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USD POLL : Will Walter White and Jesse Pinkman get arrested in the end of Breaking Bad?

12 Mar 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by The Dane who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

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You can vote for 1 option.


  1. I see no poll on the page :/

    So I'm just gonna write my opinion here. I think it goes down in either 2 ways (and knowing what a brilliant bastard Vince Gilligan is, I probably won't even come close to the real mind-blowing ending)

    1# Walt dies, goes out Scarface style, and Jesse will either get caught or just leave town and start fresh somewhere

    2# Walt gets away clean, eventhough deep down he wanted to pay for all he's done and others suffer (his family crumbles, maybe Skylar falls victim to Walt's enemies or goes to jail for being an accomplice / Jesse dies or also gets caught and takes the fall)
    That would be a real dramatic BrBa style ending.

    But like I said, Gilligan will find a way to make it much more dramatic and exiting than I just now guessed. And I love it.

  2. Jail seems like an awful pedestrian end for Breaking Bad. So, I'm going with no--to both.

  3. Here are the events I think we'll see in the final batch of episodes:

    1. Walter will drive away, coughing violently.
    2. Something or other will happen in that swimming pool we keep seeing.
    3. Not only will Hank not be recognized for his courage, but will be fired.
    4. Marie and Skylar will no longer be talking to each other.
    5. Walt, Jr., will become a drug addict.
    6. Walt will go gun-crazy again.
    7. Jesse will be killed.

  4. My guess is that Walters dies a dramatic death. Somebody unexpected ends up killing him. I´m hoping Jesse will get away with it all.
    I find it difficult to guess on Skylar and Hanks futures. And I really wonder if Walter Jr is gonna find out about his dad. My guess is that he will, in the finale.

  5. How I think it should end is Walter is put in witness protection and that's how he becomes Malcolm's dad.

  6. Yup. All good now. It just didn't work the first 5 minutes the post was up ;) Thanks

  7. I personally think Walter will commit suicide because, Death seems like the better option than for his kids to see him be arrested, I think Jesse May get arrested. This is just my speculation though.

  8. I don't think so, but I hope so.

    I've always wanted Walter to die because of his cancer in the end, though.

  9. I always hoped for Walter dying because of his cancer, but I find it unlikely. Not enough time...

  10. Yea, I doubt it as well. I still think it would be a very suitable ending for a dark show like this.

  11. Agreed, I've always thought that Walt would die (poss at Jesse's hands?) at the end. I'd like Jesse to get away and start a fresh with a life on the straight and narrow, but I don't see that happening either really :(

  12. Ever since watching The Shield last year I am wondering of Breaking Bad might go in a similar direction, whilst it seemed like Vic would either die or face jail what actually happened was way worse, he was stripped of all his power.

    For someone like Walter White being powerless would be worse than death. I would love to see him lingering in a cell for the rest of his life and I really hope its the combined force of Hank/Jesse/Skyler that puts him there.

    Imagine arrogant prideful Walter completely fallen, he may think he is a badass, the one that knocks but there are way tougher people in prison.

  13. I voted no. Odds are, Walter isn't going to survive the series. And I hope, that Jesse doesn't go down with him and is able to get away clean.

  14. I would LOVE to see Jesse and Skylar coming up with some kind of plan. Those two have so few scenes together, but I seem to recall every single one. Love having them on the screen at the same time.

  15. Seriously they are so great together, I think if Skyler had any idea of the shit Walter has put Jesse through she would reach out to him and help take Walt down. Still hoping it will happen.

  16. I don't think so, but if I need to choose, I would say Walter.

  17. I started to really like Jesse (especially compared to the beginning/middle of the series), he grew a lot character wise. So I'm with you on hoping that he'll get away with it.

    I think that if Walter Jr finds out it won't be in the series finale, at least I hope so. Because I would love to see how he reacts to it and in which way his relationship to his dad changes and there won't be enough time for that in only one episode.

  18. I Don't see Walter Surviving the Series

  19. Vince Gilligan is brilliant and I don't think that he would kill neither, it would be too easy!


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