Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Ratings News - 11th March 2013 (Full Tables Posted)

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Ratings News - 11th March 2013 (Full Tables Posted)

11 Mar 2013

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Update: 15:40 Full tables have been posted
Update: 15:15 The main ratings are currently delayed due to the daylight savings change last night.

Today's Early Overnight Ratings

This table shows the early overnight ratings. These ratings are normally adjusted later in the day when all the ratings have been consolidated to take into account any local preemptions and/or overruns. You can find all the final adjusted numbers in our Ratings Database. (See the About section below for details about ratings)

Early Ratings Analysis

The analysis below is based on the early household numbers and are NOT the same as the numbers that will be posted in the above table later. (See the About section below)

For more information on the Nielsen Ratings see this Wikipedia Entry.

NOTE: The opinions expressed here are NOT those of SpoilerTV but of the Author of this Article, Marc Berman.

About the Daily Ratings

Each day (except Sunday) we post the TV Ratings for the previous night.

The first item that gets posted (normally around 2pm GMT) is the early overnight analysis based on the early household numbers (these are not the same as the Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers that are posted later).

Later on (normally between 4pm-5pm GMT) we post the official early overnight Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo numbers in the table above.

Finally, later in the evening (10pm-11pm GMT) or the following day, the final adjusted ratings numbers are released, these are then posted in the Ratings Database. The Final Adjusted numbers are what we use for all our Renew/Cancellation Tables, Full Season Tables, Ratings Scorecards etc (see below)

Additional Ratings Resources

If you’re interested in Ratings/Renewal/Cancellations then we have a number of resources here at SpoilerTV that we recommend you check out.

Our Cancellation/Renewal predictions for the current season.
Ratings Database
Historical Ratings Database for nearly all major US shows going back to their first episodes.
Full Season Tables
The current season full ratings tables for both Total Viewers and 18-49 Demos
Ratings Scorecard
See how all the shows stack up against each other in the Ratings Scorecard Table.


  1. Amazing night of Television. OUAT and Revenge were at their best and had they paired Amanda and Cora's death eps together, it would have been stellar ratings imo.

  2. I am praying that those OUAT and Revenge's ratings hold! Pleeease!

  3. I REALLY hope that OUAT can mantain the 2.9 on all markets!! was such a great episode, it totally deserve this rating at least between 2.7-2.9

  4. God help The Mentalist.

  5. revenge 2.0 and once 2.2

  6. Can be blame Daylight savings for the low viewership/ratings? :( Expected at least 8-10 mil from OUAT with such an amazing episode.

  7. what the hell? out fell so much from the top25markets... damn it

  8. TM always win on Sunday nights, but I don't know if this would worth at the end :/ I'm getting worried about it :/

  9. Amount of viewers that watched don't always reflect on whether the episode was good, and the general watchers vs. fans might like different things. And in the second part of the season (probably cause of all the breaks) most shows tend to go down in numbers.

  10. A 2.9 to 2.3? Ouch

  11. This is gonna be fun, watch the Once Upon A Time fans make a 1.001 excuses why Once is still low in the ratings.

    I'll give you a hint; it's the writing! But last night's episode was better than average, so I would expect an uptick in the ratings next week! :)

  12. Meghan Ory just got casted for the "Intelligence" pilot on CBS...

  13. I'm a fan but there is no secret the first episodes of the second half of this season weren't as awesome as before so once lost some viewers...(+ bad hiatus) it's too bad because the last 3 eps were AMAZING!

  14. ABC killed Revenge's and OUAT's good ratings with the crazy scheduled. The Grammys hit both shows badly. It's not like I feel sorry for OUAT though. I'm a scorned Ruby fan and she's been so underused that it makes me mad. They need to step up or they will lose even more viewers with this lukewarm season.

  15. It really baffles me that the show with the most viewers could be in jeopardy of cancellation and yet a show with fewer viewers around 2.5 million less is in no danger at all. No offense but shouldn't what matters the most is what show is being watched the most that tells you which network is being watched the most. I guess CBS expects all there shows to be like NCIS and TBBT and have no less than 17 million viewers.And I say this as someone who is a huge fan of NCIS,NCIS LA and TBBT. But there freaks of nature and some of the better shows on CBS are suffering because of it.

  16. I hope it it gets better, in the end, but they at least will be renewed for a third season. But you'd think that the loss of so many viewers wouldn't go unnoticed.

  17. The ratings aren't great, but they're not 'god help the show' territory. Dropping further would do that, but they're solid. Syndication deal/CBS in house production or not, TGW is in the same position if not worse (regardless of 'awards' recognition) and given that CSI: NY, Golden Boy and Vegas are all pretty much dead - I'd say The Mentalist has a pretty good shot at a 6th, possibly final, season.

    I really hope so. I need a proper ending.

  18. I'm still pretty sure OUAT will be renewed for a third season, it's just sad to see the numbers so low. Hopefully ABC will pull up their socks and promote/schedule it better, for the rest of this year or next year.

  19. Not good for Red Widow, next week will be a true test, either ratings will increase, stay the same, or decrease, if they decrease, they will be the next Zero hour, their third week they had 1 for ratings.

  20. I'm confused.....aren't those good ratings? Even if it's a drop, isn't a score of 2.2 in the 18-49 demo is considered very good nowadays? Not too many of the newer shows are getting those ratings anymore and most shows, even the good ones, have been declining in ratings lately. OUAT had the 3rd or 4th highest ratings on one of the most competitive nights. Plus it has a very high ranking (#14 and #18) on the spoiler cancellation predictor and the alternative TV ratings scorecard, respectively. Higher than a lot of shows that are considered successful. This is the last show that I'd be worrying about in terms of ratings.


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