Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Glee - 500th Big Show - Featurette [VIDEO]

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Glee - 500th Big Show - Featurette [VIDEO]

7 Mar 2013

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Thanks to for the heads up.


  1. Amazing! So many memories, it makes me miss the old 'Glee'.

  2. Amazing! So many memories, it makes me miss the old 'Glee'.

  3. Historical_Materialist7 March 2013 at 21:31 that is a lot. Given that there are only a handful of really good ones that means that the vast, vast majority are mediocre to really bad. America for example. When I saw Naya Rivera try (i stress try) to act like Rita Moreno from the original West Side Story, all I can think of was: HOW DARE SHE. It was a toddler wearing her mother's high heeled shoes and purse playing grown up. And that's how most of Glee's numbers come across.


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