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POLL : What did you think of Lost Girl - Ceremony?

18 Mar 2013

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  1. I kinda expected it to be more difficult. But i'm glad they shed some light on the tarrot card from last week.

  2. As a fan of Team Dyson this episode left me very satisfied. I'v been waiting for this for so long (since the end of the 1st season)! Didn't quite get that Kenzie she part Fae? Lauren boring and annoying as usual and the Blood King - gotta find out more about this mysterious character.

  3. I think we have to believe that unless Lauren is evil incarnate and Bo senses that, Bo is being a peach of a girlfriend. And by peach, I mean one with a worm in it. I can only assume things will get better. Found myself giggling. I'm sure that wasn't an appropriate response.

  4. Do you really think it's going to be that simple?

  5. Despite the fact that I knew the Dyson/Bo comeback was imminent, I was very disappointed as to how it was delivered in this episode. The way Bo treated Lauren had negated all the way went through ever since the start of the show, and it almost showed like she didn't love her - which is obviously not the actual case. That was a big slap for all of the Doccubus shippers and a lot are unhappy. A lot are over it. I'm not one of them, but I have seen other shipper's comments regarding this episode and the mistreatment of Lauren as a character.

  6. You weren't the only one who was giggling. I actually rather liked what happened. It more than makes up for season 2 when Lauren ignored Bo when she got back Nadia. I was left really unsatisfied at the finale last year when all of a sudden Bo and Lauren were together and there was no mention of Lauren's mistreatment of her.

  7. Finally some Dyson/Bo, I'm serious: if they kill Dyson off i'm done watching Lost Girl

  8. I really do not mean to offend anyone but could someone tell me what they see in Bo's relationship with Lauren? Because honestly to me the doc is just plain boring (again I'm not trying to offend anyone just maybe understand it)

  9. I ask that same question many times over the past 3 years...the character of Lauren has"no character" to it, no offence to anyone especially Zoie Palmer who is a fantastic actress. Lauren is boring, annoying, and often void of any real emotion. Have often felt that the character was a fill-in until Bo/Dyson can be together. Like Trick said, the Bo/Lauren relationship won't last forever

  10. I could not be happier that we got some BO&Dyson. all the people angry about it can go watch another show. Like we haven't had to sit through several episodes of boring Lauren and her whiny voice.

  11. i know already given the last few episode of this season three that lauren and bo will end up soon. I am only one of the million avid fans of the show so i heard every lines they will say.. this episode make me sick but anyway i accept the fact that every story has a bad episode.

  12. If your're reallycurious the 1400 people reading the Doccubus Ceremony thread would probably tell you. :)

  13. Or even the people voting above who didn't seem to like the epi very much.

  14. So, I vote for "Awful". The last scene, where Lauren looks at Bo and Dyson, kill me completely!!! In her eyes there was so much pain that I almost cried! Bo is very cruel to her. Of course, we all understand that she succubus, but it was said: "no Dyson"! And what do we see?! What the hell!? Where a little respect to Lauren? I only want to Lauren was happy. I love Doccubus very much, voted day and night for them. And for me it was emotionally difficult to watch this episode.

  15. I think the Kenzi piece will come out towards the end of the season.

  16. Please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw how scary thin Ksenia Solo was in that opening scene? I adore Kenzie & Ksenia is amazing in this show but she needs to gain some weight! I noticed she was too thin before but that opening scene outdoors where she's standing next to Anna Silk, who is beautiful & healthy, disgusted me at just how skinny she is. I really wish women in the entertainment world would stop thinking that looking like you're walking skeleton is sexy! It's not is disgusting, eat a f**king cheeseburger!

  17. the worsest episode in this season, or I would say the worsest episode ever, really Bo, risk the danger to drain Kenzi and Lauren just to save Dyson?!!! and the whole dawning thing was ridiculous, they made it sound so serious like live or death kind serious, but the episode actually played like dawning is just some kind Dyson's dirty fantasy, soooo awful, soooo boring, sooooo pointless.

  18. I feel bad for Lauren but let's be real here Dyson was technically dead because of her. How should have Bo reacted.

  19. Are they trying to get higher ratings by making the episodes so confusing that you have to watch them 2-3 times to make sense of them? I like to think that I am an intelligent person but wow I am so lost at this point!

  20. Dude seriously? Some people are naturally skinny when they are younger and its not like she's lost a lot of weight. She's been pretty much the same size since the show began.

  21. She nearly killed Lauren and Kenzi, they are the same people, why suck Chi of them?
    OK, a hopeless situation, I understand. The dramaturgy of a huge, she sacrificed all, to save one! О_О
    Well, saved Dyson, well done, go Lauren hug, she's your girlfriend! Bo not even thought about Lauren and Kenzi! I do not understand.
    Would have taken Tamsin in the helpers. And Lauren happy and Bo fulfilled a promise "no Dyson"
    This is only my opinion! I explained why I voted for "Awful"

  22. We had pointless Lauren episodes all season, and when one doesn´t satisfied the girl on girl fantasy everyone calls it awful. There are some amazing porn sites for girl on girl action peple; but if you want relationshions between characters that CARE about each other Lauren-Bo ISN´T IT!Lauren was always a bitch who lied to Bo and suddenly she´s the right one! The day she sacrifices herself or Bo, i´ll back that team up.

  23. i really liked the episode , and it's sad that such a great show and people only care about shipping Bullshit!

  24. Uh, Dyson is always so pathetic...Bo is the one person he learned the most of in 1500 years?? Seriously, what life did he led? And Lauren did never ever, ever think, to find someone like Bo (teary eyed)? Maybe I'm having just trouble to put Bo in such a giant almost "godess stage".

  25. Not awful but...18 March 2013 at 20:42

    I´m with you. Obviously Lauren and Bo won´t be together ttll the end of
    series just like that, it´s a drama series; but it´s out of doubt that
    the writers aren´t quite treating this relationship right. Bo has shown
    her love for Lauren many times, but lately we can only see extrange
    disrespectful acts from Bo to Lauren now that she is her girlfriend. I
    won´t vote awful for all the Byson, because i enjoyed mostly scenes,
    despite all the out of character ones, it´s ridiculous. But I don´t understand all the hate over Lauren. Both have hurt her, but love and care about her. I only hope in the rest of the series they treat ALL the relationships with more sense...Bo/Lauren (love you / ignore you), Trick/Kenzi (you are only a human / you are my family), etc.

  26. Finally we get to see Dyson admit he got his love back from the Norn. It was pretty sweet, but I knew instantly it would be controversial because every ep so far has been for the Bo and Lauren forbidden human relationship. I notice Trick is okay with Lauren, but might be worried about Bo being with a human. I get that if her parents are Dark that Bo will eventually encounter the forbidden human relationship attitude/ laws.

    I honestly think Dyson could get his own spinoff. He is such a good supporting character with an interesting story to tell and thanks to Bo would have an interesting mission to do. There are enough characters in the group to split up with a Dyson spinoff and I am specifically thinking of Hale. Hale character has had plenty of development for a spinoff and could be the Kenzi/ Trick supporting actor. Plus after LG story has been done we could still see more Kris :)

  27. ok so I'm Team Dyson/Bo, but my favorite character is Kenzi. I love what they have done with her character this season. I loved Kenzi running up to Dyson at the end ("D man") and Bo going all succubus on everyone to save him.

  28. Sorry, this is just insulting to the viewer's intelligence. Maybe we are watching a different show.... But obviously I missed the meaning of the "pointless Lauren episodes", while I was browsing all these "amazing lesbian porn sites", you recommand so highly....Seriously, think about your comment!

  29. I think Awesome Bo has someway to go. There I'm a poet and didn't know it.

  30. They could all be in a spin off and get more character development once we get past Bo's fascination with herself.

  31. She didn't nearly kill Kenzi and Lauren though, she took from other people as well. I respect your opinion though.

  32. Wow. Didn't expect the results to be that bad. I guess for once I'm with the majority then. It totally sucked. I'm tired of the dream/illusions episodes where nothing makes sense but they're always in the same two places. Ugh. And Dyson... I was feeling bad for him for a while because he sacrificed for Bo and now he has to see her happy with someone else but please, can they do even less with this character? He just steps in when they need muscle and no brain.

  33. But it wasn't just Lauren and Kenzi though, trick and the other lady were there too. I don't think she ever meant to drain them fully. Plus she said later in that episode that she's finally in control of it.

  34. The amount of Kenzi I got in the first five minutes was so welcome and fantastic that they could have done pretty much anything for the rest of the show and it would have been the best episode of the season. Just her snarking at Stella and whining about running was awesome. But then they kept giving me my characters acting like themselves and I was thrilled. I feel like I've been waiting so long just to have Bo/Kenzi/Dyson in scenes together when they aren't under the influence of something (yes, I know part of it Dyson was being manipulated by the temple, but it wasn't nearly as much as I thought it would be).

    I was pretty hesitant getting on board the Bo's dad thing. But I really liked how they introduced us to him: with the mixture of sentiment and menace. Part of me feels like a sucker, but maybe they have a plan and it might even be interesting. I am still wary of the Norse mythology because it feels like they are pulling in the "for humans only" story-side of things that Ryan clearly spelled out as made up, but maybe they will get out of it okay. Please stay on this path writers and remember our characters and our Kenzi.

  35. You are pretty much required to buy-in that Bo is special. All the fae are surprised and astonished by her. I preferred her more vulnerable, but the show is definitely moving towards she is "queen of fae."

  36. She's a dancer and she's always been that size. She looks a bit smaller because Bo gained a bit of weight (no judgments). But I think Ksenia is comfortable at that weight--it might be too skinny for some people, but I think it is where she is happy. And it is just as damaging to attack her for being too skinny as it is to attack Bo for being too heavy.

  37. A lost girl fan19 March 2013 at 04:24

    I personally did see the story being about Lauren or Dyson. It was only a precursor to the secret of Bo's father and some prophecy that all seem to know about, but no one seems to explain. In my opinion, I think Dyson is a better choice if you make it about suitors, but thats if you cant see the bigger picture. If you paid attention to what Bo was saying, it has something to do with her father and Trick realized this and pulled out his book to confirm at the end. Also Tamzen or the Valkrye knows something about the prophecy that will come out in next weeks episode.

  38. I agree with you. We all love Lauren and want to see them together with Bo! Doccubus magic. All of these trials Bo for the ratings, and we will wait for a happy ending with Lauren )

  39. The dawning was Bo facing all her "choices"...I'm not sure what part was "Dyson's dirty fantasy."

  40. Yayyy! I'm so glad you liked it! You've been rather doom and gloom as of late.

  41. Yay! Yeah, my faith was at a pretty low ebb. I didn't even think they knew how to write Kenzi and Dyson anymore and certainly didn't think they ever intended to give them screentime. I'm trying to manage expectations until I see what happens for the rest of the season, but having the core cast and new mythology go a long way with me.

  42. I am kind of OK for Bo to chi-suck everyone to save Dyson. There
    is a reason behind. However, what disappointed me most is that she just let
    Lauren to take care of her another love interest without apologizing or any explanation.
    Was she fully aware that Lauren is her gf and might be hurt physically and emotionally
    by her behavior? Poor Lauren, she deserves better treat.

  43. Dancers have muscle tone, take a look at any actual dancer anywhere, ever! You can't dance if there is no muscle to support the intensive movement, even ballerinas who are known to be on the thinner side have amazing muscle definition, esepecially in the legs. There is nothing attractive about her frame at all, no musle, no meat on her bones, it sends a negative message to the younger female viewers who adore her as Kenzie. As for Anna Silk having gained weight, she looks fantastic considering she's pregnant & I say good for her for not comprimising her health for the sake of the media. She's never been overly thin, always healthy & muscular & that's why it was so blantantly obvious that her castmate is not. Oh & just a side note, Ksenia was on Life Unexpected while it was on & she was thin then too but no where near as frail as she is now so don't try to tell me she's always been that rail thin because she hasn't. I'm just very disgusted that someone as talented as her would do that to themselves & think its healthy or at all attractive.

  44. Dancers who are actively training have lots of muscle, but those that are say working 6 days a week on a TV show aren't actively training. She built her body a certain way and training or not she hasn't lost that. What kind of message is it that you think she shouldn't be happy with her body the way it is? She was just as skinny on Life Unexpected and on season 1 of Lost Girl three years ago. She's a tiny girl. Leave her be.

    Silk apparently wasn't pregnant when she shot this season so this was just weight gain, and no she doesn't have muscle tone. She has spanks and a push-up bra and could seriously use some strength training it might help her fight choreography. But she tries really hard and she isn't young and obsessing about peoples' weight is cruel.

  45. Yes I totally agreed with you. the whole speech about 3 years and 1500 years is pathetic and ridiculous at the same time. don't get me wrong, I love Bo, I love her way of dealing with things and I love most of her personality, but let's be honestly, she's not that a great person or should I say inspiration, she's just more real human than other fae. does that mean Dyson never met a single human being in his 1500 years long life?
    the show really need to come up with some better dialogs for the wolf man, I think Dyson is good most of the time, but sometime when he opens his mouth, the things he says are just ......

  46. Love this show, but with all the so called training, the ceremony sucked a big one. so far, season two has this season beat!

  47. This is beginning to look like one of those Showcase polls on Lauren/Dyson. There's usually a 1-4 ratio of approval for one over the other. Bit of a shame Dyson seems to get stuck with the same old, same old, I feel he could be so much more and was expecting he would be. This season he's either been not Dyson but something else or Dyson doing the rush to be hero and not quite succeeding. Don't know the intention, we know he will sacrifice himself for love, that's his consistency, so yay for that.

  48. What show are you watching? Uhhh Anna has been naked this season on camera & it definitely is not a push up bra or spanks at work. Jeez, you're chewing me out because I find a girl who is obviouly underweight & comment about how its a bad message but then you turn around & say Anna is too heavy & has no muscle tone. Seriously you sound like every mean nasty highschool bully who attacks healthy girls for being "fat" when they aren't. You & others like you are part of why women like Ksenia have got it in their heads that they are fat when they are actually healthy. Oh & she hasn't been a dancer for roughly ten years, she quit in herr early teens because of an injury, yes early years as a dancer would have an affect on how her body shaped itself but there is no way in hell anyone can maintain a frail figure like hers & be eating healthy.

  49. You didn't read at all what I wrote and you are being extremely rude about it. I never said Anna was too heavy and I never attacked her. I do think she could use some strength training, especially for stunt work. But, she has no muscle definition--that's just a fact. She's a pretty woman and she isn't a kid and I'm sure she is working hard at maintaining weight. And she is going to have a horrible battle ahead of her getting back after such a late in life pregnancy. But whatever you think about Anna it is just as mean and detrimental to say Ksenia shouldn't weight what she seems to always weigh. You have no foundation to say that she can't maintain her figure and eat a healthy diet. She has certainly maintained a specific body type for a number of years.

    If you are going to say people should be happy with their bodies it cuts both ways. Leave them alone.

  50. I love the way the wanderer was subtly mentioned a few times in this episode. The song was my favourite. And super Bo is awesome. The dawning itself was quite boring though.

  51. There's a difference between being rude & being passionate about what one believes in & it seems you can not tell what that difference is. I'm done wasting words on the likes of you. See NOW that was me being rude!

    Though just a fun little parting note, 6 other people agreed with me compared to the two who agreed with you. Just sayin! :*

  52. I'm sorry but my doub EXACTLY is about WHY so many people like Lauren, i did not ask IF they did, and I specially said that I didn't want to offend anyone and by your response I think you have been offended. I really was asking if someone could explain to me what they see in her because I don't see it and maybe if some of the fans could make a good case I could maybe at least understand, that was all I was asking for.

  53. I would have liked to see Bo in some cool fight sequences. And she should have had to defend Lauren, not take Dyson with her. Now that Hale is mostly out of the picture, it's like the show has nothing for Dyson to do. Bring Hale back! Also, what's with Kensie's "so skinny" look. She looks absolutely anorexic! I love the show! And I love the Bo/Lauren couple.

  54. He was kind of adorable with the notting Hill "quote" but I agree, they really should change Dyson a bit. We only see him when they need his muscles...

  55. I prefer her both "Queen of fae" & still vulnerable :-)

  56. In some ways, I like both Lauren and Dyson, but nowadays I'm rooting for Bo and Tamsin :-) I get that people love the show and the characters (cause I do), but really! Feels like there's a lot of angry shippers out there...


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