. Seriously #Beasties don't waste your time and energy on this poll, it only get's people bitching and throwing insults back and forth. Better off ignoring such negativity towards all the shows above but also respect other peoples opinions.

  15. Have you actually watched Beauty and the Beast lately? It's as far from a soap as yet can get. Please give a proper undertaking of a show that you've actually watched before making judgments.

  16. don't mess with Beasties

  17. To me people are judging BATB straight off the bat because they watched two epsiodes. Come on? Secondly, people are judging it based of the name. I foresee this poll inciting a lot of drama.

  18. I don't mind Cult but this poll just seems to be generated to attack BATB.

  19. I disagree with one of the choices in this pole :) I think #BATB is a great show with great actors.
    And #Beasties, if you vote first read the polles name, just for making sure :)

  20. those who voted Beauty and the Beast were mistaken. They probably thought of the beast new show (:

  21. A lot of people don't like the show, it's that simple. They're not on a
    vendetta against people who like it, they're just entitled to their
    opinion, so stop acting like victims and agree to disagree. It's a fact
    that the show is hated as much as it's loved by its fanbase. Stop crying
    like a baby because of it.

  22. how could you put BATB btw those show its better show ever

  23. Cult for me. Couldn't get anything from that promo & 1st episode. ALSO, Beauty and the Beast shouldn't be on that list at all.

  24. BATB best show ever

  25. Agreed. Except Cult isn't that bad.

  26. Yes. This poll is the definition of incitement.

  27. Beauty and The Beast is the Best show ever! I love the amazing Cast, and it has a great writers, makeups, designers, soundtrack,...

  28. Haven't watched anything of this poll yet! Just Beauty n the Beast and it's the best show ever! Can't understand why it's here!

  29. @twitter-1087584002:disqus

    1) every single post on this site that we've ever made is done to generate traffic. That's why websites exist.

    2) What part of USER SUBMITTED poll did you not understand?

    3) It's JUST a Poll. Don't take everything so seriously. Life is much more fun when you do.

  30. yes of course is BATB the best, but don´t vote for it!!! What's the WORST new show

  31. I agree. Some people just have a hate on for BATB! Most of whom have never even watched it!

  32. You should try a newer ep. The show has changed a great deal and is VERY good now.

  33. Of these options the only ones I've seen were Beauty And The Beast and Zero Hour. Of the latter, I couldn't even get properly through the Pilot. BATB's premise interested me somewhat in the beginning, but I lost my interest about halfway through the season. So Zero Hour's my choice.

  34. It sounds like you made your mind up about BATB before even watching that one ep. Maybe try a newer ep? Because the acting and the show are excellent.

  35. It would be REALLY nice if someone on this site supported BATB. One would think administrators of a site providing info for the majority of the programs aired would have a more diverse taste in shows rather than just the main stream programs.

  36. I won't vote against any show, it's rude.

  37. That was my thought too.

  38. Sadly a lot of people are missing out on a great show because they are too narrow minded to a) give it another chance or b) accept that it is NOT the same type of beast as the original or c) can’t get past the name. I was one of those when the show first came out. I finally gave it a chance around ep 9 or 10 begrudgingly due to my friends proding. It took me about 1.5 eps to forget that I had already decided to hate the show and by the end of the 2nd ep I was on iTunes buying the season pass so I could catch up on what I had missed!! :) Now I’m a HUGE #Beastie!!!!!! :) And when 9pm comes around on Thursday’s I RUN to the TV and nothing will get in my way! The last show that had me hooked like that was Friends. BTW I still miss that show.... :’(

  39. The second half of the season has picked up subtancially, particularlly the last 3 eps and rumor is every ep leading up to the finale is only getting more intense. That’s crazy to me...the last few have left me on the edge of my seat, I can’t imagine how they can top it. But every week they do!

  40. Where's Revolution?

  41. What is #BeautyAndTheBeast doing here? #PeopleChoice Winner is on this poll? It's The Best Show of the year not the worst. SHAME.

  42. I just think it personally wasn't for me. The thing that hooked me from the beginning was having two female cops as partners (and being POC) which doesn't occur often, with the weakest part involving Vincent. I think those parts got better significantly as the season went on however, but I couldn't really get into the romantic aspect of it, and that is a big part of what drives the show.

    I might give this show another try and pick up where I left off if it gets a second season, but now with the 20-ish shows I watch a week, this one was the easiest to drop.

  43. @disqus_c0HlXe2UWA:disqus What on earth are you taking about. We post TONNES of info on BATB, in many cases before ANY other sites gets it.

    You're welcome to your opinion but at least try to get the facts right.


  44. Where is The Neighbours? That show is just --- (there aren't even words)

  45. Well those are the problems in a nutshell. I don't foresee many attitudes changing. Which is sad.

  46. true. kristin kreuk as a detective??? really. lol. she had always rubbed me the wrong way since smallville

  47. Other - Leave Comment.

  48. I think there's a different between not liking a show and specifically targeting it for no apparent reason. Everyone is entitled to their preference but that does not mean putting down someone else because they like a specific show.

  49. You make no sense. No one is targeting BATB or any of the shows on the list. It's a list of cancelled and critically panned shows. That's all that is. I don't see any Cult, Animal Practice, Zero Hour or other shows fans here being babies because their shows are on the list. Some bitchy BATB fan comments here are ridiculous and sound juvenile, it's borderline hilarious. Why do you think people are at war with your show and you're the poor victims? I think the show is bad, I gave it a fair chance, a lot of people think it's bad as well. GET. OVER. IT.

  50. Thats appauling..BATB should not be in the above list. Isn't it the viewers who should decide not so called critics..... Fans love BATB so whatever you write, no one realls cares.

  51. True, Alaric from TVD, Jo from SPN and T-Bag from Prison Break. lol Going to miss this show, it was one you actually had to think about, sure not for the brain dead reality show fans.

  52. I NEVER said you don’t post stuff about BATB, obviously you do. But it that no one associated with your site is a fan of the show. If I’m wrong, I stand corrected. But I have yet to see BATB make “scene of the week” polls, only “worst show” polls. And the repsonse I got when I asked WHY BATB never made “scene of the week” was that “no one from “SpoilerTv watches it”. Are you denying this?

  53. i totatlly disagree with above list - BATB is a great show, with great characters, human drama and fans all over the world love it and dedicated to it. So, we are the viewers, we decide.

  54. start_wearing_purpleApril 12, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    The only one I watched was the Mob Doctor. I got through 20 minutes and fell asleep... I wasn't tired when I started watching it.

  55. With all due respect, we ask that you watch a new episode of Beauty and the Beast. It has evolved into a really enjoyable Show that has captured the imagination and loyalty of tons of fans. Please join us in supporting this show

  56. I understand, my husband and I watched pilot and thought it weak. The show is very different now, especially the last few episodes. Some shows need some time to find hit their stride--like this one. Now we both like it. Hubby for the action and tension, me for the romance... you might want to try again. We did and really enjoy it.

  57. Well they don't watch it.

    We can't force our team of volunteers to watch a show.

  58. Cult was too complicated for me. I love Alaric, he was my favorite character on TVD so I really wanted this to work for him. I just could not follow the plot. Beauty and the Beast has had the opportunity to work out its kinks... working very well now imo--I quite enjoy it. Hope they can work Alaric back into TVD--they need more humans.

  59. I like your thinking. Why do they have such a negative poll. A what I love poll is smarter, I imagine that is floating around here somewhere.

  60. I gave it 10 episodes, I just won't try anymore. People quit shows after 5 bad episodes these days, I gave it twice that number. That's tv these days, shows need to grab the audience soon or they'll pay a price for it.

  61. That’s too bad. :( My favourite part is the romance. I would give it another chance tho, just because it has changed a lot. Maybe you will like it maybe you won’t, but at least you will know if you like the shows direction now. But I would try a newer ep, then go back to where you left off if you do like it, just because the show has changed in every ep. Going back too far you might not get an accurate view of what it is now.

    I hear ya about too many shows tho! lol Thank goodness for PVR!! :)

  62. What episode would you say changes it? I think I dropped it somewhere around Tough Love (ep 14?).

  63. Emily Owen MD, the Mod Doctor, Made in Jersey.and BATB

    Zero Hour has potential

  64. No, you can’t. And I get that you guys/gals can’t watch everything. But just because your team doesn’t watch it, doesn’t mean it deserves to be on polls like this. BATB has made the popularity chart numerous times here, adding it to a worst show poll just seems like your stirring the pot.

    Have you ever tried to watch it? Post particularly ...recently?

  65. The people choice awards means absolutely nothing in the industry,it doesn't hold water.It is for fans but not has no impact otherwise.

  66. Did you read the POST?

    It's a USER SUBMITTED POLL. It's explained VERY clearly on the post EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    We do NOT make these Polls.


  67. But if they brought Alaric back then he wouldn't be human anymore...

  68. Ok, so you don’t make them......who posts them??

  69. Sorry but i don't think people aren't watching because they are narrow minded.How do you know they didn't give it a try?Maybe people aren't willing to watch 9 or 10 episode in order to make up their mind.Maybe people watched the original BATB and don't want to watch a repeat.And maybe people get turned off by people trying to shove this show down someones throat every week. You enjoy the show and that's great,enjoy but stop shoving it in every body's face.That wasn't meant just for you its for all the BATB fandom here that does this all the time.

  70. We do, They are picked randomly from all the submissions.

    Just read the post. It's ALL explained. Not sure why you don't understand?

  71. I think you missed the point.......

  72. LOL,So you like every show that was ever made? Every publication every site asks the same question.So i guess you won't partake in the contest we have here for The Best Series for the 2012/2013 tv season.You wouldn't want to single out the best because then all the others aren't good enough to make the best.

  73. Why don't you actually say what you want to say rather than playing "games".

    I really don't have time for this.

    If you don't like a poll, just ignore it. Move on and post something on POSITIVE on a post about your show. You've made more comments on this poll than on any other post here at spoilertv.

    Why not post your thoughts comments on the "What did you think of polls" for BATB? or post your thoughts on the Sneak Peeks or Promos?

    Why waste your time on a poll you clearly don't like?

  74. start_wearing_purpleApril 12, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    It's not just grabbing the audience, it's giving them a reason to come back. Everyone was raving early in the tv season about the premiere of Last Resort, it had the explosions and intrigue. However after a couple of episodes it was clear they didn't have much beyond that.

  75. Well actually this poll doesnt mean nothing in the industry either, so there is no point at bickering comments !!!!!

  76. Cult and Carrie Diaries is missing from this list.

  77. The last I checked, this poll was placed in the BATB section, so yes BATB fans are going to be commenting! Especially since they added it to a “worst show” poll. You would be defending your favourite show if it was part of this poll too!! If viewers don’t like it after giving it a good go then that’s their right, if they aren’t watching because they watched the original and don’t want to watch a repeat....well this is NOT a repeat! As far as shoving it down your throat, I post on a few different shows here and I have NEVER seen BATB fans post anywhere outside of posts containing BATB interests. How do I know some are too narrow minded? Because I do post and do intereact with others and so I know that some people made up their mind without even giving it a chance. And because I was one of them.

  78. Emily Owens was a cute show, I was loving it. =( New Normal's great, Partners too.

  79. No its not to attack BATB. As many people like you that like it the same holds true for people who don't.This is about a poll a fan made that happens to include BATB.The only people going on about it are the BATB fans.Is their a show here that you don't like and won't watch?
    The people who have answered the question BATB didn't give BABT as an answer.All you BABT are making a mountain out of a mole hill.Start you own poll,start 'what did you like about the BATB.'This way your fandom can rejoice and feel good/

  80. Partners was great, I don't get why they canceled it. It had it difficulties, but they could have overcome them.

  81. I gave it 3 episodes. I could not get past the poor acting and cheezy dialogue.

    It just was not a show for me. If a show can not grab me by the 3rd episode then it's unlikely to be a show for me.

  82. You need to watch more shows...

  83. Please, there's a plenty of shows on this poll, why in the world it would be generated to just attack Beauty and the Beast? Stop the egocentrism, for god's sake!

  84. Well, ep 15 was pretty much about V&C’s relationship. There are a few steamy bedroom scenes in that one, so if the romance isn’t your thing I would try ep 17 (Partners in Crime) or watch the new one on the 18th. Cat and Tess are working together again from the looks of it, against Muirfield. They only made up in ep 17 which had some really good Tess and Cat moments. Tess also speaks her mind to Vincent, which was good too.

    I HATE when they put good shows on at the same time!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PICK!!!??? lol But hey, at least TV sucks on the weekend so you have time to catch up, right? ;)

  85. Unfortunately, like in the TVBTN site, most site runners know the impact of polls like this will do to some BATB fans since most of us are in panic alert since the show hasnt been renewed and that means generating lots of traffic to their websites knowing the amount of internet following this new show has. But my fellow Beasties this is just a poll and as any other poll they are meaningless to the industry, this poll alone is just to show how many people in this site hate or dont like a specific show like TVBTN did the other day, so remember we have all the positive polls for the purpose of exposing the show and its actors and we have won them over, which is the main reason of us winning polls or the PCA, and every week in this site alone we top What you are watching list even with repeats, we listed in the most popular shows while in hiatus, top FB & Twitter likes & followers....and remember we won 4 spoilers tv awards. We are a fandom of 6 months if people dont like the show they are in their right not to like it but I would just really appreciate you dont start bashing the show because you dont personally like it, there are many fans of the show that love it with passion, we beasties dont go around hating on others all we do is promoting the show bec some people hasnt even heard about it. I have loved the show since the beginning might not be the greatest one out there quality wise, come on is the CW, but when you are as invested as we are in the story arc of a show like this you learn to love it with its flaws, ups and downs so here for a Second Season!

  86. I really can't judge, because I've never watched any more than one episode for all of these shows except Beauty and the Beast. (And I like that show, it's been getting better and better over time, glad I stuck with it).

    If it hadn't been cancelled I'd have probably stuck with Cult, so I won't vote that one.

    Out of the other choices I'd say Animal Practice and Emily Owen MD.

  87. I had to go with Emily Owens & BATB only based on the promo's I saw
    Emily Owens looked like a bad version of Grey's Anatomy and I didn't like the actors in BATB

    I loved Partners, I wish it had gotten a fair chance

  88. I don’t care what Alaric is......I just want him BACK!! I miss him! :( and so does Damon. ;)

  89. You don't see other people telling you to do that, do you?

  90. I'm trying hard to like Mamie Gummer, but Emily Owens didn't help matters.

  91. says the one calling people’re right! you’re very mature!!

  92. This poll is placed on its homepage.If you happen to go into the CW then you will see it there,just like if you go into any other network header,NBC for animal practice (etho maybe not because it was cancelled) anyway.Sorry but there is another place, in one of The Best Scene Of The Week that we have every week most of the comments were about BATB not being listed.I will go and find for you...Oh,it wasn't about shoving it down my throat,it was more about hearing it so much that it actually turns people off to watching the show. And yes i have defended a show Fringe,but i didn't do the way people here are doing it.I went on twitter,and directly to the network.

  93. I personally wouldnt vote down a show if I never watched it, I cant judge a book by its cover if I dont know what is inside. And the same goes to the best shows, everybody keep saying about how great a show is but If I havent watch it I cant say it for myself.

  94. But are the people you're telling have crappy tastes in shows telling you have terrible tastes?

    Your favorite was Emily Owens, and that was my worst, but you don't see me saying anything. I understand my tastes are different than others.

  95. I just said that it was a cute show and I was loving it. It doesn't put Emily Owens in my top tv shows ever, does it?

  96. Hard to say which was the worst since I didn't watch them all.

  97. didn't vote, i've only seen two shows from this list and none of them were bad.
    BatB fans need to chill down. you like the show, there are people who don't, leave people be. jesus.

  98. Why are BatB fans so offended? It's not like this poll asks "Do you think Beauty and the Beast is the worst new show of the season?". BatB is 1 among 9 shows listed (and you can vote "Other" if you believe a show that isn't on the list is the worst). You may disagree with the choices in the poll, obviously, but the person who submitted it isn't singling out BatB as a bad show. Some people voted for it and/or commented saying it's their worst show, but that's just their own opinion, nothing to be insulted by.

  99. So true,but it was never intended for the industry,it was only meant for us the fans! At least here we can only vote once and it is for us the fans of give us something to discuss.At least these polls are submitted by the fans! They will always produce passionate and heated agreements as well as disagreements.

  100. Oh i agree,i would hope no one would downvote a show if they never watched it,Just like i would never downvote Someone JUST because they disagree with that person.

  101. Oh, I know all about the “scene of the week” and yes I have posted about BATB there. Because for me, the scene of the week came from “Other” and according to the site administor, that’s what the comment section is for. If BATB was on the poll we wouldn’t have to post it in the comments.

    As far as this poll, I’m pretty sure EVERYTHING gets put on the home page, but I found this poll on the BATB page.

  102. Sorry in advance, but for me it's Beauty and the Beast.

    The pilot was just beyond terrible, to the point where I don't ever want to see Kristin Kreuk's face on my TV again, let alone stick around for half a season in the hopes that it will improve. And yes, I know that's a snap judgement based on one episode, but that's what happens with new series.

    Case in point - the Happy Endings pilot wasn't great, but I stuck around and it's an amazing show. However, that pilot had potential, and for me anyway, the BatB pilot did not.

    The fans are clamouring, saying the show doesn't belong in this poll, but it is probably the most divisive show on TV right now - you either seem to really love it or really hate it and I'm afraid to say I'm in the latter party.

  103. Have you thought about starting a best scene of the week for Beauty & The Beast? Or a submit a fan poll for it? I'm not trying to be a smart ass but think about it especially if it gets renewed for a second season.We have show specific threads,for SPN especially sine there is such a large fanbase....Something to think about. :)

  104. NO. Read the poll again,their are other shows listed..and what you said is an insult to the FAN who submitted this poll.Believe it or not NOT everyone is out to slam BATB. And just because someone might not like BATB does not make their opinion any less than someone else.

  105. Hey, I love the beasties being radical, it takes the heat off Supernatural fans. lol

  106. This is the new generation, everyone gets a ribbon, there are no losers..sad.

  107. Haha! You have to admit the heat isn't so bad for SPN anymore! :)

  108. Well I am not in either camp, don't love it, but do watch..If it is not renewed I will just move on to another series. Like The Secret Circle, every week I asked myself why am I watching this. ;)

  109. I really like Beauty &the Beast and Emily Owens.made in Jersey ,besides the lead actress wasnt good.Cult turned me off just from the premise and promos.

  110. Last resort. Ugh.

  111. The Following because it had a lot of potential and a great cast and it is so bad now its a joke.

  112. I am really disappointed aswell. They really messed it up.

  113. Beauty and the Beast. Not because it's poorly written or because the storytelling is so corny that it causes physical pain, but because of how bad _every_single_actor_ is. Not only that, but also the fact that the show's fans would go to extreme lengths to prove that they are the cutest most adorable and most of all, talented actors television has ever seen.

  114. Dayanna Marrero AriasApril 12, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    BEASTIEPHILIA for all of you... BATBNation... BATBMANIA... VINCAT.. the best show ever!!!

  115. You have to watch at least 4 seasons of BATB before deciding that it isn't worth watching! Anything less than that and you are just an awful meanie!!

  116. Unless it gets much better don't think it will make 4 seasons.

  117. Then nobody will ever get to say it is a bad show, because nobody will have watched enough of it to know for sure without a doubt!

  118. Wouldnt you be offended "Alex Forrest" if in the first season of Nikita being your favorite show would be in a list of worst shows when other shows ie TCD are not listed with worst ratings and less viewership ! Thats the main reason...we are BATB fans (fanatics)

  119. YOU CANT MAKE YOUR TEAM OF volunteers watch the show but I have suggested you guys many times include a BATB fan to follow whats going on with the show it seems the show is getting popular and you have more traffic from us than from the best rated shows that keep ignoring this site. Just saying!

  120. Everyone has the right to have his/her opinion but I don't agree with trashing a show so I can't give my opinion about any of these shows, since the only one I watch and like is Beauty and the Beast.

  121. It takes you 4 SEASONS, I can tell if I am going to like a show in 5 eps. Only 3 shows have hooked me with ep 1, Supernatural, Veronica Mars and Roswell. Took me 5 to really like Vampire Diaries and some I keep watching but don't get upset if they are taken off. They are entertaining but nothing special..Beauty, Cult, Nikita, Bones all are in this cat.

  122. For any other show, 5 eps would be more than enough to decide. But, BATB is extra beastie special and won't get really good until season 4, so everyone MUST watch every single episode until at least then before deciding!

  123. If it was listed among other shows, no. You shouldn't take this personally, that's all I'm sayin. It's just one person's opinion on what shows *could* be considered the worst, and there are many options.

  124. I'd vote for The Neighbors. I only watched the first episode and didn't laugh (or even smile) once.

  125. BWAH!!! Love the snark. Perhaps you can write for some of the CW shows that have suddenly lost theirs.

  126. Baff is being sarcastic. And doing an awesome job at it too. Kudos!

  127. I got your point, but we have been so invested in trying to promote the show, and the show is not that bad as some people intend to put it, is not perfect but to each their own, we learned to overlook the imperfections because what we were sold to with this show was the romance arc, so you might think we are very passionated about the show, thanks for the advice tho. I like Nikita too! BATB & Nikita cast get along very well so we should do too :)

  128. You are making it very hard to be sympathetic to your cause. I presume you are trying to get new people to try Beauty and the Beast as a way to get new viewers. Ranting at the owner of this site will not do that. It only makes it easier for people to ignore/mock you and therefore your show. The same thing goes for everyone who accuses this of being an attack on Beauty and the Beast. We have had hundreds of user submitted polls and they are picked randomly. The people who create them pick the options. They are not edited by SpoilerTV staff. If this was titled "Why is BatB a Bad Show" then you would have a case. As it is there are several options of which BatB is only one of them. There is also an other selection for people to choose if their least favorite isn't on here.

    I come from the Supernatural fandom and it is a pity to see the Beauty and the Beast fandom making the exact same mistakes our fandom did. It is no secret that SPN is one of the most passionate AND most hated fandoms on the internet. Beasties are in danger of surpassing it these days. Picking fights with people, playing the victim, making everything personal, and coming off as uber defensive and sensitive makes it hard for people to root for your cause and will ultimately lead to people thinking badly about the show because of the fandom behavior. You would be much better served in comments sections like these by stressing the best points of your show in a calm and rational manner. Tell people why they are going to like BatB once they give it a try. Give people who don't care one iota about romance a reason to try it too. Thus far I have not heard of any reason why I should watch it when I can't stand romance in most TV shows. Stay positive and calm and use details to back up your statements. These things will make people respect you as a commentator and cause them to take you more seriously.

    Trust me. If this thread is an example of the way you are going to respond to non-BatB fans, you will do your show a much bigger service by not commenting at all. You are actually turning people off of supporting it. I wish the Beauty and the Beast fans much luck in getting a season 2 renewal but even more I wish that you will avoid the pitfalls when trying to convert others to your show. It's a narrow tightrope and just a few obnoxious people can make the entire fandom look bad. No one wants that.

  129. If the only choice was Beauty and the Beast then you would have a case. However there are 8 other choices and an "other" button. This is simply a fan poll that was randomly drawn. There is no hidden agenda here and being overly sensitive will not help further your cause.

  130. It does seem that the tide is turning and if Beasties keep it up, Supernatural will not be the most hated fandom on the internet anymore. Such a shame that both passionate fandoms went about it in the wrong way. It only takes a few obnoxious fans for people to hate the whole fandom and that is never good news for the show they are trying to promote.

  131. What is the purpose of this poll? Is it to give others a chance to bad mouth other shows? I happen to like BATB.

  132. Agreed. I stopped watching Smallville because of Kristin Kreuk's acting and the bad characterization of Lana so BatB was already going to have an uphill battle for me. I gave it 3 episodes (more than Carrie Diaries, Emily Owens, Partners, Mob Doctor, Animal Practice, etc.) and could see that it was heading toward the epic romance angle, which never does anything for me. For me if a show cannot capture my interest in the first 3 episodes, then I am done. There are far too many new shows and shows I missed on their first run for me to invest more time in a show I may or may not find worthy of that time. It is the show runner's job to hook me in the first 3 episodes, preferably the pilot - not mine to continue plodding through in hopes of better days.

  133. Ha! If this were before the hiatus (and if the truly awful Partners had not been a choice) I would have it in my top 6 too.

  134. This poll was NOT created by a TV critic so I'm not sure what your complaint is about. It was created by a random person. You can create a poll too by clicking on the blue box on the top of the page. In fact, I think anyone who complains about someone else's poll should make one themselves.

    Viewers do ultimately determine whether a show continues or not by the ratings the show gets. That of course is how the business of TV is done. No poll, whether lauding or panning a show, will ever cause it to be renewed or cancelled. In all honesty, no one making those decisions has the time to even notice them. The results of online polls mean nothing.

  135. Ha! It took me 3 tries to get through the entire pilot and that was more than enough effort for that show for me.

  136. Good point. The Following is on my list of most disappointing shows too. Such a shame that it started with great potential and excellent acting and turned into this writing drek. It has 3 more episodes to convince me that my time commitment will pay off in the end. If not, it goes in my one and done pile.

  137. Of these Partners, Animal Practice, Emily Owens, and the Mob Doctor are tossups for me. Each had pilots so bad I wanted to stab my brain to make the pain stop. I did enjoy Zero Hour and was sad that it got cancelled with some many questions up in the air but I never really expected a mystery like that to last anyway.

  138. Historia Del UniversoPlease,we had enough with the movies....

  139. LOL, you want to win this?? This is worst show poll.

  140. OK, got me good..with these fans it is hard to tell. lol

  141. Well said.

  142. Yes I know, I'm being sarcastic.;)

  143. I voted for Cult because I had such high hopes but couldn't get past the pilot.

  144. Didnt watch any, only BatB so im not voting. Have a nice party TSC fans (:

  145. Beauty and the Beast. Tried the pilot and was bored to death. Waited a few episodes to give it another shot since most CW shows needs a little time before they gain traction. Plus I felt like I owed Kristin Kreuk another shot. Tuned back in and caught the last two episodes and realized it was still awful. Can't say I didn't try.

  146. I had to give up after episode 4 not even Kevin Bacon could keep me watching! Hannibal does the serial killer thing much better IMO..

  147. Beasties will be all over it, trust me. Double standards. But it's hilarious how dumb and pathetic they are

  148. All you do is post bickering comments, you hypocrite. You should be evicted from the internet, you and your poor language and kindergarten logic. LOL!


  150. LOL here's another beastie stupidity. All haters are TSC fans LOL. I didn't like that show, and I hate BATB. And so do a lot of people. You're a bunch of insane fan girls. But maybe it's for the best that you think TSC fans are the only ones who dislike the show, because your fandom has been acting so nuts that you guys might actually start murdering people.

  151. Beauty and the sh*t. Flop show, awful acting, awful writing, boring and predictable. Not to mention the fans who can't even read the post before acting like full dumb idiots towards people who gave the show a chance but couldn't stand it.

  152. Well, for what it's worth, I have nothing against BatB and I'm impressed by how passionate and dedicated this fandom is. I wish you the best of luck on rallying to get it renewed for Season 2.

  153. You look like a stalker to me.You know every single thing we Beasties do (and no we don't go to extreme lengths to prove that BatB's actors are the best on television screen, we go to extreme lengths to promote something we love because we think it's been wrongly criticised based on the Pilot which was awful i agree, without giving it a proper chance if you judge something then it will only make you look pathetic, everyone is entitled to their choice.We go to extreme lengths because it's an underrated show and deserves much more appreciation than it's getting.Why the hell should you get pissed if we love this show and would do whatever it takes to prove it? Jealous Much??)

  154. Okay so Beauty and the Beast made the list and not the The Carrie Diaries. Biased Much?

  155. Excuse me? If "everyone is entitled to their choice" then why are you coming at me with all guns blazing? I keep on watching BatB to this day, but unfortunately not because it's so good, but because from time to time I get extremely bored. I had high hopes for it and I wished more than anything that Kristen Kreuk took some acting classes since Smallville and the disaster that was also known as the latest StreeFighter, but no, she is still horrible and it's baffling that she is can even call herself an actress. In fact, so much so that if I wanted to insult another actor I'd probably just tell said person that she could make it in the industry too. Naturally though, this is all subjective and nothing, but my personal opinion, but you, my friend, have only proven how some fans tend to overreact to the smallest things.

    ps: The storytelling has gotten better, I won't take that away from the show, but the acting is still as weak as ever and such a trait would ruin even a perfectly written / paced show.

  156. I like everything about it except Charlie. lol

  157. Just to show how much polls do NOT matter and the ones that you can vote in over and over matter even less, like People Choice Awards..Moonlight won Best New Drama and was cancelled. It is very out dated but the one thing that does matter are Nielsen boxes and there are not a lot of those out there.

  158. and also why is Carrie diaries not on this list. it should be here. That show is very dull. I tend to fall asleep whenever I try to watch it through the end.

  159. Carrie Diaries is worst of the worst.

  160. How can BATB be 2nd worst and yet 2nd best in the other poll?

  161. InvestedInYourFutureApril 13, 2013 at 2:35 PM

    Cult had GREAT premise, even if a bit outlandish and decent cast. The problem was the writing. The show just went nowhere and the writers just did not have the writing chops to pull off the level of writing such premise required.

  162. InvestedInYourFutureApril 13, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    why should I watch the show that:
    - I did not like.
    - I could not stand
    - I thought was abysmally horribly written(even worse than TVD)

    I gave it a chance, the show blew it - I see no reason to come back, since there's nothing in premise to interest me and there are no actors in it that I would count as worthy

  163. I think the show and Charlie have been better since the hiatus but I still think killing off ALL the Mathesons, especially Rachel, would be the biggest improvement to the show. Glad they keep splitting the Mathesons up and that we are going to get a peek into the other republics. A more world-wide view makes the show more interesting to me.

  164. Lie to Me also won and then was cancelled. Although in all fairness neither of these shows were on the failing CW where any publicity is good publicity. I think BatB will be renewed if it continues to get a 0.6 or 0.7 in the ratings. I doubt it survives if it goes lower. Still the biggest advantage it has is that it is CBS owned and everything else renewed is either WB or a combination of CBS and WB.

  165. Hannibal is definitely the winner when comparing these two shows. I'm not completely sold on all of Hannibal right now but I like the characters better and the police do win at least some of the time. Of course Hannibal only has 2 episodes so far so I guess I need to wait a few weeks to see how it pans out.

  166. You are right, it is much better and I don't cringe when I see Charlie now, but still my least favorite character.

  167. Well actually, its freedom of speech just dont mind and ignore! We are just doing what other fanatics of other shows would do to save their show of cancelation.

  168. LOL so you are going to tell me that CW has the best actors ever and they all competing for Emmy's nominations, God is the CW we love the show with its good and its bad and we take what they give us given the circumstances, and the reason most of us like the show is because precisely KK & JR the leading actors, sorry if you keep watching BATB when you are bored is pathetic you watch a show you think the less of, I for once used to watch Arrow but due to the same problem that you have with BATB stopped watching because the acting is sooooo bad I just dumped it and stop watching it and the same with other shows in the CW but I guess everybody has its right to like specific things. Thats what normal people do, oh and I dont go on threads of shows bashing it bec I dislike it.

  169. Well the show was based on the romance first place they try the procedural didnt work much and then the other half they changed it to the beast part which I think is working much better since is half and half of both thats what I think will help keep the ratings stable.

  170. Well the hate makes fandom stronger, and SPN overall has increase its ratings since they started much more because they have the best fandom....and probably we beasties are just stepping on their shows right I rather follow SPN fandoms example than radical Nikita fan boys that all they do is hate on BATB bec is a girls show.

  171. Obviously going the romance angle was a great plan because it is what has gotten the passion of the fans and may save the show. TV romance is just not my thing. Different strokes for different folks.

  172. Hate can make a fandom more united but it is not the way to get new fans, which is the ultimate goal when you support a struggling show. I think it would be awesome if BatB fans would forge their own path in social media avoiding the pitfalls of most passionate fandoms.

  173. My thoughts exactly.
    Besides giving actors like Kreuk (to me the worst actress in all 10 years of Smallville) and Ryan (worst actor in the 3 seasons of Sea Patrol he appeared, IMHO) a chance with the pilot to prove they actually improved their gig and see them failing again.....why on earth would I waste more time on such bad acting?
    Because some rude people from the BATB fandom want me to? No thanks.

  174. Love your snark. :)

  175. Its a very great chance BatB will get cancelled. maybe not season 1. Secret Circle was in BatB's timeslot and got way more ratings than BatB and yet they cancelled it. I just wish they would renew TSC and BatB although i would choose TSC rather than BatB. TSC was better. didnt deserve to get cancelled

  176. I have to agree,hate is not the way to win someone over to try the show.I don't understand why the fans who loves this show hasn't taken to twitter,the CW and GetGlue.Let their voices be heard where it would make the difference,especially voicing their opinion at the CW .Maybe take a page off of us Fringes,we accomplished it all!

  177. beauty/beast by far, by so fecking far.

  178. A lot of shows (and things in general) are polarizing this way - both their lovers and their haters are very vocal about their opinions.

  179. Because you're being ridiculously rude about the show.Yes everyone is entitled to their choice if only they be decent about it. It is Funny how you can manage to watch a show you despise every aspect of. May i quote " it's poorly written or because the storytelling is so corny that it causes physical pain, but because of how bad _every_single_actor_ is. " while you get bored you should watch something that you don't hate so much or something that might not bore you even more because it is so poorly written and the actors are the worst.You people....
    As for the acting of Miss Kristin Kreuk, well i haven't watched SmallVille or Street Fighter but she's doing a really good job on Beauty and the Beast.You have no right to disrespect her.What do you even know about acting?? Tell me.
    PS:Why thank you so much for your generous words *Sarcasm*

  180. You should at least if its your favorite & love it. #BATB CAN NEVER BE THE WORST WHAT SO EVER.

  181. i think #beasties are offended not bcoz of the list but seeing the ranking on the list. just try to put yourself in our place. Hope you will understand.

  182. Its hard to choose but definitely sorry its not Beauty and the Beast #BATB. What so ever .......... !

  183. kind a figuring it out, why it seems they hate the show #batb. Maybe is a threat to some, after bragging peoples choice award, lol! 100% not & can never be the worst show.

  184. go go beezus chang go!! they're just haters pathetic with less heart that can't appreciate a good show. They are haters not a fan.







  191. Is your cap lock broken??


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