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Dexter - Season 8 - First New Footage + Ray Donovan Promo

Apr 12, 2013

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Source: EW


  1. Wow, Deb. That is going to be interesting.

  2. Yes, she might finally realize that Dexter used her...I wonder if they're gonna explore the incest thing ...

  3. Ray Donovan looks interesting.

  4. Debra Debra Debra you're the only reason I still watch this show.

    Is it now Morgan against Morgan ? A part of me is somewhat glad about that (even if it's short lived) but I hope to god Debra will not be the only one breaking here. Not holding my breath though,..

    But anyway, it's only a couple of shots and I'm already mesmerized by Jennifer Carpenter performance, they better give her an Emmy this year

  5. If Jennifer Carpenter isn't at least nominated I will be crushed.

  6. Did Deb really say she shot the wrong person? Shit. I hoped it would bring them even close together. I hope she calms down soon.

  7. NO!!! I love Dex and Debs relationship. Morgan against Morgan? I don't even wanna imagine that.
    Just the other day I was thinking how close Deb and Dex always were. That there is nothing they wouldn't do for each other. Even kill and die if necessary. I thought that Dex would even kill Harry if he would try to get between them, separate them.

  8. To bring Dex and Deb together as a couple? Well, they are not related by blood. And I read too many mangas by now to let that disturb me. But it would be weird for Michael and Jennifer to do sex scenes, after they got divorced a year or so ago. Or maybe not. If they still get along good, why should they have problems with it?
    To tell you the truth, I love them together. As brother and sister or as lovers, I don't care. I like their relationship. They love each other unconditionally and there is nothing they wouldn't do for each other. That is why Deb saying she shot the wrong person scared me.
    Can't it be June already?

  9. I would expect them to rather pursuit that "Deb hates Dex for what he did to her" thing. I honestly doubt she's still in love.

  10. Agree on Jen. She was amazing in the last 2-3 seasons.

  11. It's so weird, it's like Season 7 barely finished and now we're already two months apart from Season 8.

  12. Was she ever in love with him? I think she was looking for the same thing she was looking from her father and never got : his fucking attention, because Dexter is like his dad, he's a distant person unable to express his feeling. She wanted his approval all those years while dexter is the most selfish bastard on earth, just like his dad and since he's a psychopath he can't love her and now she finally comes to realize that.

  13. True, but at least she told him herself that she was in love with him, and I doubt a sister (even if step-) would do that just to get some attention or approval. I guess they really wrote her as being in love with him, that's the impression I got from the recent seasons, but who knows =) anyway, I believe that feeling is gone now.

  14. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that she told him she was in love with him to get his attention, I think she was desperately trying to get his attention and approval like she did with her dad and failed to see that and thought she was in love.

  15. Oh I see, of course, that's a possibility. She had been disappointed by many outside of her family, so I can see what you mean, but she was also always one to quickly get into romantic relationships, and if Dexter wouldn't have objected I could have easily imagined her getting into one with him as well.

  16. Dexter didn't really object, he did nothing as always...They never really talked about it, he denied and avoided it. I see them in a very abusive relationships and Deb is finally starting to realize that, I don't see them have a happy ending(and I"m not talking about a romantic one) if Hannah comes back I see Dexter leaving the country with her and harisson.

  17. I honestly don't expect this season, or Dexter at all, to get such a happy farewell ending. After all, it's a TV show with an utterly criminal main character (charismatic and sympathetic too, but nevertheless a murderer), so it's to be expected that they deliver some kind of "moral of the story" in the end.

    Of course I wouldn't be happy to see Dex die, though.

    The abusive relationship thing is debatable, I believe. I don't see them in more of a relationship than a regular brother-sister-relationship with him clearly profiting from that, but only in terms of what he does and that she helps him get away with some stuff. She could easily decide to go against him and put him on trial, so the abusive factor is not really one for me. It's not as if he's really forcing her to do anything, but sure he hopes for her support now that she knows.

    The times of intimacy between them have been really rare, too. We mostly see them having a drink together or some short conversations, and it's clear to me that he is into other women, like Hannah, and shies away from what she maybe hopes to get from him.

  18. I don't see Dexter ending up being "happy" or even free, that wouldn't fit the character. Last season showed that the more time passes the closer he gets to getting caught and I think that's where the show is going. I'm convinced that at the end, everyone in Miami will know who he really is. Will he be sent to jail or will he manage to escape town? I don't know but people will know for sure. I always thought that the last thing should be dexter on the electric chair minutes before his execution and we'd find out that the entire series was him reflecting on his life, we'd see Deb, Harisson and other people a few years older watching him being executed....But that wont happen lol.

  19. That would actually make for a nice ending, and I can see something along those lines happening =)

    Let's just hope they won't have the "good idea" to keep the show alive for two more seasons during the upcoming season when they already said that they know their ending and want to do it this year. (Just because I read a sentence like "no one ever said this would be the final season" in some interview last year.)

  20. I think it would be great because Harry took Dexter to see an execution when he started teaching him the code you know. And I certainly hope it's the last season, that they wont drag it just to make money, it was pretty clear last season that it was the beginning of the end.

  21. That's exactly my opinion, and you're right about the callback to Harry.

  22. I guess, we'll know soon enough! The season starts in june this year! But for the end to make sense, Dexter can't go free or happy, that wouldn't make sense at all.

  23. Agreed, and I can't wait already, just like it has always been whenever a new season and new footage comes up =)

  24. Well from the footage we have, it seems that Deb is going through hell and I doubt Dexter will care about that. He'll try to justify himself by saying he never meant for her to have to kill Laguerta when in reality he was hoping for it. Clearly in that container he pushed her(without being that pushy ) to kill her. He can't help himself though, he's a psychopath, he can't feel and he manipulates people,that's just who he is.

  25. And because of your last sentence, I expect him to be utterly caring at first, pretending to be there for her because he fears she might snap and tell it all now. Her sence of justice has always been a great one, so she probably wouldn't mind giving herself up in the process, or at least say that he manipulated her against Laguerta.

  26. Of course, he's gonna make sure that she doesnt lose it and since it looks like she's starting drinking, he's gonna try to make her stop but not because he cares, because he doesnt want to get caught, that's all he cares about. He can give speeches about not wanting harrison to see him on death row all and that crap but all he cares about is his own survival. You can only enjoy this show once you realize that.IMO

  27. You have to admit that his monologues are usually pretty telling and right out honest about himself in that respect. So the show at least doesn't make it too hard for you to enjoy it ;)

  28. Well he's not that honest with himself, he knows he can't change but he's trying to delude himself into thinking he does everything he does for harrison..

  29. And sometimes the writer also make him a tiny bit dumb in that respect, because he's clearly more clever a guy than he sometimes makes himself - or the viewers - believe.

  30. I think he'd prefer being normal but he did admit that he'd never be but he never really tried, he always managed to be with women who accepted so he wouldn't have to change, same goes for deb...It's a complicated character on one hand he takes responsability for his actions, on the other hand he needs his sister to get him out of trouble and he justify his actions by saying " it's just who I am, let's make most of it." We could write a thesis on him, really.

  31. I have nothing to add to that =)

  32. Me neither, I just watched the series finale of spartacus and I'm still in shock so my brain can't really fonction but it was nice debating with you. Most of my friend don't watch dexter or don't over analyze it the way i do, they watch it the way watch the Saw movies, for the blood, not for the psychological aspect! SO thank you!

  33. My pleasure! I couldn't imagine watching this show like that, it's much too exciting, funny and well-written that I couldn't stand missing one scene or line even ;)

    At least it was until after Trinity, but that's a different discussion. My thanks to you too!

    (Don't/didn't watch Spartacus yet, but since more and more of my favorite shows are nearing their closure it's certainly one I have on my list for future back-to-back season weekends =)

  34. If you need any suggestion I'd be happy to provide you with a list of show that are worth watching but you should try spartacus, really, it's worth watching!

  35. Feel free to do so, my current pleasures are Person of Interest, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Bates Motel, and Supernatural. The latter stated last for a reason ;)

  36. I'll send you a PM right now lol, if you want.

  37. Sure, do =) I didn't even know that you can send PMs here or via Disqus ^^

  38. let me figure this out!

  39. Edited my before post with my email address!

  40. I'll just send you an email lol!

  41. just sent you an email with a small list

  42. Thank you, I'll get back to you "over there"! ;)

  43. I generally agree! -But I do think Deb goes through emotions and suppresses her real ones like I've never seen! XD So I kind of think that although this scene shows her longer term regrets, we don't know if there are other things that more recently provoked her to just blurt it out this publicly in the "cereal" (serial) Isle and/or if even perhaps blaming Dexter is a cover for how she really feels, which is maybe there's a part of her that liked it. (she might keep helping him because she loves him, but is just SO frustrated at him and more so herself for not seeing it sooner. I hope we explore a little more back story too.)

    But personally, I can see it both ways. I can see her turning against, because of some sense of justice, but it would be pretty hypocritical, because there have been times where she wishes she could do more to catch criminals...

    In the books Deb totally accepts Dexter's moonlighting practices and often begs him to help her out on cases...So it will be interesting to see if the TV series writers will go there at all before the end of the series, or if it's going to end with this Morgan family fork in the road????

  44. Come on, you believe he's been dreaming it all along! ;D

    Nah, in all honesty, I like and agree about what you said. I didn't even know about how the sister does that in the books, having never read them.

    We will have to see how the writers tackle their characters on their final stretch, but if they're somewhat true to character it could, like you hinted at, also be just a throwaway scene where she blurts out her true feelings in that moment without any further threat or implications behind it.

  45. I don't know. There's always been something very comic to Dexter's writing as well so I kind of hope that it does end in cheeky way, rather than a complete nihilistic way.

    But one thing I keep seeing is that Dexter is dramatically changing too. (I think ever since he went to Nevada has has "slipped" up and changed is code. Either he's becoming darker and more like other killers he has killed and this will lead to his own demise, or he's becoming more human (in the sense that he is starting to really feel things to a point where he can't deny and reset them anymore)...that could lead to him really not wanting to do this anymore and/or realizing what he has known all along. That "If I could feel for anyone, it would Deb" and maybe her life gets in serious danger (Jealous Hanna) and he more seriously proves himself to her...Maybe he will die for her.

  46. I think it's both the darker and more human thing. The last season also wasn't quite as comical as the seasons before, because you just mentioned it, so we might be headed towards a darker finale as well, but I hope they'll get back to the funnier Dex somewhat, at least as much as they can however dark a finale they're aiming at.

  47. LOL! I know shoot me!! (although now I really think Mad Men is going there more than any other show I watched, between Christmas carol reference, Biblical references, and it's more surreal turn towards the end of season 4 and beyond, That will be the show that actually will surprise me if we don't go back to the night Anna dies/Peggy's Birthday...all for Don to go to California and choose a different path...)

  48. Season 8 is going to be insane. I cant wait..

  49. Added another baby to your nocturnal fantasy cradle, I see! ;) well, I'm not watching Mad Men, it's always been so boring when I wanted to start it, so I can't support or criticize your opinion right there ;)

  50. Ya LOL...(I eventually have to be right once ;)). I actually didn't start Mad Men until it was in it's fourth season, because I didn't think I'd like it. -But I think ultimately I didn't like the way some fans interpret it, as they see it as an ad for that lifestyle, where I think it will be an ad about the opposite. It's laced with So much pop culture too! Turned out to be right up my alley.

  51. Interesting conversation. And I mostly agree with both of you. There is just one point I
    disagree. He may be a killer and sometimes (o.k., mostly) a psychopath, but he is not a sociopath. He does have feelings. They may not be as strong or as clear as they are with most people, but he does feel. He cared deeply for Rita. He didn't love her, but he cared for her. And the kids. Sure, he dated her cause he needed to blend. But remember how he reacted when she died. It wasn't an act. And he was hurt when the kids said they are moving to their grandparents. And he loves Harry (I mean Harrison, Baby Harry). If he wouldn't feel anything he would have sent him away with Astor and Cody. He would even have the perfect excuse: I'm a single dad with unstable working hours, I wouldn't be able to raise a kid, he's better off with the grandparents and sibling, where he can grow up in a save and stable environment. But he kept him and is always doing what's best for him. And, of course, Deb. He loves her too. If he
    wouldn't, why did he killed his own brother to save her? He betrayed Hannah for her. The woman who accepted him completely. The woman, he imagined to grow old with. And I really believe that he's pushing Deb away so he wouldn't drag her even deeper into his world. True he's sometimes using Deb for his survival. But that's how he was trained. Rule No.1.: Don't get caught.
    You said that he was always with women who accepted him. I disagree. Rita could have never accepted his darkness. With Lila he was already too involved when he found out what/who she really is. She sensed his darkness, and I think he sensed hers. Maybe it was one of the reasons he was attracted to her. But don't forget that he left Lila to return to Rita. Lumen was a completely different project. He just wanted to help her. Mostly cause he felt responsible for Rita. Another prove that he's capable of
    feelings. If not, he wouldn't care that Rita died and he wouldn't have cared if Lumen dies in that house. That they ended up in bed was not planed and it was coming from her. Well, Hanna fits that profile. She saw him for what he was and she didn't care (I even think she was turned on by it), that is why he was with her.


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