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Poll : What was your favorite scene from Revenge - Retribution?

12 Mar 2013

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We're back after three weeks with a refocused Emily, Helen's Initiative replacement, an angry Jack, and someone from Emily's past newly arrived in town. So what did you think? What was your favorite scene?


  1. This was a good episode that served to refocus the series back to Emily vs. the Graysons. No one scene jumps out at me as being a standout, so I'll have to think about this one some more.

  2. The eulogy was the biggest and my fave scene in this episode but I voted for #NoMoreDistractions because it's more important from the "bigger" point of view if you know what I mean :-)

    When Emily was on the cementery I thought for a while that Amanda could pop up as a "ghost" or "memory" but then they showed the foster brother and I was like "Well it ain't TVD," (It was AMAZING when Rick showed up after Damon was leaving, I love that). But they should do it :P

  3. I think I'm voting for the eulogy. It's probably the one I'll be most likely to remember. There's something about the raw, real emotion that makes it stand out.

  4. True. Although I will certainly remember the way Ems looked when she threw the laptop. These two scenes was definitely the standouts of this episode tbh.


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