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Once Upon a Time - Season 2 - Jennifer Morrison Interview

1 Mar 2013

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TVLINE | So, Rumplestiltskin’s son is also Henry’s dad and Emma’s ex (played by Michael Raymond-James). Do you feel the show is strongest when dealing with these tangible family dysfunctions, albeit in a fantastical context?
It’s an unbelievable family tree, and when you really start to dive into those relationships and the connections between those people and the relationships between those people, it really starts to come to life. As an actor, that’s what excites me, to get to play with and figure out the best possible way to bring that stuff to life.

TVLINE | What I liked about “Manhattan” is that characters had a chance to, like, stop and breathe. I’m watching the scene in the bar, thinking, “This is really great, because Emma and Neal are just talking like people talk.” There’s no mystical mumbo jumbo going on.
There is sort of an interesting relief about having a breath in the real world, where there is no magical solution to something. It’s just real people with real problems and they’re going to have to deal with it — and Emma, I always feel like she’s a different person when she’s taken by surprise. She’s worked so hard to build a tough exterior in order to protect herself, based on all the things she’s been through in her life, that she is always her most vulnerable and her most vulnerably honest when she’s taken by surprise, because she doesn’t have time to process her thoughts or to put that wall up. It allows for a lot of stuff to come out of her that we don’t normally get to see.

Read full interview at TVLine


  1. I just adore Jennifer Morrison ;)

  2. Jennifer is great! She puts a lot of thought into her character. I wish the interviewers would ask her more better questions than who Emma will be dating.

  3. I really love how every article about Emma turns into a "Emma should be with this 300 year old man! No, she should be with THIS 300 year old guy!"

  4. I agree. I think it was unimaginative for the Interviewee to assume that "no magic" = something more real and relatable, when I think the show goes out of way to say the opposite, as the magic only enhances the realism, as it is what is driving human nature to be more exposed to the viewer.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Emma's love life is apart of who she was, who she is, and who she can potentially be, but I think to focus on that element alone takes away the scope of her other pending issues, being a mother and being a daughter. (And it was interesting that August wasn't brought up in this interview)

  5. That is an interesting position You have described for Emma.

  6. I say this every single time they bring Emma's love life up: leave the woman alone to deal with her already very many problems, such as having a kid, whom she shares with his adoptive mother (and now a biological father), being the Savior (whatever that means), having the most messed up family tree in television, etc. Throwing her into love triangles won't accomplish anything...

  7. Seriously. They've focused SO little on all those relationships. We had 8 episodes of Snow and Emma stuck together and there was very little actual THEM stuff. Zero stuff for Emma and Charming. And rather than have actual Henry/Emma scenes, we just see her shoving sugar into him to keep him happy.

  8. I think people are focusing this much to Emma's love life because she's the only major character that we don't know who's she gonna end up with(well,along with Regina if they decide to go there at some point).
    With "True Love" being so important to the show,no matter the obstacles,we all know that in the end(if everyone remains alive) Snow will be with Charming and Rumple will be with Belle.
    Emma doesn't have that yet,so she's the only one we can speculate with,which is fun.
    In my opinion,we're not gonna see her making a choice this season.Maybe a few hints,but that's it.At this point every character has more important things to deal with.

  9. Yeah, they should really stop to evolve Emma's character only in regards to her potential love interests! Anyway: IMO Hook is not suitable AT ALL, and Neal has obviously a girlfriend. SQ will (unfortunately) never happen on this show.

    But JMo herself seems to be rather excited to get Emma as quick as possible in a love relationship...for whatever reason...

  10. I don't want this to become the Emma Needs a Boyfriend show, but she is the product of True Love (which is silly, because I think most people are the product of love) and she's going to want her own true love at some point. I'm glad she mentioned that love will not move quickly for her, because 1, that's kind of boring and 2, she's still working on some big things.

    For some reason I like Hook/Emma even though he just needs to get over some things or maybe because I just like Hook as a character. If they brought on a nice, normal-aged human being, I might root for that. Anyways, I like JMo and I'm excited for the PaleyFest livestream.

  11. Agree with this. She always seems to put a lot of thought into Emma and what is behind whatever she does, I love that about her.

  12. Emma and Snow had wonderful scenes together in #2.03 and Ireally hope we will see more of Emma and David in the future. I'm quite interested in Emmas love life but it's not my favorite subject. I like the family dynamic more.

  13. Yeah, that's the problem. It took a few moments in one episode for what should have taken their entire trip in FTL.

  14. i would like a will they or won't they with Neal, but no relationship for Emma. It could kinda fun if they brought back August, Neal, and Hook, it could be refreshing. Personally, I would rather see her develop her relationship further with her son and to see Neal act as a father to Henry.

  15. romanticelizabeth41 March 2013 at 21:34

    If they do a love triangle I'm done with this show. I watch this show because of the family stuff and the complicated character relationships (like Rumpel/Regina, Regina/Snow, etc). I have no interest in watching a love triangle.

    I don't understand why Hook would be a good suitor for Emma. He's a villain and he even punched Belle! The only reason why they are persuing this relationship it's because the character is "hot".

    At least with Neal she has real problems to resolve and I don't even know if they are ever going to be together but he has two other reasons to be in the show: Rumpel & Henry.

  16. About SQ we don't know really... Remember what Lana Parilla said, when someone asked her about SwanQueen stuff - "If they give me script with Emma and Regina relationship, I will play them. But maybe in 5th season." And really, why not? At least we always have stuff such as subtext.

  17. Oh, I doubt the creators will go there, which is a shame: SQ has such a great potential. Sometimes I wonder, how someone can NOT see it: Yes, sometimes Regina and Emma hate each other to their guts, but/because they also challenge each other in a very true way, like nobody else. They just push each other's buttons. And may they like or not: they set value on each others thoughts. And the focus in this is Henry: the healing/grow point for both of them. This would be such an great story to tell....

    But yes, until then we'll enjoy the subtext and I hope that they at least develop a kind of friendship .


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