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Bones - Episode 8.24 - The Secret in the Siege (Season Finale) - Promotional Photos

19 Apr 2013

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  1. aww Booth and Brennan can't keep their hands to themselves so cute

  2. Well looks like she asks and he says yes LOL!!! You know something is going to go wrong *sigh*

  3. Erm.... Has anyone else enlarged the pic of the magazine that Brennan is reading in that pic on the sofa?? I'm starting to see things ROTFLMAO!!!!

  4. Don't get too happy people. Something tells me they're going to metaphorically stab our eyes with a fork in the last three minutes...

  5. I bet that's when Booth decides to go undercover.

  6. Can't wait. Bones makes an important decision (proposal?). Booth makes a difficult decision. Let's hope they stay together. It would be surprising if Booth decids it's better nog to get married!

  7. yeah i was thinking the same thing. I believe that Brenann is gonna propose to Booth and they'll look so happy BUT in the last scene sth is gonna happen to Booth.. & we're gonna have to wait 4 months!

  8. Just can't wait for this episode! I think we're gonna see a propose and happy BnB but then Pelant is gonna do something bad ugh hope he wont be in S9! BTW what's Brennan holding in one of those stills? Because right after that scene looks like Booth shows up and they're kissing.

  9. Booth decides to go undercover?

  10. Under a couple of the pics it says that he goes undercover.

  11. pics are too explicit what led me to distrust. I would love to see Brennan and Booth as a married couple but if it does not happen, it does not matter. The key is that they are a couple, no break. Marriage is just the icing on the cake.

  12. Oh! Thanks :)

  13. If Booth was sick again. He has, nevertheless, been operated on a brain tumor.
    In the last picture, He looks very serious and worried.
    I don't want them to delay their marriage (in the hypothesis where there is a proposal for Brennan and Booth responds positively) because of Pelant. Their life, their happiness and their families and therefore their future shouldn't depend on the man. If this were the case, I would find it really awful and sad.

    It is the tree that hides the forest. Distrust.

  14. I noticed in one of the pic's brennan is looking holding a magazine if you zoom in on it you can see a pic of a woman in a wedding dress it looks like a bridal magazine

  15. yeah like I said it looks like a wedding magazine when you zoom in you can see a woman in a wedding dress

  16. also I hope they finally catch Pelant


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