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POLL : What did you think of The Walking Dead - Prey?

18 Mar 2013

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  1. The last couple of minutes had me screaming. Omg if Rick had only looked a bit sooner. Damn the Governor!

  2. This episode got me on the top of my toes, but this was, in my opinion, the most boring episode the season.

  3. If u burn walkers with gas their brains would also burn crisp! How come their still moving around in the pit?

  4. This was a good episode. I loved that Tyresse got more to do here. I also loved the Andrea-Governor showdown, it had me biting my nails.

  5. Meh. I was hoping for some more progression but they seem to be content spinning their wheels towards the end of the season.

  6. Wow the torture room the Gov was setting up is pure evil!
    Um, hey Governor, why are you tapping the Speculum with that dental pick?
    I'm a guy and that's still scares me. Twisted!

    It will be nice to see more of Tyrese as the series goes on!
    He seems to be one of the most well-adjusted people on the series. Plus of course Cutty Wise... erm... I mean Chad Coleman is brilliant in the role!

    For 2 seasons I personally wanted to torture Andrea, but now the show makes me feel sorry for her? WTF!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
    I guess that is a nod to just how good the writing is on the series.

    Overall this was a very good episode for me. I like how each of the arcs is moving right along.
    Although it is always a bit of an odd episode without Rick and the Gang..

  7. Really?

    We had Andrea bailing on Woodbury, Milton choosing sides, Tyrese and company being educated to who the Governor is, The Gov stalking Andrea, ..... that is quite a bit of movement in my opinion.

    It always does feel odd to not see more of Rick and the group in an episode....

  8. Compared to most TV shows, this would have been good, but by WD standards, it felt like a filler episode. It just didn't seem to build any real momentum. And what was the point of the opening flashback scene with Michonne and Andrea? OTOH, this episode (and the previous one) have actually begun to make Andrea at least a bit sympathetic--no mean feat, given what a colossal idiot they've portrayed her as most of the time. I actually feel bad for her strapped in that chair.

  9. It was a little boring in my opinion. Didn't feature any characters I cared about. Would have been a better ending if the last shot was Andrea in front of the prison with her throat slit (no hate for the character but as far as story goes would have been better). Not really keen on this version of the Governor I prefer the comic book one.

    also Black Governor thug #1 should be playing Tyreese

  10. Pretty self-contained episode. It worked well enough to show Tyreese isn't quick to jump on the Governor wand bagon, and I hope he helps out Rick by the end of the season. Also liked that we got to see Milton pick a side, just hope it doesn't get him killed, he's probably my favorite person in Woodbury (after Tyreese). And Andrea, well sucks to be Andrea. Here's hoping we get some good action next week and then some epic finale-ness in the finale.

  11. With 3 episodes left & a major battle building up... I cant believe they had such a dud episode.

    Governor/Andrea dominant ep was a bad idea.
    Not having anything but a short Rick sighting at the jail really weakened the ep overall. When you take out the main cast for the entirety of a broadcast, people are generally going to be displeased. Supernatural tried it & failed, Person of Interest tried it and failed... now The Walking Dead.

    This will go down as the least liked ep of season 3 I'm sure for the majority of people.

  12. While I agree that taking out the main cast for an episode is likely to prove unsuccessful, but it has been known to work (Person of Interest would be on my list of a show that worked). But the fact that The Walking Dead used Andrea as the central storyline was a bad choice since over the course of this season, and last season being the start of it, the fans have kind of grown to dislike her so we were bound to not care too much about this episode. The parts I liked didn't even include Andrea/Governor.

  13. You had the avatar of a girl for a while

  14. Actually it is Frank the rabbit from Donnie Darko..

  15. For me it's the other way around. Andrea's always been one of my least favourite characters, but she's slowly and clumsily working her way into my good books this season.

  16. Their bodies were burnt enough to incapacitate then, but I'm guessing so soon after the fire, their brains still have enough life in them to allow some movement.

  17. Ditto.
    I really disliked Andrea in Season 1 & 2... and the start of Season 3. Over the course of Season 3's second half she has changed my opinion of her to a large degree.

  18. I'm glad that you enjoy Andrea now. My problem with Andrea, aside from her not killing the Governor when she had ample opportunity, is that I keep comparing her to her bad ass, awesome comic book version self. I think now that she's finally seen how bad the Governor is, I'm not rooting against her.

  19. Until we saw Rick briefly, it hadn't even occurred to me that we hadn't seen any of the prison gang for almost the entire episode. I didn't mind so much, I really enjoyed the Governor/Andrea scenes.

    Kudos to Milton for doing the right thing. I'm hoping he will join Rick and Co. but I'm having my doubts that he will make it to the end of the finale alive.

    As for Tyreese, I'm not 100% sure what the fuss is about. It seems the comic-book readers love him, but he has yet to impress me on the show.

  20. I really enjoyed this episode so I cannot agree.

    In fact, I also LOVED Episode 2.16 "Relevance" of Person of Interest.

    Easily one of the best of the year... if not the series as a whole.

    I watch shows for the story more than the characters , Relevance (and this episode of TWD) added a lot of context to the overall narrative as well as giving insight into Team Machine since this new team was a reflection we could compare and contrast. POI has been feeling stale to me with so many episodes being formulaic and Relevance was something different and unique. Brilliant!

  21. Good episode, and the warehouse scenes were pretty tense! Loved the twist with Andrea being so close to the prison.

    I can't see the fuss about Tyreese either yet. Maybe when he gets more screentime.

  22. Thought it was a fairly strong episode, at least given the fact that the writing team is clearly trying to build momentum for a big clash during the finale -- so there are bound to be scenes that feel like filler.

    Knowing what they've done in the past, I'm sure they have something very powerful and poignant planned, and I'm guessing Andrea will be redeemed for her hard-headed foolishness in some way. I will say that I've found her character arc just maddening (I literally cringe when she comes on screen), but I still hope they keep her around and make her a bit softer and more sympathetic. This show could use more strong, butt-kicking females, IMHO.

    That said, I was actually thinking they were going to have the Governor kill Andrea right there, mere feet from her "salvation" of the prison, then have Rick or Daryl spot her as a walker and have to put her down. Maybe not as strong as the ending that's planned -- but I would have found that pretty moving, and an ironic twist on the time Andrea nearly killed Daryl coming out of the woods in Season 2.

  23. I don't know, man. Whenever I see that avatar I think Darque. I think you're stuck with it forever now. ;)

  24. I haven't read the comics but I've heard how Andrea was portrayed in them, so I can see the frustration. I never expected Andrea to kill the Governor (not sure what happens in the comics but with this being a TV show I just assume it's going to be Rick. I'll probably end up being wrong, though), but she did get awfully close when she opened the door to let 15 or so walkers take care of him.

  25. Andrea didn't kill the Governor in the comics, she had very little interaction with him (only in the final big fight at the prison). It's just, on the show it got harder and harder for me to believe that she wouldn't kill this man who she's realizing is this evil man.

  26. I have also never been a fan of Andrea's. But having her escape the Governor inside that building was pretty cool and suspenseful. The only thing that bugged me a lot from the whole episode was the fact that Andrea didn't take the Governor's pickup after she left him for dead. I understand that she had to be caught at the last second to make a great episode but all I could say to myself was "Why didn't you take the vehicle, Andrea? !!!" Quite a strange twist of fate with Andrea looking down on the torture chamber earlier with the chance to kill the Governor, and now she is the one who is trapped in the same room.

    I think this episode really gave us a glimpse finally into the sick mind of the Governor and what he is truly capable of. Before it was just weird obsessions with his zombie daughter and heads in tanks. Now we see how much more he is willingly to do to get back at people who wrong him. Poor Milton is also on the list now along with Michonne. I'm sure the Governor will have other special plans for Milton too.

    I didn't really miss the group at the prison this week since we got some important set ups for the next couple episodes. I am looking for Tyreese to be someone who will eventually help the prison group take down the Governor at some point. Not sure it will all play out by the end of this season, but I believe Tyreese is simply playing along with the Governor for now.

  27. Did you miss the other Woodbury-only episode this season?

  28. I still say Rick shouldn't have kicked out Tyrese, et al. I hope they come around and support Rick against the Govenor.
    Is any of this in the comics? Even on course with the comics any more?


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