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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.16 - The Miller's Daughter - 2 Sneak Peeks

7 Mar 2013

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Thanks to Sarina for the heads up.


  1. Princess Eva is a nasty piece of work and so is King Xavier.

    And Rumple is sooo playing Cora, it's not even funny.

  2. Crumple ewww Well at least it looks like Eva and Cora weren't related after all. Just an old feud, and you can already see the scheming going on in Cora's head there <3

  3. Interesting and makes me even more excited to watch this episode. I can see where Cora's hatred grew from because it is not a very positive and great place to be when you are made fun of, embarrased and treated like dirt almost but I still need to see more to fully sympathize with Cora the way I do with Regina.

  4. Snow,s mother was a nasty princess

  5. First one, NICE! Second one, ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Crumple is probably one of the most disgusting ships on OUAT, in my opinion.

  6. WOW! Rose McGowan is a great actress, she even sounds like Cora!

  7. Oh god, this is just too good to be true! say what you want Cora and Rumple together is sick, but it kinda works.
    And I'm not saying I'd murder the girl if a spoiled princess humiliated me like that, but at least they're showing some of the motivationa behind Cora's actions.

  8. Cora + Rumple > Belle + Rumple. IMO

  9. The snow white reference + him laughing about the irony was funny.

  10. At first I was like, ew. But they have some hot chemistry. Rose is great. I love the snow white irony line. What a weird relationship they have, romancing Cora while helping her marry a king.

  11. Lol @ Crumple. I am dying at this. They are too weird for me too, and am kinda grossed out by it tbh. I absolutely love Rumple though.

  12. Wow, Snow's mom was kind of a bitch when she was younger, glad to see she got nicer as she got older. Cora was the opposite I guess.
    Ew @ Cora/Rum. One of them has to be conning the other one though; that's just who they are.

  13. OMG this is the episode I was waiting for, I hope I am right that Rumpel is Regina's biological father, I don't like them together but they do have better chemistry than Rumbelle

  14. Prince! Henry was a Prince.

  15. What's so wrong with Cora/Rumple. Not any worse than Belle/Rumple. Just sayin'

  16. I kinda like that Eva was such an asshole when younger. It demonstrates that "goodness" is not intrinsical on OUaT but a cultivated trait; as evil is.

  17. I think it's better. They're equals. Belle often looks like a foolish little schoolgirl next to Rumple most and he doesn't treat like an equal. I'm almost sad Cora more than likely dies in this episode in the present. It's better for Regina if she doesn't influence her, but Cora and Rumple in Storybrooke... I would have liked it.

  18. Rumple, Cora and the irony. This episode will be great.

  19. Lana confirmed in a Paleyfest interview that Regina is blood-related only to Cora. (such a relief! it's bad enough having Cora and Henry as parents, but Cora and Rumple as parents sounds like a prison sentence)

    Here's the youtube link:

  20. Maybe she doesn't know about it yet, or not allowed to talk. Maybe it's only revealed in flashback from which she is missing of course.

  21. Why on earth would you say that? The age difference is certainly smaller than with Belle. :)
    Plus, they're better matched personality wise too.

  22. It's likelier than ever. :D

  23. I really want to know what changes Eva into the person we met last episode. The mere possibility of it to be Leopold's influence somehow is making me so uncomfortable but it would be a killer parallel with Crumple and Regina.

  24. InvestedInYourFuture7 March 2013 at 13:20

    I am thinking its just generally her learning on how morally "heavy" the actual crown is.

  25. I'm sure it will be some sort of backlash because of being a bitch with Cora. I'm sure killing Eva wasn't the first time she acted against her.

  26. I love Rumple actually having an equal rather than pushing around young, impressionable girls.

  27. I find it way better, actually. I like them being equals.

  28. Only possibility is they decide not to touch the subject. Lana reads the scripts, scripts are for the entire episodes. Besides, I highly doubt anyone would keep that kind of information from her. It's very relevant when playing Regina.

  29. Cora: "You have to be snow white"
    Rumple: "When you see the future irony is everywhere" LOL great.

  30. Or they made it clear, that it "top secret". :)

  31. Well in that interview she said she didn't know, and Regina would be highly pissed off. I don't see a full intereview. But Actors are contracted that they can't talk about what happens in the show, especially on a plot line like that.
    But I could be completely wrong, my friends don't want it to happen anyways lol

  32. Yeah, but Cora is kinda evil.

  33. I do like that, but Belle is all about redemption for Rumple, Cora would be the opposite. And I'm a sucker for redemption stories.

  34. I still feel like he has a lot to make up for in terms of his abuse of Belle first.

  35. I don't think so...because Cora was living in the country when Regina saves Snow. Snow's father would have recognized her had she been royal or even family. I think Henry was a nobleman, but not next in line to the throne. I wonder if Rumple doesn't turn the tables somehow....I don't think that wedding goes thru. Maybe she gives up marrying the prince to "be" with Rumple. However, at some point Rumple has to get played for there to be a falling out. It looks like he's playing her right now, but maybe it's the other way around, and she's just playing him for power.

  36. I agree, but there's no true love here. Cora would be in love with his power, that's all. He desperately wants to be loved for himself. He says Belle is the only person who truly ever loved him. She didn't want his power. It's enticing but sad cuz u know how it has to end at some point. Rumple must have recognized that she only ever really loved his power and has to walk away cuz he loves it too....

  37. Yeah I's hilarious...

  38. For real....somebody is being played...possibly both of them...

  39. That depends on how you look at it. Rumple at his core was a better man, which is his true self. Rumple as the Dark One is twisted and power hungry. Cora seems power hungry at a younger age too. She seems to have that at her core. I don't believe that truly evil people are even born, but molded by life into that...and that's what the show seems to be saying also. Ambition can be so cut throat. She still seems to have had that flicker of her rotten streak even when she was younger too...b4 having any power. At least Snow's mom grows up and learns to be a better person. Cora just gets worse. It's all in what you feed.

  40. yeah, that's true. I still can't find Rumple and Belle anything less than abusive and manipulative though.

  41. That is Henry and he is a prince, check out the press release for 2.16.

  42. Do not philosophize, Judy. I just wrote that she got married to prince Henry and not a king Xavier.

  43. Alis so Rockz!9 March 2013 at 01:49

    Hey, I so do NOT want to see Cora and Rumple together in this!! I'm so hoping Regina is NOT their love child!!!

  44. I am not at all happy to see the writers depicting both Snow White, and
    her mother Eva, as being spoiled, bitchy princesses. I prefer the version of the fairytale that has Snow White being a purely good character, even since birth.

    It is almost as if the writers want to show that the so-called 'good' people weren't all that great and, one can possibly insinuate if one chooses, to think that they may have deserved their fate. And, all the while, the 'bad' people were just poor and down on their luck, until they catch a 'break' by getting magic and becoming powerful. So, are these 'bad' characters now more sympathizable, due to their sad pasts, even for getting revenge on everyone who's wronged or slighted them in the least?

    And I suppose Snow's foray into darkness in this, and possibly future episodes, is supposed to show the complexities inherent in being not purely good or bad. Once a show starts making the good guys bad and the bad guys good, and viewers become too confused as to who to support or even like, that's when a show becomes too wrapped up in its mythos imo. I hope the writers tread carefully on this fine line of writing complex characters, without alienating fans.

    As it is, I'm already starting to lose interest, since disappointing characters like Hook & the outsider guy, or even Neal/Bae, taking up (or threatening to take up) valuable screen time from proven, more interesting, established characters, like Red, or Belle (pre-amnesia, FTL-version), or even Red's Grandma...or Grumpy! And what about developing or finishing past storylines that were hinted at or brought up, but were dropped, like...what happened with Princess Abigail/Kathryn, did she reunite with her love Frederick?...or what happened with Grumpy/Nova, is that done?...etc. It's so frustrating when storylines are completely dropped, without spending even a few minutes to show resolution.

  45. Well, they want to be somewhat in touch with reality. The traditional good/bad categorization is juvenile silliness.

  46. Thank you for replying. Yes, I understand that it is in the realm of possibilities, and even reality, to have those who were born royal, to also be nasty, spoiled kids as a result of that upbringing. However, Once is showing that both Snow & Eva were spoiled, "thinking they're better than everybody" kids, Prince James being raised royal was a bad guy, and practically every other royal shown in FTL, were jerks who may have deserved their ill fates. At this point, the only 'good' royal, Snow's father (King Leopold?), hasn't been shown in his youth yet, although, I get the feeling Once would've written him as probably a spoiled rotten kid too. I find that absurd.

    I know full well that traditionally all good or all bad categorizations aren't realistic. Pretty much anyone who does not have a psychological issue with "splitting", can see & handle grays in everybody's character. What I have issues with is Once seemingly painting all the rich, and/or royal, people (even 'good' ones) as one-sidedly 'good' on the surface, but possibly being the bad ones, or at least unsympathetic, characters in depth. And showing the bad guys are actually sympathetic because they're only bad because they were poor and in a bad situation (i.e., Rumple & Cora). As if to say, "all rich people are bad", while "all poor people are good" (I know, that's a bit extreme in argument), as an excuse for the bad guys' actions. I guess my bigger issue is with the writing and nuances in characterizations that Once has been showing. It should be more subtle, but instead, I find it a bit clobbering and clumsy in execution. Perhaps I'm being too harsh. I'll try to take a step back and try to see it as attempts at giving layers and complexities to all the characters.

  47. Thanks I just say that yesterday. But the guy cast is so much taller than Regina's father. Henry was a lot shorter. I'm still thinking she bails on that wedding n married a different Henry. Otherwise her daughter would have been a princess n Cora didn't need to kill Ava to be next in line.

  48. Yeah...and the age difference doesn't really jive with the classic story either. But at least we know when the curse is broken over him, he can become the kind compassionate man again...


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