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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 9.17 - Transplant Wasteland - Sneak Peek

7 Mar 2013

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Source: EW


  1. Oh yes Derrick tell Owen to stand down!!!! Owen needs to chillax

  2. Owen has a right to feel left out. He did bust his behind to save the hospital. I can't stand that Derek keeps blaming Owen, no one ever pointed a finger at him and told him he was responsible for the shooting. Had the gunman just found Derek all those innocent people would lived. He needs to get off his high horse.

  3. That's the stupidest comparison possible. Derek had no way of knowing a shooter was going to come in nor did he have any control over who got shot...Gary Clark had had a mental break, plain and simple. If he had really wanted to kill just Derek,he wouldn't have had all those extra clips.

    On the other hand...Owen signed a contract with a company that had a known bad record for safety. Had he done his job properly, he may have found this out before hand and signed with an entirely different company and prevented this whole thing. The simple fact the doctors won the lawsuit so easily is proof alone that Owen is at fault. Maybe not entirely, and yes Derek can't blame him forever...but Derek lost his brother and sometimes you need someone to point a finger at.

  4. I'm on Owen's side here - just because Patrick Dempsey is really bad at acting angry. whenever he starts getting loud I can't take him seriously anymore.

  5. the lawsuit(plane crash storyline is only proof of bad GA writing at its worst. ;)

  6. Preach!

    Derek can't be blamed for the shooting. But Owen can be blamed for the plane crash. He didn't do it on purpose so they can't be angry at him forever, but he made a mistake and it cost Derek and Callie their best friend, Meredith her sister and Arizona her leg. Owen knows that, though. He's given himself a hard time as well.

  7. Sorry Derek and Jackson are right, Owen needs to take a step back and look at the big picture. Owen may of thought he busted his butt to keep the hospital open but he had no idea what was going on half the time as Cahill and Co were lying to him the whole time. It was Owen's fault for signing with the dodgy company without checking credentials.

  8. Well if they want to blame Owen for the crappy plane company so be it....but as to why they are in the situation they are in is not Owens fault. Had they accepted the settlement money that would have closed the issue. Derek wanted to sue so they suedand it resulted in the big mess there in now. The insurance company did not pay because only two attendings are allowed on a small plane at the same time. Arizona who took Alexs place made it 3 attendings.

  9. I'm just tired of this storyline...this is dragging longer then ghost sex.

  10. i want another storyline i like when greys keeps me on the edge of my seat starting to get predictable i knew owen will vent somehow he was holding to much in so was derek

  11. i don't think it's about failing usually when new management takes over a company the current leadership changes. So the group thinking they may need a new leader is understandable. That being said Owen's fustration is expected since he has been trying so hard

  12. it is not that derek keeps blaming owen, especially in this clip, owen opened himself up for derek to go there by starting to blame the victims . . . key work here is victims. if i had been in an airplane that crashed and was stuck in a forest for a week (which is how long i believe they said they were there?), lost my best friend, my sister-in-law, almost lost my career entirely, you better believe I would take that settlement money. it is owen's fault. he is the one to blame. pure and simple. should they forgive him? sure. but when he goes and tells derek it is his fault, derek was actually quite restrained telling him he does not want to go there. on the other hand . . . . i am REALLY over this storyline. it is old and boring now.

  13. why's it not about failing? just look at him and at what he's done and experienced so far from season 8 to now: dream of becoming a dad: destroyed, self-respect lost after cheating, best friend gone after she accused him of killing her husband, marriage lost, put his friends/love on the plane, now shoved aside at work, I'm sure I missed something. and I guess it won't stop because Cris will never change her mind so he'll build his life around her dreams abandoning his own - Grey's writers, if you're out there: just kill him already so Kevin McKidd is free to return to some quality.

  14. They didn't take the settlement money because Derek was being stubborn and wanted to sue the company no matter what, they didn't take it because they realized that only by sueing (?) the company they would get the company to make their flights safer. They did it to save the lifes of the people who fly with that company in the future.

    And they didn't know the insurance company won't pay because of the broken rule about the 3 attendings, also Arizona didn't know about that rule either.

    You also can't blame them for not accepting the deal with Pegasus, cause that would've ruined the hospital.

    So really the only one to blame that they're in this situation is Owen. And they don't even hate him for what he put them thorugh because they know he didn't do it on purpose.

  15. Your not wrong Owen has lost a lot recently and can't seem to catch a break i'm not disputing that and it would be nice for Shondaland to give him a better storyline, but the whole thing about the hospital considering a new Cheif of surgery is realistic as although they got the money together there would still be other investors and contributors and although not all Owens fault it will look to the them like his negligence caused all of this to happen so would be looking for different leadership they feel they can trust more and will do better

  16. I don't think that there's anything realistic about that storyline. ;)

  17. After reading the comments and re-watching the clip, i think people are missing one MAJOR POINT. Derrick, Avery, Callie, Arizona, Meredith and Cristina ARE NOT i repeat ARE NOT obligated to inform Owen of their plans because they now own and run the hospital! He is now only an employee who is over stepping. As a courtesy they can inform him but their is no requirement. Owens problem is he thinks he's entitled to more. Im not gonna place blame on Derrick or Owen it is what it is. However, in this moment in this clip Owen is completely out of line and being completely unprofessional. He is frustrated i get it but there are growing pains happening and change takes time. Like Derrick said Owen really needs to sit tight.

  18. so true you don't go screaming at the management in the middle of a public open space in front of other staff member's. Yes completely unprofessional behaviour

  19. but it is not only about work, it is mostly about friendship here and about Owen thinking he lost every single friend he had.

  20. that is irrelevant at the job. he didn't lose any friends, they did what they had to do to save the hospital. point blank period. they saved Owens a$$ in the process. he had no idea what Pegasus new deal was and was left out in the cold with Cahil. What we were privy to and what Cristina explained to him was he couldn't know the plan b/c he would have been obligated to expose it. Owen's main issue is he has no control and doesn't feel powerful. That's what it boils down to.

  21. thanks friend :)

  22. not what I see here. Owen's always been about loyalty, friendship and group dynamic. he's pretty much the only character on the show who doesn't care about power and who doesn't sit on his high horse looking down on everyone else. that's why he's my favourite.

  23. Owen is the chief of SURGERY, not the Chief Executive Officer so basically he doesn't actually have the right to any of these decision's unless it directly effect's his department and to bust your little pink bubble Owen is sitting on his high horse in this case.

  24. im gonna ignore ur top part of ur comment bc ur entitled to ur on opinion. However, ur 2nd part just bc he is angry at himself does not give him the right to start yelling at his superiors and demanding anything from them. his internal issues he needs to deal w/ a professional. He is still wrong in the way he handled the situation regardless of his feelings. There is no excusing his behavior. Like there was no excusing Teddys behavior when she would scream at owen during surgeries. WRONG IS WRONG.

  25. thanks again friend :)

  26. well of course it is. it has to be because otherwise they couldn't blame Owen again and that cannot happen. and if the writers stick to his character as introduced in season 5, he will feel bad about it and apologise as opposed to e.g. Mr McDreamy and his wife, but, still, fans will be like "stupid Owen, did something stupid again" while cheering on others whenever they are out of line.

  27. I never said that it was right, I just disagree with the whole high horse thing and I am telling you, there is no horse involved.


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