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POLL : What did you think of Once Upon a Time - Welcome to Storybrooke?

18 Mar 2013

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  1. I think it was a good episode. Regina/Henry relationship is getting ridiculous to me. The flashback were good. Regina does want love. It has been proved. She was so emotional with that kid. It's gonna be interesting when she finds out that the stranger is the little boy.

  2. Ah, no surprise the stranger is Owen.

    I don't know about anyone else, but if I woke up next to Graham every morning I'd be pretty darn happy. :P

  3. Got great with Snow on Regina's stoop then went down hill with GrownOwen filming and the car. They waited too long to end. They should have put the reveal of who GrownOwen is sooner and ended with #DarkSnow.

  4. Yeah, saw it coming a mile away that Owen was the Stranger. But jeez, Regina, that was creepy. And how the fuck is Henry's adoption even legal IF NO ONE COULD SEE THE TOWN? EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THAT WORKS.

    Poor Snow. LOL at Neal letting Henry get away from him.

    Loved this episode!

  5. She wants love so much she tried to kidnap a little boy and probably murdered his father because of it.

  6. Regina was bored with Storybrooke and quite honestly, I was too. This episode was just boring, not even the reveal that Greg was Owen was particularly interesting. I'm also left scratching my head as to how Henry even came to Storybrooke if no one could see the town or leave it. He was only a baby after all so someone had to have brought him there! Who? How? When? Will this be explained?

  7. Yeah. I gotta say that was a mess. But Regina is a mess.

  8. This was a pretty good episode although I kind of got whiplash from trying to keep up. I wasn't confusing just a little rushed to me. But the ending was the best part, the conversation between Snow and Regina was psychologically fascinating although this whole episode to me provides a glimpse into how mentally crazy and tortured Regina is. Just like Snow is becoming. A few notes/ponderings:

    1. Rumple is the ultimate hypocrite especially when he was talking to Regina in the crypt and to Snow, but his conversation with Snow also shows he may be more cray cray than anyone.

    2. Not surprised that Greg is Owen although I can't wait to see what the showdown will be like between him and Regina.

    3. Ok so I think I figured out the time situation in Storybrooke, they repeat the day over and over??? But some of them performed slightly different actions as time went on?? That was a bit confusing, and any thoughts on this?

    Anyway good episode but hard to top last week's. And the next episode doesn't really look all that interesting to be honest.

  9. gerald christie18 March 2013 at 01:16

    What a huge disappointment, I was really looking forward to this episode and honestly it felt like filler. I kind of hoped it would provide more layers to the overall storyline, but it add anything we already didn't know. The episode did manage to finally tie the Greg Mendell storyline to the overall general arc though. Hmmm, what else? Henry was his usual annoying self, there was some cheesy and downright awful acting in the confrontation scene between Snow and Regina.

  10. I think what makes Regina a great character is exactly this. All she wants is love. She wants to give love and she wants to be loved in return and who doesn't want that. But she only knew healthy love from Daniel and maybe her father and the rest of her family, from grandpa ot her mother and who knows else, believed love is weakness and taught her only a very twisted way of expressing love.

    It's such a great dilemma. You feel for her because you see that she is capable of love and maybe if given the chance, if someone where to love her unconditionally, she maybe could get in touch with the young woman she used to be again. But then again she does something out of her twisted understanding of how to express love that makes it hard to relate again. It's great and Lana Parrilla does a brilliant job with it.

  11. I am certain Henry's introduction will be explained.

  12. I am a bit surprised by the mixed reception of this episode. I thought it was one of the best of the series. It was the first episode since the fall where Regina seemed relevant. I thought the scenes between Owen and Regina were brillant. The car chase was a bit over the top, but the two timelines flowed well together. Snow was annoying by lying in bed all episode, and so was Henry- but the episode was one of my favorites.

  13. And wake up with a smile on your face! ;)

  14. Would it kill Henry to give Regina a flipping hug? I know she's done some bad things, but it seems like she's been trying (setback with her mother aside), and surely some positive reinforcement couldn't hurt?

  15. I agree 100% with all of this.
    Personally, I remember I hated her in season 1 because I thought she was all about evil and didn't care about anyone. Then, the more she revealed about her feelings, the more I liked her. The whole situation with Henry bothers me because there is so much double standard and I can handle that from some anti Regina/Pro Charmings because the reality is, it's the show that put it this way. Look at how Gold is acting like he had nothing to do in Cora's death while he is as responsable as MM. I won't even start on the Charmings right now. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.

  16. InvestedInYourFuture18 March 2013 at 01:26

    Its interesting on how REgina is making same mistake as Cora did - wanting to push Snow into despair and darkness.

    Cora paid the price for that. And I guess Regina will bite off more than she can chew too.

    When I think about it the whole "tainted heart" makes sense - remorse does not always lead to conscience. Remorse can make people bitter, self-destructive, self(and outward)-loathing, plunge even further into despair and darkness and that's exactly where Snow seems to be going.

    Also - ha! Regina actually got rewarded by doing the right thing this time.

  17. By the way writers, very limit the " The curse won't make me love you for real". Very limit. Make it sounds like he doesn't love her at all.

  18. Wasn't the whole point that Snow is darkening herself? Snow's opened the door and invited darkness and despair in herself and unless she doesn't find a way to fight it off again no one will need to push her towards it anymore.

  19. InvestedInYourFuture18 March 2013 at 01:45

    Exactly - but Regina is allowing it to happen, thinking that means her victory.

    She had a chance to kill snow, held the heart in her hands - she did not . Something she will grow to regret i am sure.

  20. InvestedInYourFuture18 March 2013 at 02:03

    on 3rd point - yes. Its the "every day is so similar" scenario - they have similar chores, very similar events and just miniscule differences.

  21. Can Henry get sucked into a vortex that sends him to the Land Without Color? Because he's getting pretty annoying.

  22. Owen was the little kid who "stumbled" into Storybrooke with his father in 1983 and gave Regina the keychain like the one his father gave him that was shown at the end of the episode as he (now known as Greg) was starting his car up after filming Regina facing off with Mary Margaret

  23. Pretty good ep that explained some things (why Regina developed maternal feelings) but uncovered a lot more questions (that probably wont be answered because it would take too much to do) like: essentially they were trapped in a loop (like Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day") that essentially repeated but changed as time passed - cars/current events in the outside world changed - so how would they account for the fairy tales being told here for hundreds of years when they've only been around since 1983?... and ok now that Regina got maternal feelings, how did she know about Emma/Henry and how did she find him/who did she send to find him, and why didn't Rumple/Gold seem to know about the curse (at least in this ep) or was he faking it? too much to reveal now, just take it and move along.... It was great to see Graham again, but feel that the writers have muddied up the Henry/Emma/Regina relationship a bit too much... But I still love this show and look forward to seeing how they progress from here.

  24. She was emotional with Owen, but she didn't really care for him. She didn't let his father go and left him all alone in the world. The poor child had just lost his mother 6 months ago....and for her selfish reasons, Regina took his father too.

  25. I think Henry meant it wouldn't make him love her for real if she killed Snow....

  26. Because Gold didn't remember anything either until he heard Emma's name 28 years later.

  27. starting on the Charmings is unfair it like trying to forgive your abuser or the person who killed a loved one. That takes a level of goodness few people achieve. I feel sad Snow fell, but she was on a pedestal. If she is going to become even greater than her legend she needs to face her darkness and find a way to win. I find it interesting that we saw two sides of her mother in the past 2 eps. One that preaches following good and one that was anything but. It makes sense that the kind of Good she grew up learning was fragile.

  28. you forget space time is different between worlds. Remember Neal/Baelfire is supposed to be hundreds of years old chronologically.

  29. Regina/Snow interactions getting better every day, thank god.
    For the first time, I think Regina might be doing the right thing (not right meaning the honorable thing, but right as in "the right move to get what she wants"). She is omitting herself, letting Snow live the consequences of her own actions.
    And it creates a good parallel between the two of them: once Regina had her heart darkened, she only got worse. The question is whether the same will happen to MM.

    Say what you will, Regina is by no means a saint, but she is right on this one. If Snow implodes the Charmings, she will walk away scott free. And, for the first time in a very long time, she truly won't be the one to blame.

  30. It was a set up episode which isn't a bad thing for me. I was thrilled that Regina learned a lesson...and spotted the way to get a better revenge and I loved the magical twist to the whole concept by showing Snow the spot of darkness in her heart.

    I was a little disappointed that Henry didn't throw Regina a bone and at least thank her for burning the spell. She didn't do it because it was the right thing to do. She did it *for* Henry. He could have at least said thank you, before turning his back on her yet again. Maybe it's my up brining. :-)

    When Regina invited Owen and his Dad over for dinner I started to thing that maybe he was the guy who crashed into town.

    Quite liked the episode but, as I said, it felt like a set up episode. Gotta say that I do really like what it was setting up.

  31. The only person that truly understands what Snow is going through currently, her struggle with darkness, is Regina.

    Oh the irony...

  32. The writers are trying to firmly establish that even though Henry cares for Regina, he loves Emma more and when the chips are down he will always choose Emma over Regina.

  33. This episode was alright although not unpredictable. The moment we started on the kid and his dad camping then ending up in the newly arrived Storybrooke it was obvious Owen was going to be the stranger. Him being the stranger isn't a bad thing, its just that it was so plainly obvious that was a bad thing.

    Also, Regina, I get that you're angry and selfish, but seriously how can you not realize the stupidity of your actions. Fine, you sided with your mother who you longed for her affection, makes sense in that regard despite the fact that she killed the man you loved, manipulated the hell out of everyone, etc, etc. But this was Rumple's doing. Ya, Snow was involved, yet she was manipulated by Rumple. The people on this show's judgment and thought process is extremely skewed.

    Which brings me to Snow, grow the hell up. She thinks herself a hero for so long, yet when she's manipulated by Rumple she takes the whole of the blame for killing a woman who killed your mother and pretty much brought about all the crap you and your family has dealt with in your life? Then to go and beg to be killed. Didn't think I would ever put Regina above Snow, but Snow is pretty stupid (more than she already was) now.

    I don't know what I'm expecting though, this isn't groundbreaking, must-see TV, at least for me. It's enjoyable, but the logic is suspect far too often on the show. Alright rant over.

  34. With each episode I'm having more and more issues empathizing with Regina, like, I even can't anymore. Her inability to feel remorse is downright sociopathic and I just can't get behind her at all.

  35. It WILL BE reveal in season three.

  36. So ok, I am furious. I mean I used to defend Regina but not anymore. She made Graham her sex toy, her robot so he can do whatever she wants him to and his whole life was controlled by her. Hate that. And then she killed him. Seriously, hate you Regina!
    And the Owen thing, what she was thinking? That she will separate him from his dad and then what? Make him forget?
    Poor Snow, I hope she will get better soon.
    Henry was more annoying than usually. And it drives me nuts when he is calling Regina and Emma "mom" whenever he wants to. I can understand the confusion about Emma, but Regina was his mom for 10 years!
    And now we know how Henry found out about curse and believed in it when he had the same day over and over again.

  37. I think that Rumpelstiltskin had his memory back when he heard Emma's name. Because he didn't remember before and after that he went to Regina, so that means that Emma's name got his memory back.

  38. I wish they'd have the balls to do that.

  39. Awww, that makes her Charming family matchy matchy!

  40. You used to defend Regina but not anymore? All those things with Graham happened in the first few episodes of the first season.

  41. Well yeah, but we didn't know the whole truth. I mean we didn't know how exactly this whole controlling thing looked like because since Emma arrived he was kind of acting like he wanted to and he was against Regina. And Graham thing is just the top of the pile of things that make me hate Regina. All the revenge, allies with Cora, trying to kill everyone just to have the thing she wants. That is not good. And I get it, she wants to be love and stuff but what is the price of that?

  42. That's funny, because she's the same as always.

  43. No, don't use logic, they hate that!

  44. Well, we can only hope. But I agree, I doubt they have the guts to do that.

  45. Whoa! So much revelation! NOW I'm interested to see where this outsider story is going. I wonder where they keep the dad. I agree with Snow, they need to stop fighting already and cast a new villain. I think what will redeem the deteriorating storyline that so many people claimed is the new direction of this show. We have seen Regina and Snow fighting each other for almost 2 seasons, so it's understandable to see people growing tired of it. So, I really hope it ends soon and focus on new angles. Maybe a new villain can be a revisited stepmother of Cinderella? Or the villain in Mermaid? This show needs a fresh set of storylines but it doesn't mean the cast already here should be out.

  46. The creators already confirmed that: Gold got his memory back the minute he heard Emma's name, back in the B&B.

  47. Not really. You see I thought that she might be faking her alliance with Cora. All she wanted from quite some time was Henry. And I was hoping that she will come back to being the good one. She was trying and I am not saying that this is all her fault. When Emma was in FTL Regina and David had pretty great deal and when Emma came back she screwed everything. And I really think that in everyone is something good. And that's why I was trying to explain all her bahavior. And now when I actually saw that how she was behaving how she was treating people how she treated Graham and how she acted with Snow I know that there is no way back from the dark path she decided to walk on. Sorry, but right now I am so pissed off!

  48. I agree, it's time for Henry to stop being so self-righteous when he is the one who is clueless how to be fair and just himself. I get it, he's a kid. But with the talk of magic ruining everything and wanting a family again, he seems more mature yet so preachy at times.

  49. But how she acted with Graham is the exact same as always.

  50. I think you're being too critical. We did learn what doing evil has done to Snow's heart and it's definitely not a filler. You mentioned the Greg Mendell thingy, and yes, it's not a filler. We can't just write an episode where Regina is angry that Snow killed her mother and then forget about it the next episode. I think this episode's timing and storyline is great.

  51. Well but it is different to think about the ways she is doing it and it is different to see that. I mean of course I hated her for killing him and for taking his heart. But then everything changed when she was trying to be better so I was trying to justify her somehow.

  52. Because he went somewhere else first. he already said that in the last episode.

  53. Lol, sorry, I just had to comment on your "Same" comment getting voted down, because, man, that's just so illogical.

  54. LOL. There are some stans for this show, damn. At this point I've watched 39 episodes of a show and it has shown very little in terms of plot or character consistency. So I don't have a lot of hope that they're willing to actually explore deep topics via Snow White.

  55. Ann-Sophie Beimer18 March 2013 at 14:49

    Adam Horowitz confirmed on Twitter that Regina used Graham's heart to make him do things like arresting that guy, but he also said she never used it to make him have sex with her and that people should trust him on that.

  56. at least that is good. I know, I said that before about the whole rape thing that Regina is attractive woman so I am sure that Graham felt the physical thing for her, but not love.

  57. So me saying the truth, something that is canon, that was written on the show and explained by the writers in more than one occasion, gets me a down vote? OK!

  58. Another winner! It sent the show in a new direction yet again, and FINALLY gave some development to Greg's character. I can at least sympathize with him now, even if I still find him a little irritating. It sounds like Tamara is going to become a "real-world" danger to Storybrooke next week, and I assume Greg might team up with her.

    Also, I really wonder what Regina wound up doing to Greg/Owen's father?

  59. 'Stranger in a Strangeland', "Welcome To Westfield" , Charlotte Staples Lewis-esqu/freighter folk + possible 'invade and expose' the magical-Island and/or have the ability to create the perfect universe plots and/or magic creates "fringe events' plots are oh-so familiar! Also seems like some juxtapositions to "True North".

    I like this one more than I thought. It really adds something to the Regina and Henry story lines and Gold, Bae, and Henry story lines that might make what ever is coming connect nicely from past to future.

    I kind of think Tamara could be Wendy after all, especially if she is aligned with August and/or Owen/Greg, as I could see the Naomi Dorrit-like parallels (both would be named after famous British characters from famous British authors), but I feel like a wave is coming to Storybrooke.

    Over all I think it was both a fun and kind of sad horror story-like one. Wonder if Owen will find Kirk and if Kirk will be able to be saved from 'the dark side'???

  60. Barely any real development until the last scene, it honestly felt like deja vu. Exactly what you would expect from Gold, exactly what you would expect from the Charmings and Henry, and Regina was pretty consistent, too, in resorting to dark magic in her despair and hopelessness.

    But then the ending just turned the whole Regina/Snow situation on its head. I'm really glad to see that there's finally some actual character development for both women, it does feel like breaking the cycle. :) It was a relief to see Regina at long last get some clarity and start "learning from her mistakes" - I really love this cunning "Evil Queen 2.0"! Not only does she blame Gold now, but she even realised that she should let Snow self-destruct and wait until Henry comes looking for her! That's a huge step forward for someone who has been blinded by emotion for so long and has always acted on impulse.

    On the other hand, although Snow's reaction is largely exaggerated, it's interesting to see her step into Regina's shoes, especially considering how their relationship might change. Maybe they will understand each other better over time? I'd love to see them find out how much Rumple and Cora have interfered in their lives, maybe once Gold's secrets are exposed we'll see Regina/Snow vs. Rumple? Wishful thinking, I know...

    As for the flashbacks, they ranged from utterly adorable to really sad... On the one hand, Regina exploring this new realm with childlike curiosity and enthusiasm was hilarious, the Regina/Owen interactions were pure gold (no pun intended). But on the other, you could definitely see flashes of the Evil Queen at her maddest and most desperate... :( It didn't even feel like "she's evil", as much as it felt like "she's sick and needs help".

    In short, Lana Parrilla stole the episode again, delivering a good portion of "50 shades of Regina Mills". :D Ginny was quite brilliant at the end, too.

  61. I kind of look at their awaking to Storybrooke is like a a mass reset. In a lot of ways I feel like Snow reverted back to her childhood self, as opposed to the young women Charming met in the woods and married...

    I think one could also make the case that having duel identities (two sets of memories, one of which came in form of an illogical state of stasis) could continue to promote confusion in identity and illogical choices.

    However, I also think the show is something that is more enjoyable if you just go with it.

  62. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 16:54

    Regina is SICK freak. SHE kidnapped a dad from a child. She had no remorse for doing so. Owen's mom died when he was young. AND then his loving affection good father is held CAPTIVE by REgina a sick freak. I wonder where Owen is and HOW EVIL is REgina. The writers are doing a wonderful job of that. Poor Henry to have such an evil lady as mom.

  63. 100% agree with all of this!

  64. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:01

    REGINA DESTROYED A KID who had NOTHING To do with the curse or her revenge plot. His mother died and then his loving dad whom loved his son, is TORN by Regina because she wanted to force the child, OWEN into staying in her life. HOW SICK is that? Say what you want, But the only reason Snow's heart is sad and she is acting weak, is because she is self doubting herself and she is an depression. She needs help and for those around to stand up for her and tell her she did the right thing at that time. What is Snow's white demise is her self-pity and it is putting her into a deep depression.

  65. I wouldn't call Regina a "sick freak" - I think she's flawed. And the show obviously needs an antagonist, and she fits the bill. But what she is she learned from her mother, who was much worse, in my opinion. And maybe that doesn't excuse her behavior, but I do believe she's doing her best to redeem herself for her son - it's just a constant battle. It's not like she can just flip a switch. And yes she's obviously done some awful things in the past, Owen being a huge glaring example, but I'm talking about her battle in the present. And she's definitely about to come face to face with that latest wrong.

  66. I'm looking forward to the "procuring Henry" episode, which we probably won't see till next season. It could be that "the curse" sets the stage for these things and/or "who" (August?) helps bring Henry to Storybrooke....

    I could see it appearing like an accident (they get "lost") and Regina casts a spell and abducts Henry with Gold's help (maybe this will be when he first hears Emma's name, or is reminded of Emma)

  67. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:05

    Yeah OWEN WILL hopefully kick her butt and she needs to go to jail. IN AMERICA we call that a crime when someone kidnaps another person. That Kid just lost his mom and then his loving dad is snatched away. REgina is a freak and incapable of love. Gosh I wish outsiders do come to Storybrook and Regina is put on trial for her crimes. Because her crimes were done out of evil. Snow White needs to grow up and act like a queen and get over it. She did the right thing. COra had to die.

  68. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:07

    OKay what part makes you think that is love??? SHe took a kid whose mother had just died 6 months ago and SHE Wanted to force him to stay him in storybrook and TOOK a loving dad away from him because SHE Wanted to force that kid into staying? HE GREW UP Without both parents. HE WAS an innocent. SO was his dad. SHE is sociopath. NO saving her. Her crimes are too many

  69. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:09

    Great response veleda03. I agree. I was shocked to see how sick she is. The writers leave not mercy for showing how evil she is. I think she killed the dad too, or just kept him in a psychward like Belle.

  70. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:09

    I am thinking he is the PsychWard like Belle. Or maybe he is dead. OWEN needs to PUT REGINA down.

  71. Well Regina's MO has always been to act on emotion. It was no surprise that after losing Cora on top of everything she'd already been through, she'd turn to revenge and dark magic again, those are the only things she had left (just stating the obvious here). So at first tried to kill Snow, but after seeing Henry's reaction, she destroyed the spell (that's still more than Gold did when Belle asked him not to kill Regina in 2x01).

    At the end of the ep, even when Snow begged Regina to kill her, she didn't. If you ask me, that's a step away from the dark path she'd been walking on.

    Anyway, we didn't really see much Regina/Graham interaction. She used his heart to make him chase after Owen and Kirk, but other than that all I saw was a bit of flirting.

    P.S.: For my own selfish reasons, I did love it when Regina/David were co-parenting while Emma/MM were in FTL. :D Those two have serious chemistry!

  72. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:10

    I know what a brat.

  73. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:13

    WHat how REgina who took out two innocents who had nothing to do with her curse there were decent people. The child just lost his mom and his LOVING dad was took him camping. How sweet and what a great job the writers did to make sure we saw how innocent these two were and how much love the dad had for him. AND Psychopath Regina wants to kidnap this kid and will destroy anyone to do so. She TOOK his dad away from him. This kid grew up without both parents. IN THIS Country that is a crime. SHE Is on our turf now. She needs to go on trial . I HOPE OWen kicks her A**!

  74. disqus_bgQV4oujDM18 March 2013 at 17:21

    Regina is evil. Owen needs to take her out. He was an innocent and so was his dad. He just lost his mom when he camping with his loving father. The guy is walking around and figuring out things in town. He is seeing that Regina is EVIL. He wants his dad back and this is the type of crime that REgina needs to pay for. Kidnapping an individual is a crime. Regina either killed his dad or has stuck him the mental institution like she did with Belle. I felt bad for her at one time. BUT now there is now way that I do. She is evil.

  75. I think that's the point, Henry knows he can't "love" her, completely, as if Regina's evilness prevents him to do so. I believe that he not writing off Regina completely is maybe more than he should do, for his own well being.

  76. Why don't you just accept that not everyone shares your opinion? I am still scrolling down the discussion thread and you left the same comment about half a dozen times by now. There are some points in your posts that could be argued, but I don't think you're even interested in a discussion. You just want everyone to agree with your hate for the Regina character.

  77. The episode was o.k., great acting from LP!
    Although at the moment I have really trouble, to like ANY character on the show. They were all somehow annoying;...I can't help it.

  78. First of all I love Regina´s character, she´s great villain and Lana Parilla just steals every scene she´s in. But let´s not pretend that Regina is not crazy, sick or absolutely evil.because she is.!.that´s for the case someone would want to accuse me of being Regina hater. There´s no excuse for her behaving that way..she´s not one of the good guys..and hopefully one day she´s gonna pay for all those terrible things that she ever did. She´s not a victim anymore..she´s not that poor little rich girl that fell in love with the stable boy. She does evil things and she likes it. And it´s incredible fun to watch her doing that. Some people need to chill out and just watch the show for the purpose that it is being made..for fun.

  79. The Nile is only a river right?

  80. Hm, well, I don't see how that contradicts any of what I said, but anyway. If people stand up for Snow, which btw is what I think will happen, she will have what Regina never got: people supporting her and leading her towards the "good" path. For the 100th time, I'm not saying this excuses Regina's behavior, but it also doesn't change the fact she never had anybody to lead her to "good" side, but had a bunch of people (her mother and Rumple, among others) dragging her to the "evil" side of the story.

  81. You wonder where Owen is? REALLY?

  82. LOLOLOL. I guess she'll be there beside Emma for kidnapping, Snow and George for murder, Rumple for murder and assault, Charming for illegal possession of firearms and impersonating a law official, Neal for rape, etc.

  83. I don't remember hearing Emma's name in *this* episode's flashback. He didn't seem to have a clue when Reginia when in to whine about not being happy. I initially thought he was faking.

  84. Agree, the writers need to change the direction of the show than the old Snow-Regina feud week after week. Henry needs to stop acting like he has the privilege of having two mothers, because he's not, especially when he keeps choosing over one another at a time.

  85. Well, Snow did approach her at the end of the episode and even asked her to stop fighting but Regina still refused. Leading her to the good side is earned, not given, and she certainly hasn't done anything to earn that, except the first few earlier episodes this season when she was trying to change. But the bitch Cora came to ruin everything. I'll never forgive her.

  86. Regina surely hasn't done anything to earn it (apart from the redemption arc at the beginning of the season, as you said) for a very long time, but the point is: when Regina was still what we could call a "truly good person" (as Snow), she still never got any support, just people telling her she should use magic, marry the king, become powerful, etc. Again, does this exempt her? No, it doesn't, but it can't be ignored either.

    The same thing will probably not happen to Snow. The way I see it, it would be much more interesting if they used Rumple to do the exact same thing he did to Regina: try and "corrupt" Snow. But I doubt that's where they're going with this. Snow will have Charming's, Emma's, Henry's and everyone else's support, she will get through her dark phase and prove once again how Regina is the screwed up one, whereas the Charmings are the good guys.

  87. Then he must not hear it till later...

  88. If it doesn't exempt her, why can't it be ignored? It can't be ignored exactly because some people are trying to justify her behavior using that point. It's a trend of the show that some people are more prone to evil. Regina is very vulnerable to life struggle. Proof? Snow only resorted to evil after learning the most heartbreaking thing ever - that her mom was murdered by the freaking Cora. But it took Regina only the failure of reliving her fiancée for her to rip out someone's heart without any remorse whatsoever.

    I mean, come on Regina, if you once used to be good, it would not be impossible for you to be good again. But all you think of was people screw me over so I screw them over. muahahahaha. She's almost beyond redemption. I really really really hope that she doesn't turn out to be one of those characters we just hate, no longer love to hate.

    But you have a point where Snow has her own social supports. Which is why I'm also blaming Henry for being a little bitch as he is. Is "thank you" so difficult for you to mutter to your mother who obviously loves you?

  89. It can't be ignored because, if it were, we would be comparing two incomparable situations. If some people are using the argument as means to justifying her actions, they are misusing it, but that's not my point.
    My point is: Regina, when faced with a situation similar to Snow's (having just lost a loved one - Daniel) was NOT in any way encouraged to take the high road, she was manipulated by Cora and Rumple into "join the dark side". The same will (probably) not happen to Snow.

    Regina, IMO, is not vulnerable to life struggle, or at least she is just as vulnerable as Snow. Snow resorted to murder after the death of her mother, Regina resorted to murder after the death of her fiancee. How is Snow the strong one and Regina the weak one?
    I'm not talking about comparing current-day Regina to Snow, because current-day Regina is long past the first bad deed in her life. I'm talking about comparing the 1st evils both of them did, the first darkening in both of their lives. That is the parallel the writers are trying to show and, as I said, I firmly believe they won't make Snow choose the same path Regina did *because* she has support from other people, something Regina never enjoyed.

  90. Well, let's agree to disagree. But then, I'm sure we both can agree one thing: That we hope Regina can go back to her journey to redemption. It's time for her to be loved and be a part of the Charming family, even if their forgiveness might be a hard-earned thing.

  91. You need to quit. You're just an epic mess.

  92. You're the one who replied on a month old quote pal. Get a clue or a life, actually either or would be an improvement for you. so get at it.

  93. Because unlike you, I don't spend all my days here. You might wanna look at it that way.

  94. All my day? lol just how cluelessly foolish are you? you went out to find a month old post and replied to it which sent me an email reminder.

    I'd tell you to get a life but seeing as I already did and it made no difference, I'm not even gonna bother this time.


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.