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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.16 - The Miller's Daughter - Watch the first 9 Minutes

Mar 8, 2013

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Thanks to inhighheels for the heads up.


  1. Any good (or bad) souls willing to upload it on youtube for non-Americans with non-working VPNs will have eternal gratitude. I'm a lawyer, that's not such a bad deal.

  2. Regina is so delusional. Does she really think Henry would willingly go with her/forgive her after all the shit she's just pulled, and she still wants to kill all the Charmings??
    Cora has fried her daughter's brains!!

  3. It needs to be Sunday now.

  4. InvestedInYourFutureMarch 8, 2013 at 9:56 PM

    Hm, interesting parallels with Both Cora and Snow talking about "doing what it takes to protect their families"

  5. Cora's true face is coming to light and I think even Regina can see it now!

  6. yeah, but Cora is only saying that to ease Reginas mind, she doesn't really mean it :)

  7. Don't let the Regina fans find out you said that lol I agree.She Is delsional.Henry may be pissed at Emma for lying to him about his father but he will never willing go with her and forgive her especilly since she wants to kill his bio mother and grandparents.Her trusting Cora makes regina look like an Idiot.Of course her entire agenda Is becoming the new dark one.

  8. She bugged her phone? Oh, come on.

  9. InvestedInYourFutureMarch 8, 2013 at 10:03 PM

    Which brings us to million dollar worth dilemma - who says Snow is not doing the exact same and just covering her wish for revenge against Cora, with the whole protecting family thing?

  10. I kept myself from the sneak peeks and so I'll keep myself from this too, but Sunday can't come soon enough!

  11. Pretty bad CGI on the ship scene, but everything else looks great.
    I lke the ballroom scene. You can tell it's a greenscreen scene, but the atmosphere works well to make it appear more authentic. Nice chemistry between Rose McGowan and the actor who plays Prince Henry too. Makes you curious what went so terribly wrong between them later on. I'm happy they're sticking close to the original fairytale too with king locking the miller's daughter into a tower for a night to spin straw into gold.
    Damn, I really don't want Cora to die now. Guess they can always bring her back for flashbacks, but Barbara Hershey is brilliant in present day Storybrooke and I want to see more of that. I keep hoping Cora will find a way to disappear to another realm again or something that means they don't have to kill her off for good.

  12. Let's not generalize. I am sure "the Regina fans" are very much capable of having different opinions on this subject too.

  13. Well, this was unexpected. I guess this is what they showed at PaletFest, too.
    I was surprised Cora brought up the straw into gold thing so quickly and thought maybe they cut out a scene showing her meeting Rumple. I liked her interaction with Henry and I'd ship it. My connection right now is poor so everything looks distorted, but I loved going into the invisible ship and the Emma/Gold scene. This makes me super excited for Sunday.

  14. Jesus, they're giving away 80% of the episode before it airs with this much stuff. :)
    It's tempting, but I'll rather watch the whole episode in HD

  15. I think Cora just made up some story and actually has no idea of how she's going to get out of this situation. Rumple appears to save the day *after* she already is neck deep in the mess. You know, who better than him to recognize a desperate soul?

  16. Ah! Right. I keep forgetting the order of the Rumpelstiltskin story. Perhaps she'll cry and Rumple will appear.

  17. I'm a Regina fan and I am annoyed with this whole story as well, because if there's one thing people can't accuse Regina of being is stupid.
    But seeing it on the bright side, this scene combined with last week's episode is showing Regina doubting Cora's motives and questioning her methods to bring Henry back. Her original plan was killing the Charmings using Rumple, so that Henry would never know the truth. That failed and she said as much at the end of The Queen is Dead. In here, she is desperately trying to still make a plan work, but realizing it most likely won't, because Henry is not even Cora's real agenda.
    Hopefully, the episode will go deeper into that. I understand Regina can be blindsided by Cora, seduced by her need to be loved by her mother, etc., but they can't make her dumb because of that.

  18. i like the invisible ship moment and Rumple/Emma moment. Love how tough Emma is.

  19. I'm withholding my judgment of this scene upon seeing the entirety of the episode. If there's one thing I learned from this series is that a lot can happen within the timespan of a single episode.

  20. Pretty sure that bugging happened pre-cursebreaking. Remember the bug in hmm what was it the sheriff's office or something? Can't remember anymore.

  21. Damn... after watching this, i hate Regina's grandfathers (notice the "s"! I meant the grandfather from both sides) and Snow's mom more than Cora...

  22. She planted a listening device in a flower. That's simple. Tapping a smartphone is a bit different.

  23. One a boozer, the other a snotty douchebag. Lovely family.

  24. I was almost too distracted by the appallingly bad plastic surgery Rose McGowan has had done to even keep watching, but instead I made it to Regina asking "what is the point of this." The dialogue is so ridiculous. I mean seriously. Last week she was standing there going the point is to get enough power to kill everyone while Cora gave Snow speeches about how power always wins. Now I'm supposed to think she is surprised that the goal of controlling the dark one was about anything besides power?

    Yeah, I had to stop at that point. Maybe by Sunday I'll be able to make it through the first 9 minutes without being so pissed at the moronic writing, but not now.

  25. She is the mayor. Maybe she got a warrant?

  26. 5 sneak peeks and first 9 minutes? Why not the first 45min already???

    Also, I see a common pattern here:

    - Regina being mega-delusional, weak and submissive - yes, I am an Evil Regal and adore Lana, but this is just plain bad writing, I'm afraid. Whatever excuse the writers will find for it (and I actually think they won't even bother with that), it will never fix it. This Regina we see now is absolutely nothing of the character we've seen so far, both in the Fairytale Land and in Storybrooke and it makes me sad and annoyed to see Regina being underwritten. (it really looks like 'Henry' is the magic word Cora uses - whatever she says is "blah blah blah blah blah blah" [*Regina just listens*] "blah blah blah" [*Regina gets suspicious*] "blah blah blah blah blah"[*Regina starts questioning Cora*] "HENRY " [*Regina immediately submits*]

    - Emma is being delusional as well - helping Rumple because he's a family now?! Like this is going to change anything? Just a second ago Gold was violent towards Henry, his own grandson! Hello?!

  27. A warrant would be executed by the Sheriff's dept., not the mayor's office. Besides, mayors don't apply for warrants. Law enforcement officers take warrant applications to a judge or magistrate.

  28. Snow actually has something to protect from a very real threat. cora doesn't even know the "family" she wants to protect and the charmings and gold are no threat to her if she would stop being evil... But I agree, there is sth cooking up in snow and it can't be good, it must be evil.

  29. I have to agree here.
    It pains me to admit it, PAINS ME, but this scene is just disappointing in terms of writing. It's highly inconsistent - Snow(MM) already mentioned that Regina never trusted Cora and then planted the seeds of doubt.

    So, I understand that Regina is in very,very fragile state at this point and that makes her easy to manipulate, especially by her own mother promising to make her happy. But considering the Regina/Cora dialogue at the end of "The Queen Is Dead" was along the same lines, this feels like deja vu. Logically, Regina must have realised in the previous episode, if not earlier, that Cora never intended to help her get Henry back. As you said, Regina is anything but stupid, and regardless of her feelings she should not be following Cora around anymore.

    And yet another issue I have with recent episodes, is that Regina has been nothing but passive. She just waits on Cora's orders, not really questioning them, content with the vague excuses Cora gives her. Say what you will about Regina, but she always had hope, and no matter how much she lost she never gave up fighting for her own happiness. It is not only unlike her to just go with the flow, but since she genuinely wants to get Henry back she is supposed to actively be doing her best to further that goal. Given Cora's suspicious behaviour, it's hardly a challenge to figure out she's nothing but trouble.

    Anyway, I'll try to watch the entire episode before I keep ranting (lol).

  30. Oh great, so I'm completely spoiled now. Oh well, at least I'm not sure who will be the next Dark One - Snow or Regina. :S

    Just read more spoilers here:

    This one is particularly juicy: "3. Bad romance: A surprise romantic pairing is revealed
    this Sunday — one you probably didn’t even think was possible. All I
    can say is that the truth tends to come out in extremely dire
    And I'm calling it now - Cora/Eva. No wonder Cora was bitter, lol. But this is the only possibility I can think of that seems consistent with Rose McGowan's comment that Cora was madly in love, but it ended tragically, and bearing in mind the limited number of characters.

  31. I think Cora/Snow's Father but idk. Seems more plausible, I think (despite wishing for it) they won't feature gay couples because *heavy quotation marks* its a family show *heavy quotation marks* but I hope I'll be surprised.

  32. Alexandra KholodovaMarch 9, 2013 at 4:42 AM

    Emma helps Gold because she knows that without him she has no chance against Cora/Regina....

    And as for Henry being the magic word - well, that's how the world works, I'm afraid... People hear what they want to hear, and other people take advantage of them by exploiting their deepest desires...

  33. Alexandra KholodovaMarch 9, 2013 at 4:44 AM

    Yeah, Rose's new face is weird... She's still a terrific actress though and plays young Cora exceptionally well....

  34. You hate a young woman who was a silly teenage girl who grew out of that phase into a beautiful respectful, compassionate adult who raised he daughter to be the same MORE than a murderer who's lust for power made her control and manipulate her own daughter into the same brand of murderous, manipulative attempted child murderer. WOW! Good ol' society, Kudos to you.

  35. I know Rose's face is strange now but if I remember well she had to do all that plastic surgery after a car crash.... :(

  36. I really hope Regina's faking it with her mother because the writers are making her act a little dumb these days.....

    I can't wait to know who'll die.... everyone think it's Cora. I think she'll trick Snow into killing her by crushing her heart but it will be someonesle's heart (Ruby since if find it strange that Meghan Ory will be live tweeting this ep :( )

    I really love Rumple but come on! He is family to Henry after all he has done just because now he's bloodrelated... (and for them Regina isn't....granted rigth now she kind of doens't deserved it but still)

  37. I want to say something about Regina because it seems like we all forgetting something.
    She killed Graham just because she lost control, she tried to kill Emma, or at least she tried to put her under sleeping curse like Snow. She framed Mary Margaret into killing David's wife and she threatened her while MM was in prison. Last week she said that she was the Queen and it was Snow who put "Evil" in front of the Queen, but seriously? She locked Belle, she took Henry away when the curse was broken and now she is working with Cora, she is the same guilty as Cora for killing Johanna. It is too much to forgive. Some few things that happened after the curse was broken not gonna erease that,.]

  38. It's so weird for me to make the connection between Rose as Cora and Barbara as Cora. I keep seeing Rose as Paige so, for me, she's on the good side.

  39. Um...I'm not sure that all that lip filler is traditionally done for a "cut under my eye." She's had work done, lots of it and the minor car crash is a pretty bad excuse that nobody really bought. It's a shame, but it is also really distracting. And its even worse because I have no idea how old Cora is supposed to be but I'm guessing 20s and Rose looks ever bit of her real age.

  40. I understand many of your guys concern on Regina and the writing but if you think about it, this is how Regina is when her mother is around. That is why she sent hook to kill her. Cora makes her weak and turn back into that little girl seeking her mothers love and approval. She couldn't kill Cora herself nor see her die and if Cora dies in this episode than it will sent Regina over the edge. She becomes doubtful like Snow said but Regina is battling her own insecurities with her mothers true intentions. I think the writing is spot on and doing a great job. We love Regina to be good but remember this is the evil queen... It's gonna be a while...

  41. Bad romance:Cora/Eva would be the absolut hit!!

    Emma/Regina benchtalk in ep.20: "So your mother was madly in love with my grandmother, although at the beginning they despised and hated each other......" I want to see this!!

  42. I agree with you completely. I'm not saying the show is perfect when it comes to the characters development but in this case it kind of make sense...It's her mother. she hates her. she loves her and we all know that love is weakness.. ;)

  43. Vote it down but can't back it up. Yup, seems normal for people with no valid rational comments.

  44. Anyone else struggling not to watch this?

  45. I didn't watch this or the sneak peeks, but I think it's still a little hard to judge why Regina [delusionally] thinks what she does about both her mother and Rumple without seeing more flashbacks. I agree I think it seems obvious that the dagger and/or controlling The Dark One is about power, but it might be that Regina has a reason for thinking that controlling The Dark One and/or having this Power could be used in very different ways...(and maybe Regina wants to get a hold of it because maybe she can use it to help get Daniel back?)

  46. Well atm the candle is a bit of a chekov's gun. It's thus highly likely it'll come into play again soon. If not now, in the future.

  47. Hi everyone! I've been a big fan of OUAT since the start, just new to facebook to get involved with this lovely fandom.
    Very excited for this weeks episode!!

  48. Hi everyone! I've been a big fan of OUAT since the start, just new to twitter to get involved with this lovely fandom.
    Very excited for this weeks episode!!

  49. It's true that Eva changed, so I can't hate the Eva Snow knew.

  50. Ava like her daughter Snow was a spoiled selfish brat, no wonder Ava hated her. But Regina is going too far, I hope she can recover from her mothers vengence. *hopes*


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